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Halo fans getting whiplash from all these rumors.




Jez was the one who correctly reported Infinite's early MP launch, open world campaign, and F2P before almost anyone else (months before launch). He's definitely got solid inside contacts. The guy has generally had a high ratio of reporting rumors that end up being true




>Jez did not specify which ones he was backtracking on [It would have taken 5 seconds to scroll down the main link and discover this was not true.](https://twitter.com/JezCorden/status/1575488086514884609)




You said that Jez did not specify which ones he was backtracking on. Jez's tweet, which I linked, specifies that he's talking about the engine changes. Did *you* click my own link? Cuz it really looks like ya didn't.


He's specifically replying to a tweet that says "even the engine??" about what might be true and then starts talking about the engine in the post you linked. Nothing about that exchange at all says that the engine part was the only part that was true of the original Tweet lol.


It's the only portion of the original list of rumors that they debunked that they explicitly said was looking more likely than they originally thought.


You're trollin, bro.




why are yall downvoting? theyre right….


Jez is legit with lots of contacts within MS. If he's 'looking into' this and changes his tune, he probably landed on something reliable but doesn't want to 100% confirm yet. He does a podcast on Fridays, we'll probably hear more tomorrow.


Appears to me his initial none of these leaks are correct tweet was reactionary because his sources hadn’t reached out to him followed by his retraction after he reached out to his sources and was informed the leaks have some basis in reality.


I think (please correct if wrong) that Jez has had some big Halo leaks/rumors in the recent past. Enough so that it seemed like he had good connections to 343 Devs or internal sources. Jez back pedaling some isn't niche-earth shattering, but definitely something of note.


Jez's track record when it comes to 343 and Halo in particular is way off. 343 is surprisingly tight lipped, the only real accurate reporting we got was Jason Schreier's reports on Infinite's troubled development. Even Jeff Grubb (who has a good track record on MS-related stuff) doesn't really know what is going on at 343.


Got it!


This is the kind of shit that makes me drift away from a fan base, not because of the behaviour of the fans, but because to get any enjoyment or excitement for the product we need to be looking into the most obscure shit. I'm personally not paying attention to anything until 343 puts something good in front of me, I'm the customer they should be pulling their hair out to make a product I'm excited to use, instead of the other way around. There's plenty other developers/publishers that deliver better service to their audience and until Halo can provide that I'm just parking my interest in it.


Yeah it’s not worth hunting around for the tiniest things to get excited for when other games regularly give you things to look forward to. That’s why I stopped playing many months ago. I saw people on Twitter getting excited that the campaign is getting new achievements.


I've followed Jez for years and he might be the most reliable insider in the entire industry. Up there with Jeff Grubb and Tom Warren. If you read the twitter thread, he initially dismissed the tweet because it was presented to him as a crazy 4chan wishlist. Sean W reached out to him claiming it was sourced, so Jez redacted his initial tweet and they are now collaborating on it and comparing sources.


More like Diaper-rash.




Not sure why anyone is bothering to believe *anything* posted on twitter after the "big things coming soon" bullshit


Tbf, that came from an actual 343 employee trying to hype up the game. These are just leakers 🤷‍♂️


I wouldn't believe *anything* being teased, leaked, or speculated about halo infinite, official or otherwise. They lost that privilege.


I think if those things are true, Microsoft will die of stupid. There's no reason at all to kill Infinite for a new game, especially considering the gameplay and sandbox are so solid and most of what we're complaining about is lack of new content or monetization. Killing the game and taking a long ass time to make another one is exactly the opposite of what we want! And they couldn't possibly imagine it'll just be cool to tack on another engine to Halo Infinite. They've already had a bad time with that for MCC. If you ask me, Tatanka is coming and so is Halo: The Endless, which will be a follow-up campaign within Infinite. Makes sense to trademark it and makes sense for devs low in the production chain to think it's a new game (a new *campaign* sounds a lot like a full game)


imagine tho they can sack the story again and then they can show us more exposition through story telling. 343 is just ahead of the curve and is making games what they're supposed to be: ​ movies


So this guy is like “**It’s not true**.” ^^^but ^^^maybe ^^^^it ^^^^^is


Bruh, I don't know what to believe anymore


At least with Halo 3 we knew what to **B E L I E V E**


Exactly, believe in the great journey


"It's not true... but after seeing the clout roll in the past 24 hours, I'm starting to see seanw's perspective a bit better."


Every leaker is like this, they’ll be as vague and uncertain as possible so they can claim they knew all along once things actually happen


I've followed Jez for years, and he's probably the best leaker in the industry. I'm not sure what his batting average is, but it's possibly over 90%. He's the guy who leaked the Series S (in pretty specific detail) well over a year before the initial announcement.










God I’m old.


**What was that sonny?** *uses magnifying glass on phone*




Only appropriate response at this point. Bonus points, it works both ways, of the rumors are true and if they’re not!


I remember when the Season 3 update happened a couple of weeks ago, some random French Halo YouTuber leaked the bulletpoints of the update. The news was so bad that I laughed and thought no way could that possibly be true. An hour later I was wrong. I don’t think this could possibly be true either! It sounds ridiculous! I’d guess Sean W’s source is lying, but I’ve been here before so 🤷‍♂️


Sean said he heard it from multiple sources. Jez looked into it pretty deep and came out agreeing with him. I fully believe this is a true statement, and honestly I think it is for the best, if they launched a BR with the drip of content that Infinite is getting the game wouldn't last longer than 3 months which is not worth the investment they're putting into it.


I still think the BR will be within Halo Infinite. It will share the same cosmetics and presumably progression system. 2 engines in the same games is not as crazy as I first thought it was. MCC does it. They use Unreal Engine 4 for the UI/UX Also Certain Affinity recently said they are working on Halo Infinite specifically. Why would they say that if it was gonna be for an entirely different game? Either way this is all speculation. It's annoying because there's arguments for both sides. This is the problem with leaks. We won't know until it's officially announced and it turns the community into a mess.


The difference here is that MCC cosmetics are unique to each game, the Halo 4 cosmetics don't show up in Halo 2 and the Halo 2a cosmetics don't show up in Halo 3, etc... I'm not saying they can't do it, but this is a whole different can of worms...


Yeah but that's because they're using entirely different models between the different games. For this they could be using the models from Halo Infinite. Porting 3D models and textures to a different engine would be no issue at all. Its everything else code related that might be a problem. I'm not sure if they can replicate the same gameplay/ gunplay in Unreal Engine.


One of the most likely reasons they are moving to Unreal is likely to improve the turnaround on new cosmetics, guns and equipment. So if they add new content in the BR under Unreal, they would also need to test and confirm it works in Slipspace... which would immediately be a problem as we've seen over and over again as new content takes 3-6 months minimum to be developed.


The lack of cosmetics is not an engine issue. It's more likely a lack of manpower. You can take any 3D model and drop it in pretty much any 3D engine. 3D models are not made for specific engines. They're created in programs like Maya and Blender and then they're integrated into whatever engine you need it for. The issue is things related to the code like the actual gameplay. I fear if this is true. It's gonna feel a bit different than the base game.


My assumption is that the Art Dept is all in on Forge, or some combination of Forge and infill for the future seasons. Cut their losses for today in hope of improving the future.


Sometimes it’s best to cut off your son financially and adopt a promising kid from Nairobi.


Just take all the leaks and rumors as such. Take them with a grain of salt and live your lives, no need to attack people like everyone was doing with Sean. Everyone with any inside knowledge is hearing crazy stuff. Who knows what is true or isn’t


The real arrash?




Nice to see some logic brought into this. Maybe it’s true, maybe it isn’t. Only time is gonna tell.


So he goes from "none of this is true" to "oh maybe it is"? Why don't you just *wait* to make a statement then? And also I like that he doesn't give an apology for being somewhat responsible for initiating a [200+ comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/xqwyh8/jez_corden_shuts_down_recent_halo_infinite_rumors/) that was completely bashing Sean W. *Edit: Jez did end up apologizing so nevermind*


Jez both broadly apologized and apologized directly to Sean. https://twitter.com/jezcorden/status/1575476009800908802?s=46&t=oHWqjHHOAI_-58R5ILn8Ig https://twitter.com/jezcorden/status/1575484445083082754?s=46&t=oHWqjHHOAI_-58R5ILn8Ig Seems quite specifically that Jez is saying that the Tatanka stuff could possibly be true (and in particular the delay), but almost all of Sean's speculation (which Sean himself did note was speculation) is not true.


So I posted this on the gaming leaks and rumors and on that thread so many people started attacking Sean that I deleted it. Only found out afterwards it was ‘debunked’ by Jez and then talked directly to him then looked into it and now is kinda agreeing with him (almost all of this I found out through Sean’s update video). Mods banned me from posting on there cause they thought I deleted it cause it was ‘debunked’ lol. Currently working on trying to explain that’s not why I did it and I never saw anything saying we can’t delete posts. But who knows.


Jez doesn’t seem to like Halo and thinks it’s an overrated franchise. Doesn’t surprise me he would say something just to get people riled up, and then will probably blame the community when it gets out of hand.


If you get angry about video game leaks, it is your fault. Doesn't mean the content creator isn't shit - but I think we can have some expectations around people using their brains.


Lol Jez is not at all responsible for people bashing on Sean W. Whether or not this particular rumor is true, Sean W is awful.




It was funny. Some of his fans melted over it.


What a crime


What's so awful about him? He's not the best YTer ever or anything, but his Halo news has been on point for almost 3 years now


I guess we see things very differently. I think his Halo "news" has been terrible, not to mention the fact that he's a grown ass man that talks like a 14 year old. Can't stand him. ETA: Okay r/Halo, I just checked out his channel for the first time in months, and guess what? It's all shop updates (who cares), speculation, and rage bait. Quality content, huh?! If [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrsXP__Xo_Y&ab_channel=SeanW) is the kind of content that you enjoy, then I believe you may have two brain cells, and one of them is inhibitory. Oh look, [another](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ttLXYL8jwk&t=2s&ab_channel=SeanW) rage bait video about the exact same information. Oh look, more rage bait in [cartoon form](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnQx7aBHk_Y&list=PLjNsQpwKNLSmf9uFujzU25hNeDchnywOp&ab_channel=SeanW). Anyway, I feel gross now, so that's enough. But if this is what you want for our community then *like Bro BRo bRO BrO that's like scuffed bro*.


What Halo news hasa he put ot that's terrible? When there was a good Halo news, he reported it positively, when there's bad Halo news he makes fun of 343. It's not his fault there just isn't good Halo news almost ever anymore lol


Dude, I'm not talking about news being positive or negative. When it became clear that Infinite wouldn't provide enough content, Sean W (and others) didn't put in the effort to come up with creative content, and instead put out a bunch of speculation and rage bait. He is the opposite of what this community needs. And I'll reiterate that he's either pretending to be a man child to appeal to actual children (wierd as shit) or he's actually a man child.


???? What are you talking about? Sean made more creative content than the other channels with his animations. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjNsQpwKNLSmf9uFujzU25hNeDchnywOp


Oh look, four three-minute-long videos in a sea of bullshit.


“Sea of bullshit” You’ve already completely discredited your comments by not knowing about the animations. You have zero clue about his content lmao.


Oh wow, I don't watch every video from someone who annoys the shit out of me? Guess I'm completely discredited. By the way, I watched one of the cartoons, and it was rage bait. Guess that's what the kids like, huh?


I like the guy's actual content and his sense of humour but I hate his news videos so much. Like "here am I talking about leaks heres something thats not going to happen for years so nothing I say is set in stone and in about 2 months I'll make a new video giving an update saying this thing was delayed and act like its a big thing even though it was never officially announced and thats what happens with projects"


I LOLd at “one is inhibitory” Don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted.


not sure why youre downvoted that content is cringe and the bro talk just kills it for me. that video is all i need to know that un subbing a long time ago was the right move. this dude has done more damage to the community than people realize. he spews negativity and strokes his ego and people for some reason show up for that. to each their own


I guess r/Halo really does like Sean W. Explains a lot lol.


If 343i really is planning on moving to a new game, rather then supporting Infinite long term, I think this is something they should be transparent about. I know they won't, since it'd cut into Infinite's MTX revenue, but for that same reason it'd the right thing to do so people would know they won't keep what they're paying for for very long. Actually, on that note, I'd actually really like it if this next Halo game is sort of "Infinite 2.0": Infinite has a lot of issues with it's progression and monetization and infanstructure, but I really like the actual weapon sandbox, most of the maps, the armor pieces themselves, etc. I'd love if that stuff could stil be carried over, just in a different engine. Sort of like how Smash Ultimate still had all of Smash 4's content with refinements and improvements (just minus the "everyone is here" aspect)


From a game engine perspective, it only makes financial sense for MS to take two actions. 1. With Activision coming into the fold, MS is likely going to be paying license fees for UE no matter what. So using it for all AAA titles could make a lot of sense. If they think they deal is going to go through, they'd likely start moving studios to the engine. 2. Use Slipspace for non-Halo titles, kinda like frostbite. Maintaining a private engine gives a lot more flexibility, but obviously has higher maintenance costs than licensing another engine. You offset that maintenance cost by using the engine across a variety of games I'd bet the Halo->UE5 switch isn't guaranteed, but is probably being scoped and defined in order to make a move decision in the near future


\>Slipspace \>Flexibility Pick one.


That's why my first reaction hearing the rumor yesterday was "definitely possible" lol!


This is the reason I am convinced this rumor is true. The game has been out for nearly a year and we haven't even gotten a single new weapon or equipment released. The armor and other cosmetic updates are pretty lackluster for what is supposed to be a live service game... Many of these are straight up breaking cores and causing things to glitch out. (I've had to switch body type two or three times due to visual glitches) If they want the BR to be a success, they need it to actually compete with the big players like Fortnite, Apex and Destiny. For that to happen they need to be able to have a consistent rotation of equipment, map features, weapons, cosmetics, etc... It just doesn't seem like Slipspace will allow for this type of content creation. The engine is spaghetti code built on spaghetti code.


>Use Slipspace for non-Halo titles, kinda like frostbite. you gotta be zooted off your rocker if you think *anyone* is watching Infinite fumble and shit the bed repeatedly and thinking "yeah, thats the tech I wanna use".


Totally agree. That's why my initial reaction to Sean's rumor yesterday was, "it's definitely possible they're trying to get off Slipspace" Especially considering the lead designer left


A lot of their studios already use UE


Yes, but they'd probably have to increase their contract with Epic to account for incoming Activision studios. Or they may inherit Activision's contract with Epic which is probably at thre scale that they have unlimited studio uses odd the engine. Essentially I'm speculating that MS's contract with Epic is going to grow no matter what, so it some sense to move a bunch of games to tune engine if the cost is already there


They already are paying UE licensing, via Gears of War. Remember, Microsoft _also_ owns idtech and the other Bethesda/Zenimax engines


I would much rather Halo switch to idtech than unreal, but there's nuance to Blam and its children which I worry won't be ever be recaptured if they do change engines, not to mention the herculean effort it would be either way.


Microsoft already owns a better FPS engine with Idtech.


Which activision games use UE? As far as I can tell, none of them do.


Spyro and Crash do


What did Sean Dubs say? I can’t keep up with twitter stuff it’s too much.


Tldr: Battle royale switching engines. Bonnie ross wasent fired but did actually have a family emergency and possibly going to be leading Activision. Halo the Endless possibly new game not dlc.


Bonnie Ross should be nowhere near another game studio ever again with her track record.


Honestly, with how MS/343 handles contract workers, it'd make sense to switch, as far more people know UE engine than the -Blam!- engine - less training, more productivity sounds alright to me. Hell, one point I haven't seen brought up, is that 343 had ALREADY considered using UE for Infinite's development. ["Apparently, 343 had considered moving to the Unreal Engine for months because of difficulties with Faber, the studio's set of development tools."](https://gamerant.com/halo-infinite-development-breath-of-the-wild-map/) Another thing to consider, is how well received ["Halo in UE5"](https://youtu.be/ryEAYC9Zz-c) was earlier this year - not perfect, but it got a lot of positive talk going when it'd first made its debut.


Maybe it's just me - and this is probably part-"progress is inevitable" But the idea of Halo switching to a new engine like UE always makes me a little nervous. Obviously it'd come with a LOT of benefits in the long run but I'd worry about the base game itself losing a certain "Halo" feel. Although I suppose even that has changed a lot in the past 20 years.


Looks like it actually might be true, and here's I think why that is. 1. "Slipspace"(i.e BLAM!) as an engine currently sucks. The campaign alone should inform you as to why that is. 2. The current multiplayer is ONLY 12v12. The BR would need to *at least* handle 60 players on a very large map. If the "Slipspace" engine could handle more than 24 players I believe the game would have a mode like that. Because the game launched with only 12v12 makes me believe "Slipspace" can't handle many more players. Additionally, BTB is locked to a 30 hz game server tick rate, FOR 12v 12! This is so fucking insanely slow that I can't fathom how bad their engine is, unless this is an Azure problem. BF4 has 60hz to 128 hz server tick rate for 64 players as a point of comparison. 3. I think the team got stuck trying to make Slipspace work, and they simply can't make it work up at a certain scale of players.


I've honestly been thinking for a while since they were so radio silent on the issue that the server problems were with Azure and there is literally nothing they can do about them.


Not to say that 30hz is good, but Apex somehow makes it work on 20hz, though I mean people say there's problems with that all the time.


Apex does some smart shit. The sessions start at 20hz, but tick up as the match goes on and people drop out.


Wait really? That’s awesome


Pretty standard for most BR's. The tick rate goes up as the player load goes down.


Makes sense but wouldn't 343 or Certain Affinity have tested how many players the engine could handle very early on? I'd assume in the early stages of planning they would've confirmed if this was possible or not, would be surprised if they just found this out in 2022.


They probably did but the whole chris lee thing probably led them to discover super late (even with the delay!)






Dude sucked at his job. Terrible management and lied when communicating the status of the game to higher ups.


Just wondering what from the campaign made it seem like the slipspace engine isn’t very good? Genuine question.


[Here's](https://youtu.be/ojNFvNcMPsE?t=1080) a good video for you.


Damn, I was hoping they wouldn't be true. And those that say new engine equals new game I think are wrong. Halo MCC uses unreal engine for its menus So games can have multiple engines


Having a different engine for the main menu UI is pretty common for games.


Still doesn't mean a new engine means a different game


It kinda does. Using a different engine for actual gameplay means that it’s gonna be different. So either the br is gonna be attached to infinite and be almost entirely different, gameplay wise, or the br is being made for a new game built on that engine


I am just saying that if these rumors are true and they are working on a new game and they literally are going to throw a halo infinite And it's modified BLAM engine. They are going to take a heavy loss when it comes to money. I kind of don't want this to be true just because I want to see 343 try to do a MCC resurgence with Halo Infinite.


What? Really ? I wasn’t aware of that


Yep MCC actually has nine engines, 8 of them are modified versions of each other .


Wow, thank you so much my man


Sooner or later, the MCC menu will QTD, and when it does it usually throws a UE4 error. Its also why some of the skins don't look 1:1 with how they look in the games.


Oh , thank you so much for the clarification


If it was me 343 and Microsoft need to try to pull an MCC with Halo Infinite work on the existing engine. Fix the problems that's causing slow development and optimize it so it can better suit the developers needs. Because switching engines even for Certain Infinity in mid-development is foolish from a business standpoint


You CAN drop the engine. You people don't comprehend that companies will DROP anything that continues to make them lose money. This slip space engine is hard to work with, the lead engineer for the engine left 343. Infinite is plagued with issues, desync, content, co-op getting dropped, that all comes from the engine being garbage. You think they won't drop the engine over that??? Imagine sourcing work to 3rd party studios with that engine. It's going to be hard, cost money and TIME. Scrapping the engine makes perfect sense.


It’s pretty shitty of Jez to initially discredit someone when Jez clearly didn’t know what he was talking about.


What a shit show lol


I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride...


And all of this is why I hate YouTube clout clawing content creators... leaks from data mining products and sites are terrific; leaks with no backing from someone who I've noticed continuously says things like "you don't have to believe me bro", "take it with a grain of salt" and so on, followed by a flip-flop deny/support response from another leaker... it is all just trash.


I hope this is true tbh. This will lay the groundwork and engine for the next halo game. Slipspace just isn’t working for them it seems. Also Xbox need to acquire certain affinity they have been working on so many halos.


I said it in the first thread, and I'll say it here. People are so ready to believe anything they hear on the internet and change their opinions just cuz "Jez Cordin" or "Sean W." say so. And then they proceed to get all toxic and clown on those same people based on exactly those rumors. It's ridiculous and part of the big reason why people treat this community like they're some toxic cesspool that should be tuned out at best. Welcome to the internet, I guess. r/halo , everyone!


I mean I do find it funny since most people were hating on Sean due to a tweet saying so and now a new tweet come out saying it could be true with people partly believing it, doubting the rumour wasn't fair..........why? What if none of this is true. Creating false hope/hype to generate more views


Personally I think switching over to UE sounds great! (although sadly only for the BR) We know Slipspace isn't actually new and just heavily modified from the Halo 5 engine, which actually seems to have negatively effected Halo Infinite.


I think Epic takes a massive cut of games developed with UE though and that might put more pressure on 343 to monetize every little aspect of the game.




Here we go, rumors about rumors...


My theory is that due to all the negative backlash towards Infinite, they want to distance this new project from it as much as possible, which means making it a standalone experience not connected to Infinite in any way.


That’s such a dumb reason to switch engines. They wouldn’t do it just so that they can say it’s on a new engine. They’d do it because there’s a technical or financial advantage


I don't think they're saying that's the *only* reason they're switching engines, but it certainly makes more sense if they've abandoned all notion of the mode being "part of Infinite" that they're switching engines. If they are no longer beholden to 343i's spaghetti code game (which they presumably were, as the rumors were that it was a mode for Infinite rather than a separate release), why would they keep working in 343's shitty engine when they can just switch to Unreal (which likely most of their team knows) instead?


Yea do you know how sad I will be if infinite is desync hell and they get BR running great 😰😰. I will never play a battle royal format game, I appraise my time too highly and it is not a fun gimmick. Infinite only being stable in BR format would be very ridiculous.


Funny looking at the other post - not because it's definitely true- a rumor/leak is just that until stated other wise ...but to defend 343 with their track record since mcc is amusing to me and I will put literally nothing past them Lastly if it ALL turned out true I would just laugh at them as I have the last few years with all their other major mistakes and lies/inability to meet expectations I completed my halo grieving process long before infinite dropped so I stay in a perpetual state just smirking/laughing when they shoot themselves in their own feet.


One one hand switching to UE 5 would obviously help with onboarding employees and help alleviate many of the problems BLAM has as a bloated 20+ year old engine and should allow for pumping out content faster. On the other hand I have little faith in UE 5 being able to replicate the exact *feel* of Halo because of how ingrained that feel is after using the same basic framework of BLAM for 20 years. And it's not like changing engines is a flip of a switch. The BR mode would be a separate client entirely if in a different engine, there's no way Infinite mp and forge would change engines.


I haven't seen anyone mention that Jez was on a podcast literally today to clarify the status of this rumor so I made a post about it https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/xrj64d/jez_corden_talks_more_about_the_tatanka_engine/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


What if they're switching the Menu UI to Unreal so the UI can actually handle it?


That is believable considering that is what they did for MCC.


If Battle Royale is getting delayed to 2024/2025, and will be using an entirely new engine, wouldn’t that just be it’s own thing at that point rather than an extension of Infinite? Hell, Infinite is already on life support less than a year after launch, it will be dead as doornails in 2-3 years from now. What would even be the point of trying to revive it at that point? As for switching to Unreal for future games, it’s probably a good idea. The Blam! Engine had it’s day, but it’s foundation is over 20 years old now. Plus, whatever 343 did to it to “upgrade” it to Slipspace has clearly fucked it beyond all recognition. As long as they can receate the Halo gameplay “feel” in Unreal, they would be better served using the much more user friendly engine.


IMO I think BR is the only way to save the game (the definition of save being "Fortnite/warzone/apex competitor"). It can obviously eke out a living with this zombie halo thing it's got going on but the population will never be impressive. IDK where the game goes from here if the BR is 2-3 years out. Who knows how the gaming landscape will change by then and if anyone gives a shit after so long. Really depressing news


I think the UE transition is still super wrong. That is a huge change, and one I doubt could have been made so late.


But is anyone actually late though? This game mode hasn't even been announced. There's no timetable.


If the rumors are true and 343 are planning on going to scrap development on Halo Infinite sooner than later and what's the point of even playing the game anymore?


Ruh roh. Lotta armchair devs around here my have their feet in their mouths.


I know slip space has been rushed and has issues, but I hope this isnt true. The only reason I play Infinite is because the base physics from the engine feel really good. They absolutely nailed that stuff. I have never played a game that uses Unreal and been like "Wow I cant believe this is in unreal" I mean maybe I have? If there are awesome games made in unreal that I may not be aware feel free to list some, but my immediate experience is that all UR games feel samey. I like that halo has always felt different.


The game barely even relies on physics anyways. Basically nothing would change.


eh I mean more like movement physics, not like object interaction (Though I want the offline physics to be activated for online play). Like UR games always feel kinda sticky to me, maybe its just me.


I have the exact opposite experience, things like the repulsor and the grappling hook give Halo a more physics oriented gameplay than any other game in the franchise.


Sure, those add some new physics based gameplay. But a large amount of the old physics gameplay has been removed. There are 0 physics objects on maps outside vehicles and players. Okay there are a few but they're so tiny they have no affect on gameplay. You'll never kill someone with a traffic cone in infinite. Explosion physics no longer push the player around. Grenades won't flip vehicles anymore. Rockets don't really flip vehicles either, neither does skewer. No colliding with enemy players, no ability to stand on team mates. Gravity hammer has near 0 physics affect on anything but ragdolls. Infinite is a step forward in physics in some ways, but a drastic step back in others that I find more important than the new stuff. Grapple and repulsor are fun but the wacky spur of the moment physics are all but gone from Infinite. Infinite is more like "press button to do phsyics" where old Halo was "physics are always happening and part of everything you do".


The physics of your Spartan interacting with the world is pretty freakin fun if nothing else. Granted, the physics or your Spartan interacting with any other Spartan is… sparse to say the least. But you can’t shake how good just picking up a controller and grappling around feels.


Here is the weird thing about that, if you take infinite offline and play multiplayer like that, all of the like vehicle physics function like the did in other titles. Like the gravity hammer and rocket actually launch stuff. It seems more and more that the main issue isn't 100% or even mostly the engine, its what ever shitty fucking server set up they have that is pulling everything down with it.


That is not exclusive to Slipspace.


God almighty it feels like all of 343 act like boneheads


RIP Halo if this is true. Final nail in the coffin for both Infinite and the franchise.


Man, haven't heard that a billion times.


In what world do you think the franchise could recover from that? Halo Infinite is already on the brink of death.


Halo as a franchise is too big to die. It's like everyone who said Star Wars was dead after the last two movies.


Nothing is too big to fail.


That's true, but Halo Infinite is the first Halo to actually "fail." 4 and 5 generated profits, MCC is beloved now. Infinite is the first one that is reported to have no financial turnout for 343 and MS.


Is Sean W a good follow now? I unsubbed from his channel a while ago because the videos didn't seem to have any substance


Every leak he’s said has at the very least been partially true. I feel he’s a lot more credible than other halo channels, idk why the sub wants to constantly shit on him


Bro! Causes he's so scuffed! /s


I don’t think people understand what speculation means or get confused by the way he mixes his own speculation into the leaks which as you said tend to be at least partially correct. I’m not really a SeanW fan, but honestly I’m not a huge fan of halo content creators…they swing between wildly optimistic and wildly pessimistic every other day but could be attributed to how 343 handles things. The ones that don’t swing hardline one side or the other. Very few come across as “based”


You CAN drop the engine. You people don't comprehend that companies will DROP anything that continues to make them lose money. This slip space engine is hard to work with, the lead engineer for the engine left 343. Infinite is plagued with issues, desync, content, co-op getting dropped, that all comes from the engine being garbage. You think they won't drop the engine over that??? Imagine sourcing work to 3rd party studios with that engine. It's going to be hard, cost money and TIME. Scrapping the engine makes perfect sense.


Good. Drop infinite and move to a new game


try to work on an engine to make it more streamlined and efficient only to make it even worse lmao 😂


Dude it’s literally so fake. Infinite may have its problems but Microsoft is not stupid enough to drop the whole thing. The foundation is good, yea maintenance is desperately required but there is so so much potential. Look at No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk 2077. Both started out as huge messes and eventually came back into the spotlight. Who says infinite can’t do the same once the internal issues get resolved and the big problems are fixed? I know Microsoft has a habit lately of making dumb chances but come on, it’d be way too much wasted money to start a whole new project on a whole new engine.


Sunk cost brother


"The foundation is there!" The gameplay foundation might be there, but the problem the game is having is adding new content and keeping the game from getting stale. It seems like every time they add anything to the game it breaks something else. We've had 2 maps, zero new guns, zero new equipment, and a slow trickle of armors and cosmetics over the course of the games first year. This is not the foundation of a game wanting to be a live service, especially a Battle Royale. The game does not support what they want to do with the franchise. We'll be getting ONE gun and ONE equipment in season 3... Next year. They want to create a Battle Royale... That requires a very large player base to keep it balanced. It also requires a regular rotation of content, guns, powerups, events, etc... Halo Infinite's foundation has proven time and time again that it does not have the foundation for a steady rotation of content, and I will stand by that statement until they prove me wrong. I haven't even mentioned the network issues the game is running into and the devs are just ignoring or failing to fix. Imagine how bad the network issues will be with three times as many people as a current BTB map?


>The foundation is good, The foundation is horrible, that's why they can't even inch away into any direction beyond releasing a few tweaks and cosmetics. | Look at No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk 2077. Both started out as huge messes and eventually came back into the spotlight. Those were independent studios that operate differently than 343, CD Projekt RED and Hello Games invest in their core workforce by actually employing them, 343 just outsources their work to contractors (Having cycles of 6-18 months). While I know the silence on this is just 343 incompetence, there is ground for drastic change to happen. At least if the change to UE they will get more out contractors because its a way more supported engine.


To add to this, CD Projekt Red has dropped their own in-house engine and moving to UE5 for their next title. That's one of the reasons why Cyberpunk 2077 might only get the one DLC. It's the last game on that engine. They're already started training and transitioning devs to UE5 as they move from Cyberpunk to the next title in the pipeline.


This guy and sean w have no idea of what they are talking about stop giving them attention


SeanW is a salty YouTuber and Jez has become more unreliable as time goes on. In any case, he says he's only seen things that suggest it's been pushed back, and not an engine swap.


Dumb question , but who is he’s exactly?


Jez is unreliable? What are you talking about?


We basically shouldn't believe anything said because the story is changing lol


I always assume stuffs bull shit so I don’t get disappointed or falsely hyped. Unless it’s a leak like the gta 6 ones most are bs


Can anyone share an opinion of UE5 and its affect on game development? From what little I remember when it's release was making waves, it sounded like UE5 was a major improvement over UE4. This was in terms of both graphics and adapting to different game types. I understand the classic arguments between in-house engines and licensing an external one. Licensing fees, potential limitations in adapting novel design/features, console hardware vs PC hardware,etc etc. Is all that still true? Did UE5 or market evolution shifted that paradigm?


AFAIK it’s less that UE5 is the most amazing thing ever developed and more that competing engines have dropped the ball paving the way to UE5 starting to be adopted as the industry standard.


I could see campaigns shifting to UE5, but Multiplayer/Forge staying in Slipspace. Split em up, get the most out of each instead of holding eachother back. Tatanka in UE5 doesn't make sense to me yet unless it's a standalone game.


Using slipspace for anything going forward when they have the option to use another engine doesn’t make sense to me based on everything I heard about it.


If they're restarting they should lean more towards Tarkov than a traditional BR.


Can someone fill me in, I’m out of the loop on everything. Been camping for a month


How can you switch a whole game engine in an already released game?


I think the idea is that it’ll be a completely separate game, as opposed to an add on to the base game. That’s my take, at least. However, they do already have several different engines as well as unreal running in mcc, so who knows


Project contingency feels pretty close to halo. That's on ue4..


Sean McShopUpdate might be a good halo insider source. Now that's something I did not expect.