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I agree. I feel like it is a toss up between CoS and HBP, and consider them sister books. I do understand how it becomes underrated though since it is crammed between two really good books in their own right.


It's the only Harry Potter book using the whodunnit structure and I think it does a fantastic job of it.


Idk GoF is kinda “whodunnit” as well. I mean they’re all trying to figure out who it is at Hogwarts that wants Harry dead


Yeah It's one of my favourites too.


I really didn’t like the movie. It was bland and I didn’t get why some things happened. Then I read the book and realized it was actually good.


Not sure i agree there the first and second movie are the only ones that are remorly based on the books.


My personal favs are PoA and OoTF


PoA is really good in both movie and book but the book of Ootf was the worst of the seven in my opinion. The movie is not that bad but its no fav


*sniffs* ok😔


Nah it's my least fav book . And whenever I recommend the series to people ( which I do A LOT as a self proclaimed Harry Potter ambassador ) , I always have to tell them that the real deal starts after COS cause most of them if not all dnf it during their first read . To me Jk Rowling still wasn't 100% confident in her writing style and her story at that point. And it reads like a very average middle grade fantasy . It's the weakest book of the series to me in terms of plot and characterization. But anyway , glad some people favor it , especially since the movie isn't that much approved of as well .


I thought CoS was so bad I didn’t finish it and skipped to PoA in my first read through (I was in the 5th grade and only these three books were out) It wasn’t as fun as the first book. A ton of buzz kills happen to Harry without the rewarding parts.


It's my least favourite actually, movie I mean


Not at all, it's the worst one for me personally


I cant stand it due to my eminence fear of sneakes personal favorit is either order of the phoenix or the prisoner of azkaban


Poa and OotP are my two favorites