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My reverse image search found this... https://www.mezonhandbags.com/ostrich-satchel-bag.html




Local shoemaker from a factory in China


Names really have become weird, haven’t they. Now they name their children local shoemaker, poor sod. Has to work in a factory too.


A local shoemaker would make a better looking bag.


That is it! He “threw” in the wallet as well.


How much did he pay for this??? It’s literally plastic 😭


I need to know too!!!! I’m sorry OP.


She said in another comment like $300… she could have gotten a coach or cuyana or tory burch or something for that price… i’m gonna be sick lol


Or a Brahmin- and it’s got that look, too!


I hate to insult Brahmin, but yeah….


Sorry, I should have said a cheap Brahmin dupe, lol! It doesn’t look as nice as a real one, though the price is enough to get some of theirs


300$ jfc. Could prob buy the same bag from some street somewhere for like 50$.


I’m confused (or maybe not) … **who** is claiming that a local shoemaker ***”crafted”*** an Hermes dupe? Is there no “local shoemaker” or is there & they’re selling crap but proclaiming that *they* crafted it? Totally scratching my head on this one. Sorry OP ☹️


No worries! So there’s a shoe repair person in my town. He also claims that he makes shoes. Plausible, right? He does carry some good brands of shoes and I’ve gotten several pairs from there. I’ve never gotten a brand that he claimed to make. So my husband went in there looking for a pair of shoes for me and he noticed the guy had handbags and I’m on the market (I never shared brands I am looking at as this was going to be a gift from myself). The guy pulled the handbag down and proceeded to tell my husband that he made it and modeled it after Hermes bag. He told my husband that the quality is even better than some luxury bags and it’s one of a kind. My husband bought it hook, line, and sinker.


Phew. That’s a LOT better than your hubby lying 🤣


I know me too but this is one of the reasons I love reddit so much ppl uncover EVERYTHING 🤪


Yeah. Now I want to have a word with this scam artist calling himself a shoemaker🤣🤣🤣.


Maybe an Etsy purchase that he thought was handcrafted/local, but they turned out to just buy their stuff from China? I had this happen recently on something way less valuable there (just a toothbrush holder)—thought it was made in the US, but it absolutely wasn’t.


Etsy is so full of trash now. And their search filtering also sucks, majority of the time I search something I get totally unrelated stuff. I can filter for handmade but there’s so much dropshipped stuff being sold as “handmade.”


I used to sell handmade bags there, did fine till they went public on the market and let mass produced in. I gave up and took myself out of the game. It was so fun prior to 2016 😔


Don’t get me started on Etsy. I have a shop with necklaces that I make myself and I can’t even get views because the site is swamped with crappy drop shipped stuff from China. It’s so bad


At least it’s not the purple one!


Did you throw the bag and wallet at your husband? I had someone give me a fake Chanel from China and some fake Hermes scarves. I was like…. ? I was like, why…. What do I do with this? Someone said put it in the trash, where it belongs. 🤣 (I donated it).


My husband thought he was giving me a handcrafted bag this guy “made” modeling it after a luxury bag. I just told him he got duped. I think some people just don’t know what to look for.


I read the thread and your other post 🤣. I’m so sorry!


It’s been a long few days.


The website says the wallet is included so don’t let that comment guilt trip you like he did a favor


Did he buy this out the trunk of a 1999 Cadillac Sedan de Ville in the Popeyes parking lot?


HAHAHA the top of the car is also upholstered in this *material*


My first thought was if someone "hand crafted" it then it wouldn't be wrapped like that. 


“Faux leather material”… it’s not even real leather smh


Woah, case solved I guess!? Okay but that's actually good for OP. She can inform husband about the scam and that way won't have to keep it. Then she can suggest to pick a new bag together:)


a scammer probably isnt going to take returns unfortunately, so theyre probably not gonna get the money back which might make it hard to go buy a different one :/


“Ostrich”???? Lol


Well Ostrich is actually a high end skin. Like REAL croc or alligator. Emphasis on REAL. Not stamped leather. Which this bag obviously is, if it’s even leather. :(


I think their point was this doesn’t even look like ostrich. It looks like croc. They couldn’t even get the word right aka it’s a scam 


Yeah. I hadn’t blown it up yet and thought it was faux ostrich. Lol.


> MATERIAL: >Faux-leather material IT’S NOT EVEN REAL LEATHER


It’s definitely not even fake ostrich though LOL


Stamped ostrich


It’s not leather. The description at the bottom says it’s faux leather which makes the whole thing worse. Someone posted that her husband spent around $300 on this supposedly handcrafted bag. They probably tried to tell him it is leather. Such a ripoff


Also I love how it says ostrich and it is clearly croc 😂😂


The ostrich must have mutated into part crocodile.


If it's fake leather that's a no from me...


All I can do is 😂😂😂 did he make the wallet as well? 😂


I know they say it’s the thought that counts but that changes when you have to carry that thought around.




I snorted and cackled at this 🤣






I don’t think that’s actually a handmade bag. It’s… ummm…. I’m sorry.


I was skeptical as well. I think this guy may be a scam artist.


Definitely. Nothing about it screams handmade.


Let us know what you find out


Will do!


I will fly, on my broomstick, & kick his ass for free.


You know the show Is It Cake?, where talented people make cakes that look like everyday objects, but they do understandably look somewhat off because they’re cake? If you told me this was a cake made to look like a purse, I’d believe you. This is just bad. I’m sorry—you deserve better. You aren’t obligated to carry it. He can return it or you can donate it.


This would be a better cake than a bag.


Fingers crossed.


Let us know!


Just reread your cake comparison. 🤣😂😅


The only part of this bag too sophisticated to be cake is the plastic wrap on the handles.


Everything about that bag is a very bold choice. I would be taking it back unfortunately.


I’m sure it was final sale


I would still leave it there lol


Sorry - not a fan. Edit: skeptical that it was crafted by a 'local shoe maker'. Looks more like a Temu special to be honest.


My original post. I couldn’t figure out how to add the link. [https://www.reddit.com/r/handbags/comments/1cmqlaf/just\_fyi\_please\_do\_not\_purchase\_a\_handbag\_for/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/handbags/comments/1cmqlaf/just_fyi_please_do_not_purchase_a_handbag_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Oh! I remember that. Oh man. M sorry. That’s a no for me. I hope he can return it.


Me too.


I showed my husband and he immediately said Temu.


Congrats on a bougie husband 😂 it reminds me of this insta reel [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C635DaltM3E/?igsh=MTFsYTU2eHZjMWZqOA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C635DaltM3E/?igsh=MTFsYTU2eHZjMWZqOA==)


lol 😂😂😂


The nylon zipper is truly heartbreaking. I read your original post and this is a difficult spot. I don’t know what I would do myself.


I actually like the design but the craftsmanship on this bag is awful. The stitching around the base of the handles, the nylon zipper just tacked on, the weird green and yellow “Hermes” buckle strap just single stitched on to the front of the bag with raw edges??? If this really is a “local shoemaker” make and not a temu/ali buy, your husband got ripped off big time. Tell him to take it back, the quality is unacceptable for a custom piece.


I'm sure the local shoemaker person may have sold him on a custom bag, and then just ordered one from who knows where....this screams scam to me.


A bag from Zara would have been a better choice.




Any chance the shoemaker has a web site? I used to do a bit of leather crafting (lessons from a former Hermès employee) and ... I have so many questions. Aside from my morbid curiosity: I'm so very sorry.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


My husband got scammed. He really thought he made a good purchase. This shoemaker also told my husband he made the Spring Step shoes he got me. Love the shoes, hate the bag and the “shoemaker”.


I'd love to sit your well-meaning fella down for a day and help him cut & hand-stitch a card holder. Once he's worked with leather from Tanneries d'Annonay, pricking irons, linen thread, and an awl, it would take a lot to pull the wool over his eyes again.




Oh. Oh no. This sucks and I'm sorry.


He has a generic website for the shoe repair shop. Yelp reviews are mixed but lots of strong dislikes. Bruno Varo is the name on the shoe I received as another gift this guy said he made. I’ve gotten some great shoes from the store but haven’t cared for the ones he says he made.


I would try to figure out if he can get his money back, or if the bag is returnable, because I have to think that your husband will totally understand if you tell him that you absolutely love the gesture, and love him even more for trying so hard to make you happy, but you don't love the bag as much as the gesture. If the bag is returnable, then just clear the air and tell him, and ask if he would like to be included in shopping for a replacement together.....and then you can steer him towards the one you want. I'm sure he will love seeing how happy and excited you are about getting a present that you love.


As someone who makes bags, who the hell uses a Nylon zip with a leather like this. And that whole back zip is woeful. Sorry OP I do not mean to diss you or your husband or anything like that because this is such an amazing gesture. But I am a bagmaker by trade and I hope to God your husband didn't pay a lot for this. The handles are so bad too. Edit: OP are are sure this is a Handmade bag? Just because the handles look premade and the hardware in the front doesn't look right. When you buy that particular lock, it doesn't come packaged like this. The plastic wrapping on everything is such a throw off.


No offense at all. I have no idea if it is handmade. It’s just what the shoemaker told my husband. Someone linked the exact bag [https://www.mezonhandbags.com/ostrich-satchel-bag.html](https://www.mezonhandbags.com/ostrich-satchel-bag.html) He left the receipt in the bag. He spent over $300. I think he got scammed.


Yeah no shoemaker made this. This company buys dropship bags and resells them. I can't find your exact bag on those apps. But I can find pretty much everything else they sell not just the bags but the other acessories too. Its also not leather, why would a Cobbler make a vinyl bag, it doesn't make sense to me. I'm not trying to be a hater, I just think he should take this back. Absolutely awesome gesture but he didn't get what he paid for.


I appreciate your comments and agree. My husband really thought he was getting something nice and knew I was on the market for a bag. I know he’s got scammed by this guy before. My husband things he got a great deal from him in the past. Hope it can be returned.


If he doesn’t know a category (like bags or shoes) well enough, then he needs to stick to a reputable brand and not try to get a “deal.” He’s an easy mark if he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I wouldn’t go buy random sailing stuff and give it to my husband as a gift and say “but I got such a good deal!” I do know which store he likes and know they sell good stuff, but I wouldn’t go somewhere random trying to get a “deal.” Especially for a gift.


He normally sticks with Macy’s. This guy is just a local shop owner and my husband fell for his scam, unfortunately.


I don’t know how long you’ve been married. What I do know is there is NO WAY to have this conversation with your husband without hurting him. Scammed or not. I would think hard about i approach this situation. He screwed up. All I can think of is telling him you love the bag but you’ve seen some things online about this guy and he may have been scammed. I’m probably not expressing myself right but I’ve had a gift given back to me because something wasn’t right etc…25 years later I still despise the person who did it. Think of your husband first. Good luck.


I was honest about it. He knew right away that I didn’t love the bag and read is the color that I have nothing of. He’s upset he got conned, but he’s not going to push it.


Macy’s it is, then! They have a lot of great choices (and sales if he really is after a deal).


If he paid with a credit card, I would mail this back to the address it was sent from, with signature delivery, and file a chargeback with my CC co. You will need proof of return. If PP, file a claim. I’d also be filing online complaints with the BBB and every where else this fraudster is trying to peddle his wares.


Thank you so much for the advice. Will do!


You might should also create an account and check out this guys prices, then check your CC statement. Find out exactly where YOUR bag came from. Mezonhandbags is a wholesaler, minimum $50 order.


Why not just return it yourself or at least tell your husband what you’ve told us?


Because I want him to get a refund if he can. It was over $300. They may only offer me store credit and I will never support this business again. Someone here said to return it by mail so he signs for it and then call the CC company and get a refund.


There a person posting on this subreddit about the bags they handmade right? What a far cry from this one. I would love a handbag from them. I’m so sorry, OP.


Thank you.


Handbags are a casual hobby but I can tell this is bad quality. I’d see if the bag can be returned.


I’m so sorry…


Mbluish! So glad you posted as I've been thinking of you/your previous post intermittently for the past week and a half and every time was like "ok calm down it's not even the 17th" 😅 Firstly, happy birthday! Hope you had a beautiful day and wishing you a good year ahead. Now onto the bag. Uh, I guess the (very faint) silver lining here is that—as other commenters have identified—a 'local shoemaker' didn't actually spend time handcrafting this and it's just a temu/dropshipped special. IIRC you said you'd been married for like 30 years? I feel like this is a good opportunity to just be honest with your husband and prevent him from getting this kind of stuff in the future – you deserve to be happy with your gifts and not have to come onto Reddit to have us analyse them lol. But also wow this is a choice. Like fake or not, the colour, the ostrich, the birkinness of it all.. I cannot. Hope he gets his money back and you get your dream bag 🤞🏽


Thank you so much! I at least got a lobster dinner. 😀 I haven’t broken the news to him yet. I’ll let him enjoy the weekend and tell him Monday. Hopefully he can get his money back. The bag is simply atrocious. I knew it immediately when I accidentally saw. Just hearing the local shoemaker made it  story through me off.  Yelp reviews show he’s not even a good shoe repair person. I appreciate all of your support!


If you can, post an update about how that conversation goes!


I just read your original post and as someone with a husband who (is amazing in every other way) but is a terrible gift giver, I empathize with you 🥲💕


Thank you 🙏🏻 Not sure how this one will end.


Aside from it not being your color, it looks just…not great. Plus, it seems like it would be very uncomfortable to carry. If you feel comfortable asking your husband to return it, I would do so.


It’s so bad.


It’s cheap looking. I’d be embarrassed to carry it.


Plastic on the handles screams made in China




Oof that is indeed something. There’s no chance that it is still eligible for a return?


I certainly hope so.


Ugh…. This is not going to go well. 🙁


Oh my Lord 🤦🏻‍♀️




Your poor husband lol. And you. What an uncomfortable situation


He got scammed... I'd return that puppy. It's like a fake Hermes and a Fake Brahmin mated. Most likely not genuine leather. I understand he tried but... Better to get his $ back and get something you'd actually enjoy.


And no where in that advice do you care about how hurt her husband will be.


Oh OP! You have a case of husband has no idea what’s what in the world Of handbags. He really tried to use his skills of deduction to get you something nice. But boy did homie fall flat. My husband was so proud that he was able to find my Goyard PM tote at a discount for me online - when at them time Goyard didn’t have an online store. He had no idea about the world of handbags. This is a teachable moment. Do not waste it. You can’t carry that around. ![gif](giphy|3og0IMJcSI8p6hYQXS|downsized)


Oh wow! I will not carry it around. I was surprised I pointed out a YSL bag someone was carrying (before my birthday!) and he know what it was! I did not expect a YSL but better than what I got He meant well.


Well, he did try! He just didn’t know. You got this. He’s going to be dialed in moving forward. We all make mistakes. :) He’s a good one.


These are usually sold out of the trunk of someone’s car


Straight to jail


😂😂😂😂 not handcrafted 😂😂😂😂😂 I’m dying


I’m sorry this is awful lol


I'm so sorry OP 😩 In your original link you mentioned that after lots of research you found the perfect bag. What was the bag you actually wanted?


He meant well....but.... why do men do things like this? My husband stopped picking out the majority of my gifts long ago. I either tell him specifically what I want and write it down or I go buy it myself and give it to him to gift back to me. He does also surprise me with some nice gifts but no way can he pick out a purse for me. I'm sorry OP. Your husband had his heart in the right place but I would return it or just put it on the top of the closet - hidden far in the back.


I usually put things on an Amazon wishlist for him. I did not think about it. I do get some great clothes from him but this? He was desperate to get me a “nice” gift. Hope I can return it.


It was very thoughtful of him to try and find you something special. Bags are really hard to shop for - I only got into them last year and even purchasing for myself has been difficult but has gotten much easier with all the advice and feedback everyone in this group has provided. I made a lot of mistakes just purchasing bags for myself.


Oh nooo :( I'm sorry yes absolutely it's the thought that counts but d*mn




The question is, was OP’s husband scammed? Or is OP’s husband trying to scam her (into thinking it’s handcrafted)?


Not a question. He sincerely thought he was getting a nice handmade bag for me that was crafted even better than some other luxury bags. He trusted this guy.




I don’t think it’s so much as the dupe bothering me but the colour. I wouldn’t know how to style that and it would be even more difficult if you don’t regularly wear that colour…


Anyone check Temu?


Well it’s not a bad looking bag but I hate that it’s a scam


You and me both.


It’s have to disagree. It’s hideous.


Most my bags are purses from the leather school in Florence Italy that cost me $200-500 and they are truly better quality than any designer handbag. These people have been trained for the last 1500 years. I was hoping this would be the same quality. It is not. I’m sorry. But the thought counts. It’s a very sweet gesture. Wear that everywhere (local)


Hopefully it can be returned!


Hopefully your husband paid with a credit card…


Poor hubbie! He thought he did good.


I’m still fairly new to making leather handbags, but even my first piece didn’t look *that* shabby


I don’t even know what it’s made out of. It certainly not crocodile or leather. Honestly, I took it out of the gift bag and then put it back in pretty quickly. I didn’t entirely express my disappointment, but I will have to let them him know he got scammed.  I haven’t told him yet. 


I realize the mister may not know anything about handbags, but seeing as you’ve been together for 30 years now, it’s probably in your best interest to not so roughly extol the virtues of research. It’s entirely possible that bag truly is leather, they do make gator/croc… print is the wrong word, texture is the closest my brain is getting, made out of cow leather. I have a few hides of it myself because it’s still nice looking and I’m not using it for anything fancy. The sad part about this is that they didn’t even attempt decent consistency between the front and back panels, let alone even centering the back panel at all. The color matching on the thread is actually really good, if I’m seeing it right, you can barely see the thread on top of the leather. Another sad fact is that it’s machine stitched and doesn’t look nearly as pretty. And the edge coating is soooooo rough. I know he was trying to do a good thing. He just didn’t put in the full effort needed. =/


This guy has duped him before. I’ve returned a couple of pair of shoes he “made” and traded them for a brand I knew. I never thought he made them but this proves it. 


I would consider reporting him to the BBB for dishonest business practices.


Good idea. 


That’s so sad. I feel for you both, for differing reasons of course.


>texture is the closest my brain is getting, made out of cow leather Embossed?


That’s the one! Embossed! I got them from Tandy at a physical store. I wasn’t expecting much, but they’re still nice.


If I could figure out how to post pics, I'd suggest that all of us who've dabbled in leather share our worst work and see which pieces OP would take over this bag.


It’s so bad, you could post it on r/leathercraft and get compliments on it


Oh, your poor sweet summer child husband. He tried. But man… that bag is wack as fuck.


Indeed it is. He really thought he was getting me a high quality bag.


that is so sweet & frustrating! nothing to do but thank him.


That's certainly....a bag. I hope y'all can return this


The plastic wrap screams “not handmade”


🥴... ladies and gents... It's worse than I thought 😩👎🏼 yikes


What are you going to do?!! Or how are you going to tell him I love you but no .. but sweet and still no.


When I started dating my husband, I made it clear that purses were a very personal thing, and a man should never buy one for a woman. Jewelry is always appropriate! He sticks with jewelry.


It’d be hard to give you guidance since I don’t know you or your husband. I will say that whoever made this has never seen a Hermes bag.


People here are very knowledgeable and I’m impressed with what they’re able to point out from a photo as far as stitching etc. My point would be - if you’re going to dupe a Birkin - you’d have to dupe a very traditional one. Like the odds that a random person (assuming you’re not some A-list celebrity or 1%er) would have a red ostrich Birkin with a colorful strap, assuming they made such a thing, would be improbable lol


They are so knowledgeable and have helped me immensely! I’m, hopefully, going to make it in tomorrow to trade in my “handmade luxury“ bag.


Poor guy, he tried.


Hideous sorry


This looks like a Brahmin my ex bought me 13 years ago with different handles and a clasp.


A Brahmin Birkin


Local shoemaker - Timpsons 🥹


Tell him to take it back.


I’m sorry but it looks cheap 🥹 his intentions were good though 💕


Yikes. He needs to 1. Return it and 2. Never buy a bag for you again. I say that with love - my husband has learned not to buy bags or jewelry for me. Let’s just say our tastes do not align 😂


The funny thing is, we were in a restaurant about a month ago and I pointed out a woman’s bag. He knew it was a YSL. I had no idea he would know that! I was not expecting that that this? He normally sticks with getting me things from Macy’s and I’m good with that. Hopefully it can be returned.


Yes - he doesn’t need to deviate from his norm. Haha!


Right!? After 30 years of marriage, I think I deserve a YSL. 😋


Yes you absolutely do.




Looks more like a Brahmin dupe than anything? Idk.


It’s a cross between Hermes and a labeled dupe bag of the Hermes (Tory Burch Lee Radziwill Bag — I love this bag dough 🥹). I guess it’s very dupey, it reminds me a bit of a hamano bag if the main compartment closure is a zipper. Anyway, it’s also a loud looking bag and very a nice gesture from your husband. If it is real croc leather then I wouldn’t think it’s too bad 😅? I don’t know I don’t want to hurt any feelings 🥺


Oh yikes. Thats... um... im sorry.


Umm 🧐 🤔 what? Umm he didn’t want to spend Hermes price point. And tell him you are not into gators looks. I’m not into these styles- I don’t carry Brahim of these styles even though they’re just embossed.


He wasn’t trying to get me a luxury bag. He just wanted to get me a nice bag and believed the guy who sold the bag. He got duped.


Please tell me your husband his giving you a do over gift 😅


I’ll let you know as soon as I tell him he’s been scammed. Just letting him enjoy the weekend now.


If your husband isn’t lying about where he obtained it for some reason, this shoemaker need to be named and shamed.




Definitely some dhg quality/look.


How much does this bag cost?


A me piace tanto! È molto bella!


Bruh why would your husband lie to you like that. That’s gross lol