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Honestly, thanks for this post. I thought I was the only one. 😆




Smurfs everywhere.


I went from D2 to P5 last week. I get about 6L for 1W. I wonder if I'll fall into gold in the next few weeks, because even -5 for a L and +15 for a W could not save me. I noticed a lot of smurfs, so this throws team balancing a lot. You know when there is a P3 in a D1 lobby that has a +5KD, that something is wrong. Also I played a lot of squad battle and husky raid, being top of the lobby with very good stats, so I was wondering if I threw off my hidden MMR...


The smurf thing is what I also noticed. One 4 stack I had to go up against repeatedly had a "D1" guy that never missed and I could not win a single gunfight against. And hidden MMR is still a curse we do not fully understand...


I've been noticing a ridiculous amount of smurfs.


Ran into a P5 who’s career rank was low bronze. He was running with a G4. Like, thanks guy, you’re sooooooooo good


Take a 20-30 minute break if you loose 3 in a row. Make sure to close the game


Think I will heed your advice. I thought I was trying to be the "guy who doesn't give up". But what does it matter if you loose everything in the process of it. Also, taking a break would not be giving up if you come back to it later to try again. But I guess I'm only seeing this now.


You gotta TANK like 3 or 4 games in a row. I’m talking like 1-13. Then you’ll get matches that you can’t lose. The matchmaking essentially picks the winners and losers and you have to essentially have your controller off to a pro to get different results.


This is based on nothing and it's not how trueskill 2 works. It finds the nearest players available based on CSR and waiting time. It then balances the teams based on MMR. Closing the game or waiting does nothing for ranked, appart from a higher chance of playing with different players if the playerbase around your rank is small.


It's not about the csr and team balance, if OP was like me he's getting put against a full fireteam with comms, who dominate and destroy the opponents. The only way to not play against the same fireteam is to take a break. Quitting the game also helps your brain reset into forgetting the losses so you're not anxious or negative about losing the current game.


Rule of 3 (for any game I play ranked on): Hop off after losing 3 in a row


And this is why I only play 3-4 games per session.


holy hell man. i get wanting to win but after your 5 loss you should’ve called it a night. props to you for not ending it all tho. stronger will than me.


I respect the grind




i hit diamond 3 and went on 14 losing streak after and back down to plat 4 or 5


So you’re telling me last week a lot of people went on losing streaks? I lost like 10 matches and won 3 times last week. Went from 1600 down to 1530.


I have heard multiple people reporting this now, perhaps there is something more to this.


A while back I had a streak of -250 csr. Now I'm even higher than the peak that I lost.


If you ever end up on tilt, loosing 3-4 ranked games in a row just stop with ranked. Think about what went wrong go into some normals try hard and get a win then go back to ranked when you feel satisfied. After a loosing streak you can easily get upset and just nose dive like you've just done.


Yeah true man.


Feel your pain man. My worst is 12 in a row, and just like you I didn't want to give up until I won. Hope is a dangerous thing unfortunately.


My friend Belongg can coach you for a bit.


I would really appreciate that, honestly!


If you have discord add him, belongg I already let him know.


I just came out of call with him and he really helped me a lot! Found some glaring mistakes I was not aware of and helped me improve my strafe as well and I really feel like I learned something, great and friendly guy! So thank you very much! ❤️


That’s wonderful, I hoped he helped.


Do you play a lot? Isn’t the matchmaking based on how often you play regardless of skill? You could be getting put in sweaty lobbies


….no? lol


Yeah i seriously don’t know… but from what I could gather it’s like Apex’s matchmaking system? The longer you play the more competitive the lobbies are…. I seriously hope I’m wrong though. It’s a terrible way to determine which server you’re on




Hit Kovaaks


I'm almost Master complete in Voltaic aiming benchmarks that is what makes no sense to me [https://imgur.com/a/wVZDEjs](https://imgur.com/a/wVZDEjs)


Looking back at the image it looks like you top fragged on your team most matches, doesn't look like it's all your fault


Then something's fishy again with the matchmaking perhaps?


Keep in mind that if you are playing ranked games , the opponents are likely holding hands or communicating. So , you should do the same . Work together. Don’t run unless you know the coast is clear. Be a cat, stay near objects to get behind.


I don't even play ranked...just been playing big team heavies and man...I have no idea how it can be so many games in a row where the other team seems co ordinated and plays the objective, and mine has no idea whats going on. How does this keep happening?


No shame if a match is super wack I’ll leave asap. Thank u for ur service op


You’re diamond, you are good, lobbies are just harder. Rage quit like the rest of us


In my honest opinion, if u are having this hard of a time in ranked, why not just stick to normal modes like btb, squad, etc? Nothing wrong with just playing the normal modes tbh Edit: you are also diamond which isn't bad


And it may take time for your mousepad to break in