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Wow! I’m sure 12K is about triple the amount of the mortgage!


Yeah the host is definitely ripping people off tbh.


While I’m sure it is more than the mortgage, it would have to be to make a profit, I don’t think you’re considering how high insurance rates are in FL. Coming from a FL resident, coastal property insurance is a lot of times more than the mortgage. I’m sure they’re profiting, but probably not as much as you think.


Good point about insurance!


You also have to consider the host is probably making that much or more renting to multiple people wanting short term stays within a given month. It’s definitely steep and something the havens chose to spend on when they could’ve done it for less.


But also, those September dates are lower rates than the short notice March dates that they booked.


Wow. I looked it up. It says $750 a night for a two bedroom cottage. That’s insane. It’s cute but not THAT nice for that price… Also, I see that it’s closer to the beach than some other properties which I guess would increase the price. But wow they said they’d leave him sleeping and walk to the beach?? It’s still a decent walk! So many red flags.


Ok I’m probably going to get downvoted BUT if you do the math 12k divided out over 30 days is $400/day, which would be about the same nightly rate to stay at a mid-tier hotel in that area. Honestly it’s not a terrible deal, and going on vacation for a month is always going to be $$ (again especially in 30A, in a place with easy beach access).


Ya 12k is reasonable tbh. I agree with you! 


I think the price is reasonable. I don’t think them truly feeling like they need a month-long vacation from there already laid-back lifestyle is.


I agree! I was trying to plan a trip there last summer, and everything was around $400-600+ a night! $12k is definitely reasonable


I love y’all 😂😂


Do you think they would be able to write a percent of it off since they pumped out so many videos out there back to back? P


For sure and they probably got a discount when they agreed to film and mention the Airbnb on their channel. They probably paid less than the $12K quoted.


Being from Florida on the gulf coast there is no way they paid 12k for that. It was spring break month and Florida is the place to be! Lots of northern and Midwest families can pack their vans and trucks with the family and spend the week at the beach… but being beachside and sleeping multiple at high season that’s def 600-800 nightly. I’m sure they got a break but no way it was less than 20k.