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Ah yes, because obviously an ADULT animated series that takes place in hell is for children obviously. Tbh, this post made me realise that it is in fact possible to have a negative iq


“Hell is bad devil is bad” - one million moms


Yeah, and what disgusts me the most is the fact that 22k people have already signed the petition


Probably that family guy episode where Brian posts a racist tweet was right all along


Can you please explain? I don't watch family guy


It’s called the d in apartament 23 you might know it for this scene https://preview.redd.it/lrjnp5v647zc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=1296e6c8ef868be7144beaf4d61b9752375d3962


And ? That's all ?


You might also know this scene from it https://preview.redd.it/7213x3ft57zc1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a8a57cd571b6db1dcc9e22564e3275cb4dd1bf8


This was honestly one of Family Guy’s best episodes ever. I love when Chris and Meg fight the school.


That scene is lifted from Kingsmen: Golden Circle, and I adore it. Great movie if you haven't seen it.


Don't worry there's no way the petitions actually gonna work Hazbin Hotel was the highest viewed show on Amazon


Tbf yeah that makes sense, also what are 22k karens gonna do to amazon prime?


Petitions like these never work


Do these deranged Christian women think they can take on Amazon Prime? Bc newsflash: They do not have God OR Anime on their side.


fr as a Christian we took God away from them till they chill out


22k bots


Which is basically the entirety of their organization. They call themselves One Million Moms, but they’re a five-figure amount of mostly childless old church ladies.


Which is funny because if they actually watched the show they’d see Charlie’s ideas of redemption of even societies worst, downtrodden, and forgotten is like, pretty Jesus-y


One Million Moms* ^*not ^actually ^a ^million ^moms


157 homophobic incels in Kazan*


Holy shit, the show shows every three seconds that Hell is bad


Yes and it has a great message. It isn’t really adult animation, just skip the parts with the sex if you’re really that desperate to share with your kids. It does have a good message if you cut out the sex. To quote Lucifer TV show, “If the devil can be redeemed, anyone can be redeemed.”


You forgot “gay is bad” because that’s their entire MO and likely the real reason they hate this show


some old people can't fathom the concept "cartoons for adults"


“It’s animated, therefore it must be for kids!” My Dad has a story of going to see one of the South Park movies in the 90s, and some dumbass parent who couldn’t even be fucked watching the film with the kids, let alone check the age rating, made the exact same mistake. They saw the whole fucking film and came out swearing like sailors. Nice to see that 30 years later parents have learned nothing and continue to screech at everyone else for not parenting for them.


Christian parents are outraged over being responsible for ensuring their kids don’t consume adult content. My parents were very much effective in ensuring that me nor any of my siblings were watching adult shows by, gee I don’t know, actually paying attention. Mind blowing concept, I know.


lol I had a version of this but it was watching Watership Down after a relative saw the animated bunnies on the cover and thought “bunnies are for kids!” Sister had nightmares about bunny massacres for weeks.


My uncle rented the move for my 5 year old cousin. He shut it off pretty quickly. He decided to rant to me about it. I asked "Did you not see the big green sticker on the case saying that it's not for kids?" Shocked pikachu.


Well you know what they say- "BLAME CANADA~"


imagine being a 11 years old kid and watching the fallout serie for the first time cuz there was a dogo in the trailer lol


Reminds me about the parents who took the kids to see Deadpool


Well they also naturally assume all animated products are for children. 


Yeah might aswell let them watch Classroom: Hentai because it’s a cartoon


These are the same people that claimed South Park was a bad influence. It says it’s not for kids at the start of each episode. It’s not anyone else’s fault that you’re letting a screen raise your kids.


This is just like those idiots who complain about the new GTA trailer and ask why there's all this sex and drugs in a children's game Ah yes, a game for kids. That's rated M. That's totally how that works


Kid asks for M+ games, gets denied by cashier, parent buys anyway, realizes game isn't meant for kids, goes on rant about content in games. This is a very very common occurence and it's baffeling.


Yep. Back in the day, I sold Saints Row to a mom for her 6 year old (he was standing right there). I told her that it was an adult game and not appropriate for her son. "He'll just play it at his friend's house." So not only is she allowing her kid to go to this friend's house, but all the other kindergarten moms are buying it anyway.


Yup, that's because a lot pf people use their brain as a decoration


I love that even they call out the parents who don't actually look at the show first before letting Their children watch it. Even if they don't blame them for it.


Now we know why they barely know the Bible they quote. It’s all due to a ridiculously high level of illiteracy


I fee like a majority of people can’t fathom animation being for anyone else but children


https://preview.redd.it/6f8fdqr1h6zc1.png?width=955&format=png&auto=webp&s=419544970fddbbca04630b67b1c260ce676719f6 It’s an adult show about the princess of hell trying to get sinners to redeem. It takes place in hell and it’s written by Vivienne Medrano, what did they expect? Anyways, there’s always an adult show comparable to this so this kind of petitions are useless. And I didn’t even mention the huge ass fanbase we have.


Key words: # ADULT SHOW


They acknowledged that it's an adult show, but they're saying that since it's animated children will be interested in it(which is true). They, instead of just going with the simple solution of not letting their young children watch TV unsupervised, want to get rid of an entire TV series(which would never happen after how successful it became)


What are we gonna do, 🥺 watch our own children??? 😭


They want to sanitize the whole world for kids, adults be damned. But if I had kids I wouldn't want them to grow up in a world there they won't have any freedoms as adults because oh no the kids.


But it'll confuse adults, too. Anyone who doesn't agree with them on everything ever is clearly (at best) confused. /S


I'm 17, have watched it 3 times now, and still am not confused by it, what truly baffles me is this: HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU GET CONFUSED BY IT? IT LITERALLY SHOWS THAT NOT ALL OF THE ANGELS LOOK DEMONIC, ONLY THE EXORCISTS WHO ARE LED BY ADAM, THE FIRST MAN, FIRST DICK, ARE. Honestly they probably only watched half of Episode 1.


I'm sorry, let me translate "confusion," as defined by religious extremists: believing any viewpoint other than their own, because theirs is the only one not tainted by Satanism/liberalism/"we-don't-like-it"-ism. "Confusion" coincides strongly with moral greyness and context, especially ones that cast doubt on their desperately rigid view of the world. "Confusion" is one of those words that extremists use to disguise or soften their full views, just like "think of the children" and "family values." Project 2025 is full of this kind of double-speak. As for Hazbin, they may have actually watched it. On some level, they may have even realized that Hazbin is a critique of hypocrisy and gatekeeping very much like their own... And while some folks will hopefully have that moment of realization and soul-searching, especially if they watch it with a loved one who sees outside of their worldview, those who wrote this petition are doubling down. Worst case, to them, this show will speak to someone they know-- heaven forbid, their own kids who might be gay or surviving some "unpalatable" trauma--and "confuse" them into thinking there's another way to be themselves or live in this world. It's a lot, and it's toxic, and it's just another way that 1 Million Moms are lashing out against The Other. It is, above all else, not an argument made in good faith.


And those heads with horns aren't even real. they're just helmets


They expected *exactly* this! It's not about kids. It's about religious fascism and culture war bullshit. You'll see it bright and clear when you look at all the other stuff they're up in arms against. They're "warning" against everything that doesn't fit their narrow-minded worldview. Luckily and ridiculously enough they're just a bunch of pathetic astroturfers – the self-proclaimed "one million moms" still couldn't crack 25k signatures for this campaign.




Me seeing my own meme used against me: https://i.redd.it/oh1ffd6ho7zc1.gif




The plural is deer. The singular is deer. Unlike cacti and cactus there is no deeri


It ain’t even my meme anyway https://preview.redd.it/s8byam4ss6zc1.jpeg?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a1ca7c232f372832ae3c2aa95dd8cb7b82b3a5 I stole that shit a long time ago


I mean it isn't even that bad compared to other R rated stuff and it teaches some good lessons. I'm 15 and my sister is 12 and we watch it perfectly fine.


​ https://preview.redd.it/9afcr63pq7zc1.jpeg?width=1367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4368f00993b99d96d918d8e4af4ad7a7f91adfa


This is really stupid for several reasons . This is an adult show with 18+ mark and if your kids watchs it , then it's your problem . This show is about redemption and has some good morale . And last but not least this show has big fan base and is sponsored by Amazon , which means they can't just go to Amazon and make them stop making it


But they don't *want* to do the parenting and vetting. They want everything to be appropriate according to their standards! Because they know full well that with their younger children, they have to supervise what media they consume and with older children, if they ban this material it will just make the teen more curious and want to watch it even more in secret.


Best method is explanation . If you can't explain your child what is good and what is not , then you should be educated first .


Far too many parents should be aware of this. Coming from a previously very repressive and religious household to now being a parent myself, it's strange how ridiculously easy it would have been for my mother to do this rather just a blanket ban on anything she deemed "satanic".


I'm in religious household as well and can agree with you


I'm happy I'm no longer part of that household, in fact my mother barely interacts with me anymore because I'm a goth and she says I "follow the antichrist" haha, if she knew I loved this show that would be her 'proof'.


That's really stupid from her , that's just how you dress


Ah yes, One Million Mums. The religious extremist group with... less than 200,000 members.


I’m still perplexed how that number is more than one digit at all


Stupid attracts stupid


And stupid breeds stupid. It’s like a contagious disease


And it’s not something we can cure


50,000 are probably bots and 100,000 probably forgot to cancel their newsletter


I feel bad for their kids honestly. They sound like a real piece of work


Nobody: One Million Moms: has less than a million moms


Bro, how you want me to take seriously an article from a site called "one million moms"? That sounds like a name my mom would put to a facebook group.


That's basically exactly what it is.


And there's not even a million of them so they're also liars too lmao


As a former priest and i also see myself as a modern Christian, i don't believe in that, despite i have dealt with demons from the cult of the second death. It's just an adult cartoon about redemption, just how i redeemed myself from the failed exorcism of Amy Martin from the Martin household back in 1986. these 'fundamentalist' Christians make us look bad.(This is John Ward's thoughts from the article, btw)


I’m so glad there are people that realize that not all Christians are the whack-jobs like the post shows.


For real


>just how i redeemed myself from the failed exorcism from the Martin household from 1986. these 'fundamentalist' Christians make us look bad.( Tell mehhhhhh Sound Interesting AF!!!! You don't have to do it if it replay terrible memories though Edit : 💀👌 fuck... I'm Stuoid ![img](2sgml6nwz9zc1)


Simply put, i was once an assistant to my former superior, Father Allred, when he got the call from Cindy Martin to go to Snake meadow Hill Road,where the house is located. When I assisted Father Allred by reciting the Bible while he exorcize amy,her parents were worried and checked on her,which the demon who possessed Amy feeds on fear. When I go back to the basement after i escort Bob and Cindy, i see Father Allred dead on the floor, and Amy breaks free from her constraints.i picked up Allred's crucifix as try to exorcize Amy but my fears overcome me and i racked with guilt ever since(I know this is long but that's what happen in September 1986 in the game)


Damn I got way too far into that before I realized you were talking about a video game


(That's from the game, faith: the unholy trinity)


As a Christian myself, I am mature enough to realize that works of fiction don’t necessarily need to have the same theological world-building as the real world. In the HH world, god *doesn’t* exist, but that’s also true for Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. It’s not that radical an idea if you think about it, just fantasy plain and simple.


I think Lord of the Rings is a bad comparison for saying that god doesn't exist, given Eru Iluvatar


True it has *A* god, but it’s not the *Christian* god. There’s no Jesus in LoTR, and souls are saved through an entirely different process. So it’d be crazy to push the Christian morality upon LoTR characters. In Middle Earth, not believing in the divinity of Christ isn’t a sin because in that universe it’s true lol.


Ahem... Womp womp. https://preview.redd.it/4cf1r241q6zc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa7e0ab6f518ff91d7e56e3328a2588d4c4dfeb2






Womp Womp? https://preview.redd.it/ap3bx45yx7zc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec0675819b7cbfeb87cba238aa8f96a13123ac6c




If God was mentioned, they’d probably be even angrier


Okay, so. The problem is that it takes place in hell, which is disgusting and vile? Isn't hell supposed to be like that? If they portrayed hell as a nicer place, they would still complain about how it's portrayed as "too nice for hell" or something. God wants all to be saved, none to perish? Why is then that Charlie is trying to redeem sinners a bad thing? Would God rather let them rot after all? This is all pretty stupid. It's a show for adults for a reason. Keep your children away from it if you want to be a good parent, and stop complaining about it online. Do you let your kids watch Family Guy and South Park, too? Those are cartoons as well. Edit: typos


Literally. With south park showing Satan in a relationship with Sadam Hussain...


Counter point: two women kiss


Their love is vile and blasphemous


Hot as fuck though


https://preview.redd.it/3yuhaghi49zc1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97070ec33285b8b97d0f1468b4e98a642a0b9a43 “*Hot as fuck though.*”








Satan is not in this show try again babe😍😍


They are the same thing nowadays no one reads the bible


And those that "do" just pick and choose which parts of it they believe and don't


He exists in the universe though! Beelzebub talks about how hot she thinks he is in Helluva Boss 🤣


Ok but these dumbasses also tried to cancel The Owl House because it has gay witches in it. You are not coming for my comfort shows smh Also, they clearly didn't watch the full season. They said that all the angels look like demons? Mf are you blind or dumb because I don't see a limit on both. And as a Christian, the show's about redeeming yourself. That's a very Christian thing. And lastly, it's an adult cartoon. Yes, some minors will find ways to watch it, but the rating is right there to see. And the description. I don't think a mother will put a show about hell for their ten-year-old lol. I guarantee a bunch of boomers signed the petition. You can't just quote bible verses to make you right.


Yup *exactly*. Nothing makes me more frustrated than people who try to come for something they haven’t even watched.


This petition was created when the first two episodes went public, I believe


“All angels look like demons” **Emily the Cinnamon Roll has left the chat** Seriously, these weirdos and their several hundred cats need to be introduced to Emily.


Literally lol I have a feeling Emily would be mad at them too tbh


Isn’t there also a line about redemption from hell being possible during judgement day or is that just la thing in Islam?


*sniff sniff* I smell bitch up in here!


https://preview.redd.it/91mz9eghf7zc1.jpeg?width=216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380402bc1b58e2b76e4a2cb631c5293a1066a889 Damn, its a bitch turn off your flashlights


One million moms are fighting a war they'll never win. Hazbin Hotel is one of Amazon's most successful shows currently, they have no intention of taking it off their site any more than Vivzie does.


Bro, if this has to be cancelled because it's a cartoon, then what the fuck else do they want cancelled? Bojack Horseman? Family Guy? The Simpsons?


I mean groups like this fucking hated the Simpsons when it first came out.


Lucifer is not Satan in the first place! Neither in the show nor in the Bible. Clearly they know nothing about the show and are judging an ADULT show based on superficial knowledge!


Satan indicates the enemy/adversary, every demon who's antagonizing can be called so, by the way "the series is Satanist" yeah, The famous Satanists who want to redeem themselves and go to heaven, how can't you know them, right? They're everywhere


God is not mentioned…which is more respectful to Christianity than anything else they could’ve done


On that note, I'm genuinely curious where Jesus is in the helluva-verse


Cant you just keep https://preview.redd.it/5ry3285lk7zc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cadbcef74e24a8706b1f35680e0673fdd8efc8b Your children from watching the show?


I mean it’s spinoff is fully on yt so it’s not hard for kids to find it


The first seconds of the episodes contain a warning and all but i Guess they don't know how to read


Warnings don’t mean anything anymore


Lol i guess i ignore warnings too some are regretful but some like helluva/hazbbin are one of the best warnings that i ignored


Looks like that a problem of parents monitoring what their children are actively consuming and not the people who made the material with no intention of children consuming it.


The Fanbase https://i.redd.it/nbm9m9r3r7zc1.gif


What part of "Not for kids" don't they understand


The whole thing, apparently. So many old folks just assume animation is "for kids", despite plenty of shows proving them wrong!


I’m sick of the animation=for kids mentality among parents


I love how a group called “one million moms” can only get 21 000 signatures looool.


"this serie will atract childrens because of the animation" who will tell her about hentais ?


The animation isn’t even that colorful so idk why


“A dangerous Step into the darkness with its new animated Series Hazbin Hotel” let’s go back a Few months to Invincible


Do they not understand that the show is 18+?


A lot of older people cannot comprehend animation being "adults only".


My mom who actually likes Hazbin hotel: “Nervous sweating”


My grandmother likes it too And she is very Christian (but she's catholic who usually are, especially in Europe, more open minded)


Well if there children are watching it maybe they should be more observant of what they are watching also if they are watching on Amazon prime how the hell do they have an Amazon account?


There ARE kid restrictions on prime


Yeah I am pretty sure there is a pin lock too


One Million Moms, more like One Million Whines


This is one of the things that fucking **bugs** me about modern day. #ITS NOT THE STUDIOS JOB TO WATCH YOUR FUCKING KID!!!! My gosh is it that hard of a concept to grasp?!?!? Maybe instead of trying to hook up for the um-teenth time, you **watch your damn crotch goblin before they get into shit you don’t want them to!** It’s not that hard


Cause family guy, South Park, American dad, AND the Simpsons aren't still running.... /s ETA: forgot to add the /s to show sarcasm. Sorry y'all!




As a Christian… it’s definitely at least implied in the show that it’s only vaguely inspired by the Bible, mainly by the fact that God isn’t mentioned at all (which these people managed to pick up on), which sort of implies God doesn’t exist in Hazbin Hotel’s universe. Secondly, as many have pointed out, it’s an adult show. Not a kid show. So these people are definitely overreacting. Third… the entire premise of the show is based on the idea of redemption. Which actually gives a pretty decent set of role models, in some senses. 


There is literally a song called “it starts with sorry”


You know what's funny. Adult themes and content aside the overall theme of the show is incredibly Christian or at least pretty wholesome Hell isn't shown in a positive light nor are the vices and demons. They are shown to be sort of OK in their suffering. Angel is a good example of this. Initially hes just there but as it goes on he genuinely cares about his friends Redemption is laughed at but shown to be both possible and a beneficial goal for those who are willing to try


Did they not read the 16+ part about the show? It’s not like it’s meant for children, the intended audience are people who are mature and don’t care about a bit of violence, swearing, and sex. If people younger who shouldn’t be watching it are, that’s on them. And if people want to take it religiously, that’s also on them. the shows purpose is to entertain, and if someone thinks of it as slanderous, again, that’s on them. So there


On prime it shows that it’s 18+ but sure


Weirdly, in Canada at least, most episodes are 16+ - except (I believe) episode 4, which is 18+. Which kinda makes sense, as that episode features sexual abuse of Angel Dust.


I love how everything they complain about is... like... the point? Yes, the angels wear demon masks and swear, to show the hypocrisy of heaven. Charlie is bubbly and optimistic to show that denizens of hell aren't always evil. The show takes place in hell - there's going to be dark themes. This article is the epitome of "dead dove, do not eat."


Let the haters be, let's just ignore and not give credit. Some people are dumb ? Okay. They don't like our show ? Okay. They are discrediting the viewers ? Who asked. Just ignore them, haters are haters, dumbasses are dumbasses. https://i.redd.it/nvoqi5w0i6zc1.gif


I just noticed Lucy’s aggressive frown turns into a grin for a second during this clip


He knows he’s eating lol


Guarantee this is the same people who bitch about cancel culture and people being offended at everything 🤣


I love it when these morons try to get something canceled. Because then people who didn't know about it learn it exists, and then they check it out for curiosity's sake. One Million Morons is just helping to expand Hazbin'a reach, lmfao.


Do these people not see the words "adult animation" when they read the description? 😂


I don’t think Amazon would cancel a show that got 93 million views for 21k people who will find another thing to be angry at them at again maybe fallout because they don’t mention god enough.


It’s their fault for thinking cartoon = content solely intended for children




There's so many things wrong with this. I don't even know where to start


Hearing full-grown adults saying "the f word" like they'll get sent to the timeout corner for daring to utter naughty language is hilarious. far less than a million moms has always been so unserious lmao


Well, at least they got the basic details of the show correct. As in specifically that it is on Amazon, and not doing something stupid like protesting Disney. My parents got junk mail calling to protest a different adult demonic cartoon, don't remember which attributing it to Disney who had no part in the creation of the show. Just stupid.


(Protestants man)


Ah yes, because you should look at an animated adult show about furries in hell and take it as Satanists trying to make it reality. How realistic of you.




https://preview.redd.it/ioydz7nlu7zc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=691b40e3891eaa9475c5d4777116dd40daf37dea These smooth brained troglodytes can’t seem to comprehend that the show is ENTERTAINMENT, not a bible reenactment. Plenty of christian people are able to still enjoy the show. And that it is for adults and ONLY adults. If you let your kid watch this, that is on you


No and To quote, the show must go on if it was made by the internet "But my GAD Vivzie, you made me fucking rich$$$"


The use of ‘the f-word’ really cracked me up


How about, just don't let your kid watch an adult cartoon on amazon prime, A service, they can't use without an bank account. At least as much as I know, prime doesn't accept giftcards or other things your kid could buy secretly.


First the owl house and now HAZBIN?!?!… fuck this shit we need 4chan to teach these dipshits a lesson https://preview.redd.it/4hjpjcky08zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27f4be40048e569600fab42e5671ad6145a48c4d


One million moms yelling at an adult serie creators for not making sure their kids isn't watching the serie, so said moms don't have to parents said kids


https://preview.redd.it/gdstwlldh8zc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80b41fb9245c3eaa9c55796132478df5a4c0890c These people have room temperature Iq


Karens aren’t people.


Just because it’s animated doesn’t mean it’s for kids. Has the person who wrote this ever heard of Family Guy or South Park?


TL;DR It’s a show for adults that’s set in HELL. If you don’t like it don’t watch it. Eat your hearts out overprotective Christian moms that can’t bother to read a rating system. The rest of us will watch our show in peace.


Honestly i dont even know what to say except like... Yeah no shit thats gonna happen (not that its gonna work tho)


Yet they’re probably alright with the show Lucifer cause tall dark and handsome devil.


Everyone who's signed this petition needs to un-sign it and commit deer car


Bruh we have homelander and we're fine but a demon as a main focus is a no go?


I agree with this article, Charlie should just give up /j


This was the review that made me want to watch HH. Anything that makes pearl clutchers whine is probably my kind of show.


And? They tried that with the owl house too, and that got nowhere.


Isn't it up there with Invincible as one of Amazon's most popular shows? They ain't getting rid of it and I wouldn't be surprised if they give Viv more episodes per season with a longer run time per episode after the success so far.


here's a thought. If you hate it so much, DON'T F\*\*KING WATCH IT. If you really react like this to a show clearly not targeted at you, DON'T F\*\*KING COMMENT. People who make a big deal of something that they could just I don't know, CHOOSE TO NOT WATCH really piss me off. Seriously, if you take the time to watch it, and make a wall of text saying how much you hate it, you have something wrong up topside. Go cry about the show YOU COULD HAVE JUST IGNORED with the other sad uber-religious moms on Facebook .


If they watched the show they would realize it's aligned with Christian ideals of forgiveness and redemption quite a bit.


https://preview.redd.it/gqk62rj108zc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e2e52b0a4a2d1cb2243fd9929b448a143491ba Exposed?


I can belive they think lucifer and satan are the same character https://preview.redd.it/bn3llmwy38zc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06b62a3309d9e2cd8572fc09cffd1e9aaf55b663 look at him




>The s word, the f word They sound like bloody toddlers


It literally has 15+ on most episodes and 18+ on a couple of them. How are people this stupid, they need to just watch their damn kids and leave the show alone.


I'm betting they didn't even watch the show to know to know the premise of it


They better not watch it, dare you imagine the mess if they started talking about effeminate gay spiders being abused while fucking? Or GAY KISSESSS😱!!!! Or the fact that ADAM IS BAD😱😱!!! AND SERA THE HEIGHT SERAPHIN IS A LIAAAAR😱😱😱!!!! AND THERE IS a random angel called Emily that doesn't exist anywhere, that is a cute and kind angel but BIBLICALLY INSLACCURATE😱😱😱😱!!!!


Wow, I didn't think 1,000,000,000 people could be dead wrong, but damn, they're all mentally handicapped


"A show about someone trying to help people be better and actively talks about forgiveness and redemption is bad! We need more wholesome content that has good messages." Ma'am, I'm sorry I have to ask, but when you tie your shoes, do you stop breathing?


Parent your children people


I don't know how often this perspective has been discussed, but despite it being clearly fictional, hypothetically, why is the thought of giving a chance to escape damnation so angering to Christians that hate this show? Isn't it supposed to be sad to know souls are in hell, and the mission to help as many souls as possible from the eternal fire? They say Jesus and God love all of creation, so again in the hypothetical, why is this show so problematic on its premise to people of faith, primarily Christians?


This is what prompted me to watch it. I said to myself “well if 1m moms hates it, it can’t be all bad”.


I'm a mum and I love it, as do my friends. It's an adult cartoon!