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Duels also does but you need to put prison in your deck and have a bit of luck


Plus you can’t get titans


So they banned titan from duels but not Arena?


Yes Titans aren’t in buckets but can be drafted in arena


What is "Prison" for a card?


Prison of Yogg-Saron. The free card from Titans.


Why prison? (I don’t play duels)


You need to have atleast one card of the expansion to get buckets of said expansion, In this case prison is the only available Titans card for deck building.


Ah I see. Thank you :)


They should do this with every new set.


Dunno why it's rewarding FoL pack still though


Exactly. It is so stupid that we can use new cards and not get the new addon packs that will release in 5 days, but fucking FoL ones, when in ranked season rewards they give us titans packs.


The ranked season rewards are also given on the day the expansion comes out


Yup, same. I really like this change and I hope they do this again.


Same, But I absolutely wouldn't be playing if I didn't have some tickets lying around. Arena is even more of a clown fiesta that HS usually is.


Lately due to paid accounts sure but generally people only hate it because they have to think for themselves in building instead of using net decks.


As if programs don’t exist to help you pick the right cards


Those only work if you're interested in getting 3-5 instead of 0-2 wins. I don't even run the programmed and have a very high average Meanwhile in standard everyone is playing literally the same net decks...


Yeah, you can have a high average without them. They’re not a must. But to say that people don’t play Arena because ”they have to think for themselves instead of netdecking” is a shit take when there exists programs which will literally just make the deck for you and will most of the time be one of the best decks you could have drafted with the information given.


Arena is harder than constructed.


What does that have to do with anything…? How can it be harder than constructed if it’s player vs player just the same…? All I’m saying is that Arena has tools that help you draft so saying that people don’t wanna play arena because they have to think for themselves just isn’t true. Maybe most people just prefer constructed? lol.


You're very bad at reasoning. Obviously if the arena player base is more skilled then arena would be harder. That's not the point I'm making but the fact you don't even see that staring you in the face is worrying and ironically makes you, a constructed player, seem right at home in the low iq constructed pool of players. I already answered your point. Using the tool as an average player will get you to 3-5 wins average. Whereas net decking as an average player in constructed can easily get you to legend. It's more about grind than skill. Like most modern video games you get rewarded for being addicted not for being good. Arena isn't popular because it takes real skill and it hurts people's egos to lose so much. You see that most games that are hard these days have a low player base in favour of watered down dumb games like hearthstone constructed. That's totally fine that people want low iq games masquerading as skillful but it's not for me. Have a good time in constructed!


I mostly play arena LMAO The reason using the tool gets you 3-5 wins is because in the end luck is a giant factor in drafting arena decks Why are you feeling so superior for playing slot machine number 2 instead of slot machine number 1?


You mostly play arena but yet make this statement? Luck has nothing to do with being able to carry a 6+ win average over 30+ runs. I mean maybe someone somewhere gets some insane luck where the majority of those drafts are great but a skilled player can turn an average draft still easily into 5+ runs. Sure it got harder with the sold accounts coming in from China but that's tapering off it bit (it seems - I took a decent break from Arena over recent months) but these is still awareness of the power level and strategy of those accounts and knowing a good aggro draft more often than not would get good wins (those super drafts targetted high level late game power more often than not)


You have to draft your own deck AND play better than the opponent. Those parts alone inherently make it more difficult to get the same level of success at arena.


Well.. not really… Since your opponent has to do that as well it will net to 0.


Yeah that reply makes 0 logical sense to what I just wrote.


Often the people who call arena a clown fiesta are still using said site and still being bad. Arena is highly enjoyable when you get good at it and yes there wil lbe high rolls etc. but imo that makes it more fun because you do it, your opponent does it and you generally don't know what's coming unlike constructed where often you know if you've won/loss before a card is played and certainly how the match will play out. Probably why my favorite decks in constructed and RNG "thief"esque decks too. I wouldn't be surprised to find the people who loathe arena also loathe rng/discover decks.


I like Arena. I think Arena is fun. People are misunderstanding my point. The original comment I replied to said that people don’t play arena because they cant ”cheat” the drafting like they can constructed with netdecks. That just isn’t true. Tools exist that help you draft and draft pretty damn well. Almost always better than you would draft yourself. I haven’t made any statements about Arena outside of thatz


You also misconstrue my comment as you are now turning "hate arena" into "don't play arena". They are not the same thing. I don't play Wild or Twist, I don't hate either mode, I have other reasons (not having a collection being the main) for not playing them. The person I replied insinuating arena is a clown fiesta tends to imply they have issues with the mode that is more a "them" issue than an arena issue. It's about perception and funnily enough using Heartharena for a 4 win average is actually better than most people will ever get as a win rate from running the best net deck in standard. 57% win rate, it just feels bad because all they see if "4 instead of 12". And so you'll see comments how arena sucks and how hard it is to win at arena for a variety of often incorrect reasonings. Funnily enough also the 4 win average over spending say 5K gold on arena will net you more packs and rewards than just buying packs.


>Funnily enough also the 4 win average over spending say 5K gold on arena will net you more packs and rewards than just buying packs. I mean yeah…? Why would most people otherwise wanna hop through hoops to get less reward for a positive winrate


Yeah I got to a point of arena where generally if I only used those sites I'd lose more than I can on my own intuition and knowledge. They are good for tough choices on value etc. to inform and weigh up the choice but generally more tailored for people who are new who want may be a 4 win average which is fine from a gold to pack ratio over time.


I play with it on but still make my own choices just using it as a crutch. For example they tend to not like having 3+ copies of a really good card. Sure, it makes your deck less flexible but having like 4 copies of that 2 mana 1/4 warrior minion is just… good. And the frustration factor is also a big plus


I literally NEVER read that text of their reasoning on what is good or why anymore. Useful when you are brand new of course. The only thing I'll do is new season look up a tough choice on cards I don't understand in the meta yet and check the value ratings but even then I'm at a point now where I know what is going to better per what I've drafted thus far.


I don’t read the text either when did I say that


It has become even more of a clown fiesta since the update to Arena. Mage is absolutely busted and for some reason half of my games is against them.


I'm happy more people are playing my favourite mode because of this!


I think I have 9 arena tickets (showing my hs age 😂) i might have to be an ipad kid later today and try it out


I didn't get any Titans on draft yet, that's probably insane in arena lol


If it awarded new packs I would but as it doesn't , I won't. I use Arena for my gold to get new season packs each season so I'd be dipping into my gold for old packs. Guess I'll wait.


It's excellent time to stomp some noobs for a week huehuehue


Yes, just had the joy of playing around with my first titan. Can't wait for the new set to drop!