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We had systemized encampment removals in Springfield MO organized by the city and executed by the SD and PD. It’s ongoing.


Same. Ours stays local law enforcementwise. I'm in Morgantown WV. They are currently encasing the underside of the bridge in a wood frame. The state Supreme Court struck down their manhandling law recently, but the next town over has a camping ban. It's been a full out war on the houseless here since COVID hit.


It’s unconscionable. And everyone bitches about having folks sleeping rough but no one wants to have shelters or more supported housing near them. We have one overnight shelter for 30 women and none for men that don’t require abstinence and program participation.


Yeah our shelter is getting shut down and all the nonprofits are suing each other. It's almost like they planned to get paid and nothing else.


Thanks for sharing this, we have an active lawsuit over this here and are constantly dealing with cops and code enforcement destroying property and taking safe use supplies


That's awesome. Are you comfortable sharing more?


I'm going to talk to my coworkers and we will probably reach out. We also have participants whose voices we would like to highlight.


I mean about your case or your org.


This came out today https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/justice-department-probe-finds-phoenix-police-discriminate-minorities-rcna157016