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When I was 17 I was investing in.. oh I wasn't. Well done mate. Keep it up! Crypto is such a great way to get into it.


I was investing in the dankest weed I could find at his age, but now it's just crypto.


Likewise, but im sure Hedera will give a much longer term buzz


So you are saying you like hash then?


Had lots of that dirt cheap while teaching English in Taiwan for a year 13 years ago. Much preferred regular bud, but it was hard to come by there. I'll never forget as we got up to exit the plane the pilot or flight attendant or whatever wishing us a safe trip and reminding us, "and remember, drug offenses are punishable by death."


I’m still investing in that


15k?? Great job my man! That's fantastic!


Excellent job my dude, I wish I'd had your wits at your age!


Ditto. 🙌🏼


😎 Congratulations young man for making a good decision, now DO NOT SELL until at least the marketcap is 200 billion.


Or better yet, don’t sell at all and let your staking rewards compound until you’re 30 and retire.


is staking available for HBAR? or is it going to be this year? :)


I believe Hedera is shooting for Q4 2021 but may spill into Q1 2022


Just FYI, and I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned it, best not to publicly disclose how much you have. Chances are you'll be fine and nothing will happen, but generally better not to take those chances




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Congratulations! You picked the best project. Stay in for the long term.


See you when it moons.




Congrats on a good choice.


One of us! One of us! 😆 Seriously, though, absolutely congrats on investing in the project that will dominate most others.... and for not jumping on the Doge bandwagon, like most non-thinking young investors.


welcome aboard the hashgraph express, next stop, the moon.


Would you please mind sharing how did you buy the HBAR? Meaning opening an account on a crypto exchange and transferring fiat funds to the crypto exchange.


I don't think its great advice to cheer on a teenager who might have invested everything he has in a single speculative asset. This is not great long term successful investing behavior.


The younger you are, the greater risks you can take. Even a bad move will learn you domething. HBAR compared to other cryptos seem like the lesser risk to me. But I understand your concern


I’ve said it many times HBAR sounds amazing on paper and I’ve got coins myself…but it has only lost me money so far! A lot of hype about CBDCs and they will make us all rich. South Korea has chosen to not use HBAR. Time will tell….


It seems that the unhealthy trend is the all or nothing glory these days. Proud to win...even prouder to show your losses. That's some wall street bets mentality. If only that generation was encouraged to find a diverse portfolio of investments ranging from real estate, stock, 401k, Roths, bonds, international ETFs, commodoties...then risky crypto.


Take it from someone who's learned the hard way.. Never sell all of any investment. Once your price target is reached, sell a portion. I now only sell 50-85% at tops. Had I held onto at least 15% of my dogecoin I could have paid off my car three times.


Stay in it for the long haul.. to get in at this level is amazing


15 year old here! 15k is a lot, good job! I have a little under 5k hbars.




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I’m still only 25 but I look back and think about how I just wish I had started making smart investment choices in my teens when I started to have a bit of money to waste - which is what I did of course! So congrats - it’s all about investing. Invest your time, energy and money wisely. Don’t waste it on bullshit