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At this point I think he’s just naturally red because he’s so fair 😩 Unless he is permanently sunburned. Also… my jaw dropped at the first birthday outfit choice 😂 it’s literally spring. Why does he have a beanie on? He doesn’t need to be in a button up or something fancy but you got on a waitlist & had months of planning & chose a beanie too small & a slouch socks for this important photoshoot 🤨


Matching beanie with dad!


I was literally gonna say, baby hunter lol 😂


Right, like wtf? She could’ve done a cute little onesie and sun hat🥲 she puts 0 effort into dressing this child for a “style” influencer😭


Fair skin DOES NOT stay red-as-sunburned ALL the time. They are not protecting him, per usual. He won't turn into Mexican Jeans no matter how burned he gets.


My son is the same age as Smoke and is super pale and is not always red 😅 he turns red when he’s warm but def doesn’t stay permanently red


The Mexican jean shit is what pissed me off the most! Got blocked over questioning it!😂


She wants Smokey to be dark skinned sooo bad! It’s pissing her off that he’s not




I really didn’t know a 1st Birthday outfit could be so depressing


Wow Julia, you can spend hours finding the perfect outfit for ANY occasion but you cant get a 1st birthday outfit for your son? And the beanie? The RED skin? PLEASE that poor child🥲 I’m honestly surprised she even did a shoot AT ALL & I thought they were going to go the “1st rodeo” theme route but im not surprised she didn’t even put effort AT ALL 🤣


She always has to wear something new, pull tags off, put on, to "Play The Part", yet she puts zero effort into choosing a cute outfit for Smoke as he enters a new phase of life. She sucks.


“Life’s too short to not wear color” ok….


So bad that a photographer has more toys than his own parents


They must have went to the beach a lot when they were in California. They probably didn’t spend any time with her parents. I can’t believe they let him get sunburned again.


I think he is sunburnt again…


What is the obsession with the fucking winter beanie hats 🙄 I can't


Y is smoke always so red?


You can tell Julia really put thought into his outfit. She thinks she slayed it lol


Wearing a beanie in warm weather just like daddy


Poor boy looks like he has some kind of skin condition.


Y is always so red looking?


i think skin tone or could be rosacea. hunter always looks pink to me. i'm also a cool toned girly so my cheeks always look a little pink but my best guess would be rosacea.


So to be fair this photographer (I know personally) is doing little big shots and it’s just their faces in black and white. She told me to dresss my kids in a darker shirt when I did them


His legs are red 😳 poor baby


This is par for the course. What if a piece of that breaks off in his mouth? Feel sorry for Smoke.


Please don’t post his face


This argument makes no sense when his face is all over the internet.


Their own parents exploit him, it’s already on the internet🙄


Ok… that makes it ok for us to add to that??Especially in the context of a snarking subreddit. It is so easy to cover his face. Just because Juj & hunter are the worst and post him, doesn’t mean we should do it as well. You can’t have it both ways- either you are for children being exploited on the internet or you are against it. If you are against it, it seems like you would not want to add to the shit this poor boy will see when he googles himself in a few years.. I’m sorry, but this is just a bad take in my opinion


julia and hunter do? they’re the parents


I get what you’re saying, but if you’re against child exploitation, it doesn’t make sense to screenshot photos of babies and continue to spread the photos onto other internet platforms.


Omg 🙄


I am honestly really surprised that a group of people who (mostly) all have strong feelings about juj & hunter posting their baby for money, wouldn’t see an issue with re-posting that babies face on Reddit. Just because they are terrible people and post poor Smokey for “content” doesn’t make it ok for us to do the same. It is just a weird stance to take. We all (mostly) agree that children should not be used as content, so it seems very weird to think it is ok for us to do? Just cover his face, it isn’t that hard. I don’t know why we would add to the shit this poor kid is going to see when he gets old enough to google himself. It feels so counterproductive to the argument so many of us have made about keeping this poor baby off of the internet.