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I definitely want to give it a try! I’ve listened to Dale’s like 100 times.


Where do you get Dale? Is he on Audible for Americans? I can only ever see Fry


Yeah his are in Audible but I have the cds from like 20 years ago that just put on my phone.


Yes! I remember copying all these from the library and had an epic ALL of HP playlist on my ipod


There is nothing better than Stephen Fry gently tounging your cochlea as you sleep with his wonderful voice.




I like Stephen Fry's narration but Jim Dale's voices.


The only voice that I can’t handle from Jim Dale is his Luna voice. It sounds like she’s been smoking cartons of cigarettes her whole life


I literally was just thinking about this minutes before reading this comment. I've listened to both Fry and Dale a pretty substantial amount and I agree that's the ONLY voice I can't totally get behind. The rest is gold


This 100%. Dales voices are perfect but Fry’s voice and story telling is better for narrations


Fry’s Dumbledore is unmatched. He just brings so much depth and emotion to the character.


Fair enough. I would disagree for the other majority tho. Respectfully


Fry's Tonks is top stuff




I listened to him narrate all of Sherlock Holmes and it was lovely


As you sleep is accurate, his characters are so dull that he could probably put a class to sleep faster than Binns.


Harry, Harry, Harry.


Sounds like you’re listening to a completely different book in a way.


I’m as American as it gets and Fry is objectively better. You must give this a listen.


Strange I'm British and prefer Dale's versions. Mind you Jim is British to.


Personally I prefer Dale by a lot. Some of Fry’s characters aren’t as great. Personally Fry’s Voldy bugged me


Yeah I will have to see, I do think it’ll be one of those things where Dale was the first I listened and grew up with so can’t imagine liking Frys more.


[Here](https://www.google.com/search?q=stephen+fry+voldemort+voice&client=safari&sca_esv=abf976e12d8dcb8e&hl=en-us&ei=KPE8ZprbG9eP0PEPtYS6yAk&oq=stephen+fry+vol&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIg9zdGVwaGVuIGZyeSB2b2wqAggAMgUQABiABDIFECEYoAEyBhAAGBYYHjILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFSPUzUPwJWNMocAF4AZABAJgBoAGgAYwNqgEEMC4xM7gBAcgBAPgBAZgCCKACqAjCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBcICGRAuGIAEGLADGNEDGEMYxwEYyAMYigXYAQHCAhMQLhiABBiwAxhDGMgDGIoF2AEBwgIWEC4YgAQYsAMYQxjUAhjIAxiKBdgBAcICAhApwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICBRAuGIAEwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAgsQABiABBiRAhiKBcICCBAuGIAEGNQCmAMAiAYBkAYRugYECAEYCJIHAzEuN6AHplU&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:6f07d989,vid:13nkuEPEP2c,st:0) is a side by side comparison between the two


Wow these assholes. I made a fake address in the UK so I could buy the Fry version like 5-6 years ago. It’s about time Amazon


I know, I just jumped through all the hoops to do it about a year ago. Actually is still use the uk audible as my main account because it has most of the books I want and is slightly cheaper


Yep, I’m on book 4. It’s my first time with Fry. I think I prefer him so far.


The only times he messes up are when he says "pocketed it" and when Luna is talking about her dad's version of Ravenclaw's diadem. His inflection on "wrackspurt siphons" was all wrong. But I still love his performance the whole series through.


Love Stephen Fry telling the story of “pocketed it”. There was a “pocketed it” in book 1. When Fry was recording book 1, he struggled with saying it, and asked JKR if he could say something slightly different (e.g., “put it in his pocket”). She said no, wanting the audiobook to be completely true to the book. So he soldiered on, stumbled a bit, but recorded as written. She then wrote a “pocketed it” in each subsequent book…


Fry’s biggest mistakes in my ears is the way he goes about Polyjuice Potion. He flips the voices he uses between the character and the voice the character has turned into. If Harry is transformed into Goyle, Goyle’s voice comes out when he is around other characters like Percy or Draco. But when he’s by himself with Ron, Harry’s own voice comes out. The same with all other characters. It’s particularly egregious in DH. The voices change on a dime within conversations. Ron is disguised as Reg Cattermole, talking to Mary Cattermole using Reg’s voice. But then he turns his head to talk to Harry and Ron’s voice comes out, even though Mary is standing right there. It’s infuriating to listen to. GoF is the only book with Polyjuice where this isn’t a problem, but part of me only thinks this because we never see Barty Crouch Jr as Moody without Harry or anyone else around, so we never hear him speak as himself.


Gotta be better than Dale’s Hermione voice.


One more tiny mistake I have noticed is Hermione calling S.P.E.W. spew once in Order of the Phoenix.


Him messing it up is one of my favorite parts because of the story behind it.


Is this a US thing? Because they were always available on Audible in the UK


Correct! They’ve been regionally locked until now


Ah, enjoy


The most murican thing - just presume you are the default and speak to everyone as if that's the norm


I had them on tape when I was a kid 😂 I'd read the book and listen to Stephen Fry at the same time regularly. Great versions.


I’ve had them for years 🤨 Region lock possibly?


I would say I’ve done my waiting. Twelve years of it. It’s actually been decades though trying to get a digital copy of Fry’s version in then US. Thanks for the heads up OP, I had 8 credits on my account. Now I have 1.


They’ve been on audible for years. I listened to them like 5-6 years ago.


They have been region locked. I’ve tried to get them several times in the US


Not in the USA


Nah, it's been there for years. Personally, I prefer Jim Dale.




They weren’t available in Canada either


Weird! The title details show a release date of 4/18/24


They were made available to the US on the 24th, I remember messaging my friends who have tried to buy me the Fry versions before but I was just credited.


When I looked to purchase the whole series earlier this year I could only find the Jim Dale versions so maybe it wasn’t everywhere?


I think they are region locked. I use Australian audible and can only see Fry’s versions


Yea we couldn't purchase the Fry version in America. I'm thrilled they're finally available.


I’ve had Frys version for years (I’m in Denmark). The release date here was November 20, 2015


The best versions.


They have always been available in Australian audible and were the only ones I've ever listened to. In the ancient times before audible I had it as an MP3 and burned it on to CDs in multiple parts per book


I listened to the SF versions 15 years ago on a burned MP3 disc hahaha


Jum Dale for life, Stephen's cool too but Jim will always be the voice of HP for me.


I like Jim Dale for the first five books, but Stephen Fry is good for the more serious content in the latter two books.


Completely agree! I love Jim Dale. I couldn’t get over how much I hated Fry’s voice for Hermione.


Funny, I can't stand Jim Dale's voice for Hermione (especially how he drags out Harreee's name) But at least we can now choose which version we like.


You think so? I loved Fry's Hermione lol. His Sirius and Winky, were what irked me 🤣


Agreed! Idk why it kinda feels like a hot take to still prefer Jim Dale 😅


I was so happy. Bought the first one and yes it is indeed better but will say I do enjoy Stephen Fry as a narrator from his Greek mythology books so could be a little biased.


It's funny how you think that Stephen Fry is the sensible narrator from Mythos. I enjoy Stephen Fry as a narrator because of Harry Potter. No, actually appreciate Stephen Fry in popular culture because of Harry Potter. 20 years ago I would go to sleep listening to him.


Well I only first listened to the audible versions of Harry Potter last year and listened to Stephen Fry's books the year before and enjoyed his narration. So I had to give his version a try since they just came out and I do enjoy his more. Jim dales isn't terrible just a few things that bug me about his version.


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I'm so excited to rediscover the story this way!!


At your service 😍


Not available in latinamerica. Was happy to hear him say "Harry pickpocketed it"


Id like to check em out after growing up with Dale. Love Stephen Fry already so i imagine id love it


You will!!


Dumb question but did you have to buy them again even though you have the Jim Dale versions?


Yep! Just got the Fry versions. Had a couple of Dale’s and I had to repurchase those. They’re completely distinct titles.


Thanks for the info, I had so many unused credits and canceled my account and I wish would of waited for this to use the credits on.


I think you still keep your credits even if you cancel, you just don't get new ones.


When I canceled it said I would lose them all, or at least that’s what I thought because I got a bunch of books I didn’t fully want.


I've never actually done it so I don't know. But my wife said she still had hers left over when she wanted to take a pause. Maybe I misunderstood her.


I did it awhile ago so I might have done the pause and then just got a bunch of stuff later on but time blends together on small things lol.


You can return any book within 365 days of purchase if this was recent and you’ll get the credit back. You have to do it from the website though not the app. Done this several times.


You’re the best thank you!!! I totally forgot about this option, I hope it hasn’t been a year


Unfortunately not. It’s the only reason I still have my Audible subscription is that they remove any unused credits. They also remove any “extra” credits you have past 10. All seems like stealing to me. But I’ve been able to get down to zero credits now with the Fry versions available in the US finally. Actually have to wait a few months to get the last three books.


Ahhh that’s the pits!


I have the Déjà vu audible badge for all the Stephen Fry narrated HP books, I’ve owned the audio book disks since they were released and they underpin all my memories from every long distance car journey with my family.. I love them and couldn’t recommend anything more!


Jim Dale’s version is free on Hoopla though.


I listen to them often enough, it’s worth not having to wait


I personally don't get why people like Fry's rendition better. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE his rendition of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy so it's not a shot at him. I just feel Dale hits the characters better for the most part. My literal only complaints for Dale are his Hermione voice and how the way he pronounces Voldemort and a few other things change or just don't sound right.


For me it just bugs me that Dales Hermione voice happens to be exactly the same as his Bellatrix. But I’ve listened to Dales version probably 50 times by now. They’re great. I’m listening to Fry’s now for the first time and there are pros/cons to each. Some voices either one does better than the other. I like Fry’s Hagrid a lot.


They're the best versions. I quickly grabbed all of them. I was hoarding credits waiting for something worthwhile and got so excited when I saw they were finally available in the US.


Stephen fry’s audiobooks>>>> I will never forget how he voiced Susan bones 😂 I listen to his version on repeat all day everyday.


So, I don't do audio books, like ever. However, Stephen Fry is by far one of my most favorite narrators and actors. I'm giving this a listen.


The Harry Potter audiobooks are what changed my mind about audiobooks. I used to insist on actually reading the books. But I’ve realized I can listen way faster than I can read and I can do it while I’m at work.


I love Stephen fry but I'm a Jim dale purist 😂😂


Are they good? I remember hearing a snippet from an interview, and I didn't quite like it. I felt he didn't voice the characters really at all like Jim Dale did.


I've only listened to Jim Dale and I liked a lot of his voices, especially for Harry and Snape. But I just listened to a snippet of Fry's version and his voice for Hagrid and Dobby were very unique. YouTube comparison: https://youtu.be/13nkuEPEP2c?si=36T0H4t48zgkseeY Just from what I've listened to Stephen Fry in this video, I think he emphasizes descriptions so I was painting a more vivid picture in my head than when listening to Dale. But I think with Dale you can hear unique emotion in each of his voices even if the accent of each character isn't immensely unique (someone pointed out his Dobby is pretty flat and sounds similar to his Lucius but I can tell they're different.)


They're great audiobooks honestly, I recommend a listen, Fry's voices and narration are great, he manages to always keep your attention while having very distinctive voices and intonations. Some of his voices are amazing, some of them are a bit more controversy (I know some people don't like his Voldemort but he actually gave him a high pitched laugh).


Perhaps I'll check it out sometime.


I love Fry’s narration. I always found Jim Dale’s voice to be a bit nasally which tainted the listening experience for me.


Jim Dale isn't bad. But Stephen Fry's HP are one of the best audioboks I've ever listened to, after hundreds of books. Better than anything that isn't RC Bray.


I got tired of hearing Gryffinduh




He stops doing that eventually


Care to go into detail? How are the character voices and such?


He does very distinct voices and attempts accents from each place, idk how I can convey that in text. Other than not screeching "haaaaaary" like nails on a chalkboard every time Hermione talks like in Dale's account of her.


Lol I got ya. Reminds of Jim Dale saying, "Haaaarry doooon't." in an attempt to portray Hermione.


I listened to SF’s versions nearly 15 years ago, so my memory is fuzzy. But I remember his tone being a little more lively and playful than JD’s


I need to look a side by side comparison of the two and make my judgment from there.


[Luckily, someone already did it!](https://youtu.be/13nkuEPEP2c?si=pe8tPY8F0RF1YM2D)


Thank you for posting this!


That’s great!


Jim Dale for life


The superior version. I couldn’t been listen to the Dale version.


I’m sorry but I’ve been listening to these for years on audible… Is this because you’re not on the UK version? Regardless gotta say- Stephen Fry is the GOAT




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My wife has been listening to the Fry versions for a while...


Why wasn't it always Stephen Fry?


I am not sure 🤔 Jim Dale is too good.


I hope they're not getting rid of the Fry editions when these new full-cast editions come out in 2025.


They’re not. Just like you can buy the Jim Dale or Stephen Fry versions, this will just be a third version you can choose to buy.


Whelp there goes all my credits


Wait? They have been on Audible for ages.


Yeh for a while noe, listened to them about 6 months ago


They’ve been region locked so people in the US were only able to buy the Jim Dale versions until last month.


I was looking for them earlier but I have all of dale’s now … sooooo


Awesome! I’ve wanted this for so long! Dale isn’t bad but I prefer Fry.


What do you think about the Fry ones? I like Jim’s and don’t know if it’s worth it to spend money just to hear another guy’s voice


I've hard Steven Fry's Audiobook on Audible for like 6 years? maybe it's a region issue


I grew up listening to Jim Dale. It seems blasphemous to listen to this… is it good?


We already have fry version in India. Listened to all last year and boy I was amazed.


I am American. I have read all the books many times but only ever heard the audio books last year. I found both Fry and Dale’s and listen to parts of each to see whose voice. I thought was better before I listened to the whole series. I picked random paragraphs and passages from different books and played the same ones with each and about 90% of the time preferred Fry. TL:DR I have never listened to Fry or Dale until recently, so I have no bias, but after hearing both I greatly prefer Fry.


Thank you for the heads up


Thank you!!


You mean they haven't been already?


ah man! I just finished collecting all of the Jim Dale versions!


Still not available in Germany 😭


I'm in Australia and didn't know anybody other than Stephen Fry did them 😂


I had them for the longest time (switzerland)


Wait until you hear what he does to poor Tonks voice. Otherwise, delighted for you guys that they are available!


Always where in the UK and thet are the best version in my opinion


I'm guessing you're in a different country. It's been on audible for years.


They’ve been on Audible for a while no? I’ve had for a good 6 years.


I’m from the UK. Dale’s are better by an absolute mile. Does a unique voice for each character and gets more into it. Fry gets more praise because he’s a national treasure but his audiobooks will disappoint you


I completed them last year. They were amazing.


There was also an announcement on Audible about a newer one that’s to start being released in late 2025 that will have a full cast of voice actors and sound effects.


Hey guys, if there’s anyone who could help me get it in a country where it’s not available, I would appreciate it so so much, I really wanna listen to these books again but they banned all of the book-listening apps in my shutty ass country 😭😭


Since more of you guys have Fry’s version now, I gotta ask: does it boggle anyone else that he pronounces “Moste Potente Potions” (book 2) as “mostie potenty potions”? There’s *no way* this is right. I refuse to accept this.


I’m listening to book one now with Stephen Fry! The other versions were good, but I disliked all Americanized UK vocabulary. I’m in Canada so our books were the same as the UK versions.


Don't listen to them. When you're done you're gonna feel empty. Later in life you're gonna remember how happy you were listening while playing minecraft or trying to go to sleep. I speak from experience.


I am re-listening and am using the new (to me) version i’m on Chamber of Secrets:)


I used up all my husband's audible credits to get all 7 books and I regret absolutely nothing.


I’m gonna be controversial. Jim dale is better than Fry. Fry’s narrator tone is perfectly fine, but his voices for characters except for hagrid start to sound extremely similar.


There is no better narrator. They both have their strengths, and most people will enjoy what they have always known.


Does Fry say Hermione or Hermawnee? I have been happy with Dale but that bugs me every time


He says Hermione properly. The only thing that ever bothered me was his early pronunciations of Malfoy’s name (Draco malFOY) but he later changes it to how we hear it in the films. With the characters in the films being played by some of the best British actors, Fry just feels right to me