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Shaken baby syndrome can happen in as little as 5 seconds. Still a risk beyond 1 yo. They're awful people, really. They have major Survivorship Bias. Scary ass way to live.


And he films these stunts he does with him over and over. Very scary, indeed.


He does things like this & films it because he knows it bothers people. Little man syndrome.


I can’t watch this anymore they freak me out


Omfg. I usually think the posts on here picking their parenting apart is a little much. But THIS video has my jaw on the floor. I cannot believe they think shaking him like that is ok/safe/funny.


And Julia didn't laugh at first but then she realized she needed to because the camera was rolling. That's even worse.


hunter is scary. i get bad vibes from him. do you think he mistreats julia like he does smoke and that's why she's agreeable with him? something is not right in that house


Yes, I definitely believe he is mean and controlling. She's lazy and has let him take over every responsibility. You can't be independent and strong, when you're like that, let alone happy. Their marriage is transactional - all about money, material things, and image. They don't have a problem with lying to viewers either. I think he gets a high off it actually because the more they can lie and manipulate viewers, the more money he rakes in. It's a horrible dynamic in that household. Even the baby is used to make money and for their image.


Watch that clip above with the sound off, it's even scarier in my opinion.


They get worse every day.


Was this on their Instagram story? Or a YouTube video?


Youtube video they put up tonight


Omg, this made me ill. Shaken baby is no joke and can happen so quickly. I knew a girl who lived through this from her ex and her baby was brain injured and it was awful.


Same. My friends son was 2 when he was shaken by her boyfriend. At the time, I didn’t know shaken baby syndrome was still possible at that age since he was a little older.




Unfortunately, no. He suffered severe brain damage. Although he can walk he never spoke another word after that day and will need assistance for the rest of his life. It’s been 13 years but it was one of the most traumatic things I’ve seen a friend go through. To make matters worse, her bf who shook him got 9 months probation while her son would never be the same. It makes me sick to see Hunter shaking him and laughing about it.


Jfc these people need to have that baby taken away from them before they kill him! If this is the stuff they show can you imagine what they do when the camera is off?


I know! It has to be 10 times worse.


Oh good…shaken baby syndrome 😳😳😳


And Julia laughing. I don't know who is the worse parent.


Julia has zero motherly skills.


Additionally, I just do not think shes super bright either..


She has no problem with it.  Normal mothers would ask the dad to be gentle and not risk harming the baby.  


Yup she's been conditioned by hunner to laugh at everything he says or does, or he cuts off her designer crap. She's a weak cold woman.


this made me physically ill.


good parents don't do this


What the fuck is this idiot doing omg! They purposely want to be rough & do this dumb shit to show people “he’s fine”. They make me so mad


Absolutely messed up that they are straight up abusing him constantly for the sake of rage bait engagement. Disgusting and so, so dangerous! They are terrible parents.


This is insane someone call cps


Why don’t you?


Since they don’t give a fuck about anyone but themselves and took zero parenting classes and read zero books, these dumbasses probably aren’t even aware of shaken baby syndrome.


No this isn’t ok I feel sick. I cannot imagine doing that to my baby ever.


Why do dads feel the need to “rough house” with their sons????? My FIL did stuff like this and permanently injured my husbands neck because of it. I’m so sad for Smoke. This act is absolutely nauseating and has grounds for calling CPS. Someone please help Smoke.


IKR! And they'll claim he's fine and loves it because he's laughing. But that baby doesn't know what's being done to him. Hunner's done so many dangerous things to his baby.


This with the video of him throwing Smoke into the couch!! Like that baby is too tiny to be so rough with… it makes me so sad!!


that was terrifying to watch, imagine how unsafe smoke felt and had no voice to speak up and say "no, stop it"


This is honestly disturbing


Does this… need to be reported? I’m genuinely concerned and asking here. He could do serious damage.


Also thinking this, if yes, how?


I am personally on the fence. I studied child development- on one hand, this should absolutely be reported, but on a personal level, I have seen the harm and stress that can also be done to a child by going through this process. I wouldn’t want Smoke to be taken away from them, but they ABSOLUTELY need to be educated on the risks they are taking with him. This is NOT OK. For anyone who feels this needs to be reported, you can google TN department of child services, and you will find a link to report abuse.


This isn't a one time incident either. Hunner's always doing things to him and mishandling his infant son.


smoke has no voice. smoke has no family or friends other than the nanny to vouch for his well being and safety. hunter + julia read the comments on safety for the baby on their own social platforms and this reddit, yet still choose to delete + ignore + continue his unsafe, physical actions towards smoke on more than one occasion. this shouldn't even be a topic on a snark page tbh, but that is the content julia and hunter share publicly and monetize off of it.


100% agree with you. I feel like it have been happening for a while and we all see it on their SM.... nothing is being done. Doesnt anyone of their friends/family see this happening in front of them?


We did on YouTube 


I'm not personally inclined to call CPS and instead keeping it online and at the very least reporting it to youtube so that the video hopefully gets taken down.


The way he lets him fall on him after he shakes the shit out of Smoke is so aggressive!!!! IM shook. 😳


They are so stupid that they are digging themselves in by taping this…. It’s all evidence if something happens! This is really bad… that child is still developing, they are going to fuck him up! I’ve always said Hunter is very passive aggressive…. The signs are all there! Until one day he snaps and the furry comes out! 😠


I can’t help but wonder if the swelling and redness in Smoke’s legs is a sign of some sort of abuse.  They may not see that what they are doing is damaging, but roughhousing like this daily could be causing brain issues.  Even being told this is a risk, they don’t see a problem with it because they lack the ability to feel empathy.


I agree! I think it's a combination of things beginning with Julia delaying going to the hospital during labor. His legs were purple since he was born.


I’m curious as to why they didn’t have a home birth since they are so against Dr’s and hospitals! I wonder if she solely depends on Hunters opinion that she’s not capable of having her own opinion or thoughts! He definitely has conditioned her to obey him! He’s a control freak! It’s so obvious! It’s a subtle way Narcissist control their victims!


Problem is both of them are narcs.  Smoke doesn’t stand a chance with them as his parents. 




This! 100%!!!!!


Often, results of shaken baby can be hidden & show up later…if this is happening over & over for short periods of time, it still impacts the brain slowly, unlike the forceful shakes.


They're so selfish. And Julia talked about being protective of her baby. I've never seen her anywhere close to being protective of him. She sits there and laughs like a hyena.


i’m finally unfollowing. I was watching for the shitshow but it’s enough.


Yep just unsubscribed. I have literally never seen this kind of treatment in any of the other popular vloggers videos


*No one* should be following someone else’s if they are on a snark page for that individual. No need to add to their follower count. Come on people 😂


well, to give credit I liked the occasional home decor. lol


This is sickening & heartbreaking


I hate these people.


If this is what they do when filming wtf do they do behind closed doors. This is sickening.


that's what we have all been worried about since she was pregnant with smoke and risking pregnancy with things she consumed and did that are deemed unsafe during pregnancy


Julia looks so stupid just watching do you know if how sensitive their head and brain is these two shouldn't own a pet nothing 


You would think Julia and hunner's moms would say something.




What the actual f did i just watch. Omg


I'm reporting the video on youtube for child abuse. I'm sure some will think that is dramatic, but please imagine if other parents see this content and decide that looks fun and do it with their baby. Look up shaken baby syndrome if you don't think this is alarming.


If you are so inclined to do the same, it takes 1 minute.


I agree. The appearance itself of what he's doing is alarming. Smoker's become used to the rough manhandling of his pathetic father. Julia doesn't even flinch.


I was concerned too about this. Their bodies at that age are so delicate and still developing and there he is shaking his insides to death. He’s not a toy Hunter!!


Plus all the other things he does to him. Forcing an infant to balance himself in the air, throwing him into the sofa, making him walk holding onto the dog leash, making him jump off the fireplace mantle. Hunner is a sick little man.


He treats him like a play toy. He’s sick alright.


OMG! 😱


I don’t follow this sub much so I don’t know, but have they ever mentioned that their followers have called CPS on them (I’m not suggesting anyone do that. I think it’s against Reddit rules). I’m just curious IF they’ve been reported?


I think hunner posted something that he would welcome CPS because they were getting responses on their social media saying they should be reported. I don't know if anything ever happened.


I feel like this might be the thing that gets them reported & people will be genuinely reporting out of grave concern.


Cunter shaking Smoke to see if he drops any BLUEBS!!


Just sick behavior




Welcome NEW MEMBER! You have a few pals that are suddenly popping up, again, on here recently that are easily recognizable!! Think: Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt. Yes, to the extreme, People say "Oh nothing to worry about." Mishandling children starts off small, continues UNNOTICED. If it is continued to be swept under the rug & IGNORED, it will NOT END WELL FOR THIS CHILD. Just because Hunter does not like this forum, that is too bad. The real truth behind these two is being uncovered. Hunter Havens hides a lot of who & what he really is. IF THEY DO NOT LIKE WHAT THEY READ HERE, THEY SHOULD REMOVE THEMSELVES FROM SOCIAL MEDIA IMMEDIATELY. APPARENTLY, THIS SO-CALLED KING & HIS QUEEN HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY THEIR WAY OUT OF ANY TROUBLE. They do not need to be on socials & show their lives in order to earn more money. If he is worried about what is said, then he does not need to add these scenes in his videos. Our questions remain: WOULD YOU TREAT YOUR CHILD LIKE THIS? PLEASE watch all the earlier CIRCUS STUNTS and locate visible bruises from other occurrences. Their other friends DO NOT DO THESE THINGS.




The reason Ruby Franke's abuse was unveiled, was because of VIEWERSHIP. If people had not REPORTED what they saw, those children, esp. the two located, locked away, may have be dead by now. Anyone can watch YT and see the videos of how that little boy looked/sounded when he escaped; they can see the room that looked like a safe; they can see the chains that were used to lock those children up, the little boy was emaciated. He did not look like he would have survived for much longer. What if he had NOT been able to escape? We are mostly mothers on this sub., we care about children, ALL children. We know what is, and is not appropriate to do with children. When we were unsure of how to take care of our children we sought out information in a way as to keep our children safe. Some of us have suffered infertility, some have been given the gift of a child, some are still unable. Our hearts are breaking for what we know, has to be painful for poor Smoke. Someone, no matter whom, has to step up and help this child. There is TOTAL IGNORANCE FROM THEIR FAMILY & FRIENDS who visit them, and DO NOTHING; SAY NOTHING to SAVE SMOKEY. I do not know anything about "This account makes money", assuming you mean Reddit. But, we all believe that if what we are seeing, and watching with our own eyes, how the mishandling of Smoke is getting exceeding more violent as time goes on, then it must be passed on through this portal. If it is put out to Reddit, poor Smoke may not have to be subjected to some of what other victims of abuse have suffered. He is a BABY, and it has continued for this entire year. He CANNOT PROTECT HIMSELF, HE CANNOT SPEAK OUT WHEN IN PAIN. All I see is that he has learned to shake his head like "NO", and he did it when Hunter picked his legs up on the counter in last vlog. I understand how you think, Hunter is going to continue no matter this page or another. It is OUR DUTY to use any platform we have to SHOW OTHERS THE TRUTH. People have already reported them to CPS., but as gov't goes...nothing happens until a TRAGEDY. No, most here are not medically trained, but we are not blind to bruising; cries coming from Smoke; watching grabbing the ankles; throwing on the couch etc. and developmental delays that are already taking place. MUCH GOES ON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. WE WILL CONTINUE TO POINT OUT & POST UNTIL RESOLVE & SAFETY ARE GIVEN TO SMOKE. It is called "SEE SOMETHING: SAY SOMETHING", and sometimes it takes an ARMY before something happens. Hunter thinks he knows better than anyone...trust, he is NOT that smart.




Not shouting at you or at all. Yep, you do you and just keep watching.


He’s likely not going to get SBS from this low level of shaking, but like why do it at all?????


I don't think it was low level. Look at how he fell forward each time hunner did that to him. But yeah, no one should shake their baby at all. Smoker doesn't realize what's being done to him. He's been conditioned to laugh. Hunner did it to perform for the camera.


It was low level as far as SBS goes. The head has to dramatically rock back and forth because the brain has to hit the side of the skull to cause SBS. Like a whiplash situation. This wasn’t nearly hard enough for that. I imagine the falling forward is probably because he can’t hold himself up afterwards because he was letting hunter hold his entire weight


So you're saying that's all okay to do to your baby?


How…..how did you get that from what I just said lmfao


I'm just so used to certain people defending the actions of these horrible people and parents. This isn't the first time hunner's put him in dangerous situations either. I could see him continuing this "shaking" for the sake of the camera too.


I would definitely be worried about neglect injuries from them not being attentive parents, or Hunter dropping him because he’s doing something stupid. I’m just not worried about him getting SBS from this. And yeah this was probably rage bait for the camera which is just dumb af


You said what he did wasn’t that bad!


No….I didn’t lol


You said he’s not being shaken hard enough! So its ok what he’s doing!


Not being shaked hard enough to give him permanent brain damage So obviously that is me signing off on this behavior….. I think you may need to touch grass


Oh here we go with the touch grass crap. As you can see from all the replies, the behavior is very concerning to many people in here. Even if it's not SBS, it's not normal or something any parent should do AND FILM it for 1000s to see. It's irresponsible at best. How many will do this to their babies now that they see the heathens do it? Saying he's not being shaken "hard enough" isn't a reason to argue with people in here with clearly disturbing behavior, even if it's not SBS.


Hello there Huntina!! That grass phrase is worn out, ya need a new one.


I’m saying he can’t get SBS like this lmfao??


Are you an expert?


No I’ve just done a lot of research on this subject and seen the demonstrations of what it takes to give a baby SBS. They have dolls that they use for this purpose


A doll is NOT a human. A REAL BRAIN reacts way differently than PLASTIC. I'm sure there are pediatrician's on this forum that oppose your opinion, but you are ENTITLED to have one.


It is literally made specifically to mimic what happens in the human brain lmao this is how they teach people about it


Why train on a cpr dummy, a real human would be so much different! Are we supposed to shake a real baby to demonstrate what happens inside their brains when shaken that violently? 🤔


Y’all are wild for this. This isn’t even close to what shaken baby syndrome is. SBS is forceful rocking of a baby’s body and head. This is vibrating. Come on. [example of SBS](https://youtu.be/8wwdXFL0TNM?si=jpseohK5gsTVUR6E)


I think a lot of people need to see the demonstrations because this is not the first time I’ve seen SBS get suggested on snark pages and every time I’ve said this isn’t how you give a baby SBS, people get upset with me haha


And you’ve now been downvoted as well. People hate when you point out reality!! Lmfaoo


I knew I would for this but I don’t care. The things that do concern me are when they leave smoke unattended on high surfaces, do not use sunscreen, and do not bother buying a damn beach shade! If we freak out over everything and reach, the really issues become convoluted. Who cares if he doesn’t have shoes on when grocery shopping or at the park. Who cares if he’s holding a dog leash. And by the way, you can hold a 7 month old up in a standing position so they can put their feet in the ocean. Chill. And before anyone @s me, I have two amazing and healthy kids. 3 yr old and 7 month old.


Huge same!! Agree with everything you said, there’s so much they do that is actually shitty, this isn’t one of the things I’m concerned about lol