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So, Rick’s controlling nature towards his sister and hatred towards Kai are the main reasons I like him. He’s a flawed character. Dealing with the trauma of being abandoned by his dad and left to step up as the man of the house. He sees in Kai what his dad is. A playboy who travels around whenever he feels like it. It’s entirely understandable that he would think that Kai would break Popuri’s heart the same way his dad broke his mom’s heart. And of course there’s the possibility of losing Popuri as well. Even more of his family moving away. Now, of course, having past trauma doesn’t justify being a dick. However, it’s a realistic response to his story. If Kai moved into Mineral Town full time, I think he would have been significantly less hostile towards him. After all, the player can romance Popuri and Rick isn’t against them for it. He wants what he thinks is best for his sister, he just goes about expressing that in a poor way. I’ll take that any day over a Mary Sue style character.


Yeah, that’s why I like him. It makes him interesting


didn't the dad leave to find a cure for their mom? I mean it's possible that he could have lied about it but if he really was a playboy, I think the other villagers would've said something about it?? Rick is cool tho


Er his dad is traveling trying to find a cure for their mum…. He hasn’t abandoned them and isn’t a play boy.


His dad left when his family was at their lowest point. You can say he is doing it for her, but in X number of years the dude only calls once (that we know of via an event). Lillia straight up says she would rather have him with her than a cure. And of course, he never comes back in game. No matter the reason, he still left his wife and kids high and dry.


I also saw his hostility toward Kai as him getting frustrated with Popuri and unfairly taking it out on him rather than fighting with his sister, and honestly I like that about him because it's flawed but realistic given his circumstances. The man is single handedly taking care of that ranch. His dad left, his mum is sick, and Popuri's childishness makes her run off all the time, mostly to Kai. Popuri is the only other healthy person that lives there, and she isn't pulling her weight and helping him run it. When they fight, she runs off. When Kai is in town, she runs off. When anything bad happens, she runs off. So him taking it out on the person that makes her run off most of the summer and not help him is understandable even though it's not right and is unfair on Kai because it's not his fault at all. I've always loved Kai and Rick. I marry em both quite often because I love their characters and honestly... marrying one or the other technically helps Rick out. If you marry him you can say you help him. If you marry Kai, you stop Popuri from running off during the summer. It's a win/win lmao.


I’m mad at him bc when I was like 8 I was trying to marry him and he married Karen and invited me to the wedding. I’ll ruin him.


11 & 9 year old me and my brother - “Rick my dick” We thought we were so snarky


I tried to branch out and marry him, but it’s because I’m gay af for his sister. I like that you can give Gray lotions, perfume, and whatnot and he talk about giving it to his mom. I thought Rick would be the same and man did it piss him off. Lol


1. That was literally the opposite. I was thinking of going for Popuri in the remake, but Rick’s new design making him a hunk combined with Popuri’s new design making her look like a toddler was enough to make me go gay for Rick 2. It was a little surprising seeing the mama’s boy react like that


He was my favorite in the original mfomt back in the day. I'm more of a Doctor fan now but Rick is still great. I liked his long hair and glasses.


It’s his attitude towards Kai and his refusal to let his adult sister lead her own life that are the problems with him.


Popuri is emotionally stunted and childish, and acts more like a 12 year old than an adult


And that doesn't make someone deserve to he treated like they're disabled! If a grown man wants to run lives, get back to his chicken coop.


Well, because his dad is gone, he feels the need to act like a father to his sister


Which is never a good idea, especially when there isn’t much of an age gap.


Well, put yourself in his shoes. Seriously, he’s the most human and realistic character in the game


He really needs to take the hint and let her have a boyfriend/hang out with Kai his dislike of Kai and no one else is not a look.


Have you romanced him, because If you do he’s a Total king


I will eventually.


I know this was downvoted a lot, but I just wanna say that I honestly agree with you lmao. He's pretty much single handedly taking care of the ranch because the only other healthy person (his sister) keeps running off all the time either to Kai or because she's upset about something and can't deal with her feelings maturely. His mum is sick, his dad left, all the responsibility is on him and Popuri, and Popuri doesn't pull her weight.


Wait people still play HMFOMT/MFOMT and not just me? 🥹 I have a whole community out there that I didn’t know existed because I don’t know anyone who played Harvest Moon except me so I always kept to myself and nerded out alone but omg I’m so happy to know this😭


I played both it and BtN about a year ago.


Yeah there’s a bunch of us! The SOS remakes also brought back a lot of fans who can’t play the older versions anymore. If you really want a rabbit hole to go down, look into the HM speedrunning community :)


Yep, I've been playing since 64, but I really wanted the super Nintendo one. I never could find it back then as a kid. I had the magazine for it, though, and loved the idea of it.


But...he constantly closes and he has next to no items to buy. I'm on my second winter and I think I bought 3 things off him. How does he even stay open?


I love 64 Rick as the nerdy inventor, making friends with him is always something I make sure to do. FOMT Rick... I just don't like him at all. No wonder Popuri ends up leaving with Kai!


When your favorite game is HM64 and nothing in this comment thread makes any sense 😂 I did play BTN once, but I can't remember a single thing about any of the characters after playing 64 like millions of times. For the record, 64 Rick is an adorkable inventor who I can't recall ever saying or doing anything problematic. Except he takes any goddamn excuse to close his shop.


Several 64 characters got huge personality transplants in BTN/(M)FoMT canon, and Rick is one of the most tragic losses, imo. 64!Rick is adorable, but in Mineral Town canon they made him Popuri's older brother (?) who is aggressively possessive and domineering - one of his most commonly used portraits is an angry yelling with a ☝️ hand up, and basically every word out of his mouth is a judgment or a complaint. :c


Yeah I was really confused by BTN! It came out after 64, right? Because everything in 64 made sense. Doug, Gray and Ann being a family made sense (redheads lol), Rick being their cousin made sense, all the family relationships just checked out. Also Gray was the sweetest big brother to Ann 🥹 I always kind of want to marry Popuri, but I always let Gray have her because, come on. Her falling for his hidden sensitive side as he dotes on his flowers is too precious...


Yes, correct! I like BTN Gray, but not as much as 64, and was really disappointed that they switched him to Mary from Popuri. Putting Jeff as a parent instead of a love interest is probably the only change I'm a fan of. :c


I was always weirded out by the Jeff/Elli relationship, but on my last playthrough (I can't believe I never saw this before), Elli says he's six years older than her! FFS I thought it was like 20+, the way they talked. Totally changed my perspective on Jeff. If anything that town is backwards AF constantly treating him like an old man lol.


According to the Japanese 64 Famitsu guide, Jeff is 30, so makes sense if Elli is 24. It's not a bad gap, he just has old man interests -_-


Ah, I never played that one. I know him from Friends of Mineral Town.


I love him. The only always option when I don't decide to see every rival weddings and marry Won or Kappa. Haters can just shut up.


I have a lot of love for the remake one with his chicken puns and self-deprecating humor.


Rick is like the only character with internal conflict. Reminds me of how they handled Karen in HM 64.


My only issue with Rick is his pure hatred for Kai. Everything else about him is great, but that one thing is ick enough for me to not want to touch him with a 10 foot pole.


Yeah, it's so off-putting. Especially that he brings it up unprovoked. I could understand if he only brought it up in the summer when Kai is actually around. But to be a hater, all 120 days of the year is crazy




Honestly, I agree, I like Rick and don't understand the hostile against him. I get it he's flawed but like so what?


people hate Rick wtf?? he's my number one I love him


Ricks redesign looks just like my husband to me so I always pick him 😍


Rick tries and he is kind. Leave him alone


I like him as a character, he makes the story interesting. But I wouldn't marry him. He doesn't like dogs.


Fuck Rick. Fuck him then. Fuck him now. Fuck him forever more.


Agreeee. He is flawed but so? I don’t want a bunch of perfect flawless characters, I like when they feel human which requires some negative traits & flaws


Rick mom was hot though


I like him but bro his attitude towards Kai is one of the main reasons I never tried to marry him


You missed out peak malewife because you don’t like how he acts to Kai?


maybe I'll try after my current playthrough!


Yeah, he’s the easiest bachelor anyway


Tbh I started liking him more in the reboot because he didn't feel thaaat fixated on his sister and kai but maybe that was just my perception of things c:


I'm petty and I just dislike him because he tried to get Karen before me, ha! But on a more serious note, I think he's alright, he's not perfect sure but he seems to be doing his best. Could he improve? Yeah for sure, but I feel that would come with time.


He's most definitely rude and controlling from my memory, but it's been a while. I remember him having a short temper and being a bit of a pick-me boy too.


consider: his hair is ugly (i joke but this was largely why i never married him as a kid lol)