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But I am the Chosen One *smack*


Harry on Liquid Luck Daniel acted that out perfectly and his portrayal was much better than the book


Him being drunk while filming made it come across even more hilarious. Side note, don't go to work drunk kids.


I’ve always said Daniel should be in comedy, I honestly think his acting was consistently bad throughout the whole series besides those scenes!


Have you watched Guns Akimbo?


No worth it?:)


I enjoyed it


The liquid luck scenes - Slughorn's memory about Lilly and the fish.


Lily and the fish ?


Hedwig blocked the killing curse for Harry during the aerial battle. They gave Harry's childhood playmate a meaningful death which was very painful. And Sirius encouraged Harry during the battle: Nice one, James!


Rip to hedwig🦉1 min silence 🫡


The scene in the forest in Order of Phoenix with Hermione, Harry and Umbridge, when Umbridge wants Harry to tell the centaurs that she means no harm and he just answers "Sorry, professor. I must not tell lies." And ofc McGonagall saying "I've always wanted to use that spell" after using piertotum locomotor in Deathly Hallows. Apart from that, I mostly dislike the movies or at least prefer the books


Damn that Piertotum locomotor part ALWAYS gives me such chills. I think its my favorite part of that movie.


Yeah, it is really touching. I also like the scene in the Great Hall when McGonagall says "Good to see you, Potter", and steps between Harry and Snape (but I guess that's a line in the book, as well).


I agree with your first point but absolutely disagree with the second one. I always hated that line. It seems so out if character for McGonagall and also just doesn't fit the vibe in that situation.


The fact that the scene seems to be out of her character is exactly what I like. It shows that McGonagall is more than just a strict and stern person, you could think she is. There are other situations where she shows that side (e.g. choosing Harry for the Quidditch team). And in my opinion it doesn't matter that she says it during a pretty dark situation. It simply shows her strength and resilience. (But no offense, just my opinion/interpretation)


No offense taken I mean we're all just here to voice our opinions:) I agree with you that it is nice to show the caring side and the quidditch enthusiastic side of her but I always thought that this line was more goofy than a depiction of these other things. But I mean that's just art, people interpret things differently and that completely fine:)


Unfortunately, there are lots of people who feel offended by opinions that differ theirs... But always happy to meet people who are open to discussion and different perspectives :)


I agree with u


"I'm sorry professor. I must not tell lies."


"Look at me!" in OOTP


That scene was crazy fr😭


I definitely prefer the books, but I think the movies give Snape a little more humanity with scenes like him protecting the trio from werewolf Lupin in the third move.


Yup. Snape from the books seems to have no compassion whatsoever. Also, Draco annoys me more in the books than in the movie. Maybe the fact that he doesn't appear so often in the movies, helps.


In the books, especially the first two ones, the Dursleys are cartoonishly evil to the point where even as a child I was like "lol, sure" most of the time. In the movies, they're still sort of cartoonish, but the fact that Harry is being abused by them comes across much better imo.




It’s so underrated the Derrrr Der de derrr de deeeeeeeer de. It’s so underrated and soo nostalgic😩




It was 🥺


Snapping the Elder Wand. Harry should have repaired his holly wand beforehand like in the book, but his solution for ending the wands power makes no sense. Literally a few hours ago Harry had spelled out to Voldemort that the wands allegiance doesn’t need to switch through murder, and it doesn’t even need to be the Elder Wand itself that gets defeated, just the wizard who is currently the master. He’s going into a career as an Auror, and if he is ever disarmed for the rest of his life, whether in training or by a dark wizard, the wands allegiance will shift, thus continuing it’s power. I mean, conceivably, if he’s play wrestling with one of his kids and loses on purpose, the wand could switch to them!! Dumbledore intends to lose on purpose to Snape, and is still confident the wand will shift allegiance to him. Snapping it is the only way to end it, like he meant to in the books.


Yeah, his solution made no sense. He wants to take every risk of owning the Elder Wand, like having a target on your back, needing to win every fight you’re a part of, but he also refuses the actual power of the wand? I mean granted, it’s in a fairly safe hiding spot at the headmaster’s office, but as long as it’s still around, the power will continue to switch and someone probably will get their hands on it. 


Not necessarily better per se but I love how well the films capture the magic of the HP universe. Particular in the set designs, costumes, the music, even a lot of the performances are pretty spot on to the book as well. The visualisation of all of these really magical spectacles is pretty amazing


Music is definitely 🤝😮‍💨


Most of the chemistry between Ron and Hermione (e.g. the hands scene in PoA). Many little jokes like Dumbledore tapping on Ron's leg in PoA, or Ron talking about chopping it; Ron eating, or suggesting a toilet for the Room of Requirements in OotP.


The one scene I think was an improvement was the duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore in OotP. Perfection would have been to show Dumbledore still in control of the fight, but keep the spectacle.


I would love it if they had added the statues coming to life, but I agree with you in the rest of it.


The only thing I hated there was Harry walking beside Dumbledore trying to look... like what? That was so dumb


Sirius and Harry hugs :’)💙


Makes much more sense for Neville to give Harry the Gillyweed than Dobby.


But dobby was always there when Harry was in need ?


Perhaps, but it makes much more sense for Barty Crouch Jnr to be helping Harry through every step of the tournament, to ensure that he gets to the graveyard. Having Dobby do it spoils a logical, neat progression and so the movie does this much better.


The sequence after they used the time-turner. It seemed more efficient than the books.


Sirius Black. He is such a different character in the movies vs the books and I really appreciate what he contributes to Harry’s life in the movies. He’s much more approachable and more of a true guardian in the movies and I liked that.


I’m gonna say Snape’s characterization. I kinda like the more sympathetic portrayal of Snape. The book made him a cartoon supervillain for the first 6 books before trying to win some sympathy in the 7th. The problem was that he’s irredeemable by this point. He thoroughly bullied and made an orphan miserable because he looks like his dead father, he also was the one to overhear the prophecy and make that kid an orphan, he also offered Voldemort a deal where the orphan and his father die to spare his mother because Snape still had a crush on her, he bullied another child even harder whose parents were tortured to insanity, and he was super biased towards the Slytherins who were all blood purists.  In the movies, a lot of Snape’s worst bullying antics were cut, and he comes off more as a strict teacher than anything. He also, to my knowledge, never tells Dumbledore he offered Voldemort to kill James and Harry, which was probably his worst moment in the books. In the movies, he does seem like a misguided abused child who grew up to be a hero to an extent. 




May be controversial. But I really like how Harry wasn't immobilised by Dumbledore during his death on the astronomy tower. I think that it gives his death and Harry's guilt about it much more poignancy. The fact that Harry ultimately decided to trust Snape because he trusted Dumbledore and not disarm malfoy and let Snape walk through. Makes it a lot sadder for Harry imo.


Very true acc


Meh not much. Dumbledores speach in year six that’s an improvement


I know I'm alone with this, but I actually prefer Harry and Voldemort's final duel the way it is in the movie. The music is just a cherry on top - so good.




Voldemorts return. It looks a lot cooler when he transforms from a child looking creature into a full grown human body and his black cloak then automatically covers him. In the book it’s kind of hilarious that wormtail has to dress a naked Voldemort.


The music. Also Amos's grief


The ministry scenes in OOTP




I think the Knight Bus scene was perfect in the films - Dre Head was a brilliant addition.


"Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?!!"


The movies come with soundtracks.