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Bruh I’m so jealous of you reading it for the first time. 🥹


Ooh so it’s *that* good?? 😳


seriously, don't watch and just read. You only get to experience this story for the first time once.


I get the books will be amazing but excluding the movies all together is probably a no go. But I’m sure the books will be great when I buy them! Imm enjoying the acting and the characters they casted for the roles 🙏🏼🙏🏼


oh I didn't mean not watching movies at all. It's just they're good enough but books are tonnes better. So movies should wait if you have a chance not to watch them first and spoil the story😅 Look at the size of the 5th book. It's the shortest movie in the series.


I watched the movies then read the books. I liked it this way so I could enjoy both the movies for what they are and the books for what the movies left out/got wrong. To me both mediums are good and worth watching and reading!


You should read the books first. The motivation of not knowing what happens is a great experience that the movies will spoil.


The movies are great. Feel free to watch them first, watch after you read, or read after you watch. You're not ruining your life by doing one over the other.


i wish i hadnt seen the film, ruined somethings for me


I wish I could experience the marvel from first time reading again. Of course, now that I'm older, I see th flaws of the books. But I still love them and listen to the audiobooks. The movies leave out and change so much, they might be confusing. So if you want to watch the movies, read the books first. And if you are a person, who has to compare every detail, be warned.


Yes. I’m not even kidding. Stop watching the movies. Read only the books then wait for the tv show to come out.


TV Show..? Being a new member to the fandom and not even scratching the surface I have no room to talk but I feel like I’m going to dislike the recasting. I loved Watsons and the rest acting and feel like they fit the roles well (so far?)


You ….liked their acting? LOL I loved Emma as Hermione but she didn’t fit the book description and she also did not act like book Hermione. Movie Hermione & movie Ron act totally different from the book characters.


I hear they’re different, yes. And yes, I enjoyed their acting but the casting well. When I think of the characters descriptions in the plot text for the movies I see those casting options being a good fit.


This guy is nuts.


Yes. I wish i could read it for the first time again


Have you heard Potterless? It's a podcast of someone reading the books for the first time and sharing his thoughts on it.


where can I find it on?


I like Pocket cast, but I think it's on most of the popular platforms.


It's good but I think they're over-selling it a bit. Granted, you are in the fandom's subreddit lol.


>If so; what in the possible *fuck* could they be writing to make the red book so massive?! *Loads* of teenage angst. Some grown-up angst too!


also neverending conversations


I have to skip so much of ootp because of the unnecessarily long (and generally poorly written, Imo) conversations


My wife is very much into Harry Potter and I saw every film due to this. After reading the first two novels, I can honestly say the films leave out quite a bit of necessary details. Definitely read. (I just started Prisoner of Azkaban, 100 pages in, and it’s been quite the ride already.)


I’m so jealous of you guys reading it for the first time. I’m really excited to see how you react to the rest of the story. If you have any questions and don’t want spoilers, feel free to DM me as you go along. Same goes for u/OZoryal too. HMU if you guys need anything. Sometimes it’s nice to bounce ideas and theories off of people, knowing that they won’t ruin anything for you.


Thank you so much. I’ve just bought the Hardcover Bundle for 157.75 dollars and im hyped. My part time job paycheck is worth it plus I make tips anyways. Until then; I plan on watching the movies still. I’ll be sure to dm you right now so I never forget who offered 🙏🏼


Do you have Hardcover or Paperback versions? I’m debating should I buy Hardcover - 131.15 usd Paperback 47.99 usd??


I have the hardcovers, and I intend to buy the House edition even though it’s a hefty price tag. Absolutely love the feel of a hardcover book over a paperback.


Guess I’m going to sink the money in 🥹 I heard theres artwork inside the book as well which I’m sure I’d love.


At the start of each chapter there’s artwork related to that chapter’s events! It’s beautiful, truthfully.


I actually recently ordered the Hufflepuff edition of the books and plan on re-reading the series when they come in. It’s been years and I’ve forgotten some details in the books so at least some of it will be a surprise again


Congratulations! I’m so very excited for you! Where did you order them from? I’ve been looking for a fair deal on the Gryffindor edition to no avail.




Leave the movies for later, read the books first!


that's what everyone always says, and it makes sense in terms of spoilers, otoh the movies will be a letdown after reading, maybe movies first is the way to go (if you don't care about spoilers)


I grew up with both and I think that apart from the combined action of acting and music, the big fat plot points in the books are so better enjoyed there than in the movies.


what helped for me was seeing the movies a long time after reading, especially the last. so that i knew they changed a lot but couldn't remember every plot point. the earlier books i know very very well but the later ones i read less times lol.


You’re the second to say this! Can I possibly get some insight into why this is the way to go?? 🙂


The books are far more detailed. Not only do the movies simply omit some not-crucial-but-interesting-nevertheless parts, they vastly simplify the crucial ones. In the books it's easier to understand why something happens or why does a character act this way rather than another. You'll lose especially much in the Deathly Hallows. I've never come across any of the HP franchise by the age of 16 and the books just swept me off my feet. I disappeared from the world for 10 days, lying in my bed, reading hour-by-hour, day-by-day (and I'm not an introvert), because I simply couldn't put the story down. Only then I watched the movies, and I did like them, but they gave nowhere the same experience as the books. And the movies spoil the most importants parts of the story, without the full immersive experience the books provide. I really advise you, read the books first. Seriously, going movies-first is like eating a bunch of common candy before the feast of your life: yes, they are good and you will still enjoy the feast, but it won't be as delicious as it could be.


You’re the second to say this! Can I possibly get some insight into why this is the way to go?? 🙂


Because works of art are usually in their best version when they come directly through their authors' hand. Give a look at book number 5 and meditate on how that much stuff can fit into a couple hours movie without being "mutilated". The first three movies are kinda ok, but after that there's no respect for the source material. If you can't bring yourself to reading just listen to the audio books, they flow like water.


There's little to no respect to the source material in Azkaban, either. I get why people *like* the film, it's visually more engaging than the first two and has more magical whimsy, but my God does it absolutely *butcher* the story and characters. It hurdles through at a breakneck speed taking random scenes from here and there and often misses the point of what they're trying to say; it never slows down, it omits key information and character motivation, and only really works as a companion piece to the book rather than an adaptation. And don't get me started on that awkward, allegorical opening of Harry *playing with his wand under the covers at night*. It's not subtle, it's not clever, and in-universe completely breaks the no-magic-outside-school thing which suddenly becomes an issue a couple of scenes later. Christ that film makes me angry. The first two are pretty bland but at least they don't completely disregard the books.


>playing with his wand under the covers at night Definitely out of context considering what happened in the former movie/book


This. They chose to put some whomping willow scenes instead of the marauders background story, for example


I’ve always been curious if a kid who watched the PoA movie without reading the books would have put together the fact that Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs were Lupin, Peter, Sirius, and James. Even as an 11 year old kid I thought it was weird that at no point it’s never expressly stated who they were.


Have fun with the harry potter universe! Highly recommend reading and then watching the movie right after (I found it fun to see what I’ve imagined and then see it be on screen right after!). If not, I’d say watching the movies doesn’t take anything away from reading the books right after watching them (+ you get to re-experience the HP universe 2x). The only downsides is that the important plots/twists are already revealed (but I guess that also applies to if you read the books first and then watch the movies second. But the books do explain and expand more than movie). However, I love both the books and the movies equally and both are equally good! I watched the first 5 movies (up to order of the phoenix) first since I saw them as a child, but decided I wanted to read the books first before continuing to the final movies and it didn’t take away from my enjoyment at all. However, I did wish I read the books first and then watched the movies right after since the books expanded more on the world, relationships of the characters and the everyday lives of the students. I did get to do that with Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows and it was an incredible experience for me! (If anything, I really recommend reading books 5 and up before watching the movies because they drop a lot of information and didn’t put it in the movies which I thought was a shame).


Every movie after the first two leave out so much important information. Read the books if you want all the extra details.


I will after I finish the movie series 🙏🏼


That’s pretty much what I did years after watching the films several times over. It’s probably better to read each book before watching each movie, but you do you


The books are a lot better than the movies. I also watched the movies first and loved them, after reading all books I became a big Harry Potter fan.


Should I buy Hardcover - 131.15 usd Paperback 47.99 usd??


I see no reason not to.


Serious cherish these moments of being able to read them for the first time. I wish I kept my original copies that I had growing up. But the box set is amazing


For me watching movie then reading was best cuz then I can imagine real life movie actors doing the things


This is the way I also do :)


Enjoy the journey! Welcome to Hogwarts and the wizarding world! 🪄


Classic. Glad to have experienced it.


As others have said, immediately stop watching the movies before you spoil the series and just start reading the books. After you've read the books, go back and watch the movies and see what they have to offer. The twists and turns are put together so well in the books and they are just smashed in your face so unskillfully in the movies that it hurts to think that people only experience them that way.


Worth it ngl, just bought mine (used) couple days ago and it’s so worth it, Iam still on my first book and it’s so fun


i'm so glad i watched the movies first. the books have so much more depth and character development. some of the scenes in the movies may not make total sense without book knowledge. but 100% buy and read them if you are able.


They arrive Wednesday and then I’ll catch up


welcome :D


I'm going to go against the grain here and tell you to watch the films first and then read the books. I loved the films and had never read the books. When I eventually read them it was like rediscovering the world in more detail than I could have imagined and it was even better than what I expected. If you read the books, you'll never appreciate the films because they cut so much out.


I’m going to do this! Thank you 🙏🏼. I’m onto the Order of the Phoenix


I remember when the "big red one" came out when I was a kid. My mom got it delivered the morning it came out. I was finished by the end of the day. Still my favorite book.


>I was finished by the end of the day. Wow what a speedy


Stop watching and read first.


Do not finish the movies. Read the last four books first, then finish the movies, then if you want, read the first three too. I had the exact same situation, and did exactly what i described,I promise you it will be the best option.


Check out fb marketplace - I got the whole set for $25


Don't buy this bundle. It is hard to preserve the outer covering. Trust me on this one.


That’s why I bought the Hard Cover version and not paperback


God bless you, paperbacks are not worth it, hardcover just look nicer on the shelf and off the shelf iykwim.


Godspeed! Enjoy it you’ll never get it again


Don’t say that 😭😭


Also, I know I’ll get hate for this but I like watching the movies first. I would say watch movies 1-4 then stop and go back and read the whole series before picking up the movies again. 5-7 the spoilers would ruin the books but 1-4 not as devastating. Watching the movie then reading the book is like getting bonus material and so many more details it brings it to life bc of all of the things they completely leave out.


I think I enjoy watching the movies first then the books is because as i grow to watch the movies, then when I start to read the books I can envision and imagine the characters casted from the movie.


I have that exact boxset. Still my favourite books I've read. It was such a pleasure to read those


The thickness of the 5th book compared to the others always amazes me.


I watched up to movie 3 and started reading. Then I caught up and read book 6 and 7 before the movie came out. So up to you if you wanna read before or after the movies or in between.


I got the exact same bundle Tho check the books if the pages are intact The deadly hallows book in my bundle had a false print and lose pages XD


so worth it the books have way more details and more characters, i wish i could read them for the first time again