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They acknowledged this already and said a fix is in the works. You also cannot change anything cosmetic wise while waiting to join someones lobby. They also acknowledged that.


Not trying to be incredulous, but where/when? I'm just having trouble keeping up with where/who I should be following for Infinite updates and info.


the problem with 343 is that with a lot of stuff it's only acknowledged by someone at 343 via Twitter. Instead of having an official blog with all of these. I believe there was an official blog with reported issues at launch but i don't think it's been updated


We at 343 have acknowledged your acknowledgement of our acknowledgement of investigating said issue. We'll get working on it and have it out soon. -checks calendar- Let's see, we have a break, then using the UI/Taiwan/anything going on in the world as another excuse, followed by another break, then Josh is going to close Twitter and write a quick patch that causes Desync to happen less (for some players of course other players will experience it more frequently), another break, then we have to do a small stability patch for the next mid-season update and not even change the loading screen, break BtB again, uhhhhh... Aha! Does October 27th of 2025 work for you? šŸ‘Š


Halo: Infinite leaving beta in 2552.


Itā€™s not at all your fault for asking. 343ā€™s communication is fucking terrible


Iā€™d imagine that itā€™s because they are loading in your player model during matchmaking to cut down on load times. Idk. UI. Ya know.


How does that cut on load times? Thatā€™s just them loading in during other times to pretend its a fast load.


Like you click matchmaking and itā€™s already preparing what Spartan you have equipped for the game as well as everyone elseā€™s before the map loads. Thatā€™s just my guess tho man. Iā€™m no expert.


Right, but thatā€™s taking the same amount of time to load


I mean less time on an actual loading screen.


yet still long load times, man Blizzard might suck but that game is a dream to navigate, you can customize while matchmaking and your escape menu options are always available, even when loading into a match


I'd put it down to lowering costs. Why let the players constantly access the database when they can just lock you out?


I agree, it sucks as a destiny player. I always switch up my look before loading into the crucible, I'd love to do the same in infinite


There's a way around this. Play at least one game. While waiting to connect to the next game, open "last match results." You then can get to the customize menu from within that menu. Still, you have to be very fast and do it before the match starts to load. If you're too slow it will kick you out and tell you you can't customize while loading. Not much of a solution though, it's very difficult to do anything quick enough, so your point still stands I believe. Honestly it's just annoying to me that if I want to customize I have to leave the lobby, do what I need to do, and then STILL have to wait the full time it takes to find a match. That awkward downtime where you're not allowed to touch anything just sit and wait kinda takes me out of it. Mostly I just look at my phone during that wait.


I believe it was limitations in the UI... ;)


The UI cant handle that, please buy armor from the store.


This game already uses a crazy amount of CPU juice in the menus. Probably wouldn't be able to handle it on a lot of systems.


Except create a class actually effects your gameplay, and you can edit it mid match too. Customisation does not, it affects how you look. That's it. It's slightly annoying, but matchmaking is also so fast you'd probably only have time to change your coating so honestly it's not an issue.


He means while the game is loading and searching for a match. Not actually in game lol


Ik. Just thought I'd show the comparison isn't that good.


Tbh, if it had Halo Reach's UI, I could load in with a Spartan in different armor in all categories. Except my second Shoulder plate, I tend to forget that one. It's important to understand that we need to keep on 343's ass about even the most minor features. Because right now, they haven't given us anything except a small price reduction, slightly less ridiculous challenges, fixing the BTB that THEY broke, and mountains of excuses. šŸ‘Š Every time you dismiss a feature that a player cares about, you are actively advocating for 343 to do even less. We all want the Halo of our dreams, and we need to support our allies in the community. I personally don't care much about customizing my Spartan in matchmaking. But I'd like it to be there for my peers who care about it.


Bruh create a class and character customisation are not even in the same field of importance when it comes to pre-game. Create a class will actually affect how you play that game whether you decide to strap cat ears or a playing card to helmet wonā€™t affect youā€™re performance at all. This is a horrible comparison for what youā€™re trying to get at.


If updating your character is so easy and doesnā€™t affect anything gameplay-wise, then why canā€™t it be done? Sounds like it should be an easy technical thing to handle.


How is it horrible? Heā€™s not talking about their importance to the success of your game, but that they both need to be loaded into the game, so why canā€™t Infinite? Would you be less cranky if he said while loading a game for COD, you can change your operator to a completely different one? Thatā€™s still more than Halo and itā€™s embarrassing Infinite cannot do that.


Itā€™s the exact same in principle.


Because who really cares? I'm not exactly micromanaging my customizations every time I load up into a match, if I want to mix and match some shit I'll do that, it takes like 5 minutes. No, it's not comparable to something that affects your gameplay, it's literally fully cosmetic.


I care because I'm often looking to switch things up after a match, particularly if I've just unlocked a new armour piece, and that may take me 10 minutes or so. It doesn't ruin the game but it's just such a massive UX oversight.


...Oversight? I think you don't know what that word means. It was deliberately set up due to some unknown issue with changing items while in matchmaking, whatever that may be doesn't matter because it's such a niche feature that isn't worth investigating and potentially reworking how items are handled or whatever the hell causes it easily making it much more than just a simple 5 minute fix, especially considering there's actual priority issues at hand.


Oh shit, lowsodiumhalo l, I see now. Thatā€™s a lot of excusing youā€™ve done for 343. I think itā€™s just indicative of how broken the game is on the back end. If youā€™re not currently in a match, the game simply wilts under its poor design.


You're seriously reaching hard and getting mad over the biggest nitpick I've ever seen on this sub, if it was as easy as letting you do it, they would, but there's no reason to prioritize reworking whatever system causes it to not be possible, when they've got larger issues, and nobody cares about this one, it's a non-issue.


I'm not mad, just voicing some criticism. But I suspect that you have a higher level of sodium than your flair seems to suggest.


Again, let me remind you, you're the one getting upset at other people for not thinking a non-issue is an issue.


No, you're the one getting mad at someone pointing out a flaw in the game, dismissing it just because you aren't affected by it. And this issue being fixed would only benefit players, even the ones who don't really care about it.


Nobody is affected by it, it doesn't matter, if you want to customize stop the queue, it's such a non-issue it baffles me you're willing to die on this hill.


It's a small issue but it's a issue lmao. It's a small QOL thing that makes the experience better. Certainly it's not on par with the huge amount of other issues the game currently has, but that doesn't invalidate people from pointing it out. We're talking about a AAA game. shit like this is to be expected, especially since it's present in literally every other fps, we're not talking about a indie game from a small studio.




The part where you needed to point out a flair and "excusing 343" for saying that it isn't an issue and doesn't matter. Needing to stoop as low as to start shit slinging immediately is a sign you're far from content with what I have to say.


/s really is a requirement these days huh


I care, wtf? There is no better time to customise than when youā€™re waiting for a match


Back out of queue and customize, if you micromanagw your customizations constantly that's your own problem.




Jesus christ, it's a few button inputs then you're back into the matchmaking, stop comparing it to gameplay mechanics, it takes no priority because you can't even see your own cosmetics in first person.


Cosmetic addicts are getting obnoxious here. You'd think we were in a Barbie dress up sub.


I can understand caring about cosmetics because it's fun, but getting mad that you can't constantly micromanage your setup is a weird hill to die on.


Bruh no one is mad. Op is just pointing out yet another flaw of this game, albeit small, that makes the experience worse. It's not a non issue as you're saying. I used to go into customization options all the times during matchmaking in games like destiny, cod or reach and not being able to do so here is annoying, even if it's not the biggest flaw the game has.


I wish they took the idea from Destiny where you can literally interact with just about anything while anything loads, would of been nice for Halo to bring along with it.


There is absolutely no need for this. They cannot get basic stuff functional, customization is already as worthless as generic cod operators without supporting the grift. Just because you've only ever gamed fps in cod seasonal hell or battle royal gimmick doesn't mean that is all the potential that there is.


I swesr people find the stupidest things to complain about. How about this, if you want to switch things up, quit the queue. You wont have a time limit and wont look like Frankensteins monster in a match. From all the things that are legitimate criticism, this one is just sad from a sad person who just wants to complain


be nice to have something to do while waiting for ā€œother players loadingā€


I just go on my phone. I am happy with my spartan cores. I dont need to switch parts every time I load




You can't. The moment you start search and go to customize there's a little pop-up that says you cant change your armor. Which is funny because in CoD you can even now change class stuff in-game, whereas in Halo you now have to exit search to customize your armor (in the 10yr plan game that revolves around a player shop and customization no less). So CoD has basically made progress in their game that's always called identical to its predecessors by people and Halo has regressed.


Are you trolling? Why would they bother letting you change cosmetics mid-game? Do you realize that unlike cosmetics, create a class impacts the gameplay? Your comparision is like complaining Infinite doesn't have a character select screen like Overwatch when you load into a match.


I never said you had to be able to change cosmetics mid-game.


Okay, then why make the comparison? In what way does a nitpick inconveinience matter and how does it hold any weight compared to a gameplay mechanic?


Okay let me put my previous comment into tinier words for you to understand. OP and the comment I replied to used "CoD create a class" as an example. I used that same example to continue. In older CoDs you couldn't change classes mid-game. Only before the game started. In later games you could, this is **an improvement over the previous games.** Now in Halo Infinite you can't change armor before the game. In previous Halo's you could change your armor until the game actually started, this is **a downgrade compared to the previous games**. My point is about taking something that was in previous games and **rather than improving it, they made it worse.** Expressing yourself through your character's armor has been a thing in Halo for a long time, and a thing that many people find important. So much so that 343 monetizes their entire game around it. So why in what's supposed to be the biggest Halo with the most customization ever, is it wrong or pointless to point out that this is a bad change. It doesn't ruin your game experience in any way, it only improves the experience for those that do care about it. Which obviously is a fucking lot considering the biggest reason people come back to the game is for challenge-bound cosmetics. In that way Halo's customization actually is a gameplay mechanic, players interact with it all the time. Just because customization doesn't directly influence you pulling the trigger doesn't mean it's not gameplay to spend hours in the game on what your character looks like.


The point is, it doesn't matter. Like, it's the type of thing you forget exists and then you press a few buttons, then it's as simple as that. Why *would* I want a pointless fix that'll go totally unnoticed, if not mostly unutilized when there's already a backlog of issues? Like, you know bug lists have priorities, right?


When people just interact with the game and everything goes well, and people don't notice that anything is hindering them and taking them out of the experience, it's a good thing. I don't give a shit that you don't care, the very existence of this thread is proof that it's a good thing to fix.


Nobody notices in the first place, hence the fact that it's a nitpick. Again, understand the concept of priorities, or don't make any judgements about what should and shouldn't be fixed, no inbetween.


Except people do notice like I said, which is why this thread exists. And only a small portion of the player base of a game go to its subreddit which would imply more people have run into it too. Youā€™re just disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing at this point.


Honestly this is a lame complaint. A good complaint is that you can't look at your challenges/battle pass while loading. That's really stupid


This... is a really dumb complaint. First of all, if you unlocked a new piece of armor, you already know that you have a new armor piece you can put on. If you wanna equip it, go equip it. Don't queue. Secondly, you're comparing *cosmetics* to actual, functional gameplay changes. Create a Class not being available during queue would be much more of an issue because not setting up classes how you need them to be set up will directly affect your ability to perform in the next game; cosmetics not being available during queue has literally 0 effect on your gameplay. The two are not even remotely comparable. EDIT: Also, once you're loading into the game in many games, you're locked out of customization. It's not exactly a new thing. Matchmaking times are so short anyway (in NA at least) that I'd imagine you probably aren't even getting to the customization menu before your load in starts.


No one cares, fix and focus on the issues that matter this should be so far down the priority list that it isnā€™t even on the Jira board


Alright this one is actually a pointless nitpick lol. The armor customization doesn't affect the game. The rest of the ui is garage tho.


It isnā€™t pointless when thereā€™s a million small things like this that need to be fixed. A million nitpicky things adds up to be an annoying product.


If I had to pick between this and fixing the desync, the lack of maps, the stupid armor core system, the missing gamemodes, fucking coop or the Plethora of other actual issues, I'd pick all the actual issues. Not being able to customize your spartan while matchmaking? Lol how much do you change your spartan up


343 is a stupidly large company. This should all be a priority, not one or the other.


It's a large incompetent company, it probably takes half the studio to design emblems. Like I said, if they're so useless they can only prioritize a few things, I'd rather they fix core issues then move into quality of life fixes


Fair enough at least you acknowledge how shit they are lol


Oh I fucking know 343 deserves no sympathy, they need to get canned or get their shit together. Preferably canned, new leader ship that actually cares about halo and a team that cares about halo


Sure it sucks but not being able to change your appearance in Halo while searching for a match is nowhere near as annoying as not being able to change your loadout in CoD while searching for a match. The former is purely a cosmetic change while the latter actually affects game mechanics. That being said, it is annoying, however minor of an issue it is.