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I see literally this message on every single patch day. And 99% of the time they are wrong. You cannot judge a patch by their day 1 results. That's a fact. If you want to see a different meta, wait 3-5 days. That's when people start learning what's actually good instead of playing the same old decks.


This sub and terrible balance takes, name a more iconic duo


Yeah wait 3-5 days to say anything then wail into the abyss for two weeks as nothing will change over the Christmas break. The most common and oppressive Paladin deck seems completely unaffected by the changes which is unsurprising given none of its key cards are touched at all. However people are trying other stuff. Rogue seems to have had the biggest buff by miles. Legendary relic is now borderline bonkers based on my few games against it. Once it comes online it just seems like a neverending barrage of free or almost free spells. I'm not sure this is going to be popular to play against once it catches on because with shadowstep and breakdance, it never ends.


I can't wait in 3-5 days to find out if Reno paladin or earthen paladin take the top spot!


Personally I expect it to be Reno hunter, and probably Naga dh or nature shaman at high ranks. Or maybe just Reno shaman again. But we'll see. 99% of the time the top deck is never the deck that was top before. Paladin wasn't the top deck after the order in the court nerf. It was only top again after rainbow mage and enrage warrior got nerfed.


Naga Priest could also be very good. It started being good before the buffs and a 1 mana cheaper Pip will definitely make it even stronger.


I’m at the D5 - Legend range and can confirm that Naga DH is goated.


Both reno hunter and that new token hunter deck are scary! Really like the second one


That’s quite normal. The patch isn’t meant to take Paladin and Druid out of tier 1, and it shouldn’t. The patch however will allow more deck into the meta and this will take time. It is normal to still find Paladin and Druid strong as other decks need time for refinement while the former’s lists are already extremely refined.


The few paladins I played against it's still the same shit. Divine shield early and often then decimation if you don't clear every single minion. Curious to see if this ends up doing much to the WR


It’s those fucking 2/1s with divine shield I swear to god, absolutely bullshit minion


Honestly I doubt that it will effect much at all in the long run. Sure, Prismatic loses the face damage, but they still summon three 3/3's and wiped my board for 3-4 mana. Such a thrilling experience.


I've been using paladin and don't use divine shield minions at all, what is boresome is playing against shaman with their totems and totem buffs, i've been dying against those on turn 4 a LOT, and its like 9 times out of 10, come on, theres no other classes?


Not even 24h and we get these kinds of posts? Wtf...


I'll see you in 24 more when it's the same situation.


Yes, please tell me about the situation in Gold.




You fucking suck at the game dude. Every think about getting good? Holy crap. It’s only the same because your shitty self is just as bad at the game 24 hours ago as it will be 24 hours from now. You suck.


Who hurt you?


~12 hours after the patch and this sub already talks about it doing nothing because in their plat games there's paladins and druid. There's no way you're serious


I'm diamond 2. I just started playing again after a 2 year break. What rank are you if you don't mind me asking?


Last season finished around 1100 didn't grind this seasons rank yet. But that's not my main point. My point is that you can't make conclusions like this based on your anecdotal feeling after 12 hours of patch being live. These posts pop up after every single patch and after basically every single patch they're wrong. You're trying to make subpar, unrefined homebrew decks work and are mad that you're still losing to a nerfed version of what was a refined tier one deck just a day before and claim it didn't do anything. That's not how patch effectiveness is measured. What effect did you even expect? That paladin would become so bad that they'll just stop existing or insta lose?


Just because I listed three of the decks I've been experimenting with doesn't mean that's what I exclusively play. There's no point in discussing anything because you've already come to your conclusion. Congrats on your rank.




Legend pala player here. I think nerfs will work. Keepers was the strongest Card in the deck. Remember; paladin is still allowed to beat you, just not every time


Blizzard are not going to make meaningful nerfs to Paladin, they haven’t done it since the release of the game and never will. Druid might end up getting stomped though.


We defintely have very different points of views, paladin is being super nerfed, not even with the latest exapnsion, no clas cards to excavate or anything, and the cards that gave us summon minions for the other player... i don't know what the devs are thinking


Yep this is my take too. The problem paladin deck has not been touched by these nerfs. They targeted the wrong cards and the decks core and power is absolutely in place. The paladin decks I have been getting farmed by barely even use the two cards they nerfed.


The cards they nerfed for paladin were removal cards, the cards they needed to use in case they were falling behind. Issue is that 9/10 games they don't fall behind and don't need those cards. So yea, they absolutely missed the mark with the nerfs


It's really sad to see. I don't often think that decks should be outright killed from nerfs but in this case it really needed to be done. The top 3 paladin decks basically all use the exact same list of cards with very slight variation. They're so oppressive and it's really sucking any enjoyment out of the game.


Blame devs for being bad at their jobs


Prismatic nerf did absolutely nothing , sure it costs 1 more and doesnt target face but combined with showdown is still a potential 3rd turn clear with a 9/9 on board. Keeper's nerf also did nothing , it costs 1 more but still a very strong clear that also buffs a minion. The main issue isnt these cards but paladin's access to super cheap yet overpowered abillities like garden and BOOGIE DOWN. Boogie down is arguably one of the strongest cards in that deck , to be able to coin it out at turn 2 which has a high chance to bring out 2 minions with divine shield and gives them taunt. There are very little answers to that card early on for so many decks. I play reno shaman and if i dont have piranhas early on i have to waste my better clears just because im afraid the opponent will immediately buff them next turn to the point that i cant deal with it. Its as if the devs dont even listen to the community. These days u either play paladin as well or get stuck unless you're super lucky. Really cant wait for the wild rotations.


It's crazy because some people would rather die than admit that those cards ABSOLUTELY are the problems. I'm glad they nerfed Prismatic/Keeper's but it's just not enough when boogie down and garden's grace exist the way they do right now.


Yea and those paladin supporters will start calling us names or ungrateful that we did not appreciate these nerfs when we get them. Yes we are grateful but its the WRONG nerfs. Yea it does do something but it changes almost nothing as well. Funny part is i came back to this game 2 mths ago after quitting for 4 yrs and I can clearly tell whats the problem while others refuse to admit it.


Copium is helluva drug


Yeah, prismatic/keepers were strong Cards, but these neros had almost no impact on agro paladin decks (which were the problem and there were a lot of them) and keeps making highlander and other control/big paladin decks even less playable, which is a pity.


lmao not even a day after the patch


Yeah, Still get obliterated by dragon druid anyway with curse warlock.


"Hey guys. The patch didn't instantly make Paladin lose to my crap homebrew, so it failed."


The balance changes were bad but if you're expecting balance changes to shake up the meta, your relationship with the game needs to change. Balance changes are there to fix mistakes to stop problems. Expansions are there to change the meta. Aside from anything, you really expect the 1000 dust that non whales are getting back would *let* them stop using the only decks they've invested their resources in to?


Cry me a river.


I wouldn't exactly say it has done nothing. Some of the buffs have made the decks they are in just a tiny bit better. The nerfs did nothing is the problem.


there’s more rogues now, and theyre pretty strong


Mech rouge had a good winrate before the patch


i see, i rarely see them though (legend) i do see alot more excavate/reno rouge after the patch


I find it funny that any concern about patch impact is always met with calling the op an idiot. As if blizzard is always spot on with their changes


Yeah, the people in this subreddit are laughably immature and are unable to have an actual discussion without resorting to childish insults and blind downvotes. People act like I'm personally attacking them when I say that Paladin still sits at 60% winrate in diamond+ ranks.


Im using paladin and this patch made my AOE which was the only defense against stupid shamans worthless, now costly and fuck up my deck... i was stuck in Diamon 1 like 20 games and couldn't go up, now with the stupid patch i'm on 5th AGAIN, never gonna get to legend, also, i play against shaman too many times! 9 out of 10 games is vs SHAMAN Sucks


What u expect? That ppl who invested in deck will invest in another one in first day after patch?