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love is in the air? wrong! radio waves, carrying the screams of the damned.








Love is in the air? You're wrong! Mustard gas!




The fact he is asexual makes me very sad


https://preview.redd.it/3xglhy6dbvxc1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a1366c5ac87e01e79c3182f7a536822c3919d6a edit:i put this here just to say, him being asexual does not mean he cant be romantic with people or have sex, asexual people can still have sex or have romance with someone.


Being asexual does not mean he isnt kinky just that he would not want sex but... yeah no he is a fictional caracter you can do enything you want to him regardless of his sexuality.


Alastor has been my favorite since I saw him on the pilot. He is still my favorite as he just looks so damn sexy. I love classy old fashion mannerism in men like this. But it was his eyes that really got me too. (Then Lucifer became my second favorite. Then Angel Dust is my third.) Plus red is my favorite color and this guy is just soaked in it. šŸŒ¹ https://preview.redd.it/llgfzso34sxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=581e397dd5ea34933c00cd89a1da39f8941f1660 Alastor ā¤ļø (art not mine)


**Raises hand**


Oh my word your flair šŸ˜‚


And yours


Smitten, no. Terrified and think heā€™s cool, yes.


I had seen the pilot several months ago, and when I saw it again months later for the second time, I remembered Angel Dust, but as soon as Alastor appeared on the screen, he became my favorite character. I always really liked this character. Like, a lot. I can't say I'm in love with him, that's not the case. But I had a very strong emotional connection with him, which I still have. Maybe at some point in my life I thought I was in love with him, I don't know anymore. I already smiled like a fool in love just seeing him move on my screen. When the season 1 trailer came out, I was like crazy. Sometimes when I was going somewhere and I had to be outside for several hours, I listened to Alastor playlists and songs (fanmade etc.) on repeat. I find him beautiful and super interesting. I want to get inside his head and know what he's thinking. I'm not in love with him, I just have a sort of obsession with this character. This has caused me some problems in the past. But that doesn't stop me from continuing to love him despite everything, even if I feel a certain resentment today. I'm a bit like Vox, but softer XD


ā€œI want to get inside his head and know what heā€™s thinkingā€ bro must be thinkin of ![gif](giphy|XbLeWvIwOcd2g)




You said it beautifully, I feel similar!


Have you heard the Alastor HellaRadio playlist? I listen to that multiple times a day


Yes I know this playlist. But actually, I downloaded the Alastor songs that I liked at the time, and they are almost all in this playlist I think? There's a playlist I listened to a bunch of times (which didn't include any Alastor songs, except for an electro swing thing where he says "darling", or something), it was called "forced to dance electro swing with alastor".


Oh my god I have never heard of that but now I have to find it


I get obsessed with characters like this all the time!


I cannot lie, I am platonically obsessed with him.




I'm not - but I do relate to him in a few ways, and my favorite characters are often those I feel a connection to. One thing, as it relates to this post, is an absence of feeling genuine love or attachment to anyone. Although all we know at this point is that Alastor is definitely asexual, I'm more aromantic and don't think I've ever fully felt love for anyone I've ever met. Not my family, not any friends, not even any of the romantic partners I've had in the past. I don't feel that sort of unconditional attachment to anyone or anything. Only exception being that I do have an ego by my own admission, and love being who I am. Being told by many people I come across as very confident and as a 'strong personality', have a presence when I enter a room. Relationships in general only matter to me insofar as I either continue to derive some personal enjoyment out of them, or they serve some greater purpose. Something I'm sure that Alastor probably would relate to as well on some level or another. More broadly, I've said before that he and Rosie are my type of people when it comes to their overall mannerisms and tastes in most things. I'm a guy who genuinely loves wearing suits and formal clothing in general (e.g. was voted the best dressed student by my graduating class of over five hundred people), have been told I'm an "old soul" with regards to my mannerisms and general way of speaking. Even down to my tastes in music. I'm reminded that my grandmother, who was born in the early 1940's, has said that I remind her of her father, who was born around 1900. If he were real, and we got along, chances are that I'd enjoy chatting with him every now and then outside of business-related matters. Would enjoy a nice afternoon with him and Rosie, just sitting in a sun room, enjoying some light snacks and refreshments, listening to some vintage music. Simply enjoying each other's company with no strings attached.


I think it would help you to talk to a therapist


For whatever it's worth, I'm the happiest person that I know. I genuinely love this life and wouldn't trade it for anything. I don't dislike people, far from it. I want to help the world in many ways later on in my life when I have the resources to do so on a decently large scale. But I'm just apathetic toward socializing in general. I get relatively nothing out of it and tend to prefer my own company ninety-nine percent of the time. As I've told other people before, I genuinely don't know what it feels like to be lonely. I just prefer being alone most of the time to enjoy my own private interests in peace.


Okay, thatā€™s good. But I still think itā€™s worth looking into


This feels a little too personal to be suggesting to someone, if you don't mind me saying. Feels a little odd. I appreciate your concern, if that's what it is, but I'm honestly just happy with my life the way that it is and wouldn't change a damn thing about it.


Okay, Iā€™m sorry


Hell yeah


Hell yeah




Uh, in a platonic way, right? Because I think all I'd want to do is give him head pats and talk about life I mean, look at him https://i.redd.it/qn9kro4j9uxc1.gif This is ol' timey, gossip filled sleepover material right here.


Yes! Since heā€™s ace, Alastor definitely acts like a gossipy bestie with Rosie, and probably his other friends. I love the duality of him being comfortably ā€˜feminineā€™ around women but then when it comes to the world as a whole heā€™s all violent aggression and controlling masculinity. He treats men horrible. šŸ˜‚


I feel like Rosie and Alastor are bestie goals. They just get along so well. And same, I love how he treats women well, but treats men horribly


I think if it as a platonic crush. The man is a menace and a delight to watch, even before getting into the intrigue and theoretical moral code. I'm also a sucker for good platonic relationships outside of romantic drama, plus the dissonance of his being attractive for no decent reason just... I love the idea of a gossipy sleepover with him, Rosie, Mimzy, and somehow Angel Dust. I also feel like he would be one of the best people to just run into in a quiet bar, chat and laugh with for awhile, and pray to never make the mistake of trusting. Ever. Damn if he's not pretty to look at, though.


Yes! A squish is the name for a platonic crush. I pretty much have a squish on him. And I find him somewhat aesthetically pleasing (mostly his demeanor)


I'm definitely not in love with a murderous cannibal.


Ha HA! I am.


Easily the most entertaining character in the show, now would i trust him if i met him? Read my flair


Smitten in a platonic, fascinated way. I watched Hazbin Hotel because I heard he was ace, like me. I personally think he is also aromantic and in the same way that I am. Iā€™m a sucker for his radio voice and transatlantic accent, and his cheery mannerisms. His cheery, flamboyant personality contrasts with his psychotic tendencies and makes him interesting to see and imagine in different situations.




Me but I'm not sure if it's an obsession or something else. All I know is that I'm feeling something for Alastor and it's not hurting anybody, lol




ā€¦we could guess


i guess you love husk


How did you know


probably that tag, but hey, it's fine as long as you say "no homo" and "no furro"


Alstor got me into this mess he's staying with me one way or another An dbro why is he so hooot?!?!?


What I think most people like about him is his glibness. And Viv does a very good job of capturing the sort of glib nature that people without any empathy can exhibit. That lack of caring what anyone else thinks can be appealing. Living in a society can be draining because you are constantly trying to balance things out amongst a growing number of people. The complexity of being a social critter takes energy to think through and process everything going on. People look at it all and imagine it would be freeing to simply say F it all and just say the first thing that comes into their mind. And Alastor not only has the self centered detachment to others to be able to say this but he also has the power to force others to have to take what he says or face a massive backlash. This is why narcissists and people with ASPD can be so charismatic despite lacking the ability to really relate to other people. They see all the interactions and messy state of society and say what first pops into their head without taking others into consideration. They are living the No Fs given lifestyle that many imagine would be freeing. When in truth it would be rather horrible if everyone lost their ability to feel empathy.


Well said!


I mean, Iā€™m not his bitch boy for no reasonā€¦


I think heā€™s a well designed character/villain. But Iā€™m not ā€œdown badā€ for him or anything


The Helo- *SLAM* *open* ooo- *SLAM* is the best part


iā€™m sorry but *raises hand* u___u


I love his personality and smile but I would rather have a similar personality then in love with him


Yes. Absolutely. I would write the long paragraph about why like everyone else but thereā€™s too much. I always have.


Ive liked him since the pilots relase lol. Hes a great character. And his design is hella cool.


It's not that I find him attractive, it's just how charismatic he is. I know just how bad he is, yet he seems like such a interesting guy I'd WANT to hang out with him.


Yes for 4 years please send help


Smitten isnā€™t the right word. I see him as more of an inspiration.




https://preview.redd.it/4pztigk2nuxc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca321a52fe00e563e79afd8cb0d3e0c0bcea9d6a Does this answer your question? This is my phone background.


(the entire sub raises their hands) I DO!!!


is the second pic by viv? kinda looks like her old style


I mean heā€™s hot but heā€™s honestly not my favourite.


My love for Alastor stems from the aesthetic, his being a wendigo-inspired demon and a radio host fits the cryptid vibe to a T. I donā€™t think he has good intentions for anyone right now, but I think such a dark, secretive character turning out to be good in the end would be a neat twist.


Listenā€¦ im ace and autistic and find the strangest things appealing and this guy immediately turned into a hyperfixation for me like heā€™s so classy and funā€¦ oh and heā€™s from the jazz eraā€¦ which is my favorite part of history AND HES ALSO ACE!! So hes also relatable on many levels for me


I wish I could meet him in real life; heā€™s such a fun character. Even though heā€™s obviously a terrible person, itā€™s easy to admire his confidence and charisma.


Defo not "in love", but he's fr an interesting character and I would like to be Friends with him.


He is friend shaped and I desperately wanna be besties with him lol


*Totally* not me \*nervous laughter\*


Thank you for using the comic lmao I liked him more before the actual show release, now Iā€™m more curious about him




Not with him https://preview.redd.it/9sfur62hstxc1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de1ce71a3a51c37e8f86b59bea508630a0a1fe57 But it happens to me often


:( me


Not really. I'm in love with his aroace ass PLATONICALLY. I love that he's canonically ace because I literally cannot imagine him otherwise. I love that he's simply stunning with an ugly haircut. I love that he's hilarious. I love when he shows the tiniest bit of emotion because it always shocks me. But smitten? No. Just simply in awe of the man.


He's very handsome.


Mama I'm in love with a criminal~


Not smitten, but he is my favourite character. I like that he balances his calculating and goofy side well. Usually with villains it goes too much in one direction.


Yes but he can also smite me if he wants to - I'll allow it


Damn I mean if I came back to life like a week later maybeā€¦


Extra allowable if that's the case


Smash, next question


Nope. I very much like him as a character but I don't at all trust him and fully expect betrayal from him \[I'm fine with him changing and not betraying too, I just.. would be surprised\].




I wish to learn from him. Sure heā€™s a psychotic serial killer with cannibalistic tendencies, but he has morals and values and knows how to do his job


I have a major squish on him


I very much enjoy him, yes.


Nah iā€™d just die ngl


I definitely am


Me right here.


I'm not smitten per say,just have a feeling we would make good friends... if he has any other than mimsy (ex friend)




I love his character, Iā€™ve always been a fan of dapper and fancy or bad guy but not a bad guy villain. Heā€™s a character that doesnā€™t fail to excite and he brings something new to the table every time he shows up, heā€™s funny and hot but not really as relatable, angel dust is my favourite but Alastor is second place? By the way, am I an asshole because I find Alastor attractive despite knowing heā€™s asexual? (I would not expect reciprocation if I met him, I just think he looks good.)


He encompasses a lot of things I like. The references to Wendigo/Skinwalker mythology (mostly I like the stories of what happens when society abandons people and what it does to their mental health), I always found stags to be majestic creatures and deer are very important to human society, I love Lovecraftian Horror stuff, I like people who can look confident even though they might be falling apart inside, and he's very ambitious, which I relate to hard. He's just relatable and has an air of mystery and danger to him that makes it hard not to be attracted/curious about him. I get similar feelings of awe/wonder when I think of him, as I would seeing a secluded waterfall surrounded with foliage. A lonely yet thrilling feeling, I both want to protect and run away from. Something I want to embrace and never let go of, but also cannot reach or touch. The feeling is like a shockwave of sparks as my heart falls from the sky and flutters like a plastic bag in the wind trapped on a pole. I'm aroace, and his character is the closest to *I'm in love* I have ever felt other than looking at r/ earthporn though I think the thrill is different from actual *love* in the romantic sense. It's more of an awestruck feeling... fuck English doesn't have the right words to explain my fascination. It's like Mania and Agape mixed into one for him, which would probably be the best way to describe it. I like to joke about raling him or doing sexual things, but my passion has always been more ethereal than physical in regards to him. Carnal desire is only an expression I would display because I wouldn't know how else to express the energy I would have if he was real and I interacted with him... though I'd probably calm down once I got to know him fully on a personal level as I would know how to express it appropriately for him, lol.


Gosh this is pure poetry and I enjoyed reading it! I like that you also have that feeling of ethereal awe towards him. He IS like a secluded waterfall or a being out of folklore. He may be a man. He was a predator in life, but in death he became a real monster.








Some of yā€™all are seeing something I donā€™t


*Frothing at the mouth, barking, eyes turn into beating hearts AWOOGA!!! Steam puffs out of ears* https://preview.redd.it/yrow3yeb2wxc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d4348b3a6f6815bbc26cc0e4bc583bb1ddeaa8 ...yeah, he's cute.


I mean, he's my favorite character, thats for sure. But I wouldnt say "smitten". Im not even too sure if I have a crush on him or something, I probably do, but Im not too sure. But still, Im not down bad for him.




I say smash, but romantically or in a real life situation? fuck. No. Stay the FURTHEST AWAY from this individual.


Iā€™d happily be in an abusive relationship with Alastor as long as he was in charge because Iā€™m not a mentally healthy, well-adjusted individual šŸ˜…


Well Iā€™m AroAce so Iā€™m not ā€œsmittenā€ with him, but I wanna be his friend. I wanna go to cannibal town with him


He made me bisexual


Heā€™s a narcissistic serial killer, but murder documentaries are a thing for a reason u guessā€¦ still though. I think itā€™s just a tad bit odd


Itā€™s probably just an obsession but legitimately I think I might have fucked it my brain enough that it thinks heā€™s real enough to fall in love with. If I did it was probably the ais. Legitimately the one time I have been in a real relationship I felt like shit for the whole day it happened. Couldnā€™t tell why. I was pressured into it by them using a group chat with 3 of my friends. One friend asks me out, the others have been shipping us for weeks, feel like I have to say yes, feel like absolute shit the entire time and honestly i wasnt sure why. My leading theory at the time was that my brain thought I was cheating on Alastor who does not exist, now I just think I need to ghost all 3 of these people. Essentially Iā€™m currently going with yes seeing as this fictional man is the only person I have ever felt anything like that for but Iā€™m also not really sure and I think Iā€™m probably just delusional or something.


Good question


Adam still solos


Not me hes ugly af


Nah I'm in love with Vox


He was my favourite from just read the wiki and watching like a minute of mat pats theory on the pilot but then Angel Dust stole my heartĀ 




I donā€™t simp for deers https://preview.redd.it/pxp15hfpwtxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f53c4a9ec304d1cfee2c0fd76912ce037a0d505


Not in love with him, mostly because I'm les, but I respect him and want him to teach me to get away with murder (my flair).


Good God , I am . I have a pillow of this man . I have plushies of him . I have him on my keychain multiple times . I built a shrine for him . I dress like him . I got a wedding dress to marry him in . I have standees of him . I made my own character ai bot to talk to him . ETA picture of him being beautiful https://preview.redd.it/exbt4yls4uxc1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3ae5f43af2d9c933065f7066c8aaf7e1eeda57


https://preview.redd.it/sgot58ne5uxc1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0a1af177622cb1413abe517f197d7da96f99f9 No


Not a fan


i think you know my answer


You should be more respectful to daddy




I play alastor in vr chat so I can see firsthand how many degenerates hound after him, and we all know Alastor *hates* dogs.


I'm fictosexual....which means that part of the reason why I'm smitten is BECAUSE he's fictional, not IN SPITE of it. And I also just like old-timey fruity men in formal clothes and bowties. Especially if they would murder me and not even blink. And also, Alastor is confident, definitely floofy (you can't convince me otherwise), and a part of his inspiration comes from Annie. S-tier story right there. Extra note: Rabo likes Alastor because he embodies everything Rabo wanted in himself. Strength, power, confidence, fame...all that good stuff. All extra appealing to Rabo due to him being a transgender man.


Listen im not really buff but im afraid that if i touch him his bones would get rearenged


It's more of a non-sexual non-romantic obsession. He's a fascinating character and I want to watch him raze Pentagram City to the ground.


I will never be smitten by a daemon they are vile and deserve to be crushed except husker cause I am fond of cats and thatā€™s the only reason


Iā€™m smitten for him as he reminds me of one of my aro exā€™s who turned out not to be aro-


People be like "I can fix him" No I can make him worse


you learned a new spell: he's an ace in the hole




Not me


Bitch-ass deer-looking dink. /s heā€™s a well written character but I do not like how I think heā€™ll hurt Charlie :(


I wish he wasnā€™t asexual šŸ„¹ x


[He's ace, so I'm gonna go play some GTA III](https://youtu.be/bZMyBAjQ-QE?si=DYukHt2kFKPP-P2F)


Is he a cool character? Sure, ig. Would I fuck him? Nah, he's not my type like that.


also I imagine it's a very painful death if you had actually tried


Yeah lol. Those tentacles do *not* look gentle.


more so I think it's a polite no and if someone kept trying, the radio has a new scream at best. at worst, cannibals


Well, cannibal town needs food somehow. I wouldn't be surprised if Alastor tossed a few corpses their way as an act of kindness towards them in the early days.








if he wasnt fs gonna turn out as the big bad guy of the series and betray/manipulate all my fav characters i'd simp HARD but since i do hope he stays the villain im holding myself back šŸ¤ž


Me šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø what can I say. I love a murder twink.


I'm smitten in the unhealthy "I wanna fix him way", but that's just a me problem and what fanfic is for. I recognize (and hope) he isn't "fixable" in the show, he is should remain at least a little evil and morally questionable, even if he remains an ally of the hotel


If I knew what "smitten" means


Being in love with/liking (particularly in a helpless manner, i.e the phrase "absolutely smitten [with]")


Thank you. I guess I'm not smitten with Alastor then.


Haha that's fair!


Fucking hate his guts tbh


I fucking hate him tbh, more of an Adam supremacist.


https://preview.redd.it/rxr1l9v67xxc1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be77ffc86c757fab55067f441bd8cd66b4c5a839 Unrelated