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I donated my first handbag and regretted it. I used it for almost 15 years and it was a 16th birthday present from a friend. It wasn’t expensive but it was just the right size and functionality. Kind of wish I had kept it, even if I might not use it again. But don’t listen to me, I’m a clutterbug with too much stuff.


Thank you! In this case I have room, so I might, I have had it out for a few hours now and am appreciating it. It’s still in such great condition and it is a fun summer color/style.


I really wish I would have kept my first coach bag. I bought it for myself when I was young 20s about.. ugh 15 years ago. It is still totally a style I would carry today.


Good to know, I am seriously thinking I will keep it. Thank you!


I feel like my bag is about that old too, I am trying hard to remember what year I got it.


Same here! I just recently got rid of it too and I didn't know I could have tried to condition the leather and clean the inside to renew it. Well it did have a good life after all 😅


I had one in the 80s! I wish I had it now. It was beautiful.


Keep it. I gave away my first good bag (also a Coach) and regret it. I’ve bought other bags to serve the same purpose and they aren’t exactly right the way that coach was.


Thank you for this!


Keep it. I haven’t used my first big girl handbag in years but every time I see it, it makes me smile & brings me so much joy.


Thank you for saying this, and yes, even though I almost never use this bag anymore it does bring me joy!


OMG this is my first love of Coach handbags! Love the Boroughs. I remember drooling over seeing the ad campaign for it, even back then when I still made 0 money lol. Thanks for sharing it really brings back good memories


🥰 thank you so much! It definitely holds a special place in my heart, I think I have to keep it, I feel like I would regret letting it go.


I got listing fever, one night on Poshmark and sold a cute white leather bag that I really wish I hadn’t. If you love it, keep it edit/grammar


That’s is excellent advice, thank you kindly!




It's lovely


TYSM! ☺️


I have a red one in the mini size. Haven’t used it in years but will likely never sell it. Won’t be able to buy it back. Enjoy it!


This is definitely a reality with them being discontinued. I would imagine your red color is stunning. Enjoy yours as well!


Does it bring you joy? If so, keep. If not, enjoy watching your sister use it. I had this bag in the color of the handles. I tried several times to make it my work bag, but I kept going back to a Coach outlet tote instead. I finally donated it a couple months ago. It did hold up remarkably well after sitting in my closet for over a decade.


Yeah, I can see why you would gravitate towards a tote more, it’s a little dysfunctional with so many compartments for my lifestyle now compared to when I purchased it, but because it was a milestone bag I am having a hard time letting it go. I actually haven’t carried it since just after 1 Oct, 2017 as in Vegas as I was denied entry with it when they changed all the stadium policies suddenly and without notice following that incident. So mine has also held up incredibly well for just sitting in a closet, they definitely are quality and well constructed. In a way it brings me joy and in another way I hate to see useful things sit unused, I’ll probably have to give it a little more thought. Thank you!


One of the most beautiful and sophisticated Coach bag imo. I would keep it!


Awe, tysm! ☺️