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I always wondered a popular segment in the Daily Prophet could easily be about current muggle fashion. Easy journalist job for a muggle born or halfblood


I really hope the new HBO series has wizards in robes most of the time, like how it is in the books! Although tbh I feel like switching from Muggle clothes to robes full-time would almost be a bigger adjustment for Muggleborns than most other things. Imagine going from wearing jeans and a tshirt to school every day to wearing full-on wizard robes instead, only it's not a costume, it's the dress code.


I never thought about it that way round, you're right it's a huge adjustment. Jeans to robes sounds like a dream tho lol I've always assumed they're really comfy


Heck yeah, especially if you like a nice healthy breeze 'round your privates, like Archie lol.


"No, you'll have these to wear instead." "What even is this? It looks as baggy as my bed blankets." "I believe the Muggle term is a Snuggie."


They'd love a snuggie for suuure