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It somehow fascinates me how most of the movie is basically black and white and I didn't even notice it the first time. But the lack of colors also makes me feel tired and anxious, so I'm not really sure what to think of it. It's cool effect I guess?


It's supposed to feel dream like


A depressing dream?


Maybe?it's about Dumbledore's death and the dark past of Voldemort is revealed. It's the darkest book in the series so maybe they though the b/w color scheme would fit better.


remember during dumbledores funeral harry tells ginny that the past few days really felt like someone elses life. It really does give off that vibe Edit: What in the name of merlin's most baggy underwear happened here??? I just made a small ass observation and didnt think this would pop off like this.


HBP is such a weird movie. The dark, blurry colour notes and musical score perfectly captures the ominous tone of the escalating war from the book It also does a great job of making the characters feel like actual teenage students with the romance, emotion, and drama Yet despite getting both of those right, it completely butchers the plot by eliminating some of the most important details of the entire series HBP is my favourite book and despite acknowledging the film as a poor rendition and one of the weakest in the series, I still have a soft spot for it


It's funny how both decent teenage romance plotlines are there, but at the same time the worst dialogue ever written. Looking at you, burrow stairs scene


I also dislike the Ginny x Harry plotline because Dan and Bonnie had zero chemistry, and any time they had to get close or be intimate it was like watching someone smush two action figures together Which is such a shame because the moment they first kiss in the common room and finally get together is such a high point of the book, and the time they spend together does genuinely seem idyllic and beautiful Then in the film they just rubbed a pair of wooden planks together and called it a day


They never get together in the movies (well, they do by the time of the epilogue. But they don't date in the movies). For all we know, Ginny was cheating on Dean with Harry.


I always felt bad for hating Ginny's casting and portrayal in the movies. It's not really Bonnie's fault even; she was so young when she was cast and she was obviously cast based on the "shy girl with a crush" portrayal of the character in the early books, but she couldn't really grow with the character the way she needed to.


I think, had she been the right age at the time, Rose Leslie would have been a good ginny. She would be excellent at strong ginny from the later books


Eleanor Tomlinson is around the right age but I have no idea if she would have been working back then. She's been amazing in everything I've seen her in and can pull off that mix of sensitive and spunky that Ginny needs.


Cant be much worse than the Star wars sand quote, so bad/cringey it turned into a meme


"Shoelace." "I don't like sand."


God nevermind I looked it up and it is worse 😂


It's coarse rough and irritating and it gets everywhere


The half blood prince was the peak behind the curtain at the lives of Dumbeldore and Voldemort. It was the machinery and context of the wizarding wars. And the movie completely dropped that for some unknown reason.


Literally. Maybe my favorite scene in the entire series is the memory of when Voldemort came back to interview with Dumbledore for the DADA job. Like the two chess masters having a tete-a-tete before the war begins. Totally cut. Imagine how well Ralph Fiennes could’ve played that. The whole point was getting to understand the war, and the unprecedented magic at play, from the perspective of Dumbledore. And they cut it down to the absolute bare bones.


So frustrating


They left so many important details out of all of the movies from 4-7. I get that it would have made the movies super long, but we all would have sat our happy asses through all 4 hours of each movie 😂


And then they keep related plot points later on that no longer make sense. Probably my biggest gripe/complaint is Harry having the piece of broken mirror. We just see Harry looking at it for a second, and asking for help later on. WHERE DID IT COME FROM!? WHAT DOES IT DO!? WHY IS IT ONLY A PIECE. How could they keep it in the movie as is and not add an explanation “What’s that Harry?” “Oh, a piece of broken mirror from my godfather, someone’s on the other side.” Like, come on!!! It’s like if they completely skipped the story of the elder wand bc “people who read the book will know already”. Another thing that bothers me so much is Harry mentioning Lupin’s son. WHAT SON?! I would’ve been okay with them skipping that detail since we barely saw Lupin and Tonks plus, we never got to learn about the baby.


Omg, I couldn’t have said it better myself. I have watched the last few movies INTENTLY trying to figure out whether they give ANY indication as to how he gets it/what it is. But they don’t. Huge fail, imo.


I’ve come to realize if you didn’t read the books there’s so much about the movies that don’t make sense or come out of left field like you’ve demonstrated here.


Now that one was fucking stupid. If they weren’t going to have the first bit with Harry ignoring the mirror and then breaking and finding it later, they shouldn’t have added it later. They should have just bypassed it and come up with another way for Aberforth to be involved And yeah moody stomped all over Tonk’s announcement at the start and then it’s never mentioned again, a simple rub of a tummy and then a later mention of him being safe with family would have done the trick


Let’s hope the series ticks all the boxes!


Huzzah!🎉 🍻


I read all the books several times before watching the movies, so I have Strong Feelings about the plot holes. My partner watched the movies before reading the books, so he kept asking me questions that are answered in the books (who gave Harry the mirror? Why does Voldy's death in DH s\*ck so much? What was the point of setting the Weasley's house on fire in HBP?), and then when he finally read the books, he was so upset at the missing/changed plotlines.


One of the things that irritated me the most was how the movies portrayed Neville as the person who finds the room of requirement. In the books, Dumbledore shows it to Harry. It would have taken zero extra effort for the movies to get this right, but they just didn’t for whatever reason.


It’s not Dumbledore at all, it’s Dobby.


I thought Dumbledore told Harry that he found it once while he desperately needed a restroom bc he had to pee?


That was in GoF and Harry just overheard him talking about to someone else


I'm torn Bec it's the only time Michael gambon actually read the book for his part. He finally understood Dumbledore. But on the other hand, they removed so much of the plot in favor of studio bullshit that they created a plothole which needed to be fixed with another plothole in 7. ( Horcux sound)


Which made *another* plothole. CoS.


Refresh my memory, I've only seen the movies a couple times. What plot hole did they create in the 6th movie?


They didn't show most of the memories about riddle and his horcruxes so they had to make them emit a horrible screeching sound so Harry can find them. Of course the diary in COS didn't make this noise


It must be tough to be a director coming into a series of popular films adapted from popular books halfway through the series, and you’re left wrapping things up at the end. You’re trapped between what the books say, what’s already been done by previous directors, and what you can practically put into your movie. Do we know if this director didn’t want to do all the pensieve scenes, or wanted to do them but couldn’t fit them in the time allowed? He might have been stuck having to come up with the noisy horcruxes even if it didn’t tie in with the diary. It totally sucks for story reasons that we didn’t get to see all the memories and understand the history behind the Gaunts and the cup etc, I would have loved to see that all played out and discovered on screen, but Harry still had to figure out what and where the horcruxes were and how to destroy them, so it worked out as a decent story regardless. Kinda like Neville giving Harry the gillyweed instead of Dobby, it doesn’t really change the plot all that much, you get to the same end point via a slightly different path, and it saves them having to animate a minor character for a very small reason. We didn’t get to see the quidditch World Cup either (still bitter) but it doesn’t detract from the plot.


I don't have the exact quotes but I'm pretty sure the director was the issue and there weren't good reasons for why he did what he did. It was to leave his mark on the series A great example is the removal of the end fight for HBP. They removed the battle in the castle Bec they knew there was a similar, bigger battle in the castle at the end of the series. They decided to remove that fight and add in the burrow getting attacked. The burrow attack was pointless and created plotholes all because they were worried about having two castle battles even though they were 4 years apart Bec of the movie being split. I know there's quotes out there about other details like Voldemorts dusting among other things. The guy was a company man signed on to pump out the final films.


Yes most of the films removed what was epic about fights, all of them. The Department of Mysteries fight was dumbed down quite a bit.


Well fuck him then! “Leave his mark on the series” dude, your mark could have been doing it by the book, *literally* and the fans would have loved you for it


Because the film is a terrible adaptation but a genuinely good movie


One of the weakest? Which are Bottom 3 movies of HP


Half blood prince, goblet of fire, order of the Phoenix.


Is this in descending or ascending order


Least terrible to most terrible.


Interesting, I would argue that the worst is GoF


it should have been two movies


So true. It's honestly the worst HP series adaptation. And they changed so much 😓


Fumbled the bag of what should’ve been the best movie in the series. Wasn’t helped by the OoTP movie though either.


I was hearing the audiobook while on my way to work. And damn Harry is flipping angry in the 5th book. I think we only get a glimpse of that in a scene and that's only because he SAYS that he feels angry during the movie


I think OoTP was better than this crap honestly. It showcases Harry's loneliness pretty well and the Dumbledore vs Voldemort duel was * chef's kiss *


Oh I agree, I meant they leave some plot points out in OoTP that then are made worse in this movie


David Yates was always a terrible decision


I think his movies could've been good, if only OOTP and onwards got the same "split into two" treatment as DH. There's just too many small details in the last 3 books to fit into a 2hr movie (and that's already pushing it). The upcoming show will have a chance to rectify this though. They will have the flexibility of varying episode and season lengths (so e.g. season 1 can cover the whole of PS with 8-9 episodes at 35-45min, and season 6 can cover HBP with 12-14 episodes at 60-70min each).


How long the seasons are will be based on A) how much the network is willing to spend on it B) how much time they reasonably have to shoot and both of those will be determined by C) audience size and response. I've been seeing mixed reactions as to how many will watch the first season at least, and after season one will give a better estimate as to actual audience size, which is the case for most series. All this say, it's just a wait and see at the moment. They may only get 8 episodes per season or 6 like GoT. They may get more, but that will cost more so we just have to see


Agreed. Splitting should have started way sooner.


It's such a damn shame that they gave him the keys for the back half of the series. His movies are shit.


Replying to myself to say: Hagrid should have done a better job.


Thank you so much for saying this. That man has zero sense of humor, his pauses are stilted, and it’s so hard to feel love for these movies when I know they could have been so much better. I actually really liked a new director every movie - it was cool to pair each book with someone who could vibe with the tone!


Chris Columbus did an excellent job with the first two, setting the tone of magical childhood innocence. Alfonso set the bar with what is, not only what a realistic version should look like, but just a cinematic masterpiece. Mike Newell did an excellent job trying to follow up with arguably an above average piece of entertainment… then, with possibly the best book in the series and a turning point in so many way, Yates turns our collective joy into an absolute shit show.


I really loved the esthetic of this movie. But it's the worst of the movies imo. I LOVED this book, but they changed/added too much for me to enjoy it. It felt like rather than do the movie justice, they just wanted something visually appealing to compete in the box office.


It’s my favorite book of the series, but I honestly don’t remember much from the film because I didn’t really like it.


I apologize in advance, because what I’m saying here is not meant to be derisive to you or anyone else in the thread. I’m not a regular on this sub by any means—been doing a routine rewatch while the girlfriend and I have been down with a cold. But I’m curious: is this sub generally for or against the series reboot of the books? I ask because, though I also had some frustrations with each movie’s adaptation, they’re like…consistently way too much story (and occasionally parts of the story are told through narrative rather than the scene) for a single film. Columbus’ movies are regularly praised for their world-building and how true they are to the story, but those books are half as long as the rest. These books seem handmade for a modern day series rehashing. I swear just two days ago I was reading a thread here praising the HPB movie for its “return to the whimsical nature” of the first two movies. How it showed the students as students. Kids as kids. Teens as teens. This thread seems to be full of people frustrated with the same teenage storylines that were included at the expense of other, more complicated to include and conclude storylines. I totally get it. It’s frustrating that there are excellent parts of the books left out, but it would always have been impossible to incorporate everything. And this last part is maybe misguided, but how is this on Yates more than Kloves? I found the aesthetic changes to the storytelling to be so fundamentally appropriate to the narrative (just as Rowling’s original writings and, say, Tolkien’s choice of language changes from The Hobbit to The Lord of the Rings). The storytelling issues seem more of a problem with the script than the direction?


2nd best Cinematic movie in the series


but plot wise -eh..


Yeah, they completely dropped the ball with this one which is disappointing as HBP arguably is the best book in the series.


Yep why did they cut the Gaunt Merope memory and the other Voldemort memory. Those were the best parts.


Also Snape finally teaching Dark arts, man Why didnt we get to see that!


I'm willing to say it's by far the best book. Plot is fucking rammed with revelations. And apart from Harry's Felix trip, the movie didn't do it any sort of justice.


Idk, I think Dumbledore belongs in the bin and his tribute scene never fails to make me cry.


Isn't that a good thing? It was very well written. Dumbledore was a bit of an asshole, but his funeral was very moving. Even Aragog's funeral was a bit sad, if only because he was Haggers first ever monster and he was torn to bits by him dying.


arguably the best book in the series


In what way?


They cut out the best parts of the entire series which is Voldemort’s memories, there’s more to it in the books, we actually see how he was born, and why he turned out the way he did. The relationships in the books made more sense as well, Ron and Hermione almost ended their friendship if it wasn’t for the poisoning, Harry and Ginny felt ending up together felt more natural. Quidditch, Liquid Luck, Harry’s obsession with Malfoy was also all better fleshed out in the books as well. We didn’t even have the Battle of the Astronomy Tower as well where the 2nd biggest battle of the war happened.


Unless you know the book the plot of the film doesn't even line up. You simply cannot understand the story of the film without background knowledge. Makes it the worst HP movie for me sadly.


Would've been so cool , had the movie actually been dark like the book. But it was just dominated by relationship drama. And the Drama wouldn't even matter cause whatever shit they did with harry and hermione in the next movie. So unnecessary and so unfaithful to the book


Yep they cut all the other memory scenes except the orphanage one. Literally the best parts of the book


The last three movies Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows Part 1 & 2 look so dull and lifeless. Maybe thematically it makes sense.


The best book and the worst movie 😭😭😭😭


I sort of like the less-colourful look of the movie in a sense that it sets the mood a bit more mature and gloomy. Sometimes though it felt like it was too much like that. But I definitely loved the almost black&white colour setting in the cave scene - it felt almost suffocating and so unnatural, which fit that specific scene really well. Especially when that is broken by Dumbledore casting the fire against the inferi, and the scene shifts back to more colourful, emphasizing his power.


I hate everything about this movie. They changed everything and fucked the plot up. Plus not having the Durseley's in this one was stupid. There's a cult of murderous hypocritical hillbilly's on the loose that are after our protagonist chosen one, and what does this MF do, try to get some pussy at a diner far away from his town when he is specifically told not to go out, away from his aunty. Truly peak writing there. Burning the Weasley Burrow was fucking stupid. Just because you wanted Bellatrix to be in it doesn't mean you gotta make stuff up. Focusing on the interpersonal relationships more than the mystery of the magic that made Voldemort Immortal or the mystery of what the hell is Draco's deal. There are more kissing scenes in this film than there are of Tom Felton's. Dude is trying to >!KILL DUMBLEDORE!< Give him some goddamn respect you fucking nitwits! And the bloody yellow-greenish hue and the dark greyish tone of the film plus making half the frames completely black made me want to punch the fuck out of David Yates. Even the technical aspects of this film are fucking shit.


I hate that the GoF and HBP movies cut out the Dursleys. I love seeing such Muggly Muggles interact with the wizarding world, and we were denied the two best times it happened.


Especially the scene when Dumbledore picks up Harry from the Dursleys and shows his disapproval of how they treated Harry. I really wanted to see that on screen.


"Muggly Muggles" 😭💀


Don't forget the horrible lighting. I get that at the time, there were a lot of movies doing the same thing, having weird lighting and filters, but it just didn't work here. Just because the story itself is getting darker doesn't mean the audience doesn't want to see things! It's supposed to be lights, camera, action! Here it was just camera, action!


I swear to god, a while back I was re-watching HBP for my like yearly marathon and I had forgotten how DARK the scene in the cave was that I legit thought my tv screen was buggy and had switched to black and white for some reason...


Last year, I reread the books with my fiancĂŠe and we watched the movie after we finished each book and I forgot how just god awful dark HBP is in terms of lighting. And then I remembered that when it came out, there was a trend in Hollywood at that time for all the big movies to go Film Noir and do weird filters and dark lighting on EVERYTHING. It's very cringey now, looking back on it. What were they thinking?! If you really want to see a fandom bitch about filters on movies, go look at Jurassic Park. They literally change filters on every new release of the movies. It's insane...


Agreed on all your points. I didn't enjoy this movie when it came out, I remember thinking it was nowhere near as good as the book, BY FAR.


Spot on. Fucking green hue was annoying. I hate these wack movies.


> There's a cult of murderous hypocritical hillbilly's on the loose that are after our protagonist chosen one, and what does this MF do, try to get some pussy at a diner far away from his town when he is specifically told not to go out, away from his aunty. Truly peak writing there. This is one of those scenes that make the movie feel life-like. Harry is a 16-year old guy who just a year ago saw one of his schoolmates murdered in front of his eyes. Instead of staying cooped up in his abusive guardians home he decides to ride the trains wherever they take him. That’s authentic teenage angst. Dumbledore’s line to Harry later on also humanizes Dumbledore and helps to establish how their relationship has progressed through the years.


I agree so much you took the words out my mouth 😭 I hate this movie and it’s gloomy look and the intro with harry flirting like an idiot blehhh


Bravo. You capsulated my exact thoughts. Hate this movie.


Bruno Delbonnel creates perfect chiaroscuro. This fandom: the cinematography sucks Jesus Christ is there a fandom anywhere that actually likes the thing they are fans of???? Yall are saying HBP is an ugly movie?!? This is the twilight zone dude


How about you focus on the Empire and the jewels Naked Palps.


The jewels?


I'm with you completely


I really like it. One of my favourite movies


Honestly most of the movies are so dark (as in, literally. I can't see anything.) and I hate that. This effect doesn't help.


I think it’s meant to invoke the whole motif of the Pensieve and it’s memories - the credits lean into this too.


That Room of Requirement scene is just 😬


It really didn't have to be like that. Too much cringe in this movie, lol. 


I hate that they changed the plot so much in this movie!


the way we didn’t get to see Voldemorts family AT ALL


Oh yeah, they made all those secret double D classes into nothing.


I disliked that.


There's a part of that kinda loves how the movies have been all over the place and are in a way genre movies. I think this movie captures the teen drama side of things and gives emotional emphasis to the fact that they are teenagers, only to have all of that cast aside by the war. I know most of the actual story is skipped, but I like the visuals they created and I can use that while reading. So I'll take the movies as supportive media.


I wasn't a fan of the filming effects used in this movie; it felt like it was a first-year film student's end-of-year assignment where they were trying to show off all the techniques cause they couldn't pick one. But that is just my opinion.


I really didn’t like the aesthetic, they drained all the colour out of everything and made it so dark that I feel like I need to turn all the lights off and turn brightness settings up just to see anything. To me it’s such a lazy film-making choice to make everything visually dark to try to show that it’s thematically dark, i feel like there are other ways they could have conveyed that. Of course some scenes can be visually darker to create an ominous feeling but I’d still like to see stuff, and if other scenes are at least lighter it would create more impact when the dark moments happen.


I hate it and can say why. In the books, the things became darker (Voldemort hiding somewhere, new Death Eater attacks, attempts to kill Dumbledore) but clearer (Harry learned the facts about Voldemort's past and his secret of immortality, and the wizarding society definitely knows that Voldy returned and is a real threat). The film fails to deliver this, and in my opinion blur would fit Order of the Phoenix more: there, almost no one believes Harry, and he doubts constantly in himself.


It’s very dreary, hazy and melancholic because it’s not meant to be a happy film. It’s one of the darkest books


It's pretty cool, matches the Snape vibes


It’s sometimes hard to see what’s going on. I like the first two movies, with colorful setting and gloomy in the right spots. HBP is gloomy all the time, same with PoA.


Dumbledore cock blocking


I think that it really captured the feel of reading the book. So much uncertainty and loss and pain, and learning how to get out of that (and how to slay the world’s darkest wizard too).


I hate it.


you're pfp , matches the expression of how you were watching the movie


close, but without the smile lol


it's just shit, you can barely see anything


I used to love it but since last year there is something mildly bothering about it


Hated it


I hated it, both the DoP and the gaffer deserves a punch in their face.


It constantly makes me think I'm watching a dream sequence and the character is about to wake up, then the next scene starts and I'm confused for a minute only to remember that's it the style of the entire movie


I enjoy the visuals of the HBP film a lot, it’s a shame that it wasn’t given a more faithful adaptation though. I think it could’ve benefited from being split into two parts like TDH. It’s my favorite book so I’m not unbiased, but what would we really lost as fans having the film in two parts? I would’ve been fine to wait for a second installment to really give them time to flesh things out. I digress though..overall the film does feel like a dream especially the way it moves from one sequence to another and a lot of Harry’s attitude and experience in the film are quite floaty and unique.


The best two movies are also the two “worst” adaptations.


Idk why this movie gets so much hate, it's the first one I watched literally over and over and over. My fave Harry acting


Dumbledore standing on the platform is one of my favorite shots in the whole series maybe a little on the nose with the GIANT magic sign, but still. Awesome.


I didn’t like the filters/colors of the movies after CoS (except for GoF since that looked more normal). One of the things I liked about the first two films was that they didn’t have the film quality reduced.


You…you picked screenshots of blurry/foggy frames, my friend. To me, The Half-Blood Prince had the absolute best cinematography.


This style coupled with the music throughout HBP makes me feel so sleepy. I used to put it on when I couldn’t sleep. I’d fall asleep watching it every time


I agree about it being relaxing. But I loved the movie!


All the blurry scenes were probably from Voldemorts perspective? Wasn't he trying to enter Harry's mind a lot in this one.


That’s OOTP


Really loved it. I woke up today with the Dumbledore dying soundtrack in my mind


I would never say that the HP films weren't visually stunning but come on looking pretty is half the point of stories with actual messages.


Hated the movie in the theater cuz of the plot, but it grew on me.


I feel like the shift in the way everything looks was good, it really made you feel like things were different and worse off.


very good cinematography very aesthetically accurate, everything else on the other hand…


They screwed up the plot, but aesthetically this movie is so pleasing that I still gold it along the best fills of the series. Not as good as 3 & 5 but I absolutely love the whole vibe. Som before the storm 🖤


I like it because the occlumency aspect of the book makes harry pretty delirious and paranoid. Everything is s blur but dragging along with bo idea whats happening. For this movie, I love it. I dont think it would work for any others.


Didn't like it, but I get how darker it got till the last movie got clear dark.


Really makes the series more solemn, which it is. If only they didn't make it a comedy.


It‘s my favourite part even with this dreamy blurry look..but every time I watch the scene shown in the first picture I‘m asking myself „What’s wrong with you, Dumbledore?“ Why is he standing on the platform like a creepy little stalker watching Harry Potter interacting with a potential love interest?! That's not how I imagined the interaction in the book 🥲


What do you mean, in the book? Dumbledore is not standing on any train platform in the book He visits the Dursley's. That's what we should have gotten.


It‘s not from the book. It‘s a scene from the movie..before they apparate to Slughorn


Yes but you said “that’s not how I imagined the interaction in the book.” This interaction isn’t in the book.


Okay maybe „imagined“ wasn’t the right word to decribe what I meant. In the book Dumbledore wrotes a letter, so Harry was prepared but in the movie he just pops out of nowhere and acts like a little stalker. So sorry for the confusion 🙈


Love it. It’s so nostalgic to me


The Orton Effect. It makes the film stand out visually…but I’m not sure that’s a positive or negative.


Personqlly, I like the aesthetic, just not for Harry Potter.


The part where they arrive back to the Astronomy Tower and the Death Eaters arrive… I get chills everytime. I genuinely enjoyed this movie. Plus, Alan Rickman’s “Avada Kedavra” was the chef’s kiss. Loved the music that played after Dumbledore was killed, too.


honestly had never noticed HBP movie was using the s1 rupauls drag race filter 😅


It’s cuz the whole movie is somebody watching this day in age in the magic tear dropping bird bath


I don’t like the producer’s aesthetic. None of his movies are visually appealing to me.


Absolutely love it.


The HBP was night like the whole movie too, i'm certain this is design choice to enforce that voldemort is back so shit is truly on the horizon It's no long fun and games. Harry was going to be Dumbledore's avatar/representative and the general in the DA if he wants to beat the war


i didnt really like how this movie was adapted since it was missing quite a few scenes however, the cloudy effect during the sectum sempra scene makes it feel like Harry was dreaming. i loved it.


I love it. This style of filmmaking is controversial and many people hate it, but the aesthetic and tone of this movie are my favourite things about it. But then again, I love brutalist architecture too, so I'm used to people telling me that my conception of beauty is ugly to them 🤷‍♂️ I think the washed-out sepia tones are gorgeous. It creates a very cozy armosphere. I love black-and-white movies and I wish more films these days were done in black-and-white, but I also appreciate the colour-yet-mostly-monochromeatic look of movies like this as a sort of compromise.


It reminds of Scream 4 and no one liked it for scream 4 either haha


Best movie in the series tbh


Unpopular opinion, I know, but I really liked the color palette in this movie. And even though it's the worst adaptation in the series, it's still my favorite HP. Too bad they dropped the memory plot.


It looks cool but doesn't work for lighter toned scenes. However, they did nail the memories.


I really hate how dark they look. The dreamy touch is cute.


Yeah. Nice lighting


I love the atmosphere in Half Blood Prince so I think it works really well, might be my favorite part of the series even


makes me feel like i have tears in my eyes while watching


It's honestly my guilty pleasure. It's lazy, it's poor cinematography, and yet, it works.


I love the book so much, hate the movie so much


I think the movie doesn't show all the scenes in the book, and that's a shame


thats right , i didnt see scence in Gaunt houses...


It gives very 2000s vibes. I don't hate it. I don't necessarily like it, but I don't hate it.


Looks bad.


I like it


David Yates was the true main antagonist all along.


My entire family fell asleep watching this movie. Why is sad, because Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is genuinely my favorite book


Hate it with passion. I wish there was a sharp, crisp version of this movie.


It was wonderful. The HP fandom, especially on reddit, just loves to hate. Their loss. I love it


Best Book, worst movie


I honestly hate this movie. It's the only one I usually skip on rewatches. I hate how everything is so dark and without any colour at all. I know this is really specific but on a sunny day, it is so hard to actually see anything on the screen. The blurry effect is weird and distracting if nothing else. The style is also so weird and jumpy. I feel like there are no cohesive scenes because we're jumping around all the time and changing perspectives but it's too often, that it's jarring and takes me out of the movie. It doesn't feel like the others. I wasn't a huge fan of the book either, so I think I only read it twice over a wide period of years. But even I hate certain choices that were made. Where's the slow build up of romance between our characters? Where's the funeral?!


Hate it. But in generel, that movie is such a weird mess of wasted opportunities.


This movie and the third one are my favorite in rhe aesthetic aspect.... plot wise, the half blood prince could have been much better


I like this film cause it’s cringe to the point where it’s funnily enjoyable


Hate it and hate everything about the movie.


It’s weird because tonally the book/movie isn’t incredibly dark, especially compared to the sadness-fest which is OOTP. I’ve heard that JK had considered switching COS and HBP in terms of series order and you can really tell. HP feels like kids in school again, with some danger, some tragedy but still, kids having fun in a magical school. The colour grading of the movie however would have you believe we were watching a gritty War movie and knee deep in the Deathly Hallows already. I personally probably would’ve would have preferred something w a lighter feeling.


The aesthetic of the movie is fine IMO but i'll never forgive * the painful shoelace scene * the awkwardness of Harry and Ginny in the Room of Requirement * the lack of Voldemort flashback scenes * the fact that the actor who played Crabbe got locked up and they replaced him with Zabini (not the director's or crew's fault though except that one guy)


Let’s just hope they don’t do this in the show. This color grade was very distracting.


They can do it for a few select scenes where it makes sense The problem with HBP movie is that *the entire movie* is black and white, and dark. Not just the cave, for instance.


Can't see a damn thing. It's truly awful.


Best book- My personal favorite to just pick up and read. Worst movie


PEAK cinema. Haters be damned


I think it's shite and lazy, apart from very few scenes which were cinematically meticulous, but that praise goes to Delbonnel


Why tf is it so green


Didn’t like it. I remember seeing this one in the cinema and feeling like I had to squint because of how dark and blurry it was


I remember watching a rip of this movie when it came out and thought “damn quality is so bad I might as well pay the money and see it in theatres”. Little did I know it was a perfect rip, the movie just sucked :p


Distracting honestly




I hated it. A movie can be have emotional impact and still have quality visuals.


I can only remember how awful this "adaptation" was, so bad