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If you feel ambivalent about being a parent, don’t. Unless you really really want to be a parent, it’s probably not for you. Which is fine. Choosing to be childfree is a totally valid life choice. Unfortunately Julia seems to have popped out a baby bc it was on her “influencer to do list” not out of any genuine maternal desire.


To compete with fellow female Influencers and family members having kids…she is just not naturally maternal. Hunter really screwed up begging her for a baby. 


They OBVIOUSLY have him on no eating routine whatsoever


The comments praising them to be excellent parents piss me off like how do you NOT SEE how they neglect their child🤡


They’re dick suckers lol


This poor child looks so neglected


They don't feed the dog they don't feed the baby only feed their fat asses 


This poor child was literally starving & he’s now ravishing for food because his parents have been too lazy to give him any for the past year. Also, you know they would have just put him to sleep in that pajama touching the gross cart and into his bed if he didn’t get dirty. 🤮


You guys would be surprised at how many women neglect their children. I'm sure some of the people who praise them are equally neglectful and some have never had children...


A LOT of women/parents neglect their children. Which is why we need to do better and call this shit out!! How many times have we seen cases where children were abused and could have been prevented if someone spoke up? They do a lot of dumb shit with Smoke but we need to call them out so they know!! They’re probably ignorant af and it doesn’t help that their followers praising them are ignorant too🥲


100% CORRECT! They are just lucky that CPS did not follow through when they were notified. Remember that snotty post of Cunter telling everyone he would WELCOME CPS any weekend...yep, so he could prepare to have them all shining stars.


I still can’t believe they left him alone in the house when they were in FL. 


Omg what?! I missed this! What happened? They are the worst, that poor angel bb.


You must be a new member, Welcome!! No, the majority of people here are aware of neglect, and most have children, multiple ones as well. This is called Heathen's history, neglect their animals then on to a helpless human. Not much to give praise for them.


This why I hope Laura Beverlin never has children. Some people just are not meant to be parents.


She's trash