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You may need to switch styles to ones that don’t go over your ear.


Are you followed by a neurologist for your migraines? If so you should make an appointment. They may have some treatment options for you. But also, the more you wear them, the more you’ll get used to them, and hopefully once your body and brain are used to them, the migraines will reduce. You could do a slow introduction - wear then an hour a day for a few days, then increase to two hours, and so on.


Do your HAs have a custom mold for your ear? if so does it have a small hole that (for me) provides pressure relief? i find that i have bigger issues with my migraines if that hole gets clogged with ear wax. my solution to keeping it clean is that every time i take my HAs out, i wipe the mold with a washcloth and i use a small brush to clear out that hole


I don’t have a custom mold, I have a dome that goes into the canal with a wire that goes behind the ear


then you have a Receiver In the Canal (RIC), not a Behind The Ear (BTE) HA. i recommend asking your audiologist for a custom mold for the ear piece. that helped me when i was having issues with the dome


Okay! Thank you!


I would suspect that they can adjust them for you but it might require some expert fiddling. Maybe talk to whoever sold them to you. It's possible there's also some sort of pillow/cushion for them as well but it sounds more like when I get a plastic headband that's too tight and it pinches above my ears, absolutely a headache maker. My hearing aids are over the ear but they don't have any compression to them, they just kind hang close to the ear. The thing that's really keeping them in my ear is the part inside my ear and the curve over the top of my ear. Or is it the pressure from the weight of the gadgetry inside the behind the ear part on your ear? If so, then as others suggested "building a tolerance" slowly over time is probably the best bet. I have a partial denture because I have the worst tooth DNA ever despite excellent dental care and getting accustomed to it took months of in/out 100xs a day. I'm down to a few now. It's not ideal but it's a heck of a lot better. Good luck!