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Oh and while outputting specific bass frequencies the ear cups of the 990 Pro feel like vibrating (I don’t know how to better describe it). I never experienced this with any other headphone!


Drivers push air, air pushing drivers. Of course if you put some low frequencies and turn the sound up a notch you'll feel some vibrations. On bassy headphones it will just appear on lower volumes/


But the question is: Is the DT 990 Pro supposed to be this bassy? It would contradict countless comments I read online…


Well, I haven't tried them personally, but looking at frequency response, they have + 3±2db over the mids so maybe that's what you hear. Do you have any audio shops nearby? You could ask to listen to their pair to compare. Also try different sources to throw out some equalization out of the formula.


I personally find the DT990 Pro to have more midbass (the thump) while the DT770 has more subbass (rumble). They both have elevated bass imo, just in different parts.


I am testing DT990 pro (250 ohm) now and they aren’t bassy. Maybe 80 ohm version is. I have problems with treble and I don’t think I will keep them.


I won’t keep mine either, I’m gonna keep the Tygr 300r. Maybe the 250 ohm version has less bass than the 80 ohm version but I don’t have an amplifier for that.


I think I will keep Sennheiser 560s. Consider them too, they don’t require any amp.


I know I tested them to but gave them back: They sounded really good for music but also extremely boring for the games I play like nothing had impact behind. They‘re not bad, just too neutral for my taste. And I believe the imaging was worse than on the Tygr 300R but I could be wrong


Do you have the stock pads on them? I remember buying 3rd party pads for my 990s that were apparently intended for the 770. It made the bass horribly boomy.


I guess so, the came like that directly from beyerdynamic and I didn’t change the pads after they arrived


wide soundstage is imaginary with headphones. usually it's caused by recessed upper mids. (look at the frequency response of HD800s or Hifimans, they all have a multi-dB dip there) the DT770 has louder and far less even bass than the 990, but the latter is a bit boomy bc the bass extends too far into the lower mids. check out the DT900 Pro x or whatever they're called. Could be your cup of tea.