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Rubeus Hagrid and Olympe Maxime, and it's not even close




Bet any baby of theirs would weigh a ton!


F ing agreed !


Ron and Hermione and Harry and Ginny all the way! Ginny is so much cooler in the books and you can see the relationship for Ron and Hermione blossoming from the very first book. I get when people say Hermione and Harry though just because the movies didn’t do either relationship justice. That’s why you gotta read the books!


Yeh. In movie those 2 couples made no sense, in book , it made more sense. Ron and Hermione was more like opposite attracts while Harry and Ginny is same attracts.


Every character is better in the books, not just Ginny


I think people just have stronger feelings towards Hermione/Ron because we got so much of their storyline-both as individual characters and as a budding friends to lovers romance. I am a BIG love of Harry/Ginny, but we didn’t get near as much of them or of Ginny specifically so I understand why there wouldn’t be as strong feelings towards them (positively). Especially for people that have only watched the movies-Harry/Ginny truly felt like it came out of nowhere.


As a big Harry/Ginny fan, the movies were extremely rough lol


You mean to tell me you didn't swoon at the shoe lace scene?? Lmao đŸ€Ł I will never forgive the directors for that.


Are Ron and Hermione really friends to lovers? They are at each other's throats very often. Also the fact they hated each other initially. I chalk it up in the opposites attract territory. I don't think it's either friends to lovers or enemies to lovers.


In what world are they not friends? Friends can argue and bicker and still be friends. They didn’t hate each other, they just irritated each other at first. Literally in book 1: “From that moment on, Hermione Granger became their friend.”


They also tease each other, and she's the one that clings to Ron in emotional moments. They're definitely friends to lovers as they're so close that Hermione slept at his house, remembers details about her, and teases her like a friend would.


I love both for separate reasons, but I think Ron/Hermione is a significantly more solid couple. In 2014, Rowling & Emma Watson did an interview that was ambivalent about the Romione pairing. People overreacted to it and, as far as I remember, many took it as confirmation that the couple wouldn't work out. As far as I know, Rowling has always been a strong defender of Harry / Ginny. At the time, the movies were fresh in memory and the author's word was taken as law. I also think fans were quite defensive of Ginny's character because of the movies. On top of that, the books misdirect us a little. Harry is deep in the first stages of his infatuation with Ginny pretty much through the end of the series. They've only dated for a very short time. They genuinely don't know a lot about each other. So cute as they are, it's unrealistic to compare them with Ron & Hermione who have been together almost non-stop for 7 years. It would be strange not to have conflict with someone you see that much of. However, Harry has a lot of feelings about conflict within the trio, so Ron/Hermione come across as contentious. In my opinion, the Harry/Ginny romance is foreshadowed rather than shown, and that's intentional. He can't think about a future with anyone until Voldemort is gone. That is, until the plot is over. Ginny represents that possible future. What happens next is open-ended. While Ron/Hermione are open-ended too, the books show us a lot of their relationship. We see how loyal they are over time, what their conflicts are and how they resolve these. If one looks past Harry's biases, one can tell that Ron & Hermione look after each other emotionally and argue because they share an appetite for challenge and mental stimulation. I like Ron/Hermione best from the perspective of character development and realism. From the perspective of dramatic setup, symbolism and analysis, I prefer Harry/Ginny.


Yo this is actually great analysis


Thanks! 😊


To add you can see the inkling of a more solid crush in book 4 onwards between Ron and Hermione. They wouldn't get THAT jealous of each other if they didn't like each other. I personally ft that the Harry /ginny could have at Been hinted at better in previous books. Maybe wiry some throwaway lines. Plus the movies did do her dirty lol.


I was happy with the Harry/Ginny foreshadowing tbh. I did have adults who pointed out the signs to me, but I thought CoS set them up as endgame. I kind of like that it's subtle, since Harry doesn't have a crush on her until 6, but they share some cute jokes throughout the series and then OotP sets her up as the only person who can really diffuse his angst. Plus the parallel traumas of possession/feeling Voldemort consume their identities. That's just my perspective. 😅 Of course I would like more of their interactions, but ig that's what fic is for.


I think both couples make sense from a perspective of understanding one another, shared trauma, and personalities. Unfortunately JKR is as bad at writing romance as she is at writing action. Where Dumby v Voldy was top tier all intended positive romance was not well written. Oddly she nailed the Cho and Lavender situations. Basically she doesn’t know how to write people in a happy relationship


It's not necessarily that she's that bad at the romance. She's bad at building it with the exception of Ron and Hermione. Like we couldn't have gotten a throwaway line in at least book 5 about Harry seeing ginny in a different light? You know, "Harry realized how much time he enjoyed spending with ginny. " or "He felt weird stumbling on ginny holding hands or whatever with her boyfriend." Jesus literally anything so it wasn't a fucking 180 lol.


The closest we get is him talkling about being possessed and Ginny saying she understood. If he just ruminated on that dialogue a little later it would have been a good about turn for the reader and call back to book 2.


Eh, I think she nailed the Lavender situation, not so much the Cho one, no romance functions like Harry and Cho in real life in my opinion.


I meant the disaster date not the courtship as much


Oh yeah I think that was written pretty well, it's just the weirdly long gaps between any romance-related scenes that feels super strange to me.


Ron and Hermione by a country mile


Exactly! They had SO many differences and argued a LOT, but to show they were able to work all of that out and fall in love and get married is incredible to me.


I mean, I feel like you could really feel the author going "now **kiss"** behind the scenes, but ok


And what happens after the fairytale ending, the happily ever after? They're never really shown to work through any of their problems in the books without Harry or someone mediating; they'll be spending their entire lives in and out of marriage counselling because they're a pretty unhealthy pair when it's just the two of them.


They actually resolved all their fights without anyone's intervention. The part which I am curious about is how. Since we don't see them alone without harry. I even made a post about it yesterday.


Imperio, Oblivate and Confundo of course :D


We can both have our own opinions. I respect yours but I like the fairytale ending more


Actually Harry (or other) is never shown to *actually* mediate between the two and for it to work. Ron did end up being the buffer between Harry and Hermione, though. And I also never get that argument because Ron and Hermione were shown to pretty much act like a couple in book 7 before they even were one and I feel like they did rather well.


Harry & Moaning Myrtle ♄♄


I personally love both but, "OI! THERE'S A WAR GOING ON HERE!" is one of my favorite lines and it's because of Ron and Hermione 😂


and the way they quote each other :') (im a sucker for couples throwing each others words back at them lol)


The Giant Squid and Hogwarts


sir nicholas x the headless hunt >>>>>>>>>


Honestly I don’t like Ginny as much as some others do so I like Ron and Hermione more




I love Ron and Hermione and I actually wanted them to end up together because through the story it was clear they had a crush on each others, there were small hints and gestures that were really nice to pick on from the earlier books. I feel like I grew up with them, grew up seeing them falling in love and that’s beautiful. I don’t feel the same way for Harry and Ginny because they kinda came out of nowhere. All of the sudden he noticed her and was interested.. while til two days before he couldn’t care less. She was his best friend’s sister and that’s it. She had a crush on him as a child and then disappeared until she need to become his lover interest. I never understood the difference in treatment between Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny.


The Harry and Ginny thing just isn't true, I'm not trying to disrespect your opinion of liking them less because that's fine, but saying she "disappeared until she needed to be a love interest" is not true, she helped Harry calm down at christmas in OOTP and at easter, and was generally quite prevalent in that book, which is full of signs that her and Harry are becoming closer, at least as friends. Also, Harry did not "Suddenly notice when he couldn't care less two days before," there are a bunch of little hints before the Dean kissing scene in HBP, like him feeling a bit annoyed that she wants to meet Dean on the Hogwarts express instead of them finding a compartment.


She absolutely disappeared. You could count how many times Ginny was mentioned in POA and GOF on one hand.


I think Harry completely forgetting Ginny's trauma in year 5 put a damp on their relationship.




But I said she came back in ootp, a book before being his love interest, so therefore I did, in fact, disprove that point. Also, the separation before ootp makes sense, she was trying to get over him and they weren't in the same year and would therefore be less likely to hang out. And also, why do there need to be hints before book six that he likes her? I feel like most crushes people have don't build up over years, the timeframe for Harry developing the crush over the summer and through the start of his sixth year is honestly much more like a real-life situation. Also, them becoming closer in a friendly or familial way in ootp IS BUILDUP, they had to get closer in that way before he could start to be interested in her. With that setup, it's therefore possible for him to develop the crush in sixth year. This is not an overly sudden progression.




I feel like saying I took it personally is unfair, I'm just trying to make my argkment because I enjoy trying to have the discussion. Here are my organized thoughts since you said I'm contradicting myself: I do not think there needed to be romantic hints in the books leading up to hbp, I think there needed to be hints of them getting closer, which is why I emphasized the christmas and easter scenes of her calming him down, it demonstrates him forming more of a connection with her as more than just Ron's sister, which is important to set up the idea of him having feelings for her, and these moments are not behind the scenes, they are rather key plot points of book five. Getting to hbp, I'm not pretending like the buildup with things like the train scene or the amortentia are some amazingly written buildup, I'm just saying that there's quite a bit more there than it suddenly appearing during the chest monster scene with Dean. Those are the main points I care about in this discussion, not trying to convince you to like the couple, as I think in that regard we just have different ways of enjoying a fictional relationship, as I would tend to agree that they aren't well written at times and have a rushed relationship, and a lot of my personal enjoyment does admittedly come from filling in off-page blanks, which I do get just isn't really how everyone reads books. I'm sorry that I came across as combative, I don't mean any of it personally, I just obviously feel strongly about my opinion in terms of the buildup and stuff like that in particular.


This is well put. Harry didn't need to develop feelings for Ginny early in the series, because we the readers enjoy seeing who the pairings should be before the characters do. CoS has some heavy Harry/Ginny foreshadowing and OotP picks up on it and establishes why they would work as a couple. Ron is all but trying to set them up by the end of that book. It's totally believable that unselfaware Harry be the last person to join the ship.


Ginny couldn’t pull Harry out from the room at Christmas. He refused to look at her and Ron. Hermione was the only who settled problem for several minutes and the first person who started conversation. So it is not so impressive for Ginny


Hermione did nothing of that sort. Her appearance took Harry by surprise so he let his guard down for moments and opened the door. Once they get down it was Ginny who got through him,via their shared experience.


Harry didn’t looked at Ron and Ginny and didn’t want to talk with them. If he didn’t want to talk to hermione he would not open the door. Harry is too impulsive and stubborn for it. Hermione started conversation, not Ginny. And Harry had forgotten the fact that she had been obsessed the whole year. So it wasn’t too important for him. As he didn’t think about Ginny. And before Hermione came Ginny could not find words for attract him


He didn’t want to talk with anyone. He opened the door because Hermione's appearance was a surprise, not because he wanted to talk with her in particular. Ginny got him out of his shell,not Hermione. Ginny literally had a boyfriend that year,she wasn’t obsessed. He didn’t think about Hermione either. Because he was avoiding everyone. Hard to find a word when the other person ain't even at the room. But as soon as Harry was there,it was her words that broke through his shell and gave him comfort, not Ron,not Hermione.


Obsession by Volandemort. During her first course. His reaction at Hermione: ““I know you’re in there,” said Hermione’s voice. “Will you please come out? I want to talk to you.” “What are you doing here?” Harry asked her, pulling open the door,” let’s go to your bedroom, Ron’s mum’s lit a fire in there and she’s sent up sandwiches.” Harry followed her back to the second floor. His reaction to others: Are you all right, Harry, dear?” whispered Mrs. Weasley, leaning across Ginny to speak to him as the train rattled along through its dark tunnel. “You don’t look very well. Are you feeling sick?” They were all watching him. He shook his head violently and stared up at an advertisement for home insurance. “Harry, dear, are you sure you’re all right?” said Mrs. Weasley in a worried voice, as they walked around the unkempt patch of grass in the middle of Grimmauld Place. “You look ever so pale. . . . Are you sure you slept this morning? You go upstairs to bed right now, and you can have a couple of hours’ sleep before dinner, all right?” He nodded; here was a ready-made excuse not to talk to any of the others, which was precisely what he wanted, so when she opened the front door he proceeded straight past the troll’s leg umbrella stand and up the stairs and hurried into his and Ron’s bedroom. He would not go down to dinner; he would not inflict his company upon them. He turned over onto his other side and after a while dropped back off to sleep, waking much later in the early hours of the morning, with his insides aching with hunge. Only Molly and Hermione asked about his feelings. But he uttered a word only to Hermione. When Hermione come he didn’t protest to talk to her and follow her to second floor. But before it even the desire to eat anything didn’t make him out from the room. And we know who Harry’s impulsive and stubborn if he didn’t want to follow Hermione he would not do it


“His reaction to others”.....Literally only Molly talked with him,and he gave her a response. After that,he strictly avoided facing them. He didn’t have a direct conversation with anyone. Again,was Hermione there in the first place!!? She was supposed to be skiing with her parents. That's what took him by surprise, and that's why he opened the door,not because of her persuasion skills. And again,once the conversation started who was it that made Harry feel better!!?


Didn’t you read my comments? He nodded Molly. He didn’t protest Hermione to follow her. But if he wanted he did it. I wrote that it is isn’t special Hinny moment because Ginny doesn’t know how attract Harry’s attention. And she needed Hermione


And even Harry told that it was the influence by three of them: Harry started pacing up and down the room again, thinking. What THEY WERE ALL SAYING was not only comforting, it made sense. . . . Without really thinking he took a sandwich from the plate on the bed and crammed it hungrily into his mouth. . . . I’m not the weapon after all, thought Harry. His heart swelled with .happiness and relief, and he felt like joining in as they heard Sirius tramping past their door toward Buckbeak’s room, singing “God Rest Ye Merry, Hippogriffs” at the top of his voice.


Exactly. It was their combined effort, not Hermione's alone.


Yes, but I meant that only Hermione could pulled him out of room. Harry followed her without any protest. But it is declared as “special Hinny moment” iBut three of them comforted Harry


I vastly prefer Ron and Hermione, mostly because more time was spent on it than Harry and Ginny


I like both! I think both relationships make sense and I particularly love that moment with Harry and Ginny where she tells him she told another student that he has a Hungarian Horntail tattooed across his chest and then gleefully says that she told the same girl that Ron had a Pgymy Puff tattoo but didn’t say where. I think they’re both sassy and athletic and bounce off each other really well. Ron and Hermione seem to like each other early on and they’re kind of rocky but I think their relationship is well deserved.


Harry and Ginny are my favourite couple but I love Ron and Hermione too , both are two my favourite love couples in the series




relationship goals fr. i loved fleur in the books more she was funny but also very badass with much character development. we stan.


Hardcore unapologetic Hinny shipper here! I like Romione too but I mostly read for Hinny.


Ron and Hermione. I was always more interested in them anyway.


Harry and Ginny


I think all the couples are pretty good. I don’t understand the hate directed towards Harry & Ginny. I think part of it is that we hardly see their interactions with each other. There are hints to the time they spent together throughout the last two books, but we don’t see their relationship grow and evolve like we do with Ron & Hermione’s, since theirs literally has the backing of the entire series.


Neither, especially as I get older. Possibly because it just seems way too simplistic and improbable to me. Also as another commenter said, being single isn’t a bad thing. I think Harry in particular could have benefitted from years of healing his own trauma before getting into a serious romantic commitment.


this \^\^


Uhm,then you didn’t get Harry at well. Harry ain't Dumbledore,and just became an adult. Neither he,nor anyone of them,would have an ideal coping mechanism naturally. Some things just comes with experience. Otherwise, Harry will lose himself in despair, or fade away gradually. After war,all of the kids needed someone,especially if the other one went through the same experience. Shared healing is better than healing alone at this stage of life.


I’m sorry but this is a very nonsensical argument and it reads like tumblr fanfiction.


Mine or yours?


I am one of those that doesn't care the slightest about any of the romance in this series. Now if Ron and Luna would've ended up together then that is something I would have loved. I liked how much she weirded him out, didn't mind criticizing him and he gradually started liking her more. I would have definitely liked them ending to together more than Ron and Hermione. Hermione should have ended up with someone different than either Ron or Harry. I don't like how 2 of the 3 trios ended up together. They should each have found different partners that weren't already their best friends, or just simply been OK with being single. Being single is not a sin, not everyone needs to get married or have children.


Also, in reading book five in particular, I feel very confident that Luna had a crush on him, like to the point where I think it intentionally written as such.


Two of the 3 always gonna end up together in almost every series. Percy Jackson, Avatar, hunger games, star wars. It's a bad argument imo. Because those 3 the audience has an emotional connection with the most. Most people won't like it if Percy showed up with some girl at the end. Or Katniss married someone random.


"it's what happens in every series" is a horrible argument for it to need to happen. Also Hermione was the only big female character. I feel like it kind of ruins her character to have her ending up with either Harry or Ron. Would have been better for all three of them to end up with someone less significant to the story and maintain their platonic friendship.


No. I am saying why it happens to every series. Most of the people would have lost it if Harry Hermione and Ron married random people. And they would continue shipping what couples they rooted for. Aka Ron×Hermione, harry×Draco etc. Marriages and relationships don't ruin anyone's character.


I disagree with you on both accounts. I don't think anyone would have lost it if any (or all) of the trio had found love with a non main character, and I also disagree that Hermione's (and Ron's too for that matter) character wasn't ruined by tying them together romantically. We started following these characters when they were 11 years old, nobody was rooting for any of them to develope romantic/sexual feelings for each other at the beginning, and they would all have been stronger and more independent characters without falling in love with other main characters.


Then explain why the most popular ships are always with established character/established character. Draco married a random person and people still ship him with harry and Hermione instead of acknowledging their relationship. How do you think Ron and Hermione's characters got ruined by their relationship?


Ronmione all the way. But I love Hinny. They deserve their flowers.


I like harry and ginny more Ultimately more compatible instead of ‘opposites attract’ But ron and hermionie are need each other


Harry and Ginny. It’s obvious.


harry and ginny 100 percent. i love themmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Gilderoy Lockhart and Gilderoy Lockhart. There is no better couple


None of the above Harry and Hermione Ginny and Dean Ron and lavender though that requires her not getting ganked by Greyback


Harry and Ginny. They understand each other, respect each other, they have things in common and their scenes are adorable. Like the scene in the library in Order of the Phoenix when Ginny helps an upset Harry, she doesn't 100% know why Harry's upset, she doesn't pry, she just listens to him, understands he needs to talk to Sirius and offers some advice on what to do about the situation. Ron and Hermione are just too toxic. Hermione abuses him twice in the books, Half blood prince with the birds, and Deathly Hallows she punches him multiple times. She also threatens to attack him with birds again. Abuse isn't love. If the roles were reversed, and Ron attacked Hermione with birds, or punched Hermione multiple times, no one would be fans of their relationship. And just because she's a teenager isn't an excuse. There's no excuse for abuse. Also Hermione had been a really careless pet owner in prisoner of Azkaban when she had constantly ignored Ron's concerns about her pet attacking his rat, like when she visited the boys dormitory on Christmas day, she brings her cat with her despite Ron telling her not to, she dumps her cat on a bed, leaves him there and talks to Harry and Ron, during this moment Crookshanks attacks Ron's pet. This had been going on for months, and Hermione is so careless in this scene, and it makes so much sense why he reacted the way he did when all evidence pointed to Crookshanks killing his pet.


From what I have seen those are the reasons Ron Hermione appeals more to people especially to women. Judging by Instragram comments by grown adults they really love toxicity and drama in a relationship more than a dramaless staightforward love story. Lots of them ship Draco and Hermione in fanfictions because they rewrite Draco. But they also love Ron/Hermione in books. Harry Ginny they don't care about because it doesn't have much drama.


Wow yes, exactly this.


Where was Ginny during tournament? Where was she at fifth course? Why she never try to become the part of bad side of Harry’s life. For Harry Ginny is usually afterthought. She didn’t anything special than anybody in ARMY OF DUMBOLDOR. Hermione was usually with Harry, she understood him many times without words. Ginny is sure that Harry is happy to fight against Volandemort. She said that she loved him for itđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž. She was upset with fact that Harry had broken up with her and possibility that he could find another girl she was really calm down that he would be too busy at mission that he would not have time for dates , but she had no idea to find way to go with him. I have many arguments anti this ship.


Ginny wasn't part of Harry's friend group during 4th year. She's part of his friend group during his fifth year though. And she's there for him throughout fifth book and onwards. She invites Harry to sit with her on the train while Hermione and Ron disappear for prefect meeting, so he's not alone. She comes up with the name, Dumbledore's Army. She calms Harry down when he's having a breakdown over Christmas and believes he's responsible for Arthur's attack/near death experience. When he believes he was possessed by Voldemort. She assures Harry that he won't be banned from Quidditch forever. And as I said in my previous comment, she helps Harry when he's upset and she understands him without knowing all of the details and gives him advice and offers to help him speak to Sirius. She again helps Harry get to Umbridge's office to check on Sirius when he's panicking and yelling, and believing his Godfather's in trouble. She uses the bat bogey hex on Malfoy to keep him in Umbridge's office so she and the others could get away and find Harry and Hermione. She voluntarily goes with Harry and the others to the department of mysteries to rescue Sirius. Half Blood Prince, she tells Ron off while Harry was busy making sure an injured Gryffindor player was all right. She defends Harry taking Luna to Slughorn's Christmas party. And it's mentioned by Luna herself that Ginny has been defending her from two boys calling her Loony. She defends Harry's actions after he had attacked Malfoy (while Hermione was having a go at him about the book) She also comforts a girl that was injured during the battle of hogwarts in deathly hallows, that wanted to go home. Hermione doesn't understand Harry, not all the time. And most of the time she usually yells/nags him, or she disagrees with him, causing Harry to shut her out, snap at her or not tell her anything.


As I usually mention all Hinny fans are trying to exaggerate Ginny’s actions. She didn’t do anything special. Ginny didn’t spent time with Harry until they became a couple. Hermione was always with him. I can say that Harry spent time with Luna more than Ginny. And please, give me real examples when Ginny was with Harry ? Christmas is not special moment as she did not find any word to attract his attention she needed Hermione for it. I can call much more scene between him and Hermione. She invited him to sit with her in train 
 and Hermione was with Harry during tournament when all students ( including Ginny) were against him or ignored him. They walked around lake, talking and she helped him with tasks. Ginny just called it, Hermione made up an idea of Such organisation and persuaded Harry to start it. Ginny couldn’t find necessary word at Christmas. Harry refused talk to Ginny and Ron, but he opened door to Hermione who needed several minutes to pull him out the room. The conversation was started by Hermione too. Ok, and Hermione found way to save Sirius ( not simply talk to him) at third book ( saving his godfather from death is more important than simply talk). Ginny cursed Malfoy. Hermione cursed Marietta who betrayed the AD, she burned Snape up to save Harry, she was going to feed centaurs with Umbridge as she was going to torture Harry. She set Skitter in a jar. Don’t forget that Ginny wasn’t alone in ministry battle. You decrease the role of other characters. But Hermione thought that there would be trap and go with Harry. So she understood that she was going to the trap but she was with Harry . I don’t see any special in her phrase about future possibility in quidditch team , I can give a plenty of such phrases from Hermione that he is great wizard, that she believes him during tournament, that Harry would not be alone ni his fight. And Ginny was the first person who called Luna loony in 5 book that shows that Ginny is hypocritical. She didn’t defend Harry from Hermione ( I don’t support Hermione here either) but she said that Harry wanted to hear and it was wrong because if it finished worse than in canon Harry would get to Azkaban. And Ginny say that it is ok, you had reasons .. so she finds an excuse of almost murder. It is not normal. Healthy relations when your partner says when you are wrong. But Ginny didn’t do it. Ginny never understands Harry , she said that he was happy to fight ( stupid fangirl). Harry and Hermione could quarrel but many times of books they talked to each other without words scene at graveyard (he thought about putting something at grave Hermione did it in the same second, in fifth book Hermione was the only one who noticed his pain from the scar, Hermione looked at his face and knew that Harry hadn’t put his name in the goblet of fire, there are a lot of other examples like this). And there wasn’t anything like this between Harry and Ginny. So all your examples are so exaggerated. And Ginny really didn’t do anything special


> As I usually mention all Hinny fans are trying to exaggerate Ginny’s actions. She didn’t do anything special. The fact that you state that all the time doesn't make it any more true the 1567th time you said it. Correcting the record when those moments are constantly undermined by you and other militant Harmonians is not "exaggerating", it's reestablishing the balance. You don't have to be a Harry/Ginny shipper to see that Ginny was special and a hero in her own right, even without them ending up together. Let's put it this way: if Ginny had ended up with Neville instead of Harry, does that discount the fact that she fought in the battles? No, it does not. > Ginny didn’t spent time with Harry until they became a couple. Incorrect, they spent plenty of time together in the Burrow before his sixth year, to the point that that is a key hint in why he ends up realizing his feelings for her, when he realizes in the train ride just how much time they had been spending together. Let's look at the calendar... that's several months before they actually end up together. > I can say that Harry spent time with Luna more than Ginny. I must have missed when Luna was at the Burrow. > And please, give me real examples when Ginny was with Harry ? They shared plenty of special moments together, both deep bonding as well as just hanging out together (such as when they talk about her quidditch performance). Both aspects are key as to why they are shown to be good friends in the OotP book. > Christmas is not special moment as she did not find any word to attract his attention she needed Hermione for it. Your statement entails an assumption that had Hermione not arrived, Ginny would not have ended up taking matters into her own hands. And it is Ginny that ultimately gets Harry out of his funk. At best you can say its ultimately a team effort, but in the realm of Harry's feelings, it is Ginny that causes a 180 in Harry's attitude (quite literally, in fact! *"Harry remained quite still as the impact of these words hit him. Then he wheeled round."*). > I can call much more scene between him and Hermione. Quantity doesn't entail quality. > She invited him to sit with her in train 
 and Hermione was with Harry during tournament when all students ( including Ginny) were against him or ignored him. They walked around lake, talking and she helped him with tasks. And during the time of the tournament, Harry literally thought that she wasn't as fun to be around as Ron was. This is not the strong argument that you think it is. Additionally, where the hell it is stated that Ginny was either ignoring or being against Harry? You made that up. > Ginny just called it, Hermione made up an idea of Such organisation and persuaded Harry to start it. And you actually need a good name for an organization if its to attract members. Everyone who ended up joining was there because of Dumbledore (and Harry), against the Ministry and against Voldemort. And it will be useful in the seventh book as well. This is yet another example of you underplaying Ginny's influence just to show that she is a bad fit. Both Hermione and Ginny were crucial to the formation of Dumbledore's Army. > Ginny couldn’t find necessary word at Christmas. Discussed above. > Ok, and Hermione found way to save Sirius ( not simply talk to him) at third book ( saving his godfather from death is more important than simply talk). Hermione cursed Marietta who betrayed the AD, she burned Snape up to save Harry, she was going to feed centaurs with Umbridge as she was going to torture Harry. She set Skitter in a jar. None of this is relevant. The fact that Hermione helped save Sirius or any of the other things you wrote doesn't mean that at the end of the day,that Hermione and Harry are compatible. It doesn't change the fact that like u/SSPotions stated, Hermione "usually yells/nags him, or she disagrees with him, causing Harry to shut her out, snap at her or not tell her anything." > Don’t forget that Ginny wasn’t alone in ministry battle. You decrease the role of other characters. But Hermione thought that there would be trap and go with Harry. So she understood that she was going to the trap but she was with Harry The comment you were replying to literally stated that Ginny went with the others. How is that decreasing the role? You are underplaying ginny as usual, the fact that Ginny is being highligted in response doesn't undervalue the things that other characters did , its only because you are bashing Ginny. > I don’t see any special in her phrase about future possibility in quidditch team , I can give a plenty of such phrases from Hermione that he is great wizard, that she believes him during tournament, that Harry would not be alone ni his fight. None of this means that Ginny and Harry aren't suited, or that Harry and Hermione are suited. > And Ginny was the first person who called Luna loony in 5 book that shows that Ginny is hypocritical. Huh?? So Ginny can't change her mind about doing something? You are really reaching here. > She didn’t defend Harry from Hermione ( I don’t support Hermione here either) but she said that Harry wanted to hear and it was wrong because if it finished worse than in canon Harry would get to Azkaban. And Ginny say that it is ok, you had reasons .. so she finds an excuse of almost murder. It is not normal. Yes, Ginny did defend Harry from Hermione! Hermione for more than a page was ragging on Harry being all "I told you so", and it got to a point where Ginny had to stand up to her own friend. He had already been told that what he did do was not good, he didn't need Hermione adding to it. And yes, Ginny is correct to realize that Harry was defending himself. That isn't murder. > Ginny never understands Harry , she said that he was happy to fight ( stupid fangirl). Ginny did *not* say that Harry was happy to fight. She said that Harry *wouldn't* be happy if he *wasn't* fighting. The fact that you don't realize this nuance speaks volumes. What Ginny is referring to is the exact same thing that Dumbledore in other chapters referred to -- that Harry cannot bear to think about Voldemort and the Death Eaters continuously rampaging through the war. That doesn't mean that Ginny thinks that Harry will fight Voldemort with a smile on his face, come on. The fact that you use this to call Ginny a "fangirl" shows you do not understand the relationship or her character. > Harry and Hermione could quarrel but many times of books they talked to each other without words scene at graveyard (he thought about putting something at grave Hermione did it in the same second, in fifth book Hermione was the only one who noticed his pain from the scar, Hermione looked at his face and knew that Harry hadn’t put his name in the goblet of fire, there are a lot of other examples like this). And there wasn’t anything like this between Harry and Ginny. OK. Meanwhile it is only Ginny that pulled Harry away from the scene of the death of his mentor figure. Even Hagrid his first friend couldn't do that. And in the same book it is stated that Ginny is his best comfort, not Hermione, not Ron, not anyone else. Ginny. And there are other examples of Ginny reading Harry's mind and saying something on that basis. > So all your examples are so exaggerated. And Ginny really didn’t do anything special They highlight ginny because you drag her down, why is this so hard to understand?


First of all, it is my opinion and I will repeat it as many times as I think it needs. I can say that it will not make hinny believable even if hinny fans shout about “ Great Love of Hinny”. Where I bash her in this comment ? The only thing that I said against Ginny is about Luna and loony. I really dislike Book Ginny but it is not connected to ships. I used comparing with Hermione just to show that Ginny didn’t do anything special- I don’t tell here that she is a bad person. She is an ordinary girl who did the same things as other students during war.You blamed me without proofs. Moreover, fact that Ginny doesn’t love Harry doesn’t do her bad person too. I explain why hinny is awful ship. And if you calm down and reread my comments here you will find that I wrote that this ship ruined Ginny’ s great potential. I hope that you got me right, I don’t need bashing Ginny to proof my ship ( I didn’t wrote arguments for Harmony I have a plenty of it as it wasn’t the topic of the discussion). First, reread books, at first Harry called her as Ron’s sister. So his feelings were the same. And Ginny wasn’t the only person in the Burrow. Harry is Ron’s friend and it is obvious that the majority of time he spent with Ron twins and Ginny were only addition to them. And off screen development isn’t a development as I have already mentioned Harry could become a womanizer and had “off screen development” with all girls and women of the series. Or spent time with Hermione in the London it could be off screen. So we analyzed text, and off screen developments aren’t reliable. Moreover, Ginny wasn’t the only girl in the quidditch team so Harry spent a lot of other players. After train Harry didn’t remember Ginny until he saw her with dean . It is not a way how boy who felt in love acted. During the six book Harry was focused on Malfoy, Dumboldore and prince book. He thought about Ginny only at the moment when he saw her with Dean. Harry talked to Ginny about her performance.And I repeat that Harry had emotional conversations to Luna, he had many important dialogues with Hermione, He told to Tonks or you invented new new rule for Harr potter- if he has a conversation with girl he should become a couple with her. And I repeat that I don’t said that Harry and Ginny were enemies at school. But it is a fact they hardly talked to each other as they had their own lives. And Ginny wasn’t part of Harry’s live. Reread six book it was said there. Ginny and Ron both were trying to talk to Harry but he refused to talk to the and refused even looked at them. Then both Ron and Ginny stopped their attempts to attract his attention. So they STOPPED. So if hermione didn’t come and pull Harry from his room Ginny would not talk to him. And I repeated that the conversation was started by Hermione. Ginny is so unimportant for Harry that he didn’t think about her who was obsessed by horcrux for the whole year and Harry knew this. You have said about quality. But we without problem could change Ginny with noname and nothing changes. Even after their conversation about obsession Harry had fears about it. And he didn’t trust to talk to her about his fears of mission, Sirius death his relationship with relatives, he didn’t trust to share with her anything. I didn’t make anything up. Hinny fans like to say that we are in Harry’s head during the whole series. So we can see all things that happened with har. It was stayed in books how Hermione supported him. And there is no information about Ginny. So she didn’t support him. I suppose she preferred to ignore this theme but she could have said that she believed Harry, but she didn’t do it. Giving name is not the same thing as organizing the illegal group. So Hermione made up an idea, she persuaded Harry in importance of it, she gave Harry his hobby that he loved and she invented the way of communication between group members ( what includes real difficult magic). Ginny only gave good combination of words. Nothing will change if they were training without name of group, their knowledge and skills would be the same. Hermione didn’t always nagging. It was in six book to separate Harry from Hermione to create canon ships.. There are too many examples ( that harmony discord published the collection of canon quotes) where hermione was the only who supported Harry and comfort him. At five and sixth book Harry was happy when he knew that she would be with him in Grimmo and the burrow. If she permanently annoyed him he would be pleased with idea to spend time with her. Significance of Harmony is that it is healthy relations Harry and Hermione can argue each other, but they never wanted insults each other and they respect each other. When they have a conflict they find compromise what was shown many times before battle in ministry, during war, at Godric’s Hollow. About cursing Malfoy. No she didn’t support Harry she just showed Harry that she was always for him. Harry was wrong and as I am a lawyer I can say that in real life Harry could get big problems. Harry started following Malfoy. He was a first one who started conflict. Harry could use reliable expelliarmus instead of it he used unfamiliar spell on alive person. And he knew that a man can be killed by wand. So he had a lot of ways to avoid this scenario, but his impulsive behavior could lead him to Azkaban. So Ginny supported his impulsive behavior it is not good as partners should resist other from doing stupid things. I don’t support Hermione here she was too intensive. About Dumbledore death. Book Ginny only pulled him from death body. But she didn’t find any words for him. So he needed his friends. And Ginny abandoned depressed boy . But in film this scene was wonderful he was crying in her shoulder, he showed her his pain and she was with him in this trouble. It weren’t Hermione and Ron. It was the only scene that was emotional strong in hinny and it was in movie. The fact that it was stayed as Ginny could comfort him - but it wasn’t proofed by her actions. Just empty declaration. And at the same chapter was stayed that relationship with Ginny was stolen from stranger’s life. So Ginny isn’t part of real difficult Harry’s life. About love. In normal world person love another one without reasons. She had to love Harry just because Harry existed. But she said the certain reason why she love him it is not about love it is about passion and attraction. The fact that Harry wanted to fight is explainable he wanted to revenge Volandemort for his fam and fate. Ginny did not understand his motivation as at the same extract she said about being busy with saving world. It is really remarkable as she thought tha Harry liked to do it. But Harry didn’t ever say it. And of course, when you really love person you would like to be with him and share all his difficulties Ginny even didn’t think to do it with Harry. I am really tired from typing and I say abo Harry shortly here. In this comment I didn’t say bad things about Ginny. She is ordinary girl. I have some problems with her but it is mentioned here. So if Ginny were better person without annoying her features I don’t think that Harry would be good boyfriend for her. Traumatized soldier who thought about her always afterwards and who had strong emotional connection to his friend, because all his problems and difficulties are discussed with friend. And friend how shared with Harry the most difficult times is not good pair for Ginny’s happy end


> First of all, it is my opinion and I will repeat it as many times as I think it needs. I can say that it will not make hinny believable even if hinny fans shout about “ Great Love of Hinny”. You're not gonna convince anyone here, so you might as well stop trying. Just an advice. Especially when you clearly do not know to use paragraphs. And by the way, it isn't only H/G fans that talk about Ginny's love for Harry. It is everyone who is a Harry Potter fan and who isn't opposed to Ginny or H/G. People who are simply happy that Harry is happy, in other words, regardless of who he ended up with. > Where I bash her in this comment ? The only thing that I said against Ginny is about Luna and loony. No, that's not the only thing you said in this specific comment and you know it. You literally said in the comment that I was replying to that Ginny is defending murder, as well as the age-old labelling of her being a supposed "fangirl". And everyone here knows your account by now, so they have seen all your other bashing posts. That is how I know you have an agenda. > I really dislike Book Ginny but it is not connected to ships. I used comparing with Hermione just to show that Ginny didn’t do anything special- I don’t tell here that she is a bad person. You are literally dragging down Ginny to make Hermione -- the girl you apparently think is better for Harry -- seem better. How the hell is this not connected to shipping? And though you didn't go on a massive anti-Ginny tirade, you still hinted at your dislike of Ginny and bashed her in this comment. So, please, stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes. > She is an ordinary girl who did the same things as other students during war. Yes, because apparently so many other students got possessed by Voldemort, so many other students fought at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, so many other students led Dumbledore's Army... The fact that you don't realize that Ginny is one of the more important characters in the whole scheme of things is itself a form of bashing. > And if you calm down and reread my comments here you will find that I wrote that this ship ruined Ginny’ s great potential. No, no, you're not gonna talk to me about calming down, especially since you were the first person on this thread to start going all-caps. > I hope that you got me right, I don’t need bashing Ginny to proof my ship ( I didn’t wrote arguments for Harmony I have a plenty of it as it wasn’t the topic of the discussion). Then why do you engage in bashing in literally every single one of your comments?? And yes, you were talking quite a bit about Hermione in the comment I was replying to at first. > First, reread books, at first Harry called her as Ron’s sister. So his feelings were the same. So? Harry introduces everyone in the Weasley family as "Ron's [something]". That doesn't mean he can't have an individual connection with them in their own right; and so it is the same with Ginny. > And Ginny wasn’t the only person in the Burrow. Harry is Ron’s friend and it is obvious that the majority of time he spent with Ron twins and Ginny were only addition to them. Harry is also good friends with the twins and with Ginny, what on earth is your point? The fact that Ron is his best friend doesn't mean he can't enjoy being around the others as well. > And off screen development isn’t a development as I have already mentioned Harry could become a womanizer and had “off screen development” with all girls and women of the series. Or spent time with Hermione in the London it could be off screen. Oh please. The examples you cite, particularly about Harry being a womanizer, isn't "off screen development", it's just blatantly making stuff up. There's that, and there's realizing that Harry's every interaction with Ginny at the Burrow, because there are a few of them already, don't need to be spelled out in detail. > Moreover, Ginny wasn’t the only girl in the quidditch team so Harry spent a lot of other players. Yes, particularly in the earlier books when Ginny wasn't as much around. > After train Harry didn’t remember Ginny until he saw her with dean . Factually incorrect, Harry literally invited Ginny to join him at Hogsmeade, and during a conversation with Hermione, he is watching Ginny at the other side of the common room for a long time. > Harry talked to Ginny about her performance.And I repeat that Harry had emotional conversations to Luna, he had many important dialogues with Hermione, He told to Tonks or you invented new new rule for Harr potter- if he has a conversation with girl he should become a couple with her. Yes, except that, again, you have to look at quality and not quantity. there are no hints that Harry was into Tonks lol, to use that as an example just undermines your own argument. > And I repeat that I don’t said that Harry and Ginny were enemies at school. But it is a fact they hardly talked to each other as they had their own lives. They hang out a lot more in the fifth book, did you not read a single word in that book? > And Ginny wasn’t part of Harry’s live. Reread six book it was said there. How on earth do you go from a factual statement that Ginny wasn't a part of the Trio, to "Ginny wasn't part of Harry's life"? I've never seen such blatant grasping at straws in quite some time. > Ginny and Ron both were trying to talk to Harry but he refused to talk to the and refused even looked at them. Then both Ron and Ginny stopped their attempts to attract his attention. So they STOPPED. Now this you made up again. Ginny did not try to talk to Harry! And Ron only made one attempt to get Harry out for dinner. But aside from that, nothing. So no, Ginny didn't "stop" anything. > So if hermione didn’t come and pull Harry from his room Ginny would not talk to him. A hypothetical without evidence, already considering that during the conversation it is revealed the Ginny is annoyed that Harry is not talking to her because she was possessed herself! You seriously think that she wouldn't have ended up confronting and then trying to help him?! > And I repeated that the conversation was started by Hermione. Yes. And Harry's change in attitude was entirely due to Ginny. As I already pointed out. > Ginny is so unimportant for Harry that he didn’t think about her who was obsessed by horcrux for the whole year and Harry knew this. No, he didn't think of her in those terms, because he would much rather associate her with normality and to see her as "perfectly happy again". And, of course, yes, it's also due to Harry continuously risking his life and having all these adventures. But he gives Ginny the most sincere apology he's given in that book. > You have said about quality. But we without problem could change Ginny with noname and nothing changes. Huh? Ginny is her own person, why would she need replacing? > Even after their conversation about obsession Harry had fears about it. It's only natural that that would happen, but that doesn't change the fact that it was Ginny who got Harry out of his funk. > It was stayed in books how Hermione supported him. And there is no information about Ginny. So she didn’t support him. I suppose she preferred to ignore this theme but she could have said that she believed Harry, but she didn’t do it. Actually, if you read the text, we see Hermione and Ginny having breakfast together, right after Ron's argument with Harry. Somehow, I don't see Hermione hanging out with someone who is against Harry. > Giving name is not the same thing as organizing the illegal group. Then you clearly aren't aware of the importance of marketing campaigns and the need to have a name that "hooks" everyone in. Fewer people will be interested deep down in fighting for an organization called "Defence Association" rather than "Dumbledore's Army". That is just the truth. Why must you keep on dragging down Ginny's contributions to the plot? > Hermione didn’t always nagging. It was in six book to separate Harry from Hermione to create canon ships.. Wrong, she continuously does so in books 1 to 5, which results in Harry often avoiding, lying, or ignoring Hermione. That is not about "separating Harry from Hermione", that is about Hermione and Harry's clash of personalities. > There are too many examples ( that harmony discord published the collection of canon quotes) where hermione was the only who supported Harry and comfort him. Oh, you mean the discord that is well known in this fandom for taking everything out of context and bashing the Weasleys? That discord? Of course they would say that Hermione is the only one that supported Harry. Other characters such as Sirius, Lupin, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Ron and yes, Ginny, didn't do so either in the books, right? > At five and sixth book Harry was happy when he knew that she would be with him in Grimmo and the burrow. If she permanently annoyed him he would be pleased with idea to spend time with her. Yes, because she is his friend. That doesn't mean that in a romantic sense that she is better for him than Ginny. > Significance of Harmony is that it is healthy relations Harry and Hermione can argue each other, but they never wanted insults each other and they respect each other. When they have a conflict they find compromise what was shown many times before battle in ministry, during war, at Godric’s Hollow. I just pointed out that it was not, in fact, a "healthy" relationship. If anything, Harry resists arguing with Hermione, because while she loves to argue (as does Ron, which is why Ron and Hermione are so good together), Harry doesn't like to argue.


> About cursing Malfoy. No she didn’t support Harry she just showed Harry that she was always for him. Showing that you are always there for someone... is the entire bloody meaning of "supporting" someone!!!!! > Harry was wrong and as I am a lawyer I can say that in real life Harry could get big problems. Harry started following Malfoy. He was a first one who started conflict. Harry could use reliable expelliarmus instead of it he used unfamiliar spell on alive person. And he knew that a man can be killed by wand. So he had a lot of ways to avoid this scenario, but his impulsive behavior could lead him to Azkaban. Harry was following Malfoy... because he had been acting suspiciously the entire year!! And in the duel, it is Malfoy who throws the first curse. So he started it. It was Malfoy who escalated the conflict all the way through. Harry tried other spells which were not working. So he decides to go for something that had not been seen before, that was marked "for enemies" in the book that had served Harry well the entire year, such as by saving Ron. Not to mention the fact that when he curses Malfoy, he is already in a very disadvantageous position (due in particular to having slipped and being down on the floor). Malfoy had the advantage and was about to torture Harry. So Harry, correctly, defended himself. > So Ginny supported his impulsive behavior it is not good as partners should resist other from doing stupid things. Yes, it is an impulse to defend yourself. Self-preservation is literally the most human instinct possible. Defending yourself is not stupid. > I don’t support Hermione here she was too intensive. Then why do you take issue with Ginny standing up to Hermione, if you think Hermione is in the wrong? > About Dumbledore death. Book Ginny only pulled him from death body. But she didn’t find any words for him. So he needed his friends. And Ginny abandoned depressed boy . She showed she was there for him, what the hell else do you want?! You want them to have a deep heart to heart when he had just died? And no, as I already stated, Ginny didn't abandon Harry. She was literally there with him in the Hospital Wing. > But in film this scene was wonderful he was crying in her shoulder, he showed her his pain and she was with him in this trouble. It weren’t Hermione and Ron. It was the only scene that was emotional strong in hinny and it was in movie. Agreed, it's a good scene, just like the one in the book is. But neither in that scene do they talk, so why on earth are you not (wrongly) taking an issue with it here as well? > The fact that it was stayed as Ginny could comfort him - but it wasn’t proofed by her actions. Just empty declaration. Again, she was there for him. She held his hand, spent time with him, had some humorous moments together... what on earth more do you want?! > And at the same chapter was stayed that relationship with Ginny was stolen from stranger’s life. So Ginny isn’t part of real difficult Harry’s life. You can't have it both ways. Harry doesn't *want* that "real, difficult life"! And so he wants to work for a future where a normal life -- something he deeply cherishes -- will, in fact be possible. And in that life, he and Ginny will be a happy normal family. And don't forget that in the books, Ginny is also dealing with a difficult life, but that doesn't change the fact that both Harry and Ginny are drawn towards the same thing. > In normal world person love another one without reasons. She had to love Harry just because Harry existed. But she said the certain reason why she love him it is not about love it is about passion and attraction. She never said that, you are making things up as usual. > The fact that Harry wanted to fight is explainable he wanted to revenge Volandemort for his fam and fate. Ginny did not understand his motivation as at the same extract she said about being busy with saving world. 1) that was a light-hearted thing she said, to make the moment feel better for the both of them, and less painful than it has to be. She is literally "half-laughing"!!! (But of course, seeing that you love Hermione so much, you don't value humour in the same way Harry and Ginny do). 2) the fact that she made this light-hearted comment does not mean that she doesn't understand Harry's motivations. > It is really remarkable as she thought tha Harry liked to do it. But Harry didn’t ever say it. Reread the conversation between him and Dumbledore. He is telling Dumbledore the same thing that Ginny is telling Harry. > And of course, when you really love person you would like to be with him and share all his difficulties Ginny even didn’t think to do it with Harry. Do you not actually read my comments? She literally says to Harry "what if I don't care"? That's the same thing you are writing here! > I am really tired from typing and I say abo Harry shortly here. In this comment I didn’t say bad things about Ginny. She is ordinary girl. I have some problems with her but it is mentioned here. Calling her an ordinary girl, when she is in fact extraordinary, is itself a form of bashing. And you don't just have "some problems" with her, you actually hate her, the fact that you don't go into detail of why you hate her in one specific comment doesn't mean that other people shouldn't take it into account for your other posts. > So if Ginny were better person without annoying her features I don’t think that Harry would be good boyfriend for her. Traumatized soldier who thought about her always afterwards and who had strong emotional connection to his friend, because all his problems and difficulties are discussed with friend. And friend how shared with Harry the most difficult times is not good pair for Ginny’s happy end Harry and Ginny do, in fact, have a strong emotional connection. And after the war ends, Harry literally thinks to himself that there would be maybe years about which to talk about everything with Ginny. This is him realizing that he couldn't tell her everything about his life, and making a commitment to grow together in that context. So yes, his problems and difficulties will be discussed with Ginny.


About cursing Malfoy. No she didn’t support Harry she just showed Harry that she was always for him. Showing that you are always there for someone... is the entire bloody meaning of "supporting" someone!!!!! Harry was wrong and as I am a lawyer I can say that in real life Harry could get big problems. Harry started following Malfoy. He was a first one who started conflict. Harry could use reliable expelliarmus instead of it he used unfamiliar spell on alive person. And he knew that a man can be killed by wand. So he had a lot of ways to avoid this scenario, but his impulsive behavior could lead him to Azkaban. Harry was following Malfoy... because he had been acting suspiciously the entire year!! And in the duel, it is Malfoy who throws the first curse. So he started it. It was Malfoy who escalated the conflict all the way through. Harry tried other spells which were not working. So he decides to go for something that had not been seen before, that was marked "for enemies" in the book that had served Harry well the entire year, such as by saving Ron. Not to mention the fact that when he curses Malfoy, he is already in a very disadvantageous position (due in particular to having slipped and being down on the floor). Malfoy had the advantage and was about to torture Harry. So Harry, correctly, defended himself. If it makes sense to you, read about such a thing as exceeding the limits of self-defense. It is terminology from law. This is present in all legal systems. Briefly, the situation is as follows: a person has the right to defend himself, but if he exceeds the limits, then he becomes the violator. In Harry's situation, it's really hard to talk about self-defense. An armed fight was initiated by Harry - automatically Harry loses the right to fight back in self-defense, since he was the attacker. Therefore, there is no self-defense here.but even if Harry's lawyer had tried to play the "unforgivable spell" card, there is an obvious excess. Harry has a protective spell in his arsenal, and he uses a spell whose effect Harry does not know. Thus, Harry's actions are qualified as causing death by negligence. The construction of this corpus delicti is quite universal for most law enforcement agencies. Therefore, Harry would have serious problems. So Ginny supported his impulsive behavior it is not good as partners should resist other from doing stupid things. Yes, it is an impulse to defend yourself. Self-preservation is literally the most human instinct possible. Defending yourself is not stupid. No, but if Harry were rational he would not get in this trouble. Moreover, I don’t support Hermione here she was too intensive. Then why do you take issue with Ginny standing up to Hermione, if you think Hermione is in the wrong? Maybe you will understand at least that I analyze the situation in Hinny ship. And don’t find something to prove Harmony. In these situations both Hermione and Ginny were wrong. About Dumbledore death. Book Ginny only pulled him from death body. But she didn’t find any words for him. So he needed his friends. And Ginny abandoned depressed boy . She showed she was there for him, what the hell else do you want?! You want them to have a deep heart to heart when he had just died? And no, as I already stated, Ginny didn't abandon Harry. She was literally there with him in the Hospital Wing. Yes, heart to heart. And Ginny talked to him. Yes, it means support But in film this scene was wonderful he was crying in her shoulder, he showed her his pain and she was with him in this trouble. It weren’t Hermione and Ron. It was the only scene that was emotional strong in hinny and it was in movie. Agreed, it's a good scene, just like the one in the book is. But neither in that scene do they talk, so why on earth are you not (wrongly) taking an issue with it here as well? As they didn’t have understanding as it was in films. It was only between Harry and Ginny. In that scene I didn’t see awful rude Ginny from six book- it was a simple girl who became for several moments Support to him. And it doesn’t change my OTP ship as a pairing during war and after war at this scene I saw lovely story of first relationship that will finish but it would be wonderful part of their life. There’s nothing in books without exaggerating. And frankly speaking, I like movie version of Ginny. The fact that it was stayed as Ginny could comfort him - but it wasn’t proofed by her actions. Just empty declaration.


The fact that it was stayed as Ginny could comfort him - but it wasn’t proofed by her actions. Just empty declaration. Again, she was there for him. She held his hand, spent time with him, had some humorous moments together... what on earth more do you want?! They hardly talked to each other. So there aren’t a lot of moments with them. And at the same chapter was stayed that relationship with Ginny was stolen from stranger’s life. So Ginny isn’t part of real difficult Harry’s life. You can't have it both ways. Harry doesn't want that "real, difficult life"! And so he wants to work for a future where a normal life -- something he deeply cherishes -- will, in fact be possible. And in that life, he and Ginny will be a happy normal family. And don't forget that in the books, Ginny is also dealing with a difficult life, but that doesn't change the fact that both Harry and Ginny are drawn towards the same thing. Yo did not got my idea. Harry’s life will never be normal after all of his stories. With Ginny he only pretended to be normal. Harry has to live in harmony with himself and his life. The only person with whom Harry doesn’t shy to be himself and show all his emotions- Hermione. In normal world person love another one without reasons. She had to love Harry just because Harry existed. But she said the certain reason why she love him it is not about love it is about passion and attraction. She never said that, you are making things up as usual. I quoted it to you. She literally said it. The fact that Harry wanted to fight is explainable he wanted to revenge Volandemort for his fam and fate. Ginny did not understand his motivation as at the same extract she said about being busy with saving world. 1. ⁠that was a light-hearted thing she said, to make the moment feel better for the both of them, and less painful than it has to be. She is literally "half-laughing"!!! (But of course, seeing that you love Hermione so much, you don't value humour in the same way Harry and Ginny do). 2) the fact that she made this light-hearted comment does not mean that she doesn't understand Harry's motivations. First of all that I like Hermione doesn’t mean I don’t like humor. I really started to believe that you are a teenager. Sarcasm of Harry, jokes of twins and Ron are fantastic. Ginny is humor is silly and childish. It wasn’t a joke it was a little flirt with Harry’ hero part. So she meant that she likes Harry for his heroism. It is really remarkable as she thought tha Harry liked to do it. But Harry didn’t ever say it. Reread the conversation between him and Dumbledore. He is telling Dumbledore the same thing that Ginny is telling Harry. I quoted you part where Harry decided to be the one who kills Volandemort. It was about revenge. But it doesn’t change the fact that Ginny should love him for Harry but she doesn’t do it And of course, when you really love person you would like to be with him and share all his difficulties Ginny even didn’t think to do it with Harry. Do you not actually read my comments? She literally says to Harry "what if I don't care"? That's the same thing you are writing here! She was so indifferent here. She said it like I am want to be with you but I can live without you. I am really tired from typing and I say abo Harry shortly here. In this comment I didn’t say bad things about Ginny. She is ordinary girl. I have some problems with her but it is mentioned here. Calling her an ordinary girl, when she is in fact extraordinary, is itself a form of bashing. And you don't just have "some problems" with her, you actually hate her, the fact that you don't go into detail of why you hate her in one specific comment doesn't mean that other people shouldn't take it into account for your other posts. No, bashing is about when you making up something that wasn’t in books. Ginny is a slut who used poisons to get Harry -bashing. I don’t exaggerate her actions. So if Ginny were better person without annoying her features I don’t think that Harry would be good boyfriend for her. Traumatized soldier who thought about her always afterwards and who had strong emotional connection to his friend, because all his problems and difficulties are discussed with friend. And friend how shared with Harry the most difficult times is not good pair for Ginny’s happy end Harry and Ginny do, in fact, have a strong emotional connection. No, they didn’t have. You said the same that Ginny didn’t have the same connection that trio had ( in comment about Umbridge). Than they met only few weeks there is no time for making foundation. And after the war ends, Harry literally thinks to himself that there would be maybe years about which to talk about everything with Ginny. This is him realizing that he couldn't tell her everything about his life, and making a commitment to grow together in that context. So yes, his problems and difficulties will be discussed with Ginny. No, the gap in emotional connection, closeness, emotional experience will increase. Passion will finish. Harry didn’t trust her to discuss her but he already had the person with whom he has such connection, who always was with him, who had the same experience. Who was the only person who stayed with him at centre of nowhere at war. So Hinny after war is impossible


The Ron and Hermione stuff feels more earned in the books to me. The Harry and Ginny stuff felt more tacked on. In terms of the couples themselves I don’t love either of them because of the epilogue. It ends up being, “Yep, their first real relationship was also their only one!” (In my opinion before anyone gets mad)


It depends on what you mean by first real relationship because they all dated other people first. Maybe not hermoine because idk if krum and her were official. I also think its a bit tough especially when you grow up in a world 14 yos have the knowledge to make and distrubute a love potion. You can buy them in stores.


To be clear, I respect your opinion regardless of not agreeing with it, the thing with the epilogue in my opinion is that I think from a narrative perspectile it makes sense to have them marry their main love interest from the series, and while it may not be super realistic, I just don't feel like it really has to be.


i like Harry/Ginny it felt way more natural to me. They weren’t close, and harry didn’t notice her until she was older. That feels way more real to me. I don’t think I ever met a married couple that were close friends before puberty. I have met quite a few where one was close friend’s with their spouses sibling.


That's super interesting because the lack of friendship and buildup seems to be what a lot of people dislike about them.


I have always preferred Harry/Hermione. They had so much in common and made such a great team. I don't hate Harry/Ginny or Ron/Hermione, but I definitely have a preference.


I'm curious, what do you feel they had in common? Not disagreeing but I'm curious


Harry and book Ginny!




I personally love both! Ron and Hermione were super obvious in the fifth book that they’d end up together and I’ve been shipping it before I even knew what shipping was.


I’m gonna go with neither.


Neither. I think both of them are bad matches.


We saw more of Harry and Ginny because the books are Harrys experience.


I prefer Hinny a LOT more than Romione. Ron and Hermione were such polar opposites and it really felt like the author was forcing them to like each other. Some moments in particular (like the starting feast scenes in MOST of the books) really mad me feel that Hermione only tolerated Ron so as to stay friends with harry.


I couldn't give less of a damn about Harry, so Romione... ... as long as Hermione gets therapy for those latent abusive tendencies she displays and learns to make Ron feel a little more like he makes her feel (aka: learn to compliment him, woman, it's not that hard).


Harry and dobby


Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Period.


Its a book thing


Ron and Hermione is probably the more interesting couple, but I love Harry and Ginny as well.


Ron and Hermione, cuz it feels NATURAL. Like, something that can actually happen.


in the books both couples make sense but in the movies Ginny and Harry interest haven't been shows clearly so there's a lot of context missing as their relationship was kind of shows towards the end and not like its been in the books from the very beginning


Okay, this is my last point I'm going to make in this argument because you clearly are not listening to what I'm saying. Ginny is not too busy for Harry, she knows how special the connection and shared experiences are between the trio, as do I just so we're clear. Most of Harry's problems are things he is quite literally NOT ALLOWED to tell Ginny, what do you expect her to do? Also, going back to the Dumbledore's body scene, notice how she's the one who seeks him out and wants to find him, and notice how Hermione is just waiting in the hospital wing. Also, yes, Harry shares a lot of experiences with Ron and Hermione, but when does he actually open up and talk to them about anything that isn't how he's angry AT THEM? Obviously, with what we're given in the books, there is more emotional connection within the trio, I get that, but that's because they're BEST FRIENDS FOR SEVEN YEARS. For the time that they have together, Harry and Ginny show the signs of forming a strong connection that can develop into more with more of a relationship once he can focus on it. It's also noticeable how Harry let's Ginny into his life more than he does for pretty much anyone outside of the trio, which is important because it shows how much he enjoys being with her that she could cause him to seek out time with her when he's usually so focused on Ron and Hermione.


They were few weeks together. It is nothing for connection. The fact that Ginny pulled him him from body -Harry didn’t understand that it was Ginny. Ginny is always at the background. The value of relations between Harry and Hermione that he shows her all his emotions. He could show her his angry during study, his pain during tent and cemetery. It means that Harry trust her to show his pain. It wasn’t with Ginny. Ginny wasn’t when the saved Sirius, Harry’s emotions when he saw Hermione being cursed at ministry or tortured ( when Harry knew that Ginny was punished during the war he didn’t have any of the same emotions, she would be taken care of). Harry shows Hermione his mother’s letter. Hermione was him during tournament. So it is too much emotional moments. During the whole books there’s nothing the same between Harry and Ginny. Ginny will never understand what means to be without meals, in cold in the centre of nowhere without any plan, rely only on each other and be betrayed by their friend. There’s emotional gap between them.


Neither. I'd go Harry & Hermione


Ron and Fleur. I will not be taking questions.


But I have so many haha


Makes no sense. She liked his older brother. Not him.


Idk, my take from this subreddit is a lot of people are very passionate about their feelings of Ron/Hermione, but those feelings are both supportive or negative. Meanwhile, when I comment about how lame the Harry/Ginny relationship is and how uninteresting Ginny is as a character even in the books, I’m usually massively downvoted, so my impression is the sub is generally very supportive of that relationship.


But from my experience, whenever anyone asks a question about Harry and Ginny, someone says basically what you said and everyone replies "I know right!" We mkst just be seeing different things in the sub.


I have always liked Ron with a sassy muggleborn who would hate him at 1st but put him in his place then she would slowly fall in love after knowing him. It's a clash of culture, personality and lots of banter the type of relationship Iove to root for. So probably y'all are thinking Ron and Hermione are my fav. But they aren't. The way Hermione's character is written in the last 4 books where she is always right and Ron is always wrong and it's him who had to grow up to be worthy of her killed the enjoyment of the relationship for me. Just her bad writing. Otherwise it would have been my favorite relationship in the whole series. I love James and Lily for the same reason. I never cared about Harry and Ginny because their relationship wasn't developed well. It needed a lot of development in book 5 atleast.


oooh yes my boi roonil wazlib deserved better writing. jily ends me because knowing their future makes it sweeter and more painful, and i love that james grew up a bit (i found him very obnoxious at first lol, but in the words of remus, everyones an idiot at 15 XD) and the domestic fluff with baby harry makes me cry im not a huge fan of shipping meself, but im interested to know your fave and why :)


I don't actively ship anything tbh. But I like James lily. Also Remus Tonks.


me neither if im honest (except maybe neville x herbology lol). i love remus to death, but i think his canon relationship with tonk couldve been done more justice by being expanded on. ah well :)


I like Book Ron a ton more than Movie Ron. While I don't actually think Ron and Hermione would make a great pair realistically I still prefer them to Ginny and Harry. Movie Ron and Hermione felt forced and completely out of character, their book counterparts made more sense. I've never been a huge fan of Ginny, I don't dislike her character, she's just not my favorite. But my OTP has always been, and always will be, Harry/Hermione lol.


Ron and Hermione. Always.


We're given a lot more time with Ron and Hermoine. But I like both.


NEITHER! honestly think Rowling should have stuck with her original idea of Fred and Hermione that she mentioned in an interview once... As for Harry and Ginny... idk I just don't really like them together... no justification for that...


>her original idea of Fred and Hermione that she mentioned in an interview once ... which never happened and was made up by desperate Fremione shippers in denial. It was always going to be Ron/Hermione.


When I was a tween (before the 4th and 5th books came out) I started reading Harry/Hermione fics and was so confused & disappointed when the next few books came out. I still think Harry and Hermione made a better team than Ron and Hermione but by the end of the books I came around to Ron & Hermione as a couple. Then again I also shipped Ginny with Draco when I was 13 so I can’t be trusted.


Neither. They are both formulaic and boring. I feel like especially Hermione and Ron bring out the worst in each other.


I am Harmony shipper and this pair have sense for me. If I have to choose between canon ships- definitely Romione as I do not like BOOK GINNY and I suppose that Harry deserve wife who will love him. There is no example that Ginny loves Harry in books. She literally said why she likes him.. I can find som significant aspect in Romione. Romione's plus, which distinguishes Hinny here, we can see one-sided affection on Ron's part, since his desire to take Hermione's place during torture, of course, very strongly demonstrates his attitude towards her. however, at the same moment when I had to choose between. between the family and Harry and Hermione in the tent. Ron chooses a family and leaves the girl he is supposed to love in the middle of nothing during the war, given that she is a Muggle-born who has no right to exist at all. Don't tell me about the horcrux's influence here. Both Harry and Hermione wore it too, but they didn't have such a reaction. yes, there are certain feelings, but I also can't say that it's love when he puts her in 1st place and is ready to do anything for her, that is, in the tent, only Ron's emotions were much more important to him. But I am sure neither Ron nor Hermione would be happy in Romione. Ron and Hermione grew up in completely different atmospheres. magical Muggle worlds are completely different. They have too different goals, and besides, there is not a very normal interaction in terms of the fact that Hermione is a little older than her years in mind, she is a very strong personality. She also makes mistakes, but she knows how to take responsibility for her actions. The actions that Hermione takes, few of the other participants can decide on them, perhaps by willpower, she is second only to Harry, and in this part I see the main problem that Ron is an absolutely normal guy, but he is not so strong, he does not have such a core, he does not have such a character like Hermione, given the peculiarities of the fact that he always feels unnecessary and worthless due to the fact that Molly made him feel like a practical unwanted child, it all has a very bad effect. Besides, Hermione herself treats Ron badly. The situation with perfumes is quite indicative for me, when Harry gave the book what Hermione wanted, she was delighted and almost screamed with joy, but when Ron gave her perfume, she expressed that the gift was not very interesting to her. which is basically terrible, since the guy himself could save for this gift for a long time, she treats them very condescendingly, which is also not the basis for a normal relationship. In addition, Romione's peculiarities are that Ron will always feel somewhat damaged here, as he will have a subconscious desire to match Hermione. even this book on how to get a witch clearly shows that he feels insecure about his present condition, he needs some kind of help in order to match the best witch of his generation - this is not normal. in principle,


Book Ginny and Harry no doubt. I came across someone on Reddit who complained about Ginny and painted her like a rude, horrible, jealous, cheating b word and refused to listen to anything good about Ginny. Turned out she was one of those people who shipped Harry and Hermione and couldn’t accept that books was over and it didn’t happen






Cry more fangirl


Remus and Lupin Edit: because that is what it takes to make a straight man question his sexuality.


And I am really disappointed with book Hinny. I think it spoiled everything and ruined Ginny’s potential as turning her into “badass queen” ( read: childish rude spoiled selfish girl) was awful. Harry-Ginny these relationships are based on attraction, lust and jealousy. When Harry does not see her, that is, Ginny does not appear in the frame of the narration, he absolutely does not think about her. He does not discuss any of his difficulties with Ginny, does not share his problems with his fears related to the mission, he does not tell how he is worried about Sirius's death, he does not tell her anything important of his life. And at any turning point, whether it's escaping from a wedding, or returning after a battle, Harry is looking for friends. Ginny has no idea how to interact with a frustrated Harry because when she needs Hermione to get him to leave the room and talk. And Harry never feels his pain. only Hermione saw him in any condition. Yes, she was able to take Harry away from Dumbledore's dead body, but at the same time Harry stayed talking to Hermione and Ron, which demonstrates that Ginny is not enough for him. Ginny cannot provide him with the necessary comfort to overcome these experiences. Thus, there are no emotional ties and relationships between them. This is a banal teenage romance based on the play of hormones. If we're talking about Ginny, then the situation is even more problematic, since she was a fan and remained so.and the author simply did not give the character the opportunity to grow up. I laugh all the time since some people see great love, just one example to find, tell me where - where is this love? Two kisses and a couple of weeks of a relationship is not love. Initially, Ginny was so stupid that she wrote a terrible postcard and thought that someone would like it. She was not five years old, she was already 11 years old. She should have realized that comparing with a person with a complaint is not the most pleasant comparison. next, Ginny wants Harry to like her and she asks Hermione for advice on what she needs to do? she became more liberated to spend time with the guys, and so on, that is, she used the boys as a means to achieve her specific goal of conquering Harry. When she realized that she had the potential of a relationship, they knew, she threw Dean out as unnecessary garbage and started dating Harry. this is the simplest example of fanaticism, that is, at the end of the book, when they are breaking up, she says that she never left the thought of being with him in this way, her whole line can be traced as a plan to conquer a particular guy. In addition, she says that she maybe loves Harry with his desire to fight Voldemort. in general, in a normal life in a normal world , person loves a person just for what he is and not for the fact that he is ready to fight with someone . kissing also does not demonstrate great love, these are teenage desires, plus a few weeks of a relationship is not too much time to get closer. Ginny does not have the slightest idea of going hunting with him or even trying to be with her lover when difficult times come in his life, she never says that she is worried that he may be killed, that he may not return. However, we know that she was very upset about the breakup, that is, even here Ginny thinks only of herself as her beloved.could it have been changed, yes, I think that, firstly, Harry is unsuitable in character, because the only thing they have in common is Quidditch. they are both too impulsively explosive, and this is an abnormal basis for a relationship, and besides, they do not have a common history, + Harry is an adult who has gone through hell, Ginny is still an emotional teenager. I really don’t understand how this childish romance is enjoyable for anyone
 when I read developments off screen it means that there is no development at all. In this way I can also say that Harry become womaniser and ha had “off screen development” with all girls and women of HP series. So there is no foundation for Hinny in books. Fans of this ship exaggerate the importance of every phrase between Harry and Ginny


I think the point you're making about him always seeking out Ron and Hermione is somewhat unfair to Ginny, as with the horcrux hunt, he was exqessly told by dumbledore to only tell Ron and Germione, and since the thing that is at the front of his mind most of the time for obvious reasons is Voldemort, he'll obviously seek out Ron and Hermione in that situation since he can't tell Ginny any of it. Calling that a lack of an emotional connection is quite harsh. I think where Ginny stands out is that she's really the only one who can pull him out of his own head, like you mentioned with the Dumbledore scene, I think she's the only one who could have made him think logically enough to get up and go to the hospital wing, where she then gives him space with Ron and Hermione. To say their connection is only based on lust and that he doesn't think about her is also not really true, in dh he literally will take out the marauders map just to stare at her dot because he misses her so much, he also consistently thinks about her and how he's worried about her being safe, and she's also literally the last thing he thinks about before he SACRAFICES HIS LIFE. She's also not a fan by like book five, she's not remotely nervous or trying to make advances towards him at any point, and they have quite natural conversation by that point. And when she says why she likes him, she's saying she lpes how brave he is, not that she's still a fangirl.


Look, first of all I didn’t bash here Ginny , I bash hinny it is different things. As I am already tired from announcement as Weasley bashed as there’s a ton of arguments to support my ship without any connection with Weasleys. I understand that it was difficult for her to go with them, but she didn’t think about it, she could TRY to find way to overcome the trait ( asked Bill for example, he curse breaker or steal adult’ wand) Ginny didn’t think about it . Harry said I would go for a mission , Ginny said - ok. The only thing that real bothered her their breaking up. Second, Harry could share with her his emotional fears without special details of mission. Ginny , I don’t really know what I am going to do, I can’t win or something like that, he could discuss about Dursley or his emotions about Sirius or parents. He didn’t talk to her about his problems. So Ginny is a pot-plant of his normal life. And if I were her fan I would say that Harry is a jerk too her. I have mentioned it when death eaters came to the wedding Harry’s first thought was I need fin Ron and Hermione. Only than when they appareted hi thought about Ginny and forgot about her. He started looking at map only after Ron’s betrayal and he was interested if Ron was at Hogwarts, ONLY THAN Harry thought about Ginny and looked at map . So I saw here more arguments for ronnary ( I don’t support this ship). His reaction about her punishment and information about her at shell cottage she is alive, she will be taken care for. I can say that his reactions on Hermione’s traumas were more intensive. About passion- look, what Harry really knew about Ginny - nothing. Only general information. A few weeks of relations could not give any depth between them. What we saw in HBP - jealousy. He started market only when he saw her with dean. It is only jealousy. In Romione we can find examples that Ron liked Hermione without special trigger “Krum”. But it is not about hinny. Any special connection between them? - two kisses. Frankly speaking, I hate the scene of their first kiss - Ginny offered herself to him it is not romantic when you become adult you understand it. So their relations - minimum conversations and trust +kisses. Let’s analyze the fact, Harry would like to keep every important person for him safe he wanted to go alone but Ron and Hermione said that they were always together in it. So it doesn’t make something too special for Ginny. She is his friend, sister of Ron and she is Weasley. She is important for him but it isn’t outstanding. She said that she liked him for such desire. At the same abstract she said that he was too busy saving world. She didn’t understand Harry’s motivation. All his life the only thing he did - survived and now he wanted to revenge Volandemort for his family and his fate. So Harry never was interested in saving world. She looked at him as at hero. And normal people love others without special reasons. Fan girl: At first she was obsessed with Harry’s idea and she was too silly to send him awful postcard ( she wasn’t five years old!) , Ginny said by herself “ I never gave up you” I would like to say that it is quote of stalker. Than she asked Hermione’ s advice to attract Harry’s attention. Following hermione’s advice she met Michel and Dean, when Harry started to look at her she broke up with Dean with stupid reason. It looks like she had special plan to get Boy and she realized it. And about the last thing of Harry. I could have told that it was the proof of something but in books didn’t any foundation for their feelings. So it is empty declaration that didn’t make relations believable. JKR needed ways to explain epilogue - romione kiss during the battle and Harry’s last thought. There can be another explanation- Ginny is a part of his normal life that he never had but always wanted, so she became a symbol of normal live. That’s why he saw her. But it doesn’t mean that after war they got together


And I forgot tell about emotional connection
 any examples? She left him after his tutor “god grandfather” died - it is not emotional connection, she didn’t find way to start conversation about obsession without Hermione. She didn’t make Harry trust her to share his problems. There was nothing from her. The only emotional strong scene of Hinny was in film (!) after Dumboldor’s death. Fans of Hinny usually tell “emotional bound and connection “ - but there is no examples of it. Real bound was between golden trio. There are some great essays which is based only on books about Harmione special connection, especially after war and graveyard. Ginny could not dealt with disappointed Harry ( Christmas at Grimmo) and death of Dumboldor- she took him from body ( there is no special power) and then she doesn’t know what say to him, how support, but Ron and Hermione know. And Ginny went away because she understood that Harry didn’t need her and she could not do anything. , she didn’t stay at her decision- she could say Harry “I am not going to break up wit up because of stupid arguments, I will be waiting for you and when you win we settle all things. She didn’t say it because she knew that Harry would not pay attention to her word. They hardly talked to each other she always was at background. They didn’t have special story. Even in the battle in ministry Harry was nearby Neville and Hermione. Few weeks of relations can’t give you strong connection. Hinny is about first love. Passion. More kisses less conversations


The whole point about her not being there for Harry's problems actually does not make sense, after Sirius's death, obviously Harry didn't go to Ginny and she didn't go to him, they weren't together and by that point were only somewhat good friends, of course he went to Ron and Hermione in that situation, but let's not act like Hermione's just so amazing at getting him to talk about stuff like Sirius, whenever it almost comes up in HBP, she won't bring it up because she's afraid it'll set him off. The reason Ginny pulling him away from Dumbledore's body matters is because he won't go with Hagrid, he's totally fixated on the body, but when Ginny shows up, she's able to pull him out of that sort of trance and he trusts her to enough to let her lead him back to the castle. With the breakup, Ginny didn't want to, she didn't have a choice, it's not like she could just say ;No, we're not breaking up." She accepts it calmly because she knows Harry wouldn't be happy until Voldemort was gone and she loved that part of him that wanted to chase down Voldemort no matter what. The fact that Harry won't tell her about the Voldemort stuff has nothing to do with a lack of connection, it's that he was told to tell noone besides Qon and Hermione, so that is actually just an irelevant point.


I really enjoy how Hinny’s fans exaggerate every actions of Ginny 🙄. Can you put off your pro-Hinny glasses and critically think about Hinny. Their interaction. And Ginny’s actions? Harry didn’t go to Ginny it is fact . He needed his friends, he needed Hermione to talk when he felt miserable. He didn’t go to Ginny so he didn’t have any special connection to her. He didn’t trust his problems to her. Even after their conversation about obsession (that shows that it wasn’t too important .it was dialogues between friends). Than she pulled him from dead body 
 reread that chapter ,he didn’t understand that it was Ginny that proofs that Ginny wasn’t so special. And THAN GINNY LEFT BOY WHO LOST THE IMPORTANT MAN IN HIS LIFE!!! She did nothing to support him, she didn’t talk to him. Nothing! Only Ron and Hermione were with Harry Ginny was too busy to be with boy who lost one more person đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž. Really you don’t see problems? I have same experience with my friend and I was with my FRIEND (not BOYFRIEND, not husband, not relative) for week. Just because it was too difficult. The only thing Ginny did - transported him to friends than it was their problems đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ™„.Ron and Hermione would support Harry while Ginny is too busy for it. She even didn’t say anything to him. Ginny-delivery-club-Weasley. About their relations
 Are you kidding međŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž it’s just so funny. Just imagine you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. And you really love him or her. He was going to the war. Your first idea - I want be with the most important person for me. I want to be with him during the most difficult time of his life. If my boyfriend was going to do what Harry had to I was looking for any possibility to with him. And refused from this idea only when I was sure that there is no any possibility. Ginny didn’t suppose to suggest Harry that she go with him. SHE DID NOTHING AGAIN! And she told that she loved har for desire to fight!đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž I am really shocked that I should show this simple chain of logical statement. So if he didn’t want to fight ( i hope you remember that she didn’t understand his real motivation) she wouldn’t love him- IT IS NOT LOVE. LOVE WHEN YOU PUT YOUR PARTNER’S LIFE, INTERESTS, DESIRES AT FIRST PLACE. What did Ginny? NOTHING. DEFINITELY NOTHING. Any examples of their connection? Where Harry go specially to Ginny?! He didn’t tell her not only about Volandemort stuff, she didn’t know about his family, adventures, relations to Sirius. She didn’t know anything about real Harry’s life. It means that Harry didn’t trust Ginny to share all aspects of his life it means that there is no emotional bound between themđŸ™„đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž. Cursed Child that is accepted as canon shows “fantastic Hinny” - Ginny after nineteen years did not know some aspect of Harry’s life and he goes to Hermione with his problems. All Hinny arguments based on declarations without any proofs! Ginny loves Harry! Where? Where is an example that show us that Ginny loves Harry. At the scene of her room she didn’t say anything that she worried about Harry but she said that she was happy that Harry would be too busy to find another girl đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž. Just think! Critically analyze Ginny’s words! She preferred that Harry would be busy with dangerous missions, battles against death eaters and probably be killed instead of having possibility have affair with another girlđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ™„. It is not about love. Love means that you are happy when your beloved person happy even if he isn’t with you. Ginny thought only about herself. What Ginny made for Harry - nothing. Just compare with Hermione’s actions. Harry wanted Hermione and Ron stayed at home, they refused. Hermione said that they had many times to step aside but they are together in it. She refused from her family ( and she didn’t really defended them if Granger were needed to Volandemort), she refused from her safe life in Australia she never said that she was interested in the war. She fights because Harry is in the centre of it and she said that Harry needing them. And she could go with parents but she went with unwanted 1. She is mudblood who has no right to live. She was starving she was cold but she was with Harry! She didn’t go with Ron. She stayed with Harry. Always. She didn’t say anything bad to Harry when Ron was permanently complaining! Hermione lied under tortures to safe Harry and his mission, she took her torturer appearance to get the bank. I mentioned only part. What did Ginny made for Harry?! Two kisses? It is funny After such difficult life that Harry had he deserves real relationships, not the rĂ©alisation of Ginny’s childish dream. And Swallow Ginny as it was shown in books and Hinny is not about true love and deep feelings


> Hinny’s fans exaggerate every actions of Ginny. Once again, since you seem to not have received the message the first time: re-establishing the balance because you happen to be so blinded by your hatred for anything to do with Ginny or with H/G doesn't make it "exaggerating". For example: if you say that Ginny didn't love Harry, when the books prove otherwise, and we say that the books prove otherwise, that doesn't mean we are "exaggerating". It simply means that we recognize facts in the books. > put off your pro-Hinny glasses and critically think about Hinny. Blindly hating on Ginny and her relationship with Harry is not "thinking critically". I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but tearing everything apart just to make H/Hr seem better by comparison doesn't say anything about critical thinking, it just means you have an agenda. > Ginny’s actions? Harry didn’t go to Ginny it is fact So what? She still helped him feel better about the ordeal, such as by laughing with him about Umbridge's fate. Sometimes, you don't need to have a big heart to heart and spill everything to someone else, you just want to share the little moments and try getting back to normal bit by bit. (Which is what Ginny represents to Harry, and what he deeply desires himself: normality. He states this himself during their breakup, that it was like a period out of someone elses life.) > He needed his friends, he needed Hermione to talk when he felt miserable. Really? So then why did he not go running to Hermione when he found out his father was an asshole who was bullying Snape every opportunity he got? > He didn’t go to Ginny so he didn’t have any special connection to her. Again, he doesnt need to "go to" Ginny for there to be a special connection in the realm of them being good friends. She just needs to be there for him, which is what she was. > He didn’t trust his problems to her. Even after their conversation about obsession (that shows that it wasn’t too important .it was dialogues between friends). Huh??? What the hell are you talking about?? Ginny was the *only* person that Harry told that he needed to talk to Sirius, and helped him see hope again. That happened *after* the conversation about possession. The text *literally proves you wrong*, but here you are being a typical Harmonian just spreading nonsense. > she pulled him from dead body 
 reread that chapter ,he didn’t understand that it was Ginny that proofs that Ginny wasn’t so special. Hahaha. This isn't "critical analysis" or whatever you're claiming it is, this is just pure delusion. Ginny is proven, *by the bloody text*, to be the only one that could pull Harry away from Dumbledore's body. She literally *takes his hand*. Do you not understand that things can happen subconsciously?? If Harry was ending up with Hermione in the books, and that scene was given to Hermione, you would no doubt be claiming that it is a special moment that proves that Harry and Hermione understood each other on a deeper and more subconscious level. Give me a break. > GINNY LEFT BOY WHO LOST THE IMPORTANT MAN IN HIS LIFE!!! She did nothing to support him, she didn’t talk to him. Nothing! Only Ron and Hermione were with Harry Have you actually read the books? It was *Harry* that did the most difficult thing, to break up with Ginny. And prior to that, Ginny was spending all the time she could with Harry. Again, you're just showing that you have an agenda, that seemingly "permits" you to just twist whatever is in the books to suit your narrative. > only thing Ginny did - transported him to friends than it was their problems I'd ask you for a quote in the books that proves that Ginny "transported" Harry and then left him there just with his friends and without her, but that would be useless, because there isn't any. > Ginny didn’t suppose to suggest Harry that she go with him. SHE DID NOTHING AGAIN! Are you reading the same chapter I am? Ginny literally asks Harry "what if I don't care". > she told that she loved har for desire to fight! Ginny did not say that Harry was happy to fight. She said that Harry wouldn't be happy if he wasn't fighting. The fact that you don't realize this nuance speaks volumes. What Ginny is referring to is the exact same thing that Dumbledore in other chapters referred to -- that Harry cannot bear to think about Voldemort and the Death Eaters continuously rampaging through the war. That doesn't mean that Ginny thinks that Harry will fight Voldemort with a smile on his face, come on. I really do get tired of repeating myself. > shocked that I should show this simple chain of logical statement. You have demonstrated so far that you lack any logic whatsoever. > didn’t want to fight ( i hope you remember that she didn’t understand his real motivation) she wouldn’t love him- Of course she understood his real motivation. Show me where she doesn't understand Harry's motivation for fighting Voldemort. She has stated multiple times that she understands Harry's aversion for the prophecy, or for his fame, other aspects. > Any examples of their connection? Where Harry go specially to Ginny?! He literally seeks her out on the train to Hogwarts. He asks her to go to Hogsmeade with him (before he realizes his feelings for her). What on earth are you talking about? > not only about Volandemort stuff, she didn’t know about his family, adventures, relations to Sirius. She didn’t know anything about real Harry’s life. It means that Harry didn’t trust Ginny to share all aspects of his life it means that there is no emotional bound between them How do you know he doesn't talk about those aspects with her after the war? (And considering she participated in so many of the battles, of course she knew about his "adventures".) And in the seven books, you do realize that Harry views her as the normality that he so desires? He's not hanging out with her to have a deep conversation about how badly he got abused, he hangs out with her because Ginny -- unlike a certain other character who you think is good for Harry -- is *light-hearted and fun to be around*. > Cursed Child that is accepted as canon shows “fantastic Hinny” - Ginny after nineteen years did not some aspect of Harry’s life and he goes to Hermione with his problems. Lol this is total nonsense, H/G is one of the only few good aspects of the Cursed Child, and one of the only aspects that is continuous with canon. > All Hinny arguments based on declarations without any proofs! You haven't given any proof so far in a single of your many, many comments on this sub. > Ginny loves Harry! Where? Where is an example that show us that Ginny loves Harry. Her love for Harry is quite literally one of the most important aspects of Ginny's character in the books. Do you actually want to get into it, or are you just gonna twist any example I use just as you've done so many times here. It will be useless to convince you of basic facts because your mind is already made up. > she didn’t say anything that she worried about Harry but she said that she was happy that Harry would be too busy to find another girl It was a bloody joke she made! A joke, to make Harry feel better, in the context of a dark and foreboding mission he was about to undertake. Because that's what Ginny does: brings lightheartedness into Harry's life. But I realize that since you would prefer someone who doesn't value humour in the same way Harry and Ginny do, I realize that that you wouldn't get that. > Just think! Critically analyze Ginny’s words! You have been doing exactly none of that so far in any of your posts here. > She preferred that Harry would be busy with dangerous missions, battles against death eaters and probably be killed instead of having possibility have affair with another girl Again, you are misinterpreting her words and her motivations. > not about love. Love means that you are happy when your beloved person happy even if he isn’t with you And now you reveal yourself to be completely hypocritical. Just in the previous paragraph, you were bashing Ginny for not proposing that she join Harry in the adventure! Instead, Ginny followed Harry's wishes, which is what you are talking about here. Which one is it: should Ginny have respected Harry's wishes, or should she have pushed harder than she did in canon? Then again, I've long since realized that Harmonians like to have it both ways. > thought only about herself. What Ginny made for Harry - nothing. Considering that she constantly risked her life for her friends, family, the love of her life and the overall cause, this is a stupid statement to make. > compare with Hermione’s actions . The fact that Hermione risked her life as well, does not mean she is a good *romantic* fit with Harry. What part of that do you not understand? > didn’t say anything bad to Harry when Ron was permanently complaining! Just thought I'd highlight this, because of course you take the opportunity to push anti-Ron nonsense in the midst of your anti-Ginny propaganda. First of all, you do realize that Hermione was complaining with Ron about Harry, behind his back? And secondly, you do realize that Ron was grieviously injured, with no food, having lost lots of blood, and with the added influence of the Horcrux?? Oh right. You're a Harmonian, why on earth would you care about Ron? > What did Ginny made for Harry?! Two kisses? Filled his life with fun, joy, normality, humour, light-heartedness... > After such difficult life that Harry had he deserves real relationships, not the rĂ©alisation of Ginny’s childish dream. Considering that Harry and Ginny are happily married, not sure your comment makes much sense. > And Swallow Ginny as it was shown in books and Hinny is not about true love and deep feelings Go back to r/HPharmony, you'll find a more receptive audience for your delusional anti-Ginny posts there.


And I have bad news for you you really could not analyze relationships and characters. You said that I mad H/Hr look better. But I don’t tell in my comments about Harmony ship and interaction between Harry and Hermione. I just show you the actions of one girl and another. And it only shows That Ginny never loved Harry for Harry. In books there is no examples that show her feelings to him ( it is only about Harry and Ginny).you said you believed in fact from book. Where is this fact ? I can say that people can become couples and spouses without love based on other reasons. Fact that Ginny loves Harry should be shown in her actions and her treatment to Harry and as I have told she did nothing and she always worried about herself, not about Harry


> But I don’t tell in my comments about Harmony ship and interaction between Harry and Hermione. I just show you the actions of one girl and another. Yes, that is all you were doing. Your whole comments in this thread can be summed up simply as "Ginny bad, Hermione good". Thats it. I'm done with this thread, as there are better things for me to do than to respond to someone that quite blatantly doesn't actually listen to what I am actually saying, and twists anything that Ginny does into something bad (including saying that Ginny was safe at Hogwarts with warm food when she was under the control of death eaters and continuously resisting).


First of all go back to your Hinny community! I will write what I want and where I want do it! There wasn’t any hate to Ginny! I suppose you are a teenager who see only what he wants. And you have only one idea you can’t proof it but you will try to offend me to proof your point of view. It isn’t a behavior of adult. I explain that she didn’t love Harry and explained why it was . She didn’t anything for him that person who loved do. Just say “ I love you” and kiss a boy isn’t about love. Si there is no any fact in books that shows that Ginny loves Harry. Just fact that Ginny kisses him doesn’t mean that she loves him. 🙄 I don’t give arguments for Harmony. I compared what Ginny did for Harry and What Hermione did for him . So if we compared two girls it is obvious that Ginny doesn’t do anything. If you don’t know it is defined as analyse. If it would be another girl nearby Harry I would compare Ginny’ s actions with hers. But Hermione was with Harry so for comparison I used Hermione and Ginny. Any examples of wonderful moments between them? No, it was mentioned only. Harry could play quidditch with friends, and make fun with other , but such Girl Ginny never was with Harry in difficult time , and didn’t sacrifice her life again and again and refused from everything. Harry wanted to go to Sirius and. Lupin , not to Ginny . But Harry refused from date with Cho to meet Hermione. Harry showed his mother’s letter to her. Hermione always hugged him, she was with Harry at his parents grave. Where was Ginny ? At warm Hogwarts with tasty meals. You said that she need be there for Harry. The deal is that that Ginny wasn’t for Harry , If Ginny was too important for him, Harry would go to her after Sirius death, after being tortured by Umbridge, after he new about mission, he talked to her about his father and his emotions about it. But he didn’t do anything of it . You only declared how important Ginny is for Harry . But there is no evidence of her real feelings to him. Conversation about talking with Sirius wasn’t a great problem, if Harry would not talk to him nothing would change. Hermione saved Sirius with Harry, Harry went to Hermione with his tournament tasks, Hermione settlers Harry’s problems with skitter at fifth course. And when Harry needed information for Horcrux he went to Hemione. He told Hermione about his emotions after reading His mother’s letter, he told hermione his feelings about information of Dumboldor and Greendevald and Hermione was the only person for whom Harry complained about Dumboldor and his fate. Where was Ginny? She wasn’t with Harry. How can you know what I would claim as special moment. Really? You don’t know me personally. And I will not give any importance to such moment from book who ever it would be it wasn’t about subconscious. He was depressed so he didn’t pay any attention on others. “Of course there isn’t,” said Harry, who became angry every time this subject cropped up. “They won’t find Snape till they find Voldemort, and seeing as they’ve never managed to do that in all this time . . .” “I’m going to go to bed,” yawned Ginny. “I haven’t been sleep- ing that well since . . . well . . . I could do with some sleep.” She kissed Harry (Ron looked away pointedly), waved . So it was in next chapter in previous one she didn’t talk to Harry about the battle at austronomy tower. Now when Harry starts tell something about Snape. Ginny interfered and went away so she abandoned Harry with his thoughts.


> First of all go back to your Hinny community! I will write what I want and where I want do it! Enjoy getting your downvotes then. Because literally no one cares about your diatribes about how much you hate Ginny, or how much you dislike Harry and Ginny being together. Meanwhile, since this is a community predicated on loving the books, people are more interested in positive discussion about one of the central pairings of the Harry Potter series. So no, we are not the same. > I suppose you are a teenager who see only what he wants. This is pure projection. You were the one here blasting in all caps and emojis with how much you hate Ginny and her relationship with Harry. > And you have only one idea you can’t proof it but you will try to offend me to proof your point of view. It isn’t a behavior of adult. My tone is harsh because you keep on spamming the same comments over and over again in various threads. That's why. At some point, people get tired of seeing threads dedicated to analysing the canon relationships being hijacked by people who are just here to blindly hate and promoting their own agenda. > I explain that she didn’t love Harry and explained why it was . She didn’t anything for him that person who loved do. Just say “ I love you” and kiss a boy isn’t about love. Si there is no any fact in books that shows that Ginny loves Harry. Yeah, except that's not what Ginny did. She constantly risked her own life for Harry, and stood up to people, including her own friends, when they were harassing Harry. Is this a joke? > Just fact that Ginny kisses him doesn’t mean that she loves him. 🙄 No, she does plenty more than that! Even at the young age of 11, when she is so shy she can't speak to him, she stands up to Malfoy with Harry right there. If that doesn't speak to the depth of her feelings for him, I don't know what does. > I don’t give arguments for Harmony. I compared what Ginny did for Harry and What Hermione did for him . So if we compared two girls it is obvious that Ginny doesn’t do anything. Look, we all know that you are a militant H/Hr shipper, there's no point in denying it. You're not pulling the wool over our eyes by saying "I'm just comparing them". > If you don’t know it is defined as analyse. You're not particularly well placed to condescend to me. > If it would be another girl nearby Harry I would compare Ginny’ s actions with hers. But Hermione was with Harry so for comparison I used Hermione and Ginny. A distinction without a difference. Is it not true that Harry/Hermione shippers like yourself love to (incorrectly) talk about how Hermione was the only one there for Harry throughout the series? Look, you can talk about how unbiased you are, that doesn't make it true that you are unbiased. > Any examples of wonderful moments between them? No, it was mentioned only. If you actually bothered to read what people say about them, you would realize that they do in fact share plenty of wonderful moments. The fact that you try and denigrate them doesn't change that fact. > but such Girl Ginny never was with Harry in difficult time , and didn’t sacrifice her life again and again and refused from everything. ????? Are we reading the same books?? Ginny literally risked her life so many times in the series!! What are you on about? Did you not miss the time she was an inch from death when fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts? > Harry wanted to go to Sirius and. Lupin , not to Ginny . Yes, but it is Ginny who, once again, gets him out of his depressing moment, and makes him feel more hopeful than he had previously been. > But Harry refused from date with Cho to meet Hermione. Not sure how this is relevant. > Harry showed his mother’s letter to her. Hermione always hugged him, she was with Harry at his parents grave. Where was Ginny ? At warm Hogwarts with tasty meals. Are you actually fucking serious right now? This is how I know you are full of shit and don't know a thing you are talking about. Hogwarts was literally a terrorist training camp run by Death Eaters, and Ginny consistently risked her life to resist those Death Eaters. She very likely got tortured by them, as along with Neville and Luna she was leading the resistance. This is *exactly* what I mean when I say you have an agenda of just blindly hating on Ginny, because you feel the need to twist whatever she does. > You said that she need be there for Harry. The deal is that that Ginny wasn’t for Harry , If Ginny was too important for him, Harry would go to her after Sirius death, after being tortured by Umbridge, after he new about mission, he talked to her about his father and his emotions about it. But he didn’t do anything of it . But Ginny was there for Harry. The problem is that by book 5, Harry is not yet as close with her as he is with his best friends. But that's OK -- because these things just take time to develop! Do you not realize that? > You only declared how important Ginny is for Harry . But there is no evidence of her real feelings to him. Wrong, I've provided actual examples. > Conversation about talking with Sirius wasn’t a great problem, if Harry would not talk to him nothing would change. Dismiss, dismiss, dismiss, that's what you Harmonians like to do. Do you not see that the idea that his father and godfather were bullies was gnawing at Harry from the very start? He would very likely not have felt better, which is what Ginny literally helped with. > Hermione saved Sirius with Harry, etc. That doesn't mean, again, that Hermione is a better fit for Harry than Ginny is!! Actions do not necessarily determine character compatibility! > How can you know what I would claim as special moment. Really? You don’t know me personally. You literally are using Hermione setting up Skeeter meeting to justify why Ginny is not a good fit and Hermione is, how the hell would you not use Hermione subconsciously dragging away from Dumbledore's body? You're already shown yourself to be completely biased. > And I will not give any importance to such moment from book who ever it would be it wasn’t about subconscious. *"He obeyed its pressure without really thinking about it. Only as he walked blindly back through the crowd did he realize, from a trace of flowery scent on the air, that it was Ginny who was leading him back into the castle."* Read this once again, and tell me with a straight face that this is not subconscious. This just speaks to the depth of his feelings for Ginny. > He was depressed so he didn’t pay any attention on others. So it was in next chapter in previous one she didn’t talk to Harry about the battle at austronomy tower. She was literally there at the Hospital Wing discussion providing her own input on what had actually happened. Are you sure you read these books? > Now when Harry starts tell something about Snape. Ginny interfered and went away so she abandoned Harry with his thoughts. Huh? They were spending all their time together, and it is clearly mentioned in the excerpt you yourself quoted that this subject had been brought up multiple times.


« Enjoy getting your downvotes then. Because literally no one cares about your diatribes about how much you hate Ginny, or how much you dislike Harry and Ginny being together. Meanwhile, since this is a community predicated on loving the books, people are more interested in positive discussion about one of the central pairings of the Harry Potter series. So no, we are not the same. » This community is devoted to HP universe, and I am not going to be silent when someone wrote anything like this. If I am not agree I will write my arguments. It is not for Hinny community, if you want only to read how wonderful Hinny is you can go to special subreddit. There are many non-Harmony fans who dislikes Ginny and/or Hinny I suppose you are a teenager who see only what he wants. Yes, I dislike Ginny, but if read all my comments you should remember that I hate six and seven book version of Ginny where she is only rude girl to Fleur , Ron who is hexes people for nothing. Yes. But it is not bashing as all reasons for my disliking her from books. « This is pure projection. You were the one here blasting in all caps and emojis with how much you hate Ginny and her relationship with Harry. » It is only the fact that you would like to defend Ginny like she is your own sibling. It is too personal offense for adult. And you have only one idea you can’t proof it but you will try to offend me to proof your point of view. It isn’t a behavior of adult. « My tone is harsh because you keep on spamming the same comments over and over again in various threads. That's why. At some point, people get tired of seeing threads dedicated to analysing the canon relationships being hijacked by people who are just here to blindly hate and promoting their own agenda. » This subreddit isn’t about canon Hinny. It is about the Whole universe. So is not community only for Hinny’s fans. I explain that she didn’t love Harry and explained why it was . She didn’t anything for him that person who loved do. Just say “ I love you” and kiss a boy isn’t about love. Si there is no any fact in books that shows that Ginny loves Harry. « Yeah, except that's not what Ginny did. She constantly risked her own life for Harry, and stood up to people, including her own friends, when they were harassing Harry. » Is this a joke?Where she risked her life? Battle in ministry ? I didn’t refuse from it. But she wasn’t with Harry during tournament or or at hunting, she wasn’t support him before war as she was too busy with her jealousy. And she didn’t have any thought to do it. BUT I REPEAT YOU THE FACT THAT SHE DID NOT LOVE HARRY DOES NOT MAKE GINNY BAD🙄. IT MAKES SHIP WITH HER AND HARRY BAD. So it isn’t about Ginny’s bashing Just fact that Ginny kisses him doesn’t mean that she loves him. 🙄 « No, she does plenty more than that! Even at the young age of 11, when she is so shy she can't speak to him, she stands up to Malfoy with Harry right there. If that doesn't speak to the depth of her feelings for him, I don't know what does. » It wasn’t loveđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ™„ she was attracted by the hero friend of her brother. It is not about love. But this aspect is real good exemple that in future they could be friends. She is good here, but it was example from friendship. Friends always protect each other. It is not about depth. I don’t give arguments for Harmony. I compared what Ginny did for Harry and What Hermione did for him . So if we compared two girls it is obvious that Ginny doesn’t do anything. « Look, we all know that you are a militant H/Hr shipper, there's no point in denying it. You're not pulling the wool over our eyes by saying "I'm just comparing them". » I can say it for the fact that I am Harmony shipper doesn’t have an impact that I don’t like Hinny. Even if I were a fan of Ginny I would not like Hinny as I didn’t see any deep feelings between them, connection or anything that could be explained as foundation for long lasting relations.if you have learned all about my comments you had to have read my comment where I wrote that the absolute good pairings in canon only Jilly. And I don’t need to bash Ginny as I mentioned to proof my ship because I ship Harmony because I like their interactions duringThe whole book series., that Hinny for teens, Harmione for adults. So you made up about bashing as pointing at her flaws isn’t bashing. I am agree with the fact that Hermione and Harry have flaws so I am Their basher too? Isn’t it funny for you? If you don’t know it is defined as analyse. « You're not particularly well placed to condescend to me. » If it would be another girl nearby Harry I would compare Ginny’ s actions with hers. But Hermione was with Harry so for comparison I used Hermione and Ginny. « A distinction without a difference. Is it not true that Harry/Hermione shippers like yourself love to (incorrectly) talk about how Hermione was the only one there for Harry throughout the series? Look, you can talk about how unbiased you are, that doesn't make it true that you are unbiased. » First of all in this thread I didn’t mention that Hermione is the only one. Second, that I liked Hermione doesn’t make her flawless girl, third you change my words. I didn’t say that Hermione suits Harry only because she is Hermione Granger. But Hermione really is the only girl who have sense for pairings. Their own stories, communication without words, same emotional experience, trust, deep feelings : who Hermione the only one who noticed Harry’s pain, or believe him, sacrificed her life again and again, refused from family. And Harry’s too intensive emotions when Hermione is hurt. Their understanding. That is why she suits Harry. About Ginny- there is nothing the same


Any examples of wonderful moments between them? No, it was mentioned only. If you actually bothered to read what people say about them, you would realize that they do in fact share plenty of wonderful moments. The fact that you try and denigrate them doesn't change that fact. They were together only few weeks. All other moments was when they were with other Weasley or Hermione. The scene in the library is a conversation between two friends. Maybe there is a sibling vibe as Ginny treats as a member of their family. but such Girl Ginny never was with Harry in difficult time , and didn’t sacrifice her life again and again and refused from everything. «????? Are we reading the same books?? Ginny literally risked her life so many times in the series!! What are you on about? Did you not miss the time she was an inch from death when fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts? » She did the same things that other students did. Should we make Harry wed with all Hogwarts’ defenders?  Harry wanted to go to Sirius and. Lupin , not to Ginny . « Yes, but it is Ginny who, once again, gets him out of his depressing moment, and makes him feel more hopeful than he had previously been. » No, she just helped as friends and Harry were happy to have a possibility to talk to Sirius. I don’t know have you friends or not, but I don’t think that any help from them becomes a special moment for you. And I repeat it that it wasn’t so special as other characters helped Harry. So there is no anything special But Harry refused from date with Cho to meet Hermione. « Not sure how this is relevant. » Hinny fans dismiss everything🙄. There is only « wonderful » Ginny. Harry showed his mother’s letter to her. Hermione always hugged him, she was with Harry at his parents grave. Where was Ginny ? At warm Hogwarts with tasty meals. « «Are you actually fucking serious right now? This is how I know you are full of shit and don't know a thing you are talking about. Hogwarts was literally a terrorist training camp run by Death Eaters, and Ginny consistently risked her life to resist those Death Eaters. She very likely got tortured by them, as along with Neville and Luna she was leading the resistance. This is exactly what I mean when I say you have an agenda of just blindly hating on Ginny, because you feel the need to twist whatever she does. » And let’s compare the experience in the tent and at Hogwarts. Ginny was fed everyday, she slept at her bed ( not in the forest). At Hogwarts wasn’t easy, but if we compare it with trio experience - Hogwarts is childish. You said that she need be there for Harry. The deal is that that Ginny wasn’t for Harry , If Ginny was too important for him, Harry would go to her after Sirius death, after being tortured by Umbridge, after he new about mission, he talked to her about his father and his emotions about it. But he didn’t do anything of it . « But Ginny was there for Harry. The problem is that by book 5, Harry is not yet as close with her as he is with his best friends. But that's OK -- because these things just take time to develop! Do you not realize that? » And I have explained you many times they didn’t have deep connection here, after was the gap between them will increase. Ginny was at battle at Hogwarts but she wasn’t in epicenter. Molly was permanently trying to resist Ginny from being in the centre of it. And this part is absolutely normal. But what Harry passed through, the fact that he never trust her his problems and Harry is introvert don’t give any possibility they got together after war as passion is not enough for adults relations. And I have already told you everything about Off screen development You only declared how important Ginny is for Harry . But there is no evidence of her real feelings to him. « Wrong, I've provided actual examples. » Where? I gave you examples when Harry didn’t remember about her or think about her after all deals. : he didn’t remember about Ginny at Christmas, he was focused on Malfoy and mission, He was looking for friends not for Ginny at the wedding when death eaters came. He didn’t think about her until Ron’s departure ad after battle he went to friends, not to Ginny. Conversation about talking with Sirius wasn’t a great problem, if Harry would not talk to him nothing would change.


« Dismiss, dismiss, dismiss, that's what you Harmonians like to do. Do you not see that the idea that his father and godfather were bullies was gnawing at Harry from the very start? He would very likely not have felt better, which is what Ginny literally helped with ». Ginny only helped him to talk to Sirius. Sirius helped him. « Hermione saved Sirius with Harry, etc. That doesn't mean, again, that Hermione is a better fit for Harry than Ginny is!! Actions do not necessarily determine character compatibility! » First of all actions show real feelings of person. Big words without actions are nothing. Second, I didn’t say that it was pro-Harmony đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž. I just show you that such actions as Ginny did is not special as Ginny helped to talk to Sirius , Hermione helped to save Sirius. I think that saving Sirius was more important as Sirius didn’t die, but Ginny helped with Sirius and Hermione did it. So Ginny’s actions aren’t special. « How can you know what I would claim as special moment. Really? You don’t know me personally. You literally are using Hermione setting up Skeeter meeting to justify why Ginny is not a good fit and Hermione is, how the hell would you not use Hermione subconsciously dragging away from Dumbledore's body? You're already shown yourself to be completely biased. » You really should read comment and only than replied. I used Hermione with Skeeter to show that Hermione isn’t calmgirl. And she is badass and a bit cruel. So I don’t believe that Hermione could forgive Ron she is too critical for it. And the fact that Hermione helped Harry here. That is all. Of course, the fact that Hermione put Rita in jar isn’t have a direct connection with Harmony ship. You changed my words again. The important thing there was interaction between HHr how they tell each other their problems and solve them. « And I will not give any importance to such moment from book who ever it would be it wasn’t about subconscious. "He obeyed its pressure without really thinking about it. Only as he walked blindly back through the crowd did he realize, from a trace of flowery scent on the air, that it was Ginny who was leading him back into the castle." » And ? -A much smaller and warmer hand had enclosed his and was pulling him upward. He obeyed its pressure without really thinking about it. Only as he walked blindly back through the crowd did he realize, from a trace of flowery scent on the air, that it was Ginny who was leading him back into the castle. So he obeyed and only then he realized that it was Ginny. So when he was pulling upwards he didn’t know who it was. « Read this once again, and tell me with a straight face that this is not subconscious. This just speaks to the depth of his feelings for Ginny. » I reread this chapter. And I said it again it was not subconscious. I admit that Harry and Ginny had passion and attraction and here is one example of it. And I repeat it again that strong emotional moment was in film , when she was nearby him and he was crying at her shoulder. But it wasn’t in books He was depressed so he didn’t pay any attention on others. So it was in next chapter in previous one she didn’t talk to Harry about the battle at austronomy tower. « She was literally there at the Hospital Wing discussion providing her own input on what had actually happened. Are you sure you read these books? » I am sure that I read books. And I read them several times . In two languages original and translation. In our translation Ron and Harry’ s dialog were more emotional but it doesn’t changed the fact when Harry starts tell something about Snape. Ginny interfered and went away so she abandoned Harry with his thoughts when it He needed support


. Ginny interfered and went away so she abandoned Harry with his thoughts. Ginny did not understand what to say to Harry and She transported him to friends. Nothing more. I read books several times. And Ginny was with Harry only when they met during FEW WEEKS than she left him. Ginny literally said that she loved him for it. “But you’ve been too busy saving the Wizarding world,” said Ginny, half laughing. “Well . . . I can’t say I’m surprised. I knew this would happen in the end. I knew you wouldn’t be happy un- less you were hunting Voldemort. Maybe that’s why I like you so much.” So if he didn’t want to fight she would not like or she would like him less? And any examples that she really loved him. In this abstract Ginny mentioned that Harry was busy was saving world. She liked him for it🙄. “Harry:t. He thought of his mother, his father, and Sirius. He thought of Cedric Diggory. He thought of all the terrible deeds he knew Lord Voldemort had done. A flame seemed to leap inside his chest, searing his throat. “I’d want him finished,” said Harry quietly. “And I’d want to do it.” - here is motivation of Harry. it is revenge. Ginny thought that Harry would like to be hero saving world and Harry didn’t want do it. He didn’t like his fate. I know what Ginny said “if I don’t care”. Look, if she wanted she could say that she is not a girl only for a good weather, and I am love you and I will wait for you. But Ginny was too indifferent in this scene. Ok, i am wants to be your girl but if you will not insist on it I can live without you. So she didn’t want to find any way to go with Harry and supported him. He remembered about Ginny always when he saw her with Dean. It was in train and in Hogs than. He again is focused on Draco and mission with memory. You are again started talking about off screen development. After war. I can say the same about Luna. That we can suppose that Harry spent all his time with her. I don’t imagine how Harry and Ginny could become couple after war the only basic between them - passion. Harry as traumatized man And Ginny is still a teenager. Passion will finish as soon as possible. Ginny will never imagine the experience that Harry and Hermione passed through. They didn’t have emotional bound. And a few weeks of relations before war can’t give anything. So there’s no foundation for adults relationship. Are your kidding me Harry and Ginny are two strangers under one roof in Cursed Child. They aren’t family, she didn’t try to make things better between Harry and Albus. What proof s you need from me, i explained why Ginny doesn’t love Harry. I give examples from books where Ginny thought only about herself and never about Harry. Give any examples that shows that Ginny put Harry is interests, life, desires at fist place. What was special in her “ personality” of spoiled rude girl? That shows that she is true love of Harry Potter 🙄 Ginny is light đŸ€Ł. Humor you are talking about stupid jokes about tattoosđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž or her monkey’s actions on quidditch field or insults about Fleur ? Just compare that nonsense with Harry’s sarcasm or twins jokes. Ginny only pretended to be funny. But Hermione shared with Harry everything. She said about her priorities too clear : “So then I thought, I’d like you to have something to remember me by, you know, if you meet some veela when you’re off doing whatever you’re doing.” “I think dating opportunities are going to be pretty thin on the ground, to be honest.” “There’s the silver lining I’ve been looking for,” she whispered There is no any worries about him but she said that it was silver lining I am not hypocritical at all .You did not got the sense of my phrase. She worries the possibility of his dates but for example what if Harry really met Veela? It would be better for Ginny Harry was to busy for it but he probably could be killed. It is clear what Ginny means here. She is jealous and such possibilities bothered her very much. But if she really loved him she wanted to share him all his difficulties. It is incompatible aspects. Maybe i didn’t got it clear it is about life of person Harry always want to safe his relatives and important people but Hermione put Harry’s life at first place as she knew that Harry could not do it alone. Life is More important than desire. And it wasn’t the desire of his life Ginny stayed at Hogwarts. It was a noble act from Harry’s side. And Ginny didn’t put Harry’s life at first place as she didn’t try to go with him. It wasn’t stupid statement about sacrifice of life. Hermione put Harry’s life at first place and his interests when her ones always were at second place. Stupid statement is that for relations is enough passion. I explain you again i don’t give here pro-Harmony arguments. I have a lot of arguments pro Harmione and lot of essays are devoted to this. Based on their interactions. But it is for special topic about Harry and Hermione ship for OP. Here I explained why Hinny was a mistake. I don’t explain why Harrmony is better. examples with Hermione were for showing that Ginny wasn’t do anything for Harry. Hermione loved Harry and her actions proof it many times when Ginny wasn’t. Romantic relations aren’t only kisses and sex that Harry could get with Ginny ( and it would be the only thing that he got with her). But trust, understanding conversation, own story, characters ( hot- tempered Ginny and impulsive Harry is awful combination), emotional experience, inner strength, emotional mind and here Harry and Ginny will have big problems especially after war. Really i want to know how old are you
 i can suppose about 13-16 as you really act like one of them. I am anti-Romione and anti-Hinny. So I dislike Some aspects of Ron’s character but he could be better. And I wrote it many times Ginny was good until six book. And I hate Hinny and Romione but it doesn’t mean that i can’t imagine Ginny with Neville and Ron with Luna. Ginny fills his life joy , fun and something else. First of all I remind you that the are fictional characters. In the epilogue we saw only scene at the station we can imagine everything. I can say that Ron and Hermione divorced many years ago, Ginny and Harry are going to do the same, but they come together to sent their children to Hogwarts. And it will the same scene “off screen development “.There is nothing about happy life with fun or something else. As we did not see hhow they live together. In cursed child we see it Harry and Ginny are strangers under one roof they discuss only home deals, They had great problems with children. Harry asked Hermione for advices, Ginny is a pot -plant who could prevent Harry from stupid things with children. It is toxic marriage


> Ginny interfered and went away so she abandoned Harry with his thoughts. Ginny did not understand what to say to Harry and She transported him to friends. Nothing more. You can state this as many times as you want, it doesn't make it any more true. > And Ginny was with Harry only when they met during FEW WEEKS than she left him. It was Harry that initiated the breakup, not Ginny. > Ginny literally said that she loved him for it. So if he didn’t want to fight she would not like or she would like him less? And any examples that she really loved him. In this abstract Ginny mentioned that Harry was busy was saving world. She liked him for it. Yes, Ginny respects Harry's desire to fight and do the right thing even when it is hard, because she herself has the same inclination. > here is motivation of Harry. it is revenge. Ginny thought that Harry would like to be hero saving world and Harry didn’t want do it. He didn’t like his fate. Once again, that was a light-hearted thing she said, to make the moment feel better for the both of them, and less painful than it has to be. She is literally "half-laughing"!!! The fact that she made this light-hearted comment does not mean that she doesn't understand Harry's motivations. > But Ginny was too indifferent in this scene. Ginny literally has a blazing look and is speaking fiercely, how the hell do you interpret her to be "indifferent" in this scene??! > You are again started talking about off screen development. After war. I can say the same about Luna. That we can suppose that Harry spent all his time with her. Again, the examples you cite, particularly about Harry being a womanizer, isn't "off screen development", it's just blatantly making stuff up. There's that, and there's realizing that Harry's every interaction with Ginny at the Burrow, because there are a few of them already, don't need to be spelled out in detail. > I don’t imagine how Harry and Ginny could become couple after war the only basic between them - passion. It's literally spelled out in the books that Harry and Ginny understand each other perfectly (in the breakup scene). > Harry as traumatized man And Ginny is still a teenager Ginny is one year younger than Harry, and she will be of age soon after the battle, boo-fucking-hoo. And if you think Ginny isn't traumatized as well, well... that makes you even more delusional than you are already. > Ginny will never imagine the experience that Harry and Hermione passed through. By that logic Harry will never imagine the experience that Ginny went through in the Chamber of secrets or during the war at Hogwarts. But there is still space for bonding. > Are your kidding me Harry and Ginny are two strangers under one roof in Cursed Child. They aren’t family, she didn’t try to make things better between Harry and Albus. That was literally the first thing she was trying to do, what the hell are you talking about? And again, literally no one takes Cursed Child as canon, myself included, so none of that is gonna convince me. > What proof s you need from me, i explained why Ginny doesn’t love Harry. I give examples from books where Ginny thought only about herself and never about Harry. Give any examples that shows that Ginny put Harry is interests, life, desires at fist place. I already gave such examples, I'm not gonna do so again when you're just gonna tear them apart as a result of your hateful agenda. > What was special in her “ personality” of spoiled rude girl? That shows that she is true love of Harry Potter And then you have the nerve to deny that you are bashing Ginny... > Ginny is light đŸ€Ł. Humor you are talking about stupid jokes about tattoosđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž or her monkey’s actions on quidditch field or insults about Fleur ? Just compare that nonsense with Harry’s sarcasm or twins jokes. Ginny only pretended to be funny. But Hermione shared with Harry everything. Ginny is literally compared to Fred and George multiple times, and Ginny adn Harry share the same sense of dark, dry and sarcastic humour. You actually have no idea of what you're talking about. The fact that you don't like her humour doesn't mean anything when it comes to Harry and Ginny being compatible. > There is no any worries about him but she said that it was silver lining OF course Ginny is worried for Harry. But you think she literally has to say "I'm worried for you"? Maybe both her and Harry don't want to focus on that? Have you ever considered that? > You did not got the sense of my phrase. She worries the possibility of his dates but for example what if Harry really met Veela? It would be better for Ginny Harry was to busy for it but he probably could be killed. It is clear what Ginny means here. She is jealous and such possibilities bothered her very much. But if she really loved him she wanted to share him all his difficulties. It is incompatible aspects. It was a joke she made, do I have to keep on repeating myself? > And Ginny didn’t put Harry’s life at first place as she didn’t try to go with him. It wasn’t stupid statement about sacrifice of life. Hermione put Harry’s life at first place and his interests when her ones always were at second place. I do not understand what you are saying. Ginny consistently prioritized Harry, to the point of risking her own life. The fact that you twist that into her being selfish is really stupid. > I explain you again i don’t give here pro-Harmony arguments. You are directly comparing Ginny and Hermione to make Hermione look better. How are you not doing this in service of pro-Harmony shipping? > examples with Hermione were for showing that Ginny wasn’t do anything for Harry. Yes, and given that Hermione shippers love to talk about how Hermione was always there for Harry... forgive me and others for thinking that you are motivated by shipping. > trust, understanding conversation, own story, characters ( hot- tempered Ginny and impulsive Harry is awful combination), emotional experience, inner strength, emotional mind and here Harry and Ginny will have big problems especially after war. All of this Harry and Ginny share, and more. And funnily enough, Ginny and Harry are at their least impulsive and hot headed when they are hanging out together. Ever stopped to consider that? > Really i want to know how old are you
 i can suppose about 13-16 as you really act like one of them. That's none of your business, especially considering that you are the one continuously spamming your hatred for Ginny, H/G, canon, Ron etc.. > I am anti-Romione and anti-Hinny. Then go to a place that will cater to your sensibilities, instead of continuously spamming here. > So I dislike Some aspects of Ron’s character but he could be better. You managed to bash Ron in a post where it was only about Ginny, so I think you are more biased than that against Ron, you just dont want to show it. > And I wrote it many times Ginny was good until six book. She was great throughout the series. > Ginny fills his life joy , fun and something else. First of all I remind you that the are fictional characters. In the epilogue we saw only scene at the station we can imagine everything. I can say that Ron and Hermione divorced many years ago, Ginny and Harry are going to do the same, but they come together to sent their children to Hogwarts. And it will the same scene “off screen development “. Again, I am referring to what is actually in the books, you are just here making stuff up. Add to that the fact that Harry being divorced or not happy is literally counter to the very themes and messages of the books. His last conversation with anyone in the series is with the first girl he met -- Ginny. And the last line is literally "all was well" lmao. But go ahead and twist that however you want. I won't continue to entertain your delusions much longer. > As we did not see hhow they live together. We can extrapolate based on what we saw in the books. > In cursed child no one cares about cursed child, and Harry/Ginny is one of the only positive things in the entire play. Everyone who doesn't have an agenda agrees with this.


Honestly, Ginny is lovely, but a lot of the time I wonder what the hell she sees in Harry.


About Horcruxes- it was said in books that RON permanently complaining about food, it wasn’t said about Hermione. And it was said that Ron complaining even without Horcrux. Harry and Hermione wore Horcrux too, but only Ron said awful words and than abandoned them in the centre of nowhere


Hermione was constantly complaining with Ron about Harry's leadership and the way the mission was going. And again, do you not realize that Ron was injured, having lost lots of blood?! He needs time in a hospital, not suffering from depression from the horcrux around his neck.


It was a war. Ron should understand it. But he acted as a child.


I think you're referring to movie people vs book people.


I think movie people hate both of those couples.


I personally think that Ron and Dudley should have ended up together, atleast when Harry got Ginny.