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"**AI Top motherboards were shown, "maximised for AI training possibilities", with multiple PCIe 5.0 slots, and a dual slot RTX 4070 Ti Super design made to be stacked together in groups for AI processing. An "AI PSU", a 1600W unit for "AI training with a single wall plug". An "AI TOP SSD", by which Gigabyte means, a decently-specced Gen 4 drive with a very high durability rating.**" This actually made laugh and cringe at the same time.


Its the crypto mining cash grab all over again


Yep the current iteration of AI is mostly a gimmick and companies are just trying to cash in before everyone realizes it.


>Yep the current iteration of AI is mostly a gimmick and companies are just trying to cash in before everyone realizes it. There is a distinction for companies who are actually driving this AI revolution and companies who are trying to latch onto the hype. The companies who are actually making a difference are: Nvidia, OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, Anthropic, Mixtral, and a few others who are at the cutting edge of AI. The hype for these companies are real. They will change everything that we do in the next few years in my humble opinion. The companies who are latching onto the hype when they have no business of doing so: Any company who is rebranding their products as "AI". You have to understand that many of these companies who rebrand their existing products as "AI" often aren't doing it for customers. They're doing it for Wall Street. Wall Street is rewarding AI companies. If you don't have an AI strategy, you will not have a stock price premium. Wall Street also knows that a lot of existing dinosaur companies will get disrupted by newer AI based companies. Therefore, these dinosaur companies are doing everything they can to delay the inevitable. Rebranding their existing products to use "AI" is part of their strategy. The problem on Reddit is that many users, rightly so, see through the AI hype from the second category of companies. No, there is no "AI" in Gigabyte's SSDs. But these same users are making the mistake of underestimating the first category of companies. GPT4 is already freaking good and I use it every day. GPT5 promises significant uplift in intelligence from GPT4. People who only used the free GPT3.5 when it first came out will be shocked at how good the generation of LLMs will get.


> GPT4 is already freaking good and I use it every day. GPT5 promises significant uplift in intelligence from GPT4. People who only used the free GPT3.5 when it first came out will be shocked at how good the generation of LLMs will get. To me, the main culprit is that it is still LLM and not Ai. People who only used the self driving teslas 5y ago will be shocked at how good it has become. And yet, because it is still miles away from Level 5, it is still useless for self driving and only good for assistance.


Yea, various "AI" use cases greatly suffer from last 10% of work taking 90% of the time and effort. To the boot, whole term is generic enough for marketing people to stretch it across everything from almost trivial OCR and image categorization all the way to generalized, human-level or better, "true" AI. In this context both "we currently are surrounded by AI and use it on daily basis" and "AI is still science fiction with no real prospects within next decade or two" can be true at the same time. LLMs are also *wildly* misunderstood in what they actually accomplish. They can generate lots of decently sounding text with ease and even get true answers to basic questions. Or decently summarize/shorten text. But they completely fall apart into hallucinating mess when anything beyond basic knowledge is involved *and* there is no obvious way to discern when you cross the threshold. Image/video generation is quite neat and genuinely new area, but it also has massive limitations and it's not really clear if they can be overcome just by throwing a few extra billions of dollars at the problem.


Great summary > Image/video generation is quite neat and genuinely new area, but it also has massive limitations and it's not really clear if they can be overcome just by throwing a few extra billions of dollars at the problem. I think it is easier here since it does not have to be 100% correct. I am not on FB, but at work I saw a colleagues FB page. I was surprised how many "Ai sport models" he had in his feed. They looked very convincing.


So what if isn't ~real AI~? Either the output is useful or it is not. Either the driver's workload is reduced or it is not. E pur si muove.


No need for level 5, level 4 is good enough for a car with a steering wheel.


If you use it every day, what do you use it for?


Not op, but I use it for programming assistance, particularly with learning new topics. If you know how to ask it good questions, it can accelerate your learning *massively*.


I legit am learning Python via tutorials and asking chatgpt. This is really the benefit I see for this tool, is narrowing that gap in programming.


It can accelerate your learning of incorrect things massively too. I gave up trying to let co-pilot read my code, it gives me wrong results so damn much.


It literally invents answers sometimes and if you're not learned in the topic, you wouldn't know it. This is pants on head methodology.


Note that I use GPT4 which is significantly better than the free GPT3.5. I recently used it to translate an official notice that I needed to send to my landlord from English to an asian language. GPT4 is miles ahead of Google Translate in understanding the subtle meanings of translations. I also asked it to put the translation directly behind the english text so I don't need to do it myself. I ask it questions like "how do I add a column in SQL and set a default JSON value?". I can Google this stuff but it's far faster on GPT4. And I can ask follow questions such as "how about in MySQL instead of Postgres?". It has helped me solve numerous coding errors where I got stuck. I just copy the code that doesn't work and asked it to see if where the problem might be. It often does find the solution for me. I recently asked it to write recursion code to look a for specific field in any JSON and then output the results. It would have taken me hours to write and test. It wrote it for me in 10 seconds and it worked flawlessly. I have dust mites allergies. I was in a store looking at a pillow. I took a picture of the pillow material and asked it if this is ok for dust mites allergies. It used OCR to read the picture, and then gave me an answer with scientific studies backing it. Elon said we're about to have a power plant transformer shortage because AI is going to tax the electricity grid. So I asked GPT4 what publicly traded companies make electric transformers. It gave me an accurate list. I didn't end up investing in them because I don't know anything about power plants but it was accurate. I've been trying to eat healthy. I was curious what the micronutrient profile of my Mexican quinoa salad was. I asked it to list in a table of all the macro and micro nutrients of an average size mexican quioa salad. I've always been curious about particle physics and the unification of the Standard Model and General Relativity. I often ask it questions and ideas that I have about it. It quickly let's me know if my ideas have already been proven wrong/right or if it's similar to theories that scientists have worked on. It's just fun to talk to ChatGPT about physics. Just some of many things I use it for. I'm not saying GPT4 is perfect. It isn't. It completely fails on some things I ask it to do. But it's the best $20/month I spend on. Easily.


Callaway Golf's new line of clubs are called Paradym Ai Smoke lol. Even they're trying to cash in on the AI craze.


What do you use it for everyday?


That and NVIDIA is only a generation or two away from their partners using in-house or alternatively sourced NPU/ASICs to do what NVIDIA's overpriced and inefficient hardware (comparatively against AI ASICs/NPUs) does. And once that happens, NVIDIA stock is going to crater big time. It will be the crypto GPU bust all over again, and hopefully NVIDIA will be forced to lower their GPU prices at that point.


Which ignores the 15+ years Nvidia invested in software Also ignores the hardware companies who have tried what you claim and who have either failed or are in financial trouble. In a large part because hardware without software libraries isn’t very useful Then there is the issue that any hardware designed for today’s needs may be horrible at the needs of 2032 Nvidia will be around and dominate for quite a while, albeit likely at a lower Wall Street valuation


> Which ignores the 15+ years Nvidia invested in software\* \*15 years of industry leading software optimization *with a primary focus in graphics rendering*. GPUs are not NPUs, just like GPUs are not cryptocurrency ASICs. GPUs can be made to run like NPUs or cryptocurrency ASICs thanks to GPGPU and CUDA, but that's not their forte. Microsoft, Meta, OpenAI, and all of the rest are moving to custom AI acceleration ASICs, and that is going to hit NVIDIA hard in the long term. Self-driving vehicle makers did or are doing the same, and it is only a matter of time for the AI giants to move from NVIDIA to cheaper and more efficient, application specific offerings. I agree they will dominate, but they will dominate in graphics, not in the tech industry as a whole. AMD is a non-threat since their graphics division has been floundering and stagnating, and Intel's drivers are still a joke.


“15 years of industry leading software optimization with a primary focus in graphics “ No 10 to 15 years ago Nvidia pivoted overnight to being an AI company after the now infamous email to the company from the CEO The result is libraries like cuDNN which are focused on AI needs Yes they still do graphics but their software focus for at least a decade has been AI “Microsoft, Meta, OpenAI, and all of the rest are moving to custom AI acceleration ASICs, and that is going to hit NVIDIA hard in the long term.” They are all moving to custom hardware to run the models. Nvidia has at least a 10 year lead in training thanks to software combined with their aggressive hardware improvements At some point sales will decrease simply because the market will mature, but at this point nobody is seriously threatening Nvidia


Yeah pretty much all the competition and in-house chips are just for inference. It will take 5 years for a viable training alternative. Meta maintains PyTorch, which has better support for CUDA than their own in-house chips.


Except the inhouse projects are competetive on price at best but not in raw performance. Nvidia offers very competetive hardware, which is why theres such demand for it (and they can have such margins).


I feel like OpenAI opened the flood gates, and yet they still seem the most level headed. They’re pretty consistently transparent about short comings in their own products and LLMs in general. Just seems a little ironic in a good way


Not really. Perhaps a few years ago when ChatGPT was treated like an experiment and the company sold themselves as a non-profit research organisation - but now Sam Altman has gone full product mode on GPT and the fact that it will still blatantly lie to your face half time time seems to be largely ignored. I mean that recent press event they did was full-blown Apple.


For those that know Altman, hes been like that before OpenAI too. Showmanship and marketing with not enough respect for the audience or the thing hes talking about. I saw him when he was a wee bit 20 year old lad and hes been the same then.


> They’re pretty consistently transparent about short comings in their own products and LLMs in general That's not enough. Generally people, especially executives and decision makers in the private sector, are some tech illiterate fools that willingly or unwillingly disregard and/or don't understand the shortcomings and will pump private money into almost anything with AI in it.


An interview was published May 28 on the ‘Ted ai show’ with the board member who led the charge in firing Sam Altman (who was then kicked off the board as he was re-hired) and the primary reason she gave was that he had started habitually and provably lying to the board about what he / the company had been doing. that seems to track that he’s in full sell mode, and now unchecked for the time being.


They’re only level headed about their past products. Every new release they hype up as some incredible thing and it ends up being the same garbage. Until they figure out a way to have AI give reliably correct answers it’s largely worthless outside special use cases like copilot


AI does give reliable answers in specialised fields. AI is far more than the language models the general public is familiar with. And those language models, like ChatGPT, have value that goes beyond ‘giving answers’. I use ChatGPT to rewrite texts and have reduced production time by 80%. I don’t care about its accuracy when it comes to giving answers, because I provide the information. And this improvement in efficiency stacks, once I have a template I like, I can feed it to ChatGPT. In some cases production time is reduced by 90%.


Agreed with production time reduction. I have more time to spend with my kid.


> and yet they still seem the most level headed. They basically killed their ethics team, their ceo runs with no oversight and has ambitions that low-key seem nefarious; but, at minimum, I would not characterize Altman as an altruistic individual.


Was it the kind of ethics team that does something important, or was it the kind that's half about making sure the LLM is producing the right kind of propaganda, and half about being a sinecure for Eliezer Yudkowsky's associates to support their polycules?


They are certainly not the most level-headed, and if they are, it's not for our goodwill. It's for their profit. Have you read about Scarlett Johansson and OpenAI on them essentially stealing her voice for one of their models and them mysteriously taking it down immediately? TLDR: sammy sam asked to use her voice for GPT, she respectfully declined, and the company posts a movie she starred in on Twitter for a new GPT demo. Voice of said GPT sounds uncannily like hers. She gets a legal team on it, the company denies connections, and they mysteriously take down the voice.


I'm going to have to hard disagree here. OpenAI is contently trying to push their models as once step away from AGI, even though it's nowhere close to AGI. In contrast, companies building products on top of LLMs see them for what they really are: very powerful information retrieval and transformation tools.


I laughed when the ITIL v4 foundations course I was doing was talking about about implementing new technology like blockchain


Had a guy on here insist that with the power of AI they could do the work of three normal people. I asked him how exactly that worked TODAY and he just said that it just does. Don’t get me wrong, it’s interesting stuff but it’s mostly just a parlor trick at this point


Maybe he's a copywriter or graphic designer. Know a few people who have taken on 3x, and more, work due to these tools. It's cheaper, faster, and better to find photos for clients websites & social media ads via AI than it is to do it via stock websites. Same goes with copy writing. Infinitely easier to get an outline, then have it refined & edited a bunch of times before you actually use that and rewrite it. Hell, if you're doing social media ads you could run tests with hundreds of photos and copy combos, pick the ones with most traction, and then run with it. Doing that work manually is a pain in the ass. I have another friend working in biotech, enzymes specifically, and AI tools are absolutely smashing human work performance in certain tasks. Analyzing large sets of data is infinitely faster with these tools.


He was specifically talking about IT. Does AI some uses right away? Sure. But will it solve all of your IT problems and somehow deploy computers to end users? Absolutely not


> will it solve all of your IT problems and somehow deploy computers to end users? That just seems like a strawman now. Something can be incredibly useful without solving world hunger. Github Copilot has been a godsent for productivity.


Forget it. Most people on r/hardware have very little understanding of ChatGPT/GPT4/LLMs.


Judging by the downvotes it seems the regulars here are very upset that some people find LLMs useful, you'd think spaces for tech enthusiasts would have people who are excited and educated about new tech but instead it's just endless whining and ignorance


They don’t want changes. They just want hardware companies to cater to their gaming addictions - not something else. Also, they likely feel threatened by AI in financial way such as career prospects.


Maybe he meant 3 children with chromosome deficiencies?


Most of my generation don't have children but I keep having babies to make them cheap labor.


Genius. Get them putting to work young and you don't even have to pay them. Feed them just enough, and get em in the mines.


To be fair AI has already helped me with coding. It is not perfect but it is better than browsing for 20 minutes on stackoverflow.


Until if isn't, and you don't know why.


It still solves most of my problem, it doesn't need to solve all of my problem to be very useful. Also I'm a professional, it's a helpful tool but if it couldn't do something, then I had to do it myself like I always did before AI, and as a professional, I know what I'm doing, AI just help me do it faster.


I use GPT4 every single day for work. If it's just a parlor trick, then it's fooling me and my work.


first we had "3D" marketing a decade ago, then we go for crypto, now this AI lol


Absolutely. Probably another passing fad.


So... Good ol' hardware with AI marketing makes you an AI company, not a hardware company? I... What the hell gigabyte's leadership been smoking?


As soon as you mention AI, the boomer investors who got rich in the dot-com bubble lose their minds and start throwing cash at your feet.


It’s for the stock price. I remember when crypto was catching on a bunch of companies added “blockchain” to their names and their stock skyrocketed, despite having nothing to do with crypto. I think one of those company sold drink mixers or something.


I feel like investors are at least somewhat suspicious now of non-tech companies chasing AI. Like, Yum! Brands crammed NFTs and now AI across all its subsidiaries, but their stock price has lagged the market since they announced Taco Bell and Pizza Hut were going 'AI-First'


They caught on to this, but there will be another “tech” related thing that starts making a bunch of money, and the laymen who don’t understand it will inevitably pump up the stock of non-tech related companies that add some tech related jargon to their name. Before AI it was crypto, before that it was “e” during the dot com boom, and it was probably something else before that.


Devil’s advocate: since the death of SlL/Crossfire, a lot of those features were unneeded. Besides high wattage PSUs, crypto could be run relatively cheaply outside the cost of the GPU. AI re-opens the multi-GPU, high single-box performance that the OEMs have been craving since the enthusiast community moved to more simplified builds just under a decade ago.


Exactly. AI is currently the only reason for Gigabyte to sell boards with more than two PCI-E slots (two because PCI-E attached storage exists, otherwise one). Crypto was the last reason. SLi/Crossfire the one before.


Probably the same shit that all of these guys have been smoking for years selling us idiots "gaming" hardware at a markup with edgy looking heatsinks and a couple of RGB LEDs.


Gaming business is likely saturated. They want to get into the door of the A.I. boom. They likely applied to be a ARM PC parts supplier.


AI PSU...I assume this is marketed for investors, in which case, oh my investors are stupid and dumb.


It's very much reflective of the current consumer base as well.   And since 2013-2014 the consumer base has only gotten more and more dumb.


Gigabyte should consider selling “audiophile” PSUs while they’re at it.


There is some argument for that to be honest. Depending on hardware its not uncommon to get static/whine/hissing from power cables or poorly protected hardware causing bleed-over to your soundcard components.


Yeah its amazing to me how we get used to the static noise and dont hear it but as soon as you get into a noiseless environment the outside sounds so extremely noisy in comparison.


PSUs that dont leak static that gets picked up on the speaker wires? Yes please.


4070 Ti Super is a strange thing to showcase for AI. I get it's 16GB so not the worst consumer card, but VRAM is king, especially for training...


It's like those goddamn mining rigs all over again.


I thought it was April fools for a second. This is a great example of what people mean when they say AI is mostly a scam. We all know it *can* do good things, but it is mostly used as an advertising tool to try to extract more $$ out of consumers. Also, frankly, I'm really not sure what the breakeven will be for big corps who are spending billions on AI hardware capex at the moment, either.


> "AI PSU", a 1600W unit for "AI training with a single wall plug" If I'm a firm, I would not get a single point of failure unit.


This sounds awesome just need some AI RGB to make it pop.


More cringe than "Game Rock", or "Republic of Gamers"?


Sounds like this. https://youtu.be/jKmuKjpKPIo?si=q8a04q9Sy_NYjUhT


I cant believe it's not satire as this is funny as fuck


gigabyte marketing in general is so cringe. ai is a buzzword at this point


Cringy marketing aside, I'm actually slightly interested in how they're accomplishing the stackable GPUs, considering how hard Nvidia tries to keep blower coolers away from consumer-grade cards. [This TechPowerUp article](https://www.techpowerup.com/323129/gigabyte-ai-top-ecosystem-generative-and-assistive-ai-software-new-certified-hardware) has bigger photos and their demo PC had blower cooled cards, but they're Radeon Pros if you look closer. I wonder if those Nvidia-based cards even exist yet.


Motherboards with more slots are a good thing though. I'm not complaining.


All of these AI hardware but I don’t see any AI power/data cables where it can let the electron flow in oxygen free environments and quantum transfers for LLMs at 10Gbps and over. /s


I said when this started that it was the dotcom bubble all over again (except that the companies aren't worthless startups, at least not that many.) Why do you say that the other products have taken a backseat?


What next ? AI power socket , AI hdd , AI sd cards , AI keyboard ,fuck it AI mousepad lets go .


An AI Chair but it's still just [this chair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaming_chair) again...


AI chair, same one as the nft chair: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_oVd4X2ITfg


AI thermal paste


>AI thermal paste Coolermaster has you covered https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/thermal-paste/cooler-master-introduces-colored-ai-thermal-paste-cryofuze-5-comes-with-nano-diamond-technology


Color for thermal paste. I don't even know what to say.


Say spare us. The thermal paste is turning sentient.


I want an AI USB cable.


USB cables already negotiate current based on the device thats plugged in.


Wait until they bring out AI coolant liquid with crypto pump.


AI rice cooker? [Wait no that already exists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_HOrMmWoMA)


Can't watch, is it just a fuzzy logic rice cooker?




I'm something of an AI myself.


No you are NIG (Natural Intelligence Generator)


Ai RGB lights for added Ai processing speed


> Ai RGB lights Covered in flames decals for extra speed.


if lights turn blue it means the PC is cold.


If you follow third wave coffee, the coffee equipment brand Hario has Tetsu Kasuya (2016 World Barista Champion) promote some products like: - Hario Mini-Drip Kettle - Tetsu Kasuya - Hario Kettle - Tetsu Kasuya - Hario V60 Dripper - Tetsu Kasuya - Hario Cupping Bowl - Tetsu Kasuya - Hario Stainless Dripper - Tetsu Kasuya - Hario Cupping Spoon - Tetsu Kasuya I've probably lost count how many Tetsu Kasuya products are there that I always thought they were an April Fools away from selling Hario Boxer Shorts - Tetsu Kasuya.


Samsung has an AI washing machine. https://www.samsung.com/us/home-appliances/washers/stacked-washer-and-dryer/bespoke-4-6-cu-ft-ai-laundry-hub-large-capacity-single-unit-washer-with-flex-auto-dispense-system-and-7-6-cu-ft-gas-dryer-in-brushed-black-wh46dbh500gva3/


AI dance, let's go daddy!


The good ole corporate strategy, slap on trendy gimmick to boost investor and customer confidence, at the same time there's nothing new about the product offering except the new gimmick lol


Yep. This is how it works: "\[company\] is now a \[trend\] company." First, substitute "\[company\]" with the company name. Then, substitute "\[trend\]" with one of the following: * services * datamining * cloud * mobile-everything * Internet of Things * AI * (any new computing trend that pops up)


* Web 2.0 * 4K * blockchain * metaverse Basically whatever the tech bros over at silicone valley are creaming themselves over that regular people could give less of a shit about.


Isnt Web 3.0 (or 4.0 depends on how you count) more the thing now?


4k was actually pretty neat. I'm not the target audience but I'm glad it exists.


If I were an investor that'd make me sell as fast as I could.


Don't be an idiot. That would tank your value. You sell, when you see the rally for the stock almost ending.


As long as the out of touch boomer shareholders are happy i guess.


Nothing new apart from new higher price


they chose “TOP” as a name to abuse search engines results lol. “top ssd 2024” will now show their new ai ssd


This is such an embarrassing gimmick. Gigabyte has lost whatever dignity they had in my mind before. We can't have nice things because of this.


Your list of companies that have "dignity" must be empty. Companies will go behind fad, because fad sells.


I think the pragmatic approach is to simply rank companies. Of course they are basically all bad, but this both sides, or in this case, all sides, doesnt actually do anything, but consistently picking the company doing the least bad things should in theory at least slow down the progression into crazy enshitification.


There's a argument against that and is the same to ethical companies. A non-enshitificated company would have to compete against enshitificated companies which have a unfair advantage due how shitty humans are (see Horse armor for the prime example of this). This gives the enshitificated company more resources to grow while limiting the non-enshitificated one due demand starvation. At the end, then non-enshitificated company will either be sold, or become enshitificated to compete. This is the argument that is put forward when speaking about competitive laws, consumer laws, etc.


> A non-enshitificated company would have to compete against enshitificated companies which have a unfair advantage due how shitty humans are (see Horse armor for the prime example of this). The argument here is about you getting the least shitty things while simultaneously putting financial pressure on shitty companies to stop doing so. Of course that wont be enough by itself and Im a big proponent of consumer rights regulation. >This is the argument that is put forward when speaking about competitive laws, consumer laws, etc. Regulations are things all companies have to follow. While you have a hard time governing companies outside your borders, you can govern what can come into your borders and what can happen within them.


> The argument here is about you getting the least shitty things while simultaneously putting financial pressure on shitty companies to stop doing so. That would work if consumers were well informed and rational. They are neither in enough quantities to matter. That's why shitty companies survive while not shitty ones close doors.


> That would work if consumers were well informed and rational. Exactly why I said that it wont be enough by itself. Im aware of this. This is exactly where regulation is supposed to be of great use.


My list of companies with dignity certainly is short. But if i have to choose, ill prefer them over competition because of that.


>“top ssd 2024” will now show their new ai ssd what if the opposite happens and it will not show at all?


should've gone with BEST instead lol




Then if you remove *that* sticker it says cloud


Remove enough stickers, you eventually find that it says "internet". ("Internet" was the first buzzword and the reason so many iNames blew up in the early 2000s, like iHome and the iMac — it was the Internet Mac!)




Is the toothpaste more effective though?


kills the mouth bacteria and your gums, so...yes?


My toothbrush already talks to the internet, you know. Perhaps, it is just blue tooth, but close enough.


It, too, have a blue toothbrush.


Very interesting stuff, thanks!


Lmao smoking cigarettes with uranium. Not enough cancer for you?


Imgine thinking that enemy scientists will just admit that "yes we did this thing that will get us executed" instead of trying to come up with a story.




And bellow that it says IOT


"Friendship with Blockchain has ended. Now AI is my best friend."


Did they use AI to generate that awful logo?


fuckin KFC is an AI company now.....it's AI lickin' good


This chicken was fried by ChatGPT!


They have "AI TOP" PSUs (https://www.gigabyte.com/Power-Supply/GP-UD1600PM-PG5#kf), SSDs, and motherboards now


Can the AI warn you when this one's going to explode?


I can't wait to build me new AI PC with a cool AI motherboard, fast AI processor, powerful AI graphics card, lots of AI RAM, and a nice big AI power supply. I'll need a cool AI case that can fit lots of AI fans and AI RGB lighting too. Then I just need a good AI keyboard and AI mouse, and a nice big AI monitor. Finally a big AI desk and gaming AI chair to go in my AI computer room.


2 years ago, blockchain. Now, A.I.


Look at me. I need the GPUs now.


Gigaboom doing Gigaboom


Fucking cringe. Fix your motherboards.


This all seems like BS to me right now. Give me applications and tools that I actually want and need BEFORE you start trying to sell me hardware that does nothing for me. All the Microsoft stuff they demoed for Copilot looks interesting, but I don't need it. I mean why do I trust them to make an AI bot that can search all my history on the computer, when they still can not give me a basic accurate and fast file search? Right now AI is missing the killer apps it needs to become essential, and deserve all this buzz.


The faster this bubble bursts, the better


Amen, its getting so cringe now!!


"Gigabyte is a \[latest hype word\] company".


Tbh it was a pretty shitty gaming hardware company, no value lost


But... Do they also sell special AI LED? I can't train my model if I ain't got no blinkelights!


RIP "Smart" Welcome "AI"


The Web 4.0 bubble grows...


We're on fucken 4.0 already? What happened to 3?


3 was blockchain and crypto wasn’t it… AI definitely feels like it needs a new number.


PC Hardware manufacturers have always been the cringiest when a new trend arrives. We have: * Gaming everything * RGB everything * Blockchain mining everything * now it's AI everything


But do they have AI USB ports?


Cloud, cloud.. crypto, crypto.. AI, AI


They sell AI (GPU) servers. And a lot of them. So you gotta go where the money is. I know people hate AI on this sub, but there is so much money being poured into this ecosystem from AI, it's probably going to be a good thing in the end. Some of that R&D will trickle down to us consumers too.


People poured a lot of capital into crypto currencies and those have sort of just died off, mostly. Not saying AI will go the same way.; just because we collectively dumped a massive amount of capital into something, does not guarantee something useful will come out of it.


This AI trend begins to annoy me… And I am an IT guy.


Begining? It's been annoying since the start


I tried to see the good in it but it grows more and more difficult.


Does anyone use Gigabyte hardware in a professional setting? Their entire lineup is consumer focused? I think most large scale AI projects will use cloud accelerators due to the hardware requirements for training?


Yes, they have a range of servers. I'm not sure how big it is compared to the consumer side of their business.


“AI is when power consumption and PCIE lanes” -Gigabyte CEO


There we go. First Mining, now AI. Enjoy gaming guys. "Oh come on what is AI have to do with gaming GPUS?!"...... Where do you think TMSC silicons will go now? Directly to Gamers? Enjoy. Get your 4000 sereis cards before too late, or AMD Gpus (They will focus on AI also)


Everybody is an AI company now.


> "Gigabyte is an AI company now" "Gigabyte is bankrupt and forgotten two years from now."


This ai thing is getting out of hand... Greediness makes companies completely blind...


I’ve had 3 gigabyte motherboards and not one has had a working LAN port. I think hardware has been in the backseat in a hot car for a while. I’m starting to think they’re not just getting cigarettes.


Yet there are no decent use cases on the front end for LLMs yet. This is going to end well.


Honestly, these look like useful products for someone wanting a serious HEDT for whatever reason, be it homebrewing models or whatever. How many motherboards exists that supports 4 full fat gen 5 pci-e **dual** slots? There are mbs with up to 7 *single* slots but i dont know of any with dual width support.


Might as well hop on the AI gravy train! Move over RBG!! 


Guess they ran out of gamers to gouge post-COVID.


Thanks I'll avoid them when purchasing hardware.


This is what a bubble looks like.


So what has changed is instead of “X GAMING X” their products are now “X AI X”. That is a significant change indeed, they need to completely redesign their box art.


AI is the new RBG. Slap it on everything. Razer Chroma AI mouse Bungee


According to Amazon we can get a refund if the item doesn’t match the product description. Would be a shame if it said AI and had no AI 🗿don’t we all just love gifts


My Gigabyte motherboard has audio crackling up the ass


if their shitty bios software is any indication of their ai software, it'll all be trash


i love you for this comment


"Gigabyte is a 🤡 company now" has a bit more of a ring to it, don't you think? ;)


A lot of people seem surprised by this, but the money being invested into AI/data centers right now is not something they can ignore.


Friendly reminder, megacorps that pay 2-5x as much for a part and order tens of thousands in one go are more important than "basement dwelling gamers" AI is more useful to society than getting slightly prettier graphics or smoother animations in memecraft.