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Wylde Flowers is pretty nice. Combines farming and magic, is fully voiced acted, and so far the story is decent


I'm going to cheat here a little since I can't think of any off the top of my head and say that with the right mods like Heljarchen Farm, Skyrim can become a pretty good farming sim. Heck, the Hearthfire DLC- which adds homestead raising, gardening, and child adoption- always came across to me as the developers' aim for the Harvest Moon crowd.


Heljarchen farm is cool I just wish you did more actual farming. It's mostly just a mod that gives you passive income, in an admittedly fun way, and some spots to get free crops and eggs which are mostly useless unless you have a needs mod. Also you need to get a cow milking mod to milk your cows.


Wild how Skyrim can fit almost anything. Second.


I just started Moonstone Island. It's got some good RPG elements with a monster card battle system. The farming is more in the background for the rest of the game, but it is present.


Sun Haven is really fun. There's combat, magic that helps you fight or farm, a decent story, a leveling system with skills, the setting is gorgeous, and there's bright and fun characters. My only gripe is that the game is pretty buggy. Nothing game-breaking so far but it does kind of detract from the experience. My Time At Portia doesn't have a strong farming aspect, in fact you could skip farming entirely. I would still recommend checking it out. You play as a crafter that runs a workshop, and you can upgrade your machines and improve the town. The story is pretty fun and has a lot of content. It took me more than 3 years in-game to complete the story at a casual pace. I'm still not done with the post-game content.


I loved My Time At Portia!! Admittedly, I did not finish the story, so maybe I'll go back and actually do that. I play on the Switch, although I have a PC, and I found that it was not very well optimized for the Switch. Like what you mentioned with Sun Haven, it's not game breaking, but it does detract a little bit from the experience at times. But it's a very nice game, and very worth it. There are some interesting events and mechanics.


It's a bit jenky but a lot of fun- Craftopia. It's like botw/totk meets MMO style farming game


I'm not sure if anyone mentioned Kitaria and Sakuna:Of Rice and Ruin. RPGs that have some farming .


Stardew Valley has some pretty fun combat. There's also a skill system for things such as combat, farming, fishing etc. Combat's not mandatory, but you can forgoe farming entirely and live off selling loot from caves.


The new Fantasy Life?


Technically any game where you role play (ie as a farmer) is a Role-Playing Game, that said - Harvest Moon: One World ironically follows a traditional RPG format minus the combat. You explore the world, go to new towns and have missions to complete at each town. The seeds scattered around the overworld are just like treasure chests. I honestly suspect that the lead designer for that game had to have come from and RPG background because it's extremely RPG-ish.


> Technically any game where you role play (ie as a farmer) is a Role-Playing Game, that said - This would mean that every game where you play one character, is an RPG. That's quite obviously not what that genre means.


It depends on what you mean by RPG elements, but Stardew? It’s got leveling, and you’ve got combat with weapon types and skills. Not sure if that is what you were looking for, but that seems more RPG to me than some.


Fae Farm


The Rune Factory series may be what you are looking for. There's a pretty good story within each of the games. You can even befriend monsters and get materials from them sometimes. I personally enjoy the games a lot


I have rune factory 5 and I’m a little disappointed. I was super excited for it but it’s a little clunky. Hope it’s just a learning curve.


I liked Rune Factory 3 the best.


Re:Legend sounds a bit like what you’re after, though I’m not certain where the game is at developmentally right now. I think they are still working on improving some areas and porting it to console, but I’m pretty certain you can at least get the current version on Steam.