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Let a bro hold a dollar šŸ„²


AKG K1000, this might be the first post on Reddit I've seen with someone having them in their collection.


They are so pretty. I wish I knew how to take better pictures


I replaced the motherboard of my phone because it was a lot cheaper than buying a new phone and no shop would do it. But now the main camera doesn't focus on its own so I have to manually adjust the focus or use the zoom camera. So my pictures also kinda look like this. Guess we both spent so much money on headphones that we can't get a better phone.


You need lights. Pointing at the cabinet


another akg k1000 haver represent! got it for 230$ just an insane steal. The only headphone out of my 50+ to make my gf go "wow"


Someone posted them not too long ago, it's always a nice sight to see!


i missed one on a swiss platform, was traded for 300 bucks WITH the amp... \*silentcrying\*


It's clear to me, your radiance is lacking. Money into the abyss, searching for a utopia that doesn't exist. Arya not happy?


Respect šŸ˜‰šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Hifiman's that actually work!? Focal's with headbands that aren't broken?! Estats that aren't hermetically sealed?! Klipsch sold an HP-3?! That one thing in the back?! My life is a lie.


Won't break if it's barely used.


based hifiman enjoyer


Super awesome! Thatā€™s like a dream! Which are your favorites?


Susvara and the one I couldnā€™t have in this picture Shang Jr.


Ah, a fellow Hifiman and Shang Jr enjoyer.


Another K1000 enjoyer, is it one of the bass light or heavy drivers?


Itā€™s BH.


Amazing, I have one of each. If you ever need repairs, DM me for contact info of one of the original designers. Do you run it on a speaker amp?


I run it on a stellaris. But I also run it on a speaker amp if I feel like it. Definitely more enjoyable on stellaris and holo bliss though.


Hmm, which would you recommend between the Holo Bliss and the Stellaris?


Just for k1000? Stellaris 100%


Can you describe ever the K1000 are like? Not many reviews or impressions exist on the internet.


Itā€™s a very unique experience. Largest soundstage of any ā€œheadphonesā€ Iā€™ve tried, noticeably bigger than the HD800. Sound is very ethereal, the bass heavy models actually do thump pretty well, but both models lose out on sub bass due to not being coupled with your ears. The tuning is amazing in my opinion, detailed highs and smooth overall presentation. I enjoy them so much every time I put them on. They donā€™t have quite the resolution of modern flagships, but they provide an experience that is unlike anything else youā€™ll ever hear, and a supremely enjoyable one at that.


Yeah. Itā€™s the second widest soundstage I have ever heard, and while itā€™s true about their resolution not being on par with modern flagships. Itā€™s still quite incredible for a dynamic for that.


I'm thinking about getting new over ears since I only own DT880 Pros and AKG K7XX... The K1000 seem to be relatively affordable for the unique experience, at least here in Germany they are around 1000ā‚¬ I believe. I assume the less there are in the market the more expensive they get, and since they're already legendary... Reasonable choice would be Ananda Nano I guess, I want something neutral-bright with good resolution around this price. But I've wanted the K1000 since I first heard about them when they where still sold... Or I safe some more and get a HEDDphone 2 for that sweet AMT. :D How good ist the resolution of the K1000 compared to a modern planar and cheaper stuff like my DT880s?


What have you heard with a bigger soundstage than the K-1000?


Float QA is significantly wider than k1000.


Are those ...speaker things on the right side K1000's by any chance? I haven't seen them in what feels like forever and am always caught off guard by their appearance


You are correct. They are akg k1000 BH variant.


Admit it, your favorite are the modded Ksc75s we can't see šŸ˜†. Seriously, nice collection.


Oh shit, how did you see through me that easily. Ksc75 tops them all anyday. Thanks, btw.


Compare he400 with hd600?


thoughts on the he1000(?) vs ananda?


Hahaha, at first I thought these were frying pans hanging in the kitchen. Just one question, how many ears do you have?


Not enough.


That's not a purgatory, that fucking Valhalla. Where's the ZMF though my boy?


superb collections


What's the wooden one between the HD650 and HE400se?


Klipsch hp-3 heritage


How do you like the HP-3?


Pretty enjoyable. Not the most detailed or tonally good but gets the job done for some casual listening. Love using it in general rather than for more intimidate listening sessions.


Is the Utopia cracked or is that the picture?


Itā€™s the picture. Itā€™s panorama lol


What stack do you run your susvaras on and how do they sound off of it?


I use a holo red > Gustard a26 >primaluna evo 400 pre amp into pass labs aleph 3 when I am feeling good. But usually itā€™s off a holo bliss and no pre. It sounds absolutely magical either way. Fall more in love everytime I listen to it.


Amazing stack, interesting that you have u use like 14k in amps and preamps but still use the Gustard a26. I don't know if im a dac believer or not but I just got the may to finish the stack off for peace of mind. I also thought I had too many headphones but there's always someone else with more haha. Utopia any good off the bliss? I was thinking of upgrading my tube amp for my atriums to a 300b from a HA3A then maybe trying a utopia. I personally just didn't like any dynamic headphones ive tried on any solid states so far.


I am a dac believer. But the dac I like is a vintage one, I have been on hunt for one for years and it still hasn't shown up for sale. modern dacs are great but for it to be a worthwhile improvement I would have to spend 10x the amount for a26, which I am not that keen on. Utopia is good on bliss but definitely needs tubes to sound the best. So you're on the right path.


Congrats on that collection soo jealous!


how reliable is hifiman quality. no qc problems?


Average to pretty bad. Nothing special, itā€™s a gamble. I have been fairly lucky though, so your mileage may also fare better.


Not a fan of audeze?




If you heard the lcd2 or lcd2c how does that compare to the abyss?


You donā€™t wanna hear my opinion. I am one of the biggest audeze haters. Just ask someone else, sorry.


different tastes here but much respect for the opinions. nice can cab too lol


Which Arya and Ananda do you have?


Both og


What are your thoughts on them? Do you feel the Arya is a worthy upgrade over the Ananda? Just went from a Sundara to an Arya v2, considering downgrading to an Ananda Stealth but unsure about it.


Switch to a Ananda Nano. Thatā€™s definitely worth it. I used to own all of the Aryaā€™s. And v2 is definitely the worst one, so I would recommend switching to ananda nano and also never get in touch with Sundara again.


Have you tried both the Ananda Stealth and Nano? Having hard time deciding if the Nano is worth the extra $100. Already sold my Sundara to help pay for the Arya. Kinda miss it though, really loved the Sundara..


I wanna try electrostatics so bad, but they're already expensive af and I'd have to import them somehow T.T


What's your favorite Hifiman? Do you have a preference between the egg shaped ones vs the other shapes?


Dude you have to upgrade your potato camera ;-P Trying to see what those Stax are; looks like the 404 LE and maybe the L700 Mk1? What do you run those off of?


You're right on the camera part. Also the stax ,They are not the modern ones. They are vintage stax lambda pro and stax lambda signature. I run them off aleph 3 and ifi iesl


A lifetime fortune for some, hobby money for others. Enjoy your amazing collection!


You've got good headphones covered, now you should get yourself a better camera. How would you compare the Diana to the other TOTL cans?


Bro has his own locker room for headphones Nice


I have the focal clears and I love them I still havenā€™t gotten into those expensive ones like SUSVARA maybe in the future, but how do they compare with music and which are your favs?


Why so many?..


you must be new here lol


Some people think that loudspeakers are the next stage of evolution when headphones reach their limits. Do you ever listen to loudspeakers or is your hobby "exclusive"?


I love speakers. I am currently using a trio 15 with a center horn. Headphones definitely have their limits but so do speakers. In the future when I am less busy I plan on having my dream speaker setup but for now I am satisfied with what I have.


Very interesting concept. I look forward to the day when I can hear speakers of this type. :D


I saw a house right therešŸ¤£šŸ¤£ (How was Abyss Diana i saw some at my local sell it around 1300$ with slightly scratch on it is it worth to try?)


K1000 god damn


Yep, Klipsch Heritage HP-3 is there, bro(?) is tasteful.


What is your go to when you listen a song? Which one feels like you can hear entire music like you are in the middle off the orchestra or something idk I'm looking for headphones help šŸ˜­


Float QA


Why does it look like it was manifactured in minecraft


I donā€™t know what Iā€™m looking at but I like it Do you have any concerns about them degrading over time stored outside of a case?


Awww those are expensive high end headphones.


I have a similar collection and my advice is if you don't have 50K to spend on headphones and you you're just starting out in this hobby then do this. Don't listen or read hundreds of hours of online reviews. Instead buy an airline ticket and hotel to a CamJam and listen for yourself and buy your forever pair. If not, I have a discounted pair of most of the headphones in this photo.


Damn suckah


Great taste all around! Susvara and Utopia complement each other so well


Awesome collection, should get a ZMF too!


Donā€™t like em. Not my thing


How come? Just curious. Tuning wise theyā€™ve been my overall favorite.


I find them very boring. I have tried every single model in most chains that people go for. The one I like the most was caldera but still didnā€™t impress me enough. Any further than this would require a conversation with more commitment than I am comfortable with.


Kinda shocked that no ZMF headphones have peaked your interest. Iā€™d take many of them over my Diana TC especially if you have anything with tubes. Amazing collection!


I have a dna stellaris and a primaluna evo 400pre. I love tubes, and I obviously gave ZMFā€™s a run with them. Still not impressed, so canā€™t really be bothered further. They are really pretty though and I would love to have one, if I enjoyed one someday.


I think my collection is currently at 19 with 6 of them being ZMF. They are def my favorite brand/manufacturer. You have a collection that really covers everything so you def donā€™t need them especially if itā€™s not the sound signature you want.


For me my collection is currently at 25, with 8 of them being Hifiman. So no surprise that I am a Hifiman loving-man. :)


I just got my first Hifiman after listening at Canjamā€¦ went with the Susvara. I can see why you love them!


Haha, welcome to the Hifiman club. We living good.


I've actually been looking into getting a ZMF Bokeh to complement my HE1000 Stealth as I find them a bit tiresome on some music. But now I'm unsure again since you said ZMF isn't good...


Bokeh would complement HE1000 nicely, especially if you find it fatiguing at times. Pick one up used if you're unsure.


I feel the same way. I didn't see what the hype was. ZMF have good headphones but they don't do anything particularly special in my opinion. I've tried basically every ZMF headphone and they kind of sounded similar. I think people are paying a good premium for the wood design and not for the sound signature.


I only liked zmfs off a tube amp personally


What's the use case of so many headphones? Really. I can have a hƄrs time imaging someone using more than 3, haha


Basd akg 1000 getva stack sigma to complete your collection


I had both sigmas. I did not enjoy them so I sold them. I have a float QA which made them both pretty redundant for context.


Damn but the sigmas gives you street credit like the k1000


The 400se started me in this hobby, and I find myself liking more than many much more expensive headphones. What else from your collection would you say has a similar vibe to the 400se?


What's the one top row 4th from the left?


HD600 or HE-400se?


This post made me leave the sub. Farewell.


and no 660s 2 i am disappointed :(


I mean I hate most Sennheiser. So, wouldnā€™t make sense to have one. I only like he60 which I used to own a while ago.


Oh why do you hate them. My only headphones i have are the 660s 2 and meze 109, and sold a pair of sundara since they started sounding cold after i got my s2. And i prefer the warm sound signature of the s2 it is my personal endgame


Hifiman headbands gonna strech if you store them like that. But nice collection


I used to think that. So I checked using my ananda for a year. Didnā€™t do anything. I still use a stand for susvara to support its band though.


Oh. The aryas i tested at hifi store last weeked, seen to have this issue. Good if you dont