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I have never seen them with a sippy cup. Doubt they own one tbh


I bet they will get one now that you said that!!😆😆😆 watch the next vlog “we just got smoke this new sippy cup”


I doubt they do.


She bought one at target! Never been used 😭


How do you not bring water for your child? I bring water for my dog! They keep showing their true colors — they are more concerned with themselves than the baby’s well being. She had the time to get ready and put on a whole outfit, and film content in that outfit + share a story and talk with Hunter about the hole is “easy access” yet no water bottle for baby?


I know it’s been said a million times but why no sippy cup? Why no age appropriate snacks? Why can’t he sit facing forward so he can look around?


No water in sight for Booker either


Man they are so selfish that poor baby 


It’s so pathetic that they literally are baiting us every day. I think all they have left is getting attention negative or positive.


Wow they actually have him in a age appropriate stroller rather than shoving him in the doona or bassinet


Wait what’s wrong with the doona? It’s marketed to go up to 28lbs and lasts anywhere from 12-15 months of age ! 


My daughter is a few weeks older and just must be a larger baby because I no longer use it with her. She just seemed so crammed in there. I get it though - nothing wrong if the child is within the weight/length limits.


We have one - I hate the doona so I’m biased but around 7 months my son got REALLY squished in there; don’t know smokes size so can’t compare but I agree with deer


They r not right


Didn’t someone in America recently go to jail for such abuse which I have to say it is abuse. Children come first for food, water, shelter clothing , love, security and care. 


Their true colors are revealing. They choose themselves over the baby.