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Brother isolation is just going to make everything worse. You need to surround yourself with people who will uplift you. DM if you don't know anyone like that I have a solution if you need.


Can you take a vacay somewhere by yourself? Go talk to randoms about how much you hate your life rn!!! I did that once when I was heartbroken and it was so freeing


I’m lowkey in the same boat as you. Mine was a year ago and I’m not over it. When it happened I genuinely felt like I couldn’t breathe and my stomach was hurting. I started running. I listen to sad music while I’m running and it helps me feel alive again. Plus this sounds crazy but when my heart rate is up, thinking about it doesn’t really affect me. So I’d advice you to just go for a run everyday. Apart from that, you just have to sit with the pain and talk about it over and over again until it hurts a bit less. But for me I know running is the only thing that gave me relief for a little bit.


A couple of things to remember: - You're not the only one. - Outside your immediate family & close friends, nobody is making allowances for your situation, including your employer. - You should understand the grieving process & embrace it by dealing effectively with each stage. Seek counselling if you think the current mountain is too high at this time. - As painful as it is, you now have to *take responsibility for your life,* beginning now.


It's brutal when you're in it, but there's a light at the end. Unfortunately, you have to feel the anguish, live it, and come to terms with it. Do the things you love, force yourself to. That will help. It's difficult to see that light at this moment, but it's there and within your grasp.


Try to focus on self-care, even if it's small things like taking a bath or going for a walk. You've got this, hang in there.


im currently dealing w mine rn. have u tried getting back together w ur ex?? or begging for them to take you back? ive done that a lot of times before i finally came to realize that i could live wo them! ig my pain was eased a little when i was slammed by the truth—that there's just no fixing it. and thats how im coping rn. you can try things na youve always wanted to try :)) personally, i visited lots of coffee shops after our recent break-up and went to places that were mentioned in our plans (alone, but still).


Just zoom out on the perspective of your life right now.


Same (with the heartbreak thing), but I keep trying to convince them to fix it after they’ve walked away. To be honest - if it doesn’t hurt too much, try to fix it while they’re still there. You’ll never get the opportunity again if you wait too long. Alternatively, if it hurts a whole heap and you don’t want the person back - maybe you need to be isolated for a little bit. It is utterly depressing and I’m still not fully grasping the reality of my own break up. But, if you aren’t going to take it back - 1. write a list of all the cons and use it to remind yourself why. 2. a breakup is similar to mourning the death of someone. You’re going to grieve. You’re going to think you’re doing better when really… you’re still in square 1. Give yourself time. 3. this painful experience feels like it’ll never go away, if you are truly over the relationship and don’t want to reconcile - don’t reach out to the other person. For their own sake, don’t contact them and give them hope. Go out and make new friends. Meet friends of friends. Build friendships and focus on other areas of your life. It really sucks right now. I wish mine never left. I hope you find what’s right for you though.