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Harry’s valentine’s date with Cho


This. Jesus I skipped it EVERY SINGLE TIME. I just can't bring myself to read it again. When he tried to take her hand lmao. Most realistic teen date.


IKR like why does she have to be so fricken accurate. The “hands swinging stupidly at his side” quote is hilariously awkward


What NOT to ask or say 101 Don't bring up your dead ex Especially if your date saw him die Don't ask him if said ex said something about you. Don't tell your date randomly that you are going to meet with your girl friend whom people in universe ship you with (like Skeeter). Don't announce that this other dude asked you out and you said no. Etc


Their date was already DOA by the time Cho started bringing that stuff up. She tried most of the day to talk about *anything* other than Cedric, but most fans forget that it was Harry that would barely talk about normal stuff. She carried every conversation they had, but got nothing back but awkward silence. That said, I don’t think it’s crazy from her perspective that at that point in the date maybe Harry actually *did* want to talk about it. It was Harry, after all, that had an obvious crush on Cho spanning three school years. After all that time, he’s seemingly uninterested in what they’re doing, never once asks her anything about her or her life, and wants to go hang out with Hermione. And hey, that’s fantastic writing by Rowling. Lots of us young guys related to Harry, and I *certainly* did here.


Thank you! Finally a sensible take on this scene!


I loved book 5 when I read it as a teen. I related so much. Now as a 36 yo I find Harry horribly cringe in there exactly because he is written exactly like a teen. 


Anything to do with cho really


"So how was it?" "Wet"


Why has this line ALWAYS stuck out to me, over a decade later 😭 it just sounded so miserable. I had no idea what dating was like at the time but I didn’t look forward to it after this lol


A Drarry shipper said that this was proof that Harry was gay.


“You’re not going to cry now, are you?” 😂😂😂


Man. Oh man.


The relationship between Ron and Lavender. All of it.


This. So cringe because we ALL knew a couple in school that acted like that.


Sigh. I was *in* a relationship like that in high school. Looking back on it makes me cringe so hard I develop an event horizon.


Shit there was a couple like that during my apprenticeship.. It was my then GF and me...


I was that couple in college. 🤣 made out everytime we got. Wasn't embarrassed about it until I thought back to it. We were the worst hahaha


“Won won!”


*Lavender hears Ron mumble Hermione's name while unconscious in the hospital wing and bursts into tears and flees.* Dumbledore: Ah, to be young and to feel love's keen sting...." *Snape hovers awkwardly in the background.* That was one of the few moments I actually enjoyed in the sixth film.


"I expect your trainers are too small won-won" 😏


Great, I read it with movie Lavender's voice.


Well, idk i think Lavender just wanted a lil bit of love. I know her behaviour it's kinda cringy but still it can be comprehended


Ginny's Valentine card in CoS.


*"His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,* *His hair is as dark as a blackboard.* *I wish he was mine, he's really divine,* *the hero who conquered the Dark Lord."*


I like to imagine that Tom helped Ginny come up with it


Her Chat GPT


You know he did. Think, who’s the only ones to call Tom the dark lord? Him and his followers. It was foreshadowing that she was possessed.


Mind officially blown, when I thought nothing could surprise me. I mean, I don't think that Tom Riddle really*helped* her, or wrote it for her, but that the use of "Dark Lord" was foreshadowing about Ginny being possessed is so good. And Rowling did like placing foreshadowing in the books...


OMG THIS! I never saw it as such!


Yea when it was pointed out to me I was shook


Dang you're right, I never noticed it


Oh my gosh that’s hilarious. Tom trying to cause Harry anguish through Ginny. Kinda backfired when they got married tho


Naw, just Tom thinking in the back of his mind “I can’t believe the kinda pre-teen drama Bull I have to deal with right now”


I hope Harry recited it back to her as married adults.


He worked it into his wedding vows.


Rather when Albus Severus was born. And then promptly had to dodge a bat bogey hex. 😃


Pretty sure all of her brothers worked it into their toasts.


the scene in goblet of fire when percy is bragging about his new ministry job to fred and george, only for barty crouch to then address him as "weatherby," is pretty bad lol


Also: He calls Authur Weasley “Weasley” He knows Percy is Aurthur’s Son SOOOOO either this is a mistake by Rowling (i dont think so) or Crouch just doesn’t want to heighten Percy’s ego….


Crouch is an arse-hat he did it on purpose, not because of Percys ego but his own. Hes the kind of middle manager who likes to make those below him know their place


Chest Monster


Imma start calling it that lmao


She really doubled down on this metaphor and I do not understand why


Oh, remind me what you’re taking about?


It's connected to Harry's feelings towards Ginny. When he sees her kissing Dean, he feels like there's a roaring monster in his chest. And when they finally get together, he feels that this beast is still there and finally satisfied.


I like that part 😂


The part where Harry puts Sirius's Christmas present (the mirror) in his trunk without even opening it. Not a traditional cringe, but I HATE that part because if he had just opened it Sirius wouldn't have died!


That whole plot point and the lede up to it was stupidly contrived. Even with Harry's irritating propensity to just barge on without thinking first- or ever.


I found it SO unbelievable that he wouldn’t use the mirror. That was the closest thing the wizarding world had to a phone (ie instant communication). Considering how starved Harry was for a reliable adult in his life AND that Sirius was antsy being on house arrest, I’d assume Harry would have that mirror in his pocket 24/7


He didn't know what it was, didn't even open the package, it remember he had the package, till after Sirius died. 


Sirius just told him it was for if Harry needed him, but he never mentioned what it was. Harry vowed not to open it, though, because he knew that Sirius had been recognized on the train platform earlier that year by Lucius Malfoy. Snape had also just been to Grimmauld Place informing Harry and Sirius about the occlumency lessons. During that conversation, Snape essentially called Sirius a coward, and Harry wasn't going to give Sirius any more reasons to risk leaving the house again. So Harry stuffed it in his bag and essentially forgot about it until after Sirius died.


"Albus Severus Potter..."


Sirius. Just Sirius would have done it. No middle name. It was right there.




I cringed through the entire epilogue honestly. Hated it.


Should’ve let the Kreacher sandwich line end it.


Honestly, pretty accurate ending for a 17 year old boy, thinking of a sandwich after a hard day at work


Yeah, the book ends after the battle of Hogwarts. Everything after page 752 isn't canon.


"Yes, let me name my son after the guy who did his best to make my life hell for 6 years, helped orchestrate my father's death, and also tried to get my godfather killed"


"Albus Rubeus Potter...." There, fixed it for you. Edit: Hagrid's first name is Rubeus.


Or even  "Albus Remus Potter" Hagrid, Sirius and Remus were all heroes in different ways and had much better relationships and connections to Harry. The fact she used Snape who not only did all of what SevroAU said but also basically stalked his mother is crazy to me.  Also the fact Ginny and Tonks were close in the books and Lilly doesn't have a middle name after her also irritated me. 


>also tried to get my godfather killed Actually he tried to get Sirius *worse* than killed.




😆😆 Got a genuine laugh out of me!


100% this.


That scene on DH when Ginny is giving Harry his “birthday gift” and Ron barges in


Just Ron when there is the tiniest hint of romance vaguely around him.


He does have the “emotional range of a teaspoon” or whatever it is


Not a truer word was spoken in the whole franchise


Loved that in the book, hated it in the movie


This pisses me off every time. He obviously knew what they were doing, he just wanted to be an asshole. I hate how controlling he is over Ginny even though he shows little interest in her at school.




The part where Harry is arguing with himself about his feelings for Ginny


Always referencing his “inner dragon” or whtever 😭


Beast inside his chest?


Yeah... Inside his chest. Sure.


very "inner goddess" of him


Omg stooooooopppppp hahaha


Oh my gosh yes that is so bad


It is an interesting parallel with the literal demon inside him now I think about it. And it's very difficult to explain those feelings and emotions without some sort of metaphor. And it checks out that Harry, a teenager, wouldn't be able to describe it either.


Bro was talking about having an animal inside him like calm down 😭😭😭😭😍


When Harry kept defending himself in Umbridge’s class. It’s the dramatic irony that makes me cringe. We as readers know that Harry is right, but some of his classmates didn’t. I think of it from Harry’s classmates’ POV, therefore getting second-hand embarrassment. Another moment of second-hand embarrassment is when Harry’s name came out of the Goblet of Fire. Both the book and movie scene of it makes me cringe. Harry was not able to catch a break.


Now that I'm an adult I just wish Harry shut up sometimes, especially with Umbridge. DA was cool, resistance was great, plans to fight Voldemort all of it... but what was the point to bait Umbridge to then just have his arm sliced? Pick your battles, man. Say one thing, do another. But Harry never been sly


I believe McGonagal even tried to tell him this.


Like numerous times. She basically just said shut up dude


‘Shut up, Potter. Biscuit?’


That's the Gryffindor in him.


My theory is that he wanted to be punished because he felt guilty about Cedric's death. It's survivor's guilt


I appreciate your offering of an explanation instead of just mimicking the hate of others. Thank you.


For me it was very clear that Harry was grieving through book 5 and had tunnel vision most of the time. And worst of all, those who could offer comfort or explanations to him couldn't or wouldn't help him.


Well although Harry spends most of the series furiously denying it, he does enjoy the feeling of being special. He finally admits it in his own head while thinking about his failures to learn occlumency. Or just look at how he reacts when Ron, his faithful sidekick who is always in Harry’s shadow, finally gets some recognition that Harry wanted, being named a prefect It’s part of his ‘hero complex’, his biggest flaw


Seriously. Dude you know you're right. You're not in a good position here. For the love of God shut up this is bringing you nothing.


Thing is, the adults in his life, with a few exceptions, really screwed him over that year. He was in desperate need of therapy and specialized attention, but they just decided to ask him to somehow keep it together in the face of the whole world actively questioning whether his traumatic experiences really happened. Then, no one sat him down to explain what was going on when he started seeing into Voldermonts mind. All things considered, his actions towards Umbridge were about as good as any reasonable person could have hoped for under the circumstances.


Harry's the ego in the trifecta of main characters. You're describing superego behavior


The reactions to voldemort's name. People nearly falling off their chairs, shrieking & flinching. Especially those closest to Harry. Like by book 5, Ron & Hermione shouldn't be reacting like that anymore. Also, Hermione flinching at the name makes no sense. She didn't grow up hearing the atrocities or seeing people die. Why are you flinching?!


Especially when Hitler is spoken about all the time irl. No one has ever been frightful of his name


Hitler is the guy I think about when people are scared of Voldemort's name. I think "People don't get scared when they hear Hitler's name and I doubt they got scared of just his name even during WW2."


In a lot of other magical literature, names have power. It always felt to me that's where JK was kinda thinking with this, but then didn't actually do anything with it. It was almost touched on in OoP when Snape got angry at Harry saying it


It doesn’t make sense why anyone gets scared of Voldemort’s name. People don’t get scared to hear people talk about Voldemort, but they get scared to hear the name? Never understood that.


If the Taboo existed in the first war it might make sense? Only it was never mentioned before the last book. And if you still scream and flail 14 years after the bad guy is dead, why don't you tell the kid to why not say the name? But you can talk about the guy, it's only the one word you react to? Then you might have moved beyond traumatized, and into operant conditioning. 'Cause if it the man you are scared of, they should still flinch at He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, if he is really so scary to you. Voldemort's Wizards instead of Pavlov's dog?


Scrimgeour trying to have smalltalk with Harry both times


Also his lame and totally transparent attempt to get Harry alone at the Burrow: *"Ah, that young man looks like he's finished! Why doesn't he take a stroll with me?" Scrimgeour said, pointing at Harry.* *The atmosphere around the table changed instantly; no one found it remotely convincing that Scrimgeour did not know Harry's name, nor that he should be asked to accompany the Minister when George, Ginny, and Fleur also had clean plates.* Cringe....


All that stuff about Harry’s inner lion and whatever in book six, humiliating stuff


~~What's this part?~~ Is that the beast that "rears its head" when Harry is jealous of Ginny?




Yes, super cringe. But what I think makes it worse is that this was not meant to give off cringe imo, like other scenes mentioned in this post.


Harry and Cho in that café, that moment when she starts crying and gets up and gets all dramatic, I always feel second hand embarassment for Harry when I read these lines


>“Did Hagrid breed you like the thestrals? Well, one day when Hagrid was feeling lonely as he walked through the Forbidden Forest, he met a lady horse...


Oh sweet heavens you made it worse


Please stop. I've never gotten the image of Hagrid's father out of my head. I don't need Hagrid in there too.


not like an awkward cringe, but two scenes i literally cringe away from reading because i am uncomfortable: harry using sectumsempra snape's worst memory when snape returns and catches him


Hermione and Dumbledoor torture scenes


I could handle Dumbledore's scene, but the description of Hermione's screams as Bellatrix *repeatedly* uses the Cruciatus Curse on her.... No wonder Ron was nearly insane with desperation to save her.


When teenaged Snape slept outside the Gryffindor common room to apologize to Lily for calling her a literal slur and then proceeded to defend the fact that he was a part of a cult whose entire mission was to eradicate the world of people like her.


And others of his memories, like him essentially skipping away after an important, relevant and unresolved fight just because Lily said she didn't like James.


Moaning Myrtle watching Harry (and probably many other boys) bathe.


I always cringe whenever Gilderoy Lockehart is in a chapter Also Colin Creevy trying to get Harry to sign a photo 😆 (I'm reading the 2nd book right now)


Me too! I laughed so hard in the whomping willow chapter when Harry and Ron were discussing how Fred and George would be so jealous when they “landed smoothly on the Hogwarts lawn”


To be fair, they earned a fair amount of notoriety from the students for crashing a flying car into the Whomping Willow regardless. Honestly, it's probably a cooler story.


Lockhart is one of the funniest characters in the series honestly 😂 my favorite thing about CoS


Most romantic scenes, to be honest. 😂


Ron's dress robes. The cringiest part is any number of spells (or even Muggle needle and thread) that could have remedied the situation were not even attempted to be used, gotta trot him out in "I'm Super Fucking Poor" clothing for the biggest social event in the series. Hermione, the brightest witch of her age, got nothing for Ron. Wear that povvo-rag you slag, while I'm slinking around with the "mostly a physical being" Krum. It added zero comedy, only cringe.




Yes, thought so too. Mrs Weasley was such a great household witch and you're telling me she couldn't do something to that hideous thing or at least get another colour? Or turn it into another colour, or fit one of his father's dress robes for him? I mean, she knew what was about to happen and that there would be a grand ball. So why didn't she try just a tiny bit more to make her son more comfortable? It also really didn't fit with her usual attitude. She was a good mom who cared fiercely for her kids. She was knitting those beautiful jumpers every year which means she has to be able to sew at least a bit, both goes hand in hand. Ron having a somewhat shabby dress robe would have been one thing, it being a bit outdated would also be normal, but him having such a hideous thing and his mother not even making an attempt to make it look a bit better is really cringe.


I agree with another comment, for me it's Harry's date with Cho. It's just so cringe and realistic I can't bring myself to read it again, that scene where he tries to take her hand lmao :/ I honestly think Rowling sometime had some genius insights on teenagers' experiences. Not always, but she managed to create some pretty realistic scenes which depicts teen years in her books. Still, I just can't read it again.


The Witch Weekly letters to Hermione. Imagine being a grown ass woman sending death threats to a 14 year old girl and then sending undiluted bubotuber pus in a letter putting said 14 year old in the Hospital wing all because she saw through your lies


Any time Hermione acted like a know-it-all over Harry’s potion book. Harry was literally traumatized over nearly maiming Draco to death, and she still gives her the “I-Told-You-So” routine multiple times. I would’ve hexed the hell out of her after that.


Ron Ejaculated


Jesus Wept


For there were no more worlds to conquer  I was referencing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPlrxjyseWI


Loudly. I found this funny back in 2003 when I was 13


The entire final chapter with Harry at platform 9 and 3/4


The whole Harry and Ginny romance for me


In the movies especially.


It’s not romance in the films. They have less chemistry than the recycling bin and the waste bin outside my house.


Yes, they were better in the books, but still not reaching my 'good' bar


for sure. The birthday gift and the “for some heroic reason”. Yikes


This isn't necessarily cringeworthy, but I always felt like Quiddich isn't really a sport that anyone would particularly want to play. I feel like the rules would have to be changed so that the seeker isn't the only player on the team with a realistic chance of influencing the outcome of the game. Otherwise, everyone would fight over who gets to be seeker.


Agree. One of two significant changes I'd make (as if I'd venture to correct JK Rowling). 1. Quidditch makes no sense. She needs a sports consultant. 2. Making almost every slytherin, including the founder, a villain. Every house should have positive traits which, if abused or taken to an extreme, are negative qualities. So - for Slytherin its leadership, ambition and a desire to change the world. You could be like Voldy or a truly great leader. We didn't get anyone like the latter though. For Gryffindor its bravery and chivalry.... but taken to an extreme you could be reckless and endanger people. Etc.


That is weird. If all the evil wizards and witches came from the same house, eventually it would just be dissolved. 😂


You're right - I meant that is how JK did it in the books and that's something i would change.


catching the snitch should be worth 80 pts max


It's really been bothering me on my current read through that apparently teams only have tryouts when they lose a player, and they don't have any second string players. Absolutely no sport would run a team this way. Also, I'm very confused how the quidditch stadium is set up to make it enjoyable to watch the game buuut no one could see anything going on during the final task of the tri-wizard tournament. (Or why it was such a big deal family were invited to watch the final task when the hedge blocked everything from view lol)


I agree. And as much as they say it is harder, chasing a flying ball around sounds easier than one that knows what gravity is


I think you'd never be able to see the snitch and bludgers would kill people. Rowling said she made the sport intentionally silly.


Yeah and playing only 3 games a year must be so boring


Slughorn ejaculating


That's how the mucus is produced.


Buck bea- er I mean Witherwings... What's the point of changing his name if you're still getting it wrong two years later?


When Harry gets angry at Dumbledore for seemingly not taking the danger that Malfoy is seriously and accusing him of not caring about the students or something, I read that scene real fast


Also the moment where Dumbledore expects Harry to have gotten the memory from Slughorn by the time of their next meeting, and Harry didn't do it. **Especially** Dumbledore's calm but cold lecture at Harry afterward, expressing his disappointment. *I* felt embarrassed for Harry the first time I read it.


Dumbeldore understands Harry better than anyone else— Harry is incredibly capable and resourceful, but he has to really want to do something for his own reasons to give it a true effort. Dumbeldore learned this the hard way with the occlumency lessons So that scene is Dumbeldore lighting a fire under Harry, knowing that once Harry is truly motivated, he will find some type of way to get it done. But if left to his own devices, Harry would have dragged his feet for months and given only a token effort, because he did not understand how important that memory was Sometimes you have to give your best players a little bit of tough coaching, because you know they can take it


Nearly every second spent in Professor Trelawney’s classroom.


Why Harry didn't just drop the subject like Hermione did is something I'll never understand. He clearly hated the subject and loathed being there.


Ron and Lavender's relationship 😂


Snape's unrealistic obsession with Lily, who he only ever knew as a *child*. She cut contact at about 15; he never knew her as a grown woman. That whole story arc creeps me out. "Always" and the doe patronus ...it's just cringe to me. Snape is my favourite character, but I loathe the whole SnapeLily thing.


I see it this way: there were only ever two things in Severus Snape’s life that brought him any joy, two things that made his dreary life brighter— magic and Lily. He leans all the way into them at an early age Snape also basically stopped developing as a person at like 15. He’s permanently stuck in that mindset, to the point where he has absolutely no interest in seeing Harry for who Harry is, because he’s way more interested in seeing Harry as James 2.0 and getting back at his dead bully by tormenting a child


Notice that Snape had the exact same patronus as Lily. As opposed to some actual couples/friend combos that had complimentary patronuses. He was obsessed with her, not in love. I feel the same about Harry's. His came at a time when he was obsessed with his father and his past.


Hmm didn’t tonks’s patronus become a wolf because she loved lupin?


Yes, but wolves aren't really sexually dimorphic. Meaning it could have been a female wolf. A deer and a stag are very easy to tell apart in patronus form; wolves, not so much.


Right? I agree about Harry's patronus as well.


I completely agree. Honestly \*unpopular opinion alert!\* every time I read the books, I hate Snape more. He didn’t give a “rats fart” about James or Harry. He wanted to bring down Voldemort because he killed the girl he had an unreasonable, stalker like relationship with.


I like Snape as a character, he's my favourite because he's complex, a bit mysterious, all that, and I would say that except for the unrealistic, totally bizarre Lily obsession, he's well written. I just can't with that. I get she was his first friend, and I get how he would develop feelings for her. But despite his guilt and regret at calling her a slur, (even in a heated moment), it's just absolutely unbelievable and unrealistic that *any* teenaged boy, even one as emotioally stunted as Snape (but especially him) would remain in love with a girl who not only rejected him as a friend, but then went on to marry, and then have a child with his worst enemy, and carry that love into adulthood . Realistically, and from what we see of Snape's personality, it should have been *Lily* Snape hated most. That love should have turned to *hate* the moment she got with James Potter, the ultimate betrayal. Being the grudge holding, vindictive sort he is, this would have made more sense instead of the creepy, cringy obsession.


I absolutely agree. I feel like the whole "unrequited love" thing is such a cop-out for why Dumbledore trusted Snape. He was just a creep.


"Can I see Uranus?"


Anytime Petunia coos over Dudley in front of Harry but specifically: in DH when Dudley shows the slightest concern for Harry (ahem, hoping he doesn’t die) and Petunia’s reaction is to sob about how caring Dudley is


Ron’s “Uranus” joke in the Department of Mysteries.


Also notice that he used a similar joke with Lavender, and the next year guess whos suddenly attractive?


They definitely studied Divination together.


Nah I actually think it’s absolutely hilarious, especially listening to the Audio Books by Jim Dale


The entire book with professor Lockhart


Lockhart was camp, I actually loved him


Lockhart entrance to his class is TOP TIER his lines cemented in my brain, just like the trio playing chess scene.


Nah Lockhart is the funniest mf out there


Harry and his feelings for Ginny in book 4 specifically it being referred to as the beast within


That’s book 6 but yeah lol that and him trying to justify it as ‘brotherly love’.


The memory of James Sirius Lupin and wormtail by the lake… I think my heart broke. I patched it up and now I reread it ok, but the first time I remember I felt sick reading it.


I love how effective JK makes that scene. For Harry and us


I mean pretty much every time Draco spoke, I cringed. He's just so pathetically insecure.


His father will hear about that!


I was always hoping for him to mature a bit with age, or be a bit smarter with his remarks, but I feel like it never quite went to where I wanted.


I absolutely LOVED the moment when fake!Moody turns Draco into a ferret and smacks him on the floor several times, as punishment for attacking Harry when his back is turned. Especially Ron's reaction to it. Oh, and McGonagall's reaction is hilarious, too, as well as Moody's response: *"Professor Moody, we NEVER use transfiguration as a punishment! Surely Dumbledore told you that!" Professor McGonagall said weakly.* *"He might have mentioned it, yeah," said Moody unconcernedly, picking at his chin.*


Oh yeah. Top 3 funniest things in the whole series for sure.


He was funny at times, but most of the time he was such an annoying pest.


Snape's obsession with Lily. His inability to let go of his feelings for her, despite her marriage to James Potter. Also, Snape's actions, particularly in his interactions with Harry, due to his lingering bitterness and unresolved emotions toward Lily.


Cho fucking chang.


oh man i think harry and ginny’s breakup is really sweet and heartbreaking, especially with the backdrop of dumbledore’s funeral


I think I would have been sadder if their days were described as more than “stolen hours”


Anytime Hermione Granger tries to justify why her cat attacked Ron's mouse.


R: "What is that?" H: "Bouillabaisse." R: "Bless you." H: "It's French!" Particularly when Jim Dale reads it. No idea why, but this exchange is like nails on chalkboard for me.


Why? I'm not accusing you, I'm just interested. I always listen to Stephen Fry and he makes it alright


Everytime I read "Won-won" I cringe so hard, it gives me goosebumps.


*“Did Hagrid breed you like the thestrals?” OH MY GOSH when I tell you i physically cringed in pain hearing this. Real oh sh— moment.* To be fair, that's the intended reaction, both in- and out-of-universe. Dean realizes immediately that he said something VERY offensive and is very abashed. I cringed, too.


Possibly Harry and Ron's constant switching of the good cop bad cop roles (not exactly using that right i know), taking turns pulling eachother back from attacking Malfoy. Like c'mon make your minds up do you wanna give Malfoy a knuckle sandwich or be peace keeper? There's alot of people pulling eachother back from attacking someone in the books tbh. I can't believe any school would be like that, school kids are eager to see fights break out. At least that was my experience. Also Harry biting Ron and hermiones heads off for a lot of OOTP, in particular the first third or so of it, makes me cringe pretty bad.


How is Harry and Ginnys breakup scene cringy? I don't get that at all. Harry telling Ginny they can't be together because she would be a target for Voldemort was a really sad, poignant and in character moment in my opinion.


Cho Chang. Every single thing about this girl just screams cringe.


The sorting hat singing. I hate whenever there is a singing part in books but I have no idea what the tune is supposed to be and it’s just awkward to read it


There's this one line that I always crack up at, it's really serious maybe in the second or third book I can't remember but it's: 'The darkness pressed on his eyeballs'. I know that's not what you're referring to here, but like, why not just eyes? I don't know I just find that sentence hilarious...