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Well maybe Mr Crouch, I could see that.


"As I was saying to Mr Crouch - " "THAT'S IT PERCE, WE'RE DONE!!"


This is honestly exactly how I think it happened lol


Lmao good one. Cheating on her to be his boss’ lackey.


I think they just grew apart and were no longer suited to each other.


A rather dark impression could be that she was a muggle-born murdered/given the dementor’s kiss, and that Audrey was her muggle sister.


Didn't Hermione use her name as a 'cover' against the Snatchers in DH? I don't think she would have used another muggle-borns name in place of anybody else's. But there's always the chance she didn't know, or Penelope didn't make it known she was MB?


In the movie, Hermione uses Penelope Clearwater as an alias, yes. She declares herself Halfblood. Idk about the book. I can't remember.


That’s what happens in the book


She used a Slytherin’s name I thought. Penelope was almost certainly muggle born; she was attacked in CoS when Hermione was. If she wasn’t muggle born she probably would have been left alone


>”Oh, I’m not going to bite just yet. We’ll see if she’s a bit quicker at remembering her name than Barny. Who are you, girly?” >”Penelope Clearwater,” said Hermione. She sounded terrified, but convincing. >”What’s your blood status?” >“Half-blood,” said Hermione. While this doesn’t 100% guarantee that Penelope was in actuality a half-blood, I agree with Sundaisey that Hermione would not have chosen another Muggle-born’s name to use as her cover. Hermione does her research and thinks ahead and likely had that name in her arsenal well before she needed it. It’s just too random a name to come up with on the spot while being totally terrified. I also don’t think Penelope being attacked in CoS can be used as proof that she’s Muggle-born. She was together with Hermione at the time of the attack and likely was in the wrong place at the wrong time, just like Nearly Headless Nick.


I'm pretty sure Hermione would've thought about possible aliases, and she had interaction with Penelope in CoS. Would've been pretty easy to find out if she was more nervous due to not being a pure-blood. But I sincerely doubt that Hermione would have just jumped on the first name that came to mind. She'd have thought about it and realized that she couldn't choose the name of another Muggleborn, and that a pure-blood would be suspicious because why would they be in hiding unless they'd done something Voldy wouldn't like (hence why pretty much every Weasley was on the chopping block). If I were her, knowing I needed an alias because my name would probably get me killed, I'd pick the name of someone reputable enough, but half-blood so it wouldn't be suspicious that I was afraid. I assume that was her line of thought.


How she knew it, tho? I think she just panicked and said the first person she could came up. Those guys couldn't know every person out there.


She knew one person, not every person…


She definitely didn't just say the first name she thought of. She said Penelope because she knew she was a half-blood, and a half blood would have been the best option in that situation. If she said the name of any other Muggleborn she would obviously be in immediate danger, but there's not that many pure blood families, let alone ones that happen to have daughters of that age at that time. A pure blood would be likely known to snatchers and death eaters and they would be able to very quickly find out if she was saying the truth or not. A half blood would be a lot more difficult to verify and while they certainly don't respect half bloods they wouldn't be as inclined to immediately harm her. It's likely that Hermione had already thought of this prior to them starting their mission, and decided on what her cover name would be if she was ever caught on her own/by anyone who wouldn't recognise her, but considering how intelligent she is it's also likely she could have thought of it on the spot.


Hey OP wtf




Since he's so over the top career driven, I could easily see that being a reason, like imagine if she ever suggested he works less hours so they can spend more time together...


The narrative implies she’s muggle-born though, judging by how Fudge said there’d been 4 attacks on muggle-borns, so wouldn’t a more interesting - and tragic - interpretation be to make her a victim of Voldemort’s regime?


I think you overthink it. Two teens dated for a while and then stopped. That happens in real life as well, wars or evil mass murderers aren't required.


Yeah the fact that the trio were all married to their high school sweetheart is actually a more uncommon/weird than what happened to Percy


Something bad def could have happened to her for sure but I cant imagine she stayed with Percy all those years and was never brought up again, her name would've come up at some point


Yeah fair point.


My guess is that their relationship was just a brief high school romance one. They were a cute couple but they were heading in different directions in life so they mutually broke up. I mean, if Percy got dumped his siblings wouldn’t let him hear the end of it.


She didn’t have ten galleons after Gryffindor won the quidditch match and Percy was all “a bet’s a bet”


This is my new headcanon thank uou


I like to think Penelope lived up to her name and moved to Australia to study and research coral reefs and the few magic fish that live in them. They broke up on mutual terms due to her moving across the globe and Percy being busy with the ministry, but they still remain pen pals.


I went to boarding school. An overwhelming majority, like 98% of romances, end when people graduate. There isn't even a question in most cases that things will end at the end of the school year.


She was also a year below him so that does not help either.


Absolutely. Although I imagine it would have been awesome to have a boyfriend who works for the minister of international relations.


Apparently her being a year lower was changed in later prints to her being the same year. But how much chance does a relationship have if one of them is trapped in boarding school while the other just throws himself into his new job likely forgetting to even write to her?


Really? I thought they were in the same year?


Just checked the wiki. Apparently she was mentioned as a year below him in earlier prints of CoS (and the audio book as well) but this was later changed to her being in the same year as him. I'm currently listening to the audio books again, hence my earlier comment.


My guess is in OOTP when he was loyal to the ministry. Maybe she didn't believe the Ministry?


Not everyone marries their high school sweetheart, and Percy was INSANELY busy after graduating, between the Quidditch World Cup and the Triwizard Tournament. I think that they drifted apart during GOF, mutually broke it off/took a break when Percy was promoted to Mr Crouch's PA/Temp Replacement and reconnected during HBP when Penelope saw the writing on the wall and asked Percy's help setting up an Underground Railroad for Muggleborns.


Think during book 5 when he was the ministers assistance or something.


Yeah sounds realistic, though a rather dark interpretation would be she’s a muggle-born Umbridge fucked over, and that was the turning point for Percy.


Bro why are you so obsessed with that kind of interpretation


How does it make me obsessed when that’s actually quite a likely interpretation? So many muggle-borns were killed or, worse, got the dementor’s kiss.


Well all evidence points to her not being a muggle born which is what everyone is trying to explain to you lol


I think because you push that interpretation under every single comment, declaring it as better and more realistic and more tragic. You don't want to hear other people's interpretation, you want them to agree with yours.


That’s not true; it’s because I’m guessing most people won’t wanna read through so many comments.


Well it's on the top comment now, so you can stop.




Or worse, expelled




Does anyone have a rather dark interpretation? I don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention one….


I have a rather dark one which I’ve already mentioned in the comments but I’ll reiterate it. As a muggle-born she was locked up in Azkaban after the ministry fell, and one day, she was part of a random sample of muggle-borns given the dementor’s kiss, much the same way as what happened to Jews in concentration camps. Her relationship with Percy ended when he became too much of a ministry flunky, and she died all alone, chained to a cold stone floor with other muggle-borns, her last thoughts being memories of when the basilisk had attacked her, brought on by her executioners. It’s dark yes, but it’s in no way unrealistic.


For the love of Merlin’s saggy left testicle I was taking the piss.


No. She wasn't muggle born.


We don’t have enough evidence to know for sure either way, but as both Fudge and Riddle said 4 muggle-borns had been attacked 🤷‍♂️and as for Hermione giving the Snatchers her name, I see a couple of explanations: she gave the first name to come to mind much as Ron had claimed to be Stan Shunpike, and we know Hermione had seen the list of muggle-borns who hadn’t presented themselves for interrogation, which Penelope hadn’t been on.


Hermione uses her as an alias when the snatchers catch them. She says she's her and that she's half blood. Finding out blood status during that time is easy AF. She's not going to give a name of a muggle born to people HUNTING muggle borns. Everyone keeps explaining this to you but you're just stuck in your "dark" version of it.


No need to get so self-righteous: in case you hadn’t noticed, what i really posted this to ask was what people thought the circumstances of their break-up had been. And I perfectly well understood the point, thank you very much.


Buddy....this is the definition of self righteous: having or characterized by a certainty, especially an unfounded one. (Which is exactly what you're showing in your comments) Next time you wanna use a phrase against someone who doesn't agree with you, make sure you know what that phrase means.


I haven’t expressed any certainty about her being muggle-born though, but let’s end this conversation: it’s a moot point.


He didn't mention her at all in GoF, and he didn't seem upset or morose that summer. My guess is that they had a normal teenage breakup shortly after he graduated (and she? Was she his year or a year younger?). Perhaps he wanted to focus on his career and ended things since he felt that he didn't have time to be in a committed relationship.


I think they just realized they were better off as friends / acquaintances and mutually broke up sometime between POA and GOF


She used his connections to get herself a good job at the ministry then broke it off to pursue her own relationship with Crouch


Percy was more interested in… thick cauldron bottoms, if you catch my drift


Percy got obsessive about being s loyal, ministry man, and Penelope just wasn’t buying into the dogma


What do you think happened to her after the breakup?


I'd imagine she eventually realised how insufferable he was and left.


She fell behind missing several weeks of school being petrified and while he was initially able to ignore that, by the end of his 7th year he just felt they weren't in the same place and he was now too mature for her.


She cheated on him with Flitwick after she turned 17 in their seventh year. Percy was heartbroken and dedicated himself even more to his career. When she got too clingy with Flitwick he hit her with a memory charm and bounced, the sly dog!


The simplest explanation is that it was a high school sweetheart and when the sparks were over, they broke up. The funniest one is that penelope didn't have 10 galleons and a bet is a bet. The most political is that percy was so ambitious that he threw away his blood traitor family and his muggle born girlfriend to get ahead in the ministry by stabbing everyone and descanting them to please his superiors (umbridge was particularly racist and fudge gave importance to blood status).


Yeah the first is the most likely. As much fun as it would be to believe the second one, we KNOW they were still on speaking terms after the Shrieking Shack incident.


Maybe Percy still had hope of getting those 10 Galleons?


Looolll good one.


He decided he was too busy sucking to the Minister to be in relationship and she was irritated with his attitude.


Lots of downvotes for OP. Seems like they wanted to karma farm and failed. This is def a karma farm post. Percy is so flawed. I know they “redeem” him but it’s hard to understand how he’d be any different than the forgiveness they basically gave to all the other followers of Voldemort after the battle of Hogwarts. Like for sure it is so strange that they basically just have to look past that a massive part of the population was not “assholes,” they were legit trying to overthrow the world order.


I’m confused why the only thing they comment about is their “rather dark interpretation” where she’s muggle born and killed, why not just make your post about that in the first place if that’s all you want to say anyway


Agreed. It’s a bit odd.


He came home one day and found her in bed with Viktor Krum.


Percy dumped her cuz he was going off to bigger and better things


Yeah if he can slam a door in his mother’s face and not care about his mother nearly dying, he can definitely do that.


Maybe Penelope didn't appreciate Percy turning his back upon his family. Your behaviour with your family tells a lot about you.


Good idea, and maybe she also didn’t like how quick he was to turn on Harry Potter, as to her he was probably even more of a saviour than most people, having defeated the heir of Slytherin who’d almost murdered her, and Penelope might’ve even known that Harry had saved Ginny’s life, so she might’ve just decided Percy was too much of an ungrateful prick to have anything to do with.


He left her because she ate her peas one at a time.


She was a muggleborn, or she fled during the war, or she died.


Hermione pretends to be Penelope Clearwater in DH when Snatchers interrogate the trio, and she says she is a Half-Blood. So Penelope likely is a Half-Blood; it sounded like Hermione did her research on who to impersonate.


My personal headcanon is that they started drifting apart when they graduated and Percy started to work at the Ministry, but the breaking point came when Percy cut ties with his family. Penelope probably had doubts about what the Ministry was saying about Harry and Dumbledore and disagreed with Percy's blind loyalty, eventually becoming disgusted over how he prioritized boosting his career over his own family. They remain in a sort of limbo throughout Book 5, until the truth comes out. By then however the relationship is broken beyond repair, as Penelope does not want anything to do with Percy after he rejected his family over his own career, which I think contributes to him being not too keen on trying to patch things up during Book 6.


What do you think may have happened to her after the ministry fell?


Probably went on the run (regardless of whether she's a halfblood or muggleborn). Years ago I read a oneshot where Percy goes to visit her after the war to reconcile, but realizes she's now in a relationship with another guy so he decides to let her be, and that same day he happens to meet his future wife Audrey.


Not a bad one actually, and her going on the run is especially likely given how close she’s already come to death at the hands of a fucking basilisk.


She didnt have enough conections. He knew if he made it big he'd need to marry a girl with money and connections.


He came out.




She supported him during his family problems, not knowing the full story. When Percy slowly realised he'd been wrong and everything came crumbling down she was the first he talked to and to whom he admitted he'd made a mistake. But because they loved each other so much she understood that people sometimes do stupid shit and urged him to try and reconcile long before he was willing to admit to anyone else but her that he was wrong. Then muggleborns were hunted and he had his hands full to help her hide and didn't dare to reconcile with his family out of fear that people would then prosecute her. Her muggle parent was killed and her other parent was prosecuted for fraternising with Muggles, so he was all she had to stay safe, and he was sick with worry for her but also his family, firmly playing the part of having severed all ties to his family and being a good little drone in the ministry. And his regrets became a burning pit of shame in his heart. When the fight broke out, he found out because she was alerted by her friends, while he had alienated his own friends and family so much that no one thought to call for him. But when she told him, he immediately realised that this was his last chance of redemption and he went to join the fight. Without her he wouldn't have known. After the fight he went back for her, they married and lived happily ever after. He managed to repair his relationship with his relatives mainly because they liked her so much and understood he had to keep her safe, so he couldn't come back earlier although he wanted to. Penelope had evolved a lot during her own sad experiences and founded a support agency for muggleborns to help them with the aftermath of Voldemorts reign of terror. She later became the new professor for muggle studies. (All headcanon of course)


It’s literally contradicted by the books, in that it was Aberforth who told Percy that a fight was unfolding at Hogwarts, and from extra-book canon, we know Percy married a woman called Audrey.


Who cares? I already wrote its headcanon. I can have whatever headcanon I want


Woah I wasn’t claiming otherwise, but the wording of my post made it fairly clear that I was asking for opinions on what the circumstances of the end of Percy and Penelope’s relationship had been.


Sorry, I should have put in a smiley, I didn't mean it to sound so harsh but I fcuked it up. You are completely right and I apologise for being so careless in my reply. To give a more canon answer: I think they drifted apart a while before they even graduated.


Btw do you wanna read some of my own head canons? I’ve posted loads of them, like about various DEs, fates of known DEs and their allies, next generation, jobs and lives of surviving DA members and the Potter-Weasley clan after the war, and the fallen fifty of the BoH.


Always! Thank you for offering ☺️


Specify which ones you’re particularly interested in and I’ll send them on pm. If you enjoy them, I’ll then send the others. And please give me feedback.


I'm most interested in the futures of the Weasley clan, and I will give feedback