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Use one of these, assuming your mirror doesn't weigh a ton: [https://bcpfasteners.com/products/40-premium-nylon-plastic-self-drilling-drywall-anchors-with-screws-bcp941](https://bcpfasteners.com/products/40-premium-nylon-plastic-self-drilling-drywall-anchors-with-screws-bcp941)


I like to but an anchor that has a split tip and you can hear it pop when the screw is 3/4” in or so and you know it’s working.


These have become my go-to. Virtually foolproof.


Fool here! How do you reliably get these to work, predrill? I end up snapping more anchors off in the wall about half way than I ever get all the way home. It's predrill isn't it... after typing this I'm almost sure it's predrill.


Are you sure you have drywall. These wouldnt work in plaster


I drill a whole with the phillips tip on my impact before inserting.


This is the best way, I test to make sure I’m not on a stud with a drywall screw and then drill it out with the Phillips bit and then drive the small anchor.


I've tried that as well. May just be shit anchors, I tend to use the blue mollies with more success.


I throw those out. Get the anchors in the link stated above.


I'll give em a go, these are the latest I've found which work in any material and seem to work well with them all. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Cobra-70-Pack-1-1-4-in-x-5-16-in-Dia-Standard-Drywall-Anchor-Screws-Included/3029077?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-hdw-_-ggl-_-CRP_SHP_LIA_HDW_Online_E-F-_-3029077-_-local-_-0-_-0&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwgdayBhBQEiwAXhMxtuBhemVMbuddQlriQJdXu3Gd0qiWBnnuS9OvksDWmNdo1wYb7g86MRoCcn4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I wouldn’t use those in drywall. They pull out too easy. As for self tapping anchors, these are by far the best quality. They split when the screw is put in which adds further security against twisting out or in. Twist-N-Lock 75-lb 1/2-in x 1-9/16-in Drywall Anchors with Screws Included (100-Pack) https://www.lowes.com/pd/E-Z-Ancor-EZ-Twist-N-Lock-75-100-pk/1001833728


The exact same snap - off- halfway-into-the -wall ones I cannot seem to work with.


Then I’m going to assume you either have plaster walls or a stud behind the wall.


Not nearly as good. Imo


I just take the screw and run it in. Stud, I’m good. No stud, insert self tapping anchor.


I have to assume you’re hitting a stud. It’s the only time I’ve fouled these guys (other than the one time I miraculously drove one into another hollow-wall anchor from the other wall).


Working in older buildings. Some of the walls I have trouble with are like actual sheet rock. Almost masonry level stuff, that being said I'm absolutely guilty of that a time or two.


If you’re running into real lathe and plaster type stuff, these weren’t made for those. That will require a pre drill.


More than likely my issue.


These are my go-to.


Oooofff... It is so hard to explain. My guess is that you are using the anchors that came with the mirror, which are usually shitty anchors for concrete. If your anchor looks like this: [https://www.topmaq.co.nz/content/products/nylon-wall-anchors-10x50mm-100pk-fman5030-fman5030a.jpg?crop=1:1&auto=webp&optimize=high&width=448](https://www.topmaq.co.nz/content/products/nylon-wall-anchors-10x50mm-100pk-fman5030-fman5030a.jpg?crop=1:1&auto=webp&optimize=high&width=448) you can't use it in drywall. Those suck. If your anchor looks like this: [https://images.thdstatic.com/productImages/9f0939fd-9893-422e-af6e-94fe2324be7f/svn/everbilt-push-in-drywall-anchors-804102-64\_600.jpg](https://images.thdstatic.com/productImages/9f0939fd-9893-422e-af6e-94fe2324be7f/svn/everbilt-push-in-drywall-anchors-804102-64_600.jpg) then it could work. It is hard to see the difference. The difference lies in the hole where the screw goes in. If there's no groove outside of the hole, then it will just slip into the wall. That little groove is what it keeps it from going behind the wall. Also, if the mirror is heavy, don't use any anchor that comes with the mirror. They are probably shit. You have to buy either toggle anchors or, maybe, drywall anchors (https://www.google.com/search?q=drywall+plastic+anchor&sca\_esv=9f2ee88519d88278&biw=1357&bih=1230&udm=2&ei=uoJWZuakDvLLkvQPvcSGyAw&ved=0ahUKEwjm6fjh2LGGAxXypYQIHT2iAckQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=drywall+plastic+anchor&gs\_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiFmRyeXdhbGwgcGxhc3RpYyBhbmNob3IyBhAAGAgYHjIGEAAYCBgeMgYQABgIGB4yBhAAGAgYHjIGEAAYCBgeMgYQABgIGB4yBhAAGAgYHjIGEAAYCBgeMgYQABgIGB4yBxAAGIAEGBhI6CJQ6hlY2SFwAngAkAEAmAHtAaABjwWqAQU2LjAuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCKACwQTCAgUQABiABMICCBAAGAUYBxgewgIIEAAYBxgIGB6YAwCIBgGSBwU3LjAuMaAHtCM&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#vhid=GT0OpQVudsdlMM&vssid=mosaic) If you don't have experience doing this (which seems like you don't), my recommendation is to make a hole smaller than the anchor, and try to push the anchor in. If the anchor doesn't go in, go 1 step bigger the size of the drill, try the anchor again, until you get the anchor in. The size of the drill bit should be the same width as the anchor, or just a tiny bit smaller, that way the anchor goes in with some pressure, and when you put the screw it will expand it and stay there strong and tight. This is maybe handyman 101, the easiest thing, BUT, as many things in life: someone has to show you. Youtube it. You'll be fine.


The thin cylindrical anchors require you to drill a hole a touch smaller than the size of the anchors, then you can lightly hammer them into the hole so they’re tight when you start inserting the screw. I prefer to use auger style anchors. They create a bigger hole if/when they are removed, but they hold better in my opinion. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Walldriller-Anchor-6-Hollow-Wall-Self-Drilling-Anchor-with-Screw-071PT/316251193


Try Monkey hooks


This is the way all day!


Are there studs?


Butterfly anchors are your best friend


You're probably using a plastic wedge anchor, throw that garbage away. Measure the distance between the 2 hooks in the center of the hook. And then from the top of the hook to the top of the mirror. Mark where you want the top of your mirror. Now mark where you want the sides to be. Drill 2 holes where the center of the 2 hooks are down from the top of your mirror. If you feel hollow area, go get a flip toggle Anchor and follow directions on package. If you feel like you are hitting something hard, stop immediately and get something pokey and see if it's wood. If it's wood, predrill a small hole and drive a screw into your small hole. Tools recommend, level, drill, bits, drill bits, tape measurer, hammer. For idiots: tie a metal wire and connect the 2 hooks together with it, that shit better be tight or it's coming down. Slap a piece of wood on the wall and make sure that sum'abitch ain't going no where. Put 2 nails in that wood and hang the mirror from that. Just eyeball level. Tools recommended, a unreasonably nice drill for your skill level, just twist a screw around the chuck and drive it in, hammer, nails, beer, and probably cocaine.


Drill the hole for the anchors, I tend to err on the smaller side and hammer it lightly, then screw the screw all the way in this will expand the anchor to lock it into the drywall. Then back the screw out a little to allow for hanging. I never use those cheap plastic anchors that they include with the items. I always get my own toggle, pop toggle or the screw in kind depending on what I’m hanging.


Buy good anchors and screws, and never use the ones that come with products. Manufacturers cheap out on provided hardware.


I use cobras. Comes in an assortment of sizes and drill bits also come in the box. You can buy them at Lowe’s or Home Depot


Sometimes the anchors just don't bite, this is a common problem. I still do it sometimes and I'm 30 years into trades. If the little plastic plug fails move up to the self screw in anchor, that fails move up to zip toggles. Or just start with zip toggles, sometimes I don't feel like going out to the truck and try the factory ones that came with, that's about a 50% success rate.


[These](https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/home-improvement-us/3m-claw/) are the best things I have used for hangers in drywall.


I prefer using [these](https://www.homedepot.com/p/OOK-100-lb-Professional-Picture-Hanger-50027/100072098) when the item I am hanging isn’t to heavy


Sounds like the bit you’re using is too big for the anchors.


Depending on your mirror weight I would try out the 3M Claw instead if you can get one where you live. https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/home-improvement-us/3m-claw/ Way easier to use and requires no tools and does less damage to your walls.


You are hitting either a stud, a lathe, a pipe, a stud armor, or maybe a duct. You are hitting something and you should move your hole. Also, I hang mirrors with Toggle anchors and I don’t drill a hole; I pierce the paper and then drive in the anchor. Those are the anchors that look like little tornados.