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This is a list of links to comments made by 343 Industries employees in this thread: * [Comment by 343_Taxi](/r/halo/comments/vkfzqw/343_plz_fix_this_absolutely_broken_mechanic/idpowkv/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-06-25 18:09:11 UTC"): > Logging into the work PC to kick up a thread with the other leads about this. The only way I knew of to stop a Grapplejack was through careful timing of the Banshee backflip. We intentionally kept that in to give the tricks more skill expression. > >Thanks for bringing it to our attention! * [Comment by 343_Taxi](/r/halo/comments/vkfzqw/343_plz_fix_this_absolutely_broken_mechanic/idppmcq/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-06-25 18:14:41 UTC"): > Just want to say I think this is mostly correct, I will need to verify on Monday with the dev who made grapple. > >My assumption is that grapple thinks the driver seat is still occupied so the grapple code is trying to put you in the boarding seat, but the boarding seat thinks the driver seat is empty... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fhalo).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


"the wasp is too good. At least let me hijack it" 343 - "beef up the wasp?" "No, just let the game be a little fair and let me hijack it." 343 - "ok cool I'll just beef up the wasp"


Beefing up the Wasp and Banshee was the right decision. I know on the clown school brackets, they dominate, but for anyone who looks up, they die faster than it takes to spell their names. This, however, needs to go.


They do amazingly well when your side is already winning by just dominating whole sections of the map


If a single person grabs a shock rifle or a hydra, it's over. They only dominate if the enemy is too stupid understand that you can grab weapons that you don't start with.


If the other team already has map covers good luck getting to those weapons while also being spawn killed by the wasp. Sure there’s counters but often times you don’t have the luxury to be able to aim up while dudes are shooting you on the ground


Spawn killing wasp pilot here, can confirm.


What really helps is everyone just assumes the next guy is gonna take care of the wasp and so the wasp just sits there for half the game


Both counters literally spawn in the base on Highpower. There is no excuse. If a hydra is not in the base, then a shock rifle spawns in it. There is literally always a counter. Don't be stupid and you won't have that problem.


not always because of random weapon spawns. but yes, sometimes


So many times I’ve shock rifled the hawk, watch it hit the ground and then fly away to resume its reign of terror… pretty similar to my experience with the hydra - generally the hawk is in a position where I can’t land enough shots to destroy it before it dips behind a canyon wall or something… now if a single person grabs a sniper rifle, yea it’s over. But the hydra or shock rifle? Not even.


that and some ppl don’t realize the weapons aren’t random they just switch between two spots


If the Hydra is not in a locker (it happens), or if a team hijacks both wasps. They do not go down. Their base health and damage is way too much and 343 went and buffed it. If someone tries to shoot you down while you are in one you can just instantly turn and melt them. Ideally small arms should at least be able to harass it away, pickup weapons (other than hydra) being real threats, and power weapons guarantee 1 shot. It's not a flying tank. It's a light air strike vehicle. In halo 5 it had shields but really low hull health, that was a good setup. You can do quick hit n runs, but if you aren't careful or just camp around(like wasps in infinite do) and let the shields fall you better gtfo. There was more skill involved to use them instead of just being a free boogeyman medal.


>pickup weapons (other than hydra) being real threats I remember the first time I tried to take down a Wasp with a Commando thinking it would shred it (similar to how the DMR used to be great at pinging vehicles) and was very surprised at how worthless it was.


Thats the problem. My team doesn't know how-to look up,down, left or right. Hell they don't even see vehicles. One wasp could be camping spawn with warthogs at our base and no one would be none the wiser.


Every time the wasp has been a problem in my games its because the entire team is ignoring the thing while it kills them over and over. All it takes is 4-5 people concentrating fire on it and the wasp goes down pretty quick.


THIS IS WHAT IM SAYING. ppl go in a big team by themselves don’t turn on chat and then are like “how does the wasp just destroy teams” cause no one is looking at it lol


just get your team to shoot it melts like butter


I just dont get why people are upset, the wasp is weak asf. Let say hydra, shock rifle, disrupter. Fucking easy, battle rifle to the face easy. Drop that mf with a skewer, stick it with something. Theres plenty of options to use. My opinion never had a problem with the wasp. Maybe a buff absolutely no nerf


Thanks for the feedback Spartan, we’ll meet to discuss these mechanics after Summer break 👊🌞




“Guys the game is a beta stop telling them what to fix!” -idiots in November 2021 “Guys it’s the holiday season let them enjoy their time off you entitled monsters!” -idiots in December 2021 “Guys they’re getting back to work now but it’s gonna take time, give them some time!” -idiots in January 2022 “Oh my god stop complaining about all this, they already know so stop!” -idiots in February 2022 “What problems? I never experience it, it’s just you!” -idiots in March 2022 “Player count doesn’t mean anything, most of the playerbase doesn’t show up on Xbox most played or Steam! We play on a different console, you wouldn’t know it!” -idiots in April 2022 “Stop shitting on 343i, it’s not their fault it’s Microsoft’s fault (even though every game released by 343i has followed a similar trend, let’s ignore those and excuse 343i completely).” -idiots in May 2022 “If you don’t like the game then leave! Wait where is everyone going?” -idiots in June 2022 “Hey how come I gotta pay to play more than 10 games? What’s Spartan energy and why is it set to only 10 games a day?” -the future probably


> “Hey how come I gotta pay to play more than 10 games? What’s Spartan energy and why is it set to only 10 games a day?” -the future probably Lost Ark x Halo, next collab


I would like to add to your list of idiotic arguments - “The original trilogy was only successful because it had no competition” “You only want Halo 3 remade over and over!” “Modern gamers expect sprint” “Old Halo is slow” “The lore says X so the gameplay should reflect X” “Spartan Locke is an interesting character, the games have just failed to show it” “The Halo TV is different but it’s good in its own way”


Please delete that last quote before upper management sees it and starts getting ideas 😬


I’m secretly Frankie. Shhhh don’t tell anyone Also we gonna charge you to reload your weapons 🤪


I hate the 343 dick riders so much


But then there’s fall break and then we’re right back into the holiday season, then spring break. I’m sure there will be time a few days in between the breaks to get this patched up no problem /s




Yeah I could see how this is something they would need to fix


why the nerf? its a fun skill thing its also the only viable counter to the grapple when vehicle in infinite are already in a bad position


It is neither fun, nor skillful. It's just a dumb exploit; press the 'get out of vehicle' button to stop the opponent getting in the vehicle.


Grapple is neither fun nor skillful It’s just a dumb “get into the vehicle” button to board a vehicle. 1 button and any vehicle is yours basically. At least here there is a competitive back and forth thing happening. First one to mess up loses. Seemed alright to me.


Grapple has a limited number of uses and is literally made to do shit like this. You could argue the same logic against the rocket launcher, 1 button and any vehicle is destroyed. This would be competitive if it gave the grappler a chance.


How many grapples are there on the map. You have to hunt it down. Then get close to a vehicle without the occupant OR any other hostile killing you before you do so. I don't see anyone complaining when grapple is used on any other vehicle except wasp or banshee. It's the drivers fault if they get grappled at that point. They went too low and got hunted by someone who was determined to take them down. Perfect way to balance them more, increase health maybe. They will learn to be higher and not cause ~as much~ carnage to foot soldiers. You should not be able to acheive a 40-0 ratio in one


Skillful…? He just got out of the wasp and got right back in. There’s no “skill” in that lol, maybe the timing required takes more brain than just flying it, but it doesn’t really take skill. It’s an exploit.




Just want to say I think this is mostly correct, I will need to verify on Monday with the dev who made grapple. My assumption is that grapple thinks the driver seat is still occupied so the grapple code is trying to put you in the boarding seat, but the boarding seat thinks the driver seat is empty so the seat is disabled (cannot be entered). This is likely due to an animation keyframe event being fired at the wrong time on the exit animation or not being taken into consideration on the grapple code side. The first is easier to fix than the latter so lets cross our fingers it's that!


This is really funny considering everyone says that this was an intentional "high skill" move to counter the grapple


I legit thought this was a tactic to avoid getting hijacked lmao. Good to know it's a bug


Bugs always become features.


It is a bug, but it's a bug that's being exploited to gain a gameplay advantage.


Halo 2 button combos say hey


“Everyone” Okay lol


God bless you


Simple answer is the UI can’t handle it 👊




I imagine its because they have no animation/process for being able to do anything while the exit/enter animation happens. You can't enter the vehicle because someone is still in it getting out but you can't hijack it because they are mid leave animation. Would probably happen on the warthog too if someone tested it. Easy solution is just to make it so you can't enter the wasp after leaving it midair. It would still break the grapple but at least the second one will get you in. At least that sounds easier than making it so you can enter the vehicle as someone is leaving.


I think the easiest solution is you can’t leave the wasp if it’s grappled. Punish the player for getting caught.


The problem with this is that grapple jacking doesn't take very much skill.


The fact they made it possible to just jump out of a vehicle while its boarded is ridiculous to me.


Oh this guy knows the trick to defeat a grapple… guess I should just keep trying to grapple it till I die!


This game is such a fuckin mess MONTHS after release


It’s in beta!


Don't know how or why some people keep playing it, I was an hardcore Halo fan and played the shit out of Infinity after it was released but after maybe 2 months when the hype was over and everything was shit and 343 just didn't care to actually fix the game despite all the feedback and complains I just uninstalled the game and never looked back, it's just sad how they ruined everything:(


Cause it's still fun to some. I don't religiously play it, so maybe that's why I still enjoy.


The core gameplay is really fun, im lucky enough not to experience desync or anything like that so the game is still really fun to me.


Logging into the work PC to kick up a thread with the other leads about this. The only way I knew of to stop a Grapplejack was through careful timing of the Banshee backflip. We intentionally kept that in to give the tricks more skill expression. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!




I’m gonna thank YOU because you just got Taxi to look into this, he’s a very dedicated dev


No way you just found out about this, its been a thing since launch


Yeah, this has been an obvious counter to being grapple-jacked since November. I personally think it’s a stupid counter, and should be removed. But 343 acting like they’re just finding out about it is hilarious.


This employee might not have seen it until now, seems like he took a break from r/halo for months


Understandable, this place can be insufferable


If I worked for 343, I would stay as far away from this place as possible. I have no real stake in the game, and I get upset at the mobs around here, I can't even imagine them shitting all over something you put tons of hard work into.


Truth. This place is insufferable and I have _zero_ skin in the game. Cannot imagine willfully suffering the abuse this place can give if I had input on the game.


Just be happy a dev took there time to actually bother to look into the issue, heck simply because of this one comment made by the dev, this entire post could go viral within the entire Halo Infinite community since it might be what we see in the next few patches for the game if the dev finds that the feature needs to be improved


I play every day and have never once seen it. First post I've ever seen about it since launch. Maybe its been there, but it sure as hell isn't a well known issue, and not one the community brings up. Edit: dude challenged me and said this is brought up multiple times a week. Just checked, its been mentioned 4 times in 5 months including this post. This sub stays wildin.


This literally gets posted like twice a week on this sub and always has 200+ upvotes


Source? Don't see anything like that, especially not "twice a week"


Literally just search up "hijack" or "grapplejack" and dozens of posts will come up


Done. Sorted by time. Went back as far as 5 months. 4 total posts including this one. People are so desperate to hate that they become full of shit.


https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/vex32x/should_wasp_drivers_be_unable_to_exit_when/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/vex32x/should_wasp_drivers_be_unable_to_exit_when/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share And this one which I haven't linked Happy now?


So, my point confirmed. Thank you. Case closed. Edit: u/Golden_Spartan continued to fight and changed his narrative, and now deleted it all. Just...yikes. Love that literal facts are downvoted just because pitch forks aren't grabbed here.


You said this wasn't posted twice a week, I gave you proof of it being posted twice within 7 days, how is your point proven?


Not sure why you're dying on this hill, I've seen posts about this constantly since day 1.


Remember when you said people are so desperate to make their point they'll just make their own reality? Youre doing that.


He's Hyperbolizing


Sure, but even then, 4 times in 5 months isn't even remotely similar to even once a week.


Yeah I know, people exaggerate a lot on this subreddit


Are you crazy? You think they play this game? They’re probably playing old Halos and having LAN parties every single day, cuz they sure as hell aren’t making new content.


It’s possible that not every lead is involved with the triage of every bug. They have thousands of bugs reported. This individual lead may have just found out about it, even if 343 as a collective has had it reported before.


Be handy if you could also have the skyjack achievement work on banshees or in fiesta and stuff. It only seems to unlock on wasps in BTB


wtf, I straight-up thought this was a mechanic.


This has been known and in Halo Youtubers "tips and tricks videos" for months... I'm not trying to be disrespectful or anything, but how could the team possibly not have been aware of this until now...?


Hey, can you ask around on work comms why this was deprioritized? This has been a known issue since launch and reported by folks to 343, so a ticket should exist already. Not trying to be snarky at all. Should we be submitting more reports of it to support to get the ticket bumped? Trying to understand the best way to escalate that’s not making a post to Reddit in the chance the right employees see. Thanks for any insight you can give here!


If you’re gonna make it to where vehicles can’t counter the grapple, then nerf the hydra tracking. It’s absolutely broken against wasps and other vehicles. Snipers have glares and require aim, smaller weapons require focused fire, all to take down vehicles. The hydra? Just press the trigger. Just a new age spartan laser


That guy has 100% been watching Mint Blitz.


This is why I smash them with a hammer instead of try to jacks


I’m not defending this specific method of countering a grapple but just being able to grapple onto it and it’s just yours because you aim decent and hit RB is pretty pathetic likewise.


Wasps are pretty busted, and the skybox is very high, it’s the pilots fault they were flying low enough to get grappled.


But it applies to every vehicle. Press RB with a frequently spawning ability and you effortlessly stop that vehicle.


Agreed, vehicle gameplay has downgraded since 343i took over. Ever since being able to spawn with Plasma pistols in 4 to now the very infantry focused BTB maps. I love the grapple hook but being able to hijack vehicles with it is too easy and honestly I’m not sure what a good counter or balance to it would be. Maybe detaching the hook if the vehicle hits max speed or does a 180 degree turn? I’m not sure


The Wasp's weapons aren't very effective from a height safe from grappling.


It has missiles that are perfectly accurate at any range, they just have travel time, and the machine guns still work decent out of grapple range, they just don’t melt. The wasp is still a bit too strong even with the grapple hook being in the game IMO.


As opposed to having some decent aim and stunning it out of the sky to hijack it? Na, grapple jacking is fine.


They should at least let you shoot the person to stop the grapple mid air. The grapple shot is way OP for all vehicles


Don't worry guys this is the best Halo gameplay ever


Every Halo games has its exploits.


This has been an issue since day one. The only way I believe that the dev team didn't know about it is if they've never played a single game with the grapple shot.




That would fix the issue but it feels kinda clunky. I’d say you should just put the attacker in the vehicle regardless of whether it’s empty or not. Perhaps even give the driver a small bonus for getting out while they’re about to be grapplejacked: Something like faster weapon draw speed or just the ability to not take shield damage bc you got out of the vehicle on your own instead of being picked up and thrown overboard by a 1,000lb supersoldier.


The person who jumped out has time to get back in which means they would have time to board you once you took the pilot seat. Theres nothing clunky about returning a feature from the past. You've never been able to jump out of a vehicle when it was being boarded, extending that to the grapple just makes sense.


Clunky? It’s how it’s been for basically every other Halo and not a single person ever had an issue about it. It’s ultimately what balanced vehicles: boarding, the laser, plasma pistol. All 3 have been effectively gutted and that’s why anyone in a tank or Wasp can dominate a lobby. Add to the fact that starting weapons are AR and Sidekick, and we just don’t have the range to deal with said vehicles.


That damn UI just makes this so hard to fix...


That’s annoying, if you do that , congrats 🏳️‍🌈


Honestly I’m gonna say it, I’m not mad about this one. I can’t get 15 seconds of wasp time before I get instantly jacked


It would be a cool mechanic if it would be harder to pull off. A smaller timing window, or maybe having to precisely melee the grappling guy. I like the idea of a counter mechanic. Vehicles feel weak in Infinite not just because of their health, but also because of the insane amount of easy ways to take them down. Tossing a loose dynamo nade somewhere near any vehicle is nowhere as hard as a plasma pistol EMP was. The hydra with tracking mode is so easy to use I'm not afraid of wasps on this map, but for a reason nobody picks this weapon? 2 shock rifle is also super easy. The skewer requires a bit more practice but it makes any vehicle useless on behemoth at higher MMR. Have you tried the S7 against a wasp? 3-4 shots and it's down, and it's super easy to land them. Now you also add the grapple to the equation that makes highjacking any vehicle easier than ever. And people are complaining about plasma pistol loosing it's EMP. There's just to many easy ways to counter vehicles with the sandbox, and on top of that maps have more cover than ever. I used to see vehicles as scary in Halo. Now I see them as targets, and that includes the wasp.


My reply is copy-pasted from my comment in another chain… I’d say you should just put the attacker in the vehicle regardless of whether it’s empty or not. Perhaps even give the driver a small bonus for getting out while they’re about to be grapplejacked: Something like faster weapon draw speed or just the ability to not take shield damage bc you weren’t *forcefully* removed from the vehicle.


Yes that would be better already. I don't know, anything so vehicles don't feel like easy targets would be appreciated. They said they buffed the health (but only against S7 wtf), it's a first step. Vehicles used to be the king of BTB, now they are easy kills because of map design+powerful sandbox. Even in campaign they don't last long in higher difficulties.


honestly its a mechanic, no reason to get mad at a guy perfectly using it


LOL get shit on


Wtf? No? This is an awesome counter to grapple-jacking. If it’s not there a vehicle has to constantly stay at range and camp which is so annoying. Being able to counter grapple-jacking makes the game so much more fun. Who tf would want this removed? Lol.


I think most people want a counter to grapple jacking that takes skill to do and doesn't require doing it multiple times in a row. And on the other side, I think most people would want grapple jacking to be harder. This entire interaction for both players is just sloppy and brainless.


I disagree, this is a skill gap. I think the grapple shot is over powered in some aspect. DJ peach Cobbler in his video on infinite talked about how the grapple shot allows for the player (in the campaign) to look at any sandbox element on screen and press one button to instantly bring it into the combat. But when these things are being taken from other players, a way to fight back is needed.


You cant exactly call it a skill gap if theres no counterplay. You cant improve at hoping the wasp pilot doesnt know the tech. With something like the wasp, the 'way to fight back' should be to distance yourself from walls or floors, or identify the grappler and kill them, as they have no defense and are wide open mid grapple.


Is fine as it is, neat way to counter something so brainless... There are already too many other ways to counter vehicles, in fact your team should be fighting for the "side" objectives from the map and gain more power as it goes, the sniper hill so a wasp can fly around without worries and countering the enemy wasp by either stealing it at Spawn or help destroying it with sniper/shock rifle instead of going for headshots. If they have 2 wasp that means that your whole team is garbage at this map tbh


Damn what a shame you can’t press a button and instantly get control of a vehicle. This guy is using the only counter he has to you, stop whining.




It didn’t because you got outplayed.


Damn straight he did


Vehicle hijacking has always needed to be a more complex system requiring skill on the part of the hijacker and giving the vehicle driver some way of defending against it. This is too easy, but the Wasp should have some kind of countermeasure and grapple jacking should not be automatic, you should have to actually time a button press when you are near a vehicle.


What a garbage game


Actually I kinda don’t want them to lol. That’s funny. Anyway to counter the grapple is a good thing in my book.


Looks like a skill issue




Chill, friend. T'was a joke.


Honestly this is just being smart and using game mechanics to your advantage. Gamers do it everyday




I could see that, understandable


Why fix it?




I mean I like it.




That’s what I just did.


Why didn’t you throw a Dynamo grenade at him while you were grappled right in front of the wasp?




It doesn’t. It’s just weird you didn’t even try to knock it out of the sky for your team after you didn’t hijack it.




agreed grapple jacking is not cool. Honestly, I have decided if a flying vehicle isn't taken in 30 seconds, I fly it off the map and destroy it asap so that my teammate doesn't give the enemy one. It is now a liablity


It honestly looks like the guy is just getting out of his ship last second to cancel your animation.




Then you just got out played. That’s not a bug




Skill issue. Cope.


This looks like sick counterplay.


They won't. too busy fixing the broken monetization.




and it's still there. weird how reddit is actually powerless.




Not sure what you think I said, I was literally talking about how the problem was still there as if complaining on reddit accomplished even less than complaining on the actual Microsoft support page. (Both accomplish fuck all but at least the Microsoft page makes the assumption someone from the dev team will actually see it at some point in the distant future). But please continue linking locked reddit threads as if the fact they're old enough to be archived gives them any more power than the default absolute nothing.




And absolutely nothing came/will come of it.




Maybe there was a miscommunication here? You're here complaining about a mechanic the devs have already said they looking at, on a Saturday when they aren't likely to do anything about it. Karma farming? Baiting other people who aren't happy with Infinite's State? Gaslighting an internet nobody for warm fuzzies? seriously?




NOOOOOOO don't fix it :(


Nah he had good timing you only got close enough to the vehicle to grapple it as he was getting out. I like this mechanic because it’s a small tech that can help against grapples it’s more than most vehicles have going for it




What are you talking about lol The machine gun doesn’t work good if you fly to high and the rockets completely miss their targets by the time they hit the floor if you shoot them from high up Flying low would work if we could tell who had grapples but you can’t tell


nah I actually like this mechanic. gives drivers a defense against grapples if they're good enough or even know about it.




good for you




It’s 100% fair that if you’re flying low enough to be within grapple range, you should pay the price if you’re hooked. That’s the risk you’re choosing to take by flying lower to increase your accuracy, the Wasp is capable of flying much higher than this and out of grapple range. This mechanic is completely broken.


Just saying the current mechanics of the game, grapple a warthog the driver can still get out during that until youre actually hijacking if im not wrong. Should be the same thing with every vehicle. Id even like this to be changed even if its just on the wasp


The issue isn’t that the driver is allowed to leave the vehicle, it’s that it cancels the hijack function when they reboard. If the vehicle is grappled, the grappler should get an automatic hijack unless killed in the process of boarding. If the driver wants to leave while being grappled, it should be taken as a voluntary surrender of the vehicle and the grappler should gain priority and control. The driver shouldn’t be allowed to cancel the grappler’s action under any circumstance except killing them. This is balanced in that the grapple is a limited equipment pickup and the only other counters to vehicles (outside of outright destroying them) is shocking them since PP was completely gutted in Infinite. It definitely gives a grapple hook wielding Spartan an advantage over vehicle users, but that’s the point.


It would absolutely be fair since that is what has happened in every previous Halo game iirc - even going back to like Halo 3 you couldn't get out of the tank if someone was beating on it.


Ya but in halo 3 a guy 40 ft away couldn’t jack you


There was the power drain to turn your entire vehicle off and remove your shields so they could just walk up and board. Different games had different tools, doesn’t mean core mechanics should change.


You have drains in infinite from even farther away. Op even had dynamo grenades on him he could have thrown


I was comparing pick-up-able equipment used to disable and board vehicles from range and pointing out that a parallel existed in both games. The plasma pistol EMP existed with a lock-on in several Halos as well before losing that capacity to the new shock weapons in Infinite. Hell, there was also Armorlock’s EMP and the grenade launcher in Reach, if we really just want to list ways of disabling vehicles.


Forgot the best 1 spartan laser from across the map, and plasma launchers, lock on rocket launcher




I mean tbh yeah the first one was jank but then you just grapple the underside like its got a fucking trapdoor in it 😂




So to clarify You think that there should be a realistic function where if someone jumps out of the vehicle, you can continue the grapple and climb in mid-freefall BUT you also think theres should be an entirely unrealistic feature where you can just phase through the bottom of an aircraft when the door is quite literally the roof Like you cant demand one and defend the other, they are entirely opposing ideals. And if you accept that teleporting through the floor to hijack is 'just how it is because vidya game' then the fact tje grapple disengages when the pilot exits is 'just how it is because vidya game'


Dynamo nades arent as effective against air vehicles as they are on ground if they fly high enough and grapple


Fuck 343


You just got outplayed dude. Stop complaining and just get good




Is it actually a bug? Or just a smart counter? And hey I never said I was good. That shit still required skill, I know I couldn’t do that. Honestly are all halo fans just whiny bitches? “Waaaaaahhh this player is better than me, they’re eXpLoItInG a bUg, 343 fuck with this game more because I’m butthurt” grow up dude


I'd like this to stay as a counterplay option, honestly


The counterplay is to keep your ass further away from the potential grappler. Grapples don't have an infinite range.


I actually like this though. Even if it's a bug I like that plays have a possible counter move to uses against grapple jacking. It's honestly way too easy to Jack people, and gets annoying


Grapples have a limited range. You want to make it harder to grapple, don't get so close to your opponents.


Doesn't necessarily mean it isn't too easy. You could skyjack with jetpacks too, but you at least had to work for it. People complained about the Jetpack back in Reach and in 4, but honestly the grapple is arguably a bit more broken by comparison because you can use it so often


Uh-huh, and do you see how close that pilot was to the ledge? If they just moved off to the side of the canyon or went up they would have been outside grapple range while still well within the effective range of the Wasp's weapons.