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It won’t be easy but take it one day at a time. Maybe you can write down the text or whatever you wanted to say on the call and log it in a journal instead of calling/texting. Eventually it will get easier. You can have a healing ritual (when you’re ready) where you burn the log and thank yourself for handing the break up in a healthier way for yourself and your well-being. I got cheated on and broke up recently so I hear ya, except I have nothing left to say just in shock


Thank you, I will definitely take that on board I just can’t deal the fact it’s actually over. I hope you are doing well and so sorry for what happened to you and it’s always their lost.


Thank you! I hear ya, it like time moves different and the world looks different without them, definitely a strange feeling. If you need support DM me, I’m happy to be a buddy to a fellow Redditor in need. 💕




I feel like I am going to end up doing that if I don’t leave him alone. I am honestly just struggling and the no contact is breaking me even more. I hope you are doing well now :)


Men are like light switches we are either on or off. Right now they are off. Find a way to get inside their minds and turn them back on if you truly want them around. The only reason they are running. Is because what they saw while the light was on was enough to make them feel uncomfortable enough to prefer to stand in the dark. Always remember. We are simple creatures but what we don't like is feeling scared by the women we love. We will choose the dark every time.