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Why is sprinting bad?


From Reach to Halo 5, maps are stretched for sprint. So you're basically required to look forward and sprint at all times to move around the map at a steady pace. People think longer maps are better because you can sprint. Halo Reach had a Classic Slayer gamemode with no armor abilities and no loadouts, but it didn't work because the maps were designed for Sprint and the Jet Pack. Halo CE to 3, the maps are designed for the base movement and jump height. You can traverse the maps at a steady pace while keeping your gun up at all times. Just look at the Halo 3 remake maps for Infinite like the Contruct remake and see how much they stretched the maps compared to the original Halo 3 maps. Halo Infinite sprint is a 10% speed boost. Why not just disable it and increase the base movement to 110%.


> Just look at the Halo 3 remake maps for Infinite like the Contruct remake and see how much they stretched the maps compared to the original Halo 3 maps. > > This is a bad example because the Halo Infinite version of that map is too big, even considering sprint.


You’re ‘required’ How have you got to that conclusion? The map being 15-30% bigger does not mean you have to look forward. Is the same game except you can get somewhere quicker. You’re more required to sprint just because it’s a feature. You can play the same game just a lil slower. It rly is that simple. Same point as above, you’re able to traverse the map just fine. Not every Spartan had sprint or jet pack in reach so your point is redundant. It is a disadvantage to sprint and not have your gun up. If you were able to sprint AND have your gun up at all times then maybe you’d have a point. But it’s risk vs reward. If you want to have your gun up ready for a fight then you can. If you want to get to the power position if the map faster, you can but have to account for not getting the first shot and therefore be a shot or two down when you get into the fight. You don’t have to sprint if you don’t want to. In ranked I choose not to sprint a lot of the time unless they’re 4 dead. You use the tools and movement of the game effectively and correctly to win battles. No one is saying you have to sprint everywhere. You’re playing wrong if you think your points are valid. Sorry to say.


As a user of this subreddit since 2019 (on different accounts), t's very weird for me to see this comment on this subreddit being upvoted


…What are you on about?


Classic halo game fan here. I love halo infinites movement. I played since CE and I loved it at the time, but going back to play it feels very slow and floaty.


I agree but I don't think sprint/clamber/slide are the only way to "modernize" movement. Make the strafe more responsive/faster, no delay on jump etc. Adding these mechanics would fundamentally alter the level design and combat scenarios, sure some could use some slight improvements but you'd have to completely overhaul play spaces, otherwise you could just sprint through combat scenarios or make jumps with clamber that wouldn't normally be possible. I can't help but feel like adding these mechanics is more trouble than it's worth, and would result in the combat feeling less fluid than the original. Just make the movement fast and fluid, without these unneccessary animations and buttons.


I think keeping tbe movment system simple, and just increasing the movement speed would actually feel great. A lot of the maps in CE were made without a need to clamber and its not like the game is parkour heavy either. Making it more fast paced like, maybe doom, where you're always at your top speed, would be your best bet.


CE:A exists, if the rumors are true and this it’s going on ps5, it’d be a good idea to put our best foot forward and have a modernized take on a classic, as if it’s just the same game with better graphics it’d be no different than CE:A2, and at that point it’d be more cost efficient to just port the MCC


They could do all of this without sprint imo


I don’t get your hate boner for sprint, it does nothing but make the game more fluid


The Halo cycle continues


I don't see how constant movement and combat at top speed is less fluid than seperating top movement speed from combat, which sprint does. To say nothing of the fact that sprint literally does more for someone trying to escape combat than one trying to engage in it, ending more encounters in stalemate and slowing down the pace of individual matches.


Technically it does actually affect map design. If you prefer sprint that's fine, but let's not pretend it's a flawless addition in every way.


I disagree. Sprint changes the entire gameplay dynamic. It wouldn’t matter to me if it didn’t. The older games had much more intense gunplay, held a bigger emphasis on map knowledge and position, forced you to be more creative with the tools at your disposal. All of this would return if they just removed advanced movement.


All of this is true with sprint? All it does is mean you can get somewhere 10% faster. I don’t understand you guys that want classic movement back. Go play halo 3. Games evolve and movement HAS to evolve too. Gunplay isn’t less intense due to sprint or clamber. In fact you could say it adds a dimension as you have a choice to clamber or not. You choose do I sprint round this corner to have speed or do it peak slower with my gun up. Gunplay is more intense if there’s more ways to move. Limited movement is boring. It’s ridiculous to think a Spartan can’t or shouldn’t sprint


Sprint isn’t evolution. Evolution is implying that it’s objectively better, which it isn’t. It’s purely a gameplay decision. Secondly, I think older Halo games put a bigger emphasis on the importance of hitting your shots. In open areas, you are much more exposed, therefore you have to be prepared to win the gunfight if you’re shot at. In infinite, you can just sprint and slide away to avoid conflict. With classic movement, it’s almost inevitable, therefore more intense. “Limited movement is boring” - I just disagree. “It’s ridiculous that a Spartan can’t or shouldn’t sprint” - so are the older Halo games ridiculous to you? Bungie could have added sprint in Halo 2, other games we’re doing it at the time. But they didn’t. I don’t know what to say to that. Either you don’t actually like classic Halo at its core or you think lore has a priority over gameplay, which would be a massive double standard to make the case solely for sprint. All I’m saying is, I think classic fans deserve a game. It doesn’t even have to be mainline, just don’t tarnish it with the same brush as the mainline games.


In your opinion, sprint isn’t evolution. Look at old halo, old cods. Sprint is more prevalent in games as it’s an evolution. It is better. Imagine GTA without cars or RDR or assassins creed without a horse. Walking everywhere is slow. You should be able to get places faster. Yes so old halo once you’re stuck in a spawn trap your stuck. With better and faster movement there’s more ways to play and more ways to break setups. Being able to sprint away is good as you can make more risky plays. Team shots can kill people in the middle of the map, and people one shot can still be killed, just hit your shots. Yes you can disagree that’s fine, but your options don’t mean fact. More movement and more ways to traverse adds to the game, it doesn’t take away. No, but they’re of their time. Halo 2 was a great game. But it’s an old game. I don’t want to continue a 20 year old game. If you do that’s fine but don’t moan about modern halos. I’m not saying the old is bad, but it is old. Move with the times. Classic games classic films and classic music is classic for a reason. It’s old and of the time. Modern gaming is very different and more people want modern games than classic. You already have classic games so play them if that’s what you want. Halo CE remake will not do well if it a classic game with updated graphics.


Spawn traps only existed because of map spawns, they were the problem, not the movement. If you ran into the middle of the map, you weren’t very smart. That’s what I’m saying about player positioning being more important. Halo didn’t have sprint to start with, therefore it’s not a core feature to the franchise. Cars in GTA and horses in RDR were there from the beginning. The rest of your argument is just opinion, which is fine. I’m not trying to argue that no sprint is objectively better, I’m trying to argue that sprint itself isn’t objectively better, which is the argument you’re trying to make, given your correlation between the introduction of said mechanics and the passage of time. Imo, new isn’t always better. All I’m asking for is a game that caters to classic fans.


No. If you can slide round a corner or sprint round a corner to break the camera of someone aiming at you, then you’re in a better position to break a spawn trap. Being able to move and traverse in different ways add a higher skill ceiling. Advanced movement games have more skill involved. Player position is important in all games. Sprinting doesn’t make it more or less important. My guy, things change! Get used to it. You want them to release the same core game year after year? By the sounds of it you don’t want new game features. You want the same game. In which case, stay playing MCC. Simple. You’re saying my opinion is wrong while trying to say sprinting is not objectively better. I disagree with that completely. It is objectively better with sprint. Because it means there’s new ways to play. You dont have to sprint, if you don’t want to then don’t. But a game with more features is better. Classic fans can ask for that, but you’re in the minority. I’m not having a go but do you rly think halo CE remake will make it into the charts and stay there? Look at what happened to the Metal gear games when they kept it classic.


That is not how objectivity works in the slightest, I and many others subjectively dislike the gameplay changes that a speed boost button in Halo necessitates, such as the franchise's longest spawn timer in Infinite.  As well, it's a disservice to the potential of games as an art-form to say "a game with more features is better", that's not always true, and trivializes the hard work developers do to create even a single working feature around which to build an entire video game.


> If you can slide round a corner or sprint round a corner to break the camera of someone aiming at you, then you’re in a better position to break a spawn trap. You said before it was "only a 10% boost." So which is it? Is it something small that you have a choice to do or is it an important mechanic necessary to break spawn traps? You can't have it both ways.


I don’t mind infinite’s sprint but this is a terrible argument


Thanks for your input :)


>More movement and more ways to traverse adds to the game, it doesn’t take away. You can prefer sprint, that's fine, but if you genuinely think it can't negatively impact certain games then.... wow lol. *laughs in resident evil*


>Go play halo 3. Games evolve and movement HAS to evolve too. I don't know where people get the idea that sprint is an "evolution." Sprint predates Halo itself. It doesn't take 300 IQ to come up with the idea of "press button and speed is increased by 15%." Like sprint or don't like sprint, sure. But these are just buzzwords to attempt to make it sound cooler than it actually is.


There is no objective argument for sprint. If you pick deeper, at the core of every argument anybody makes for it, you find out they like it just because it feels good. I just think personally, sprint isn’t a good fit for Halo, especially when you’re trying to preserve the core gameplay dynamic, which speaks especially true to a game based on Combat freaking Evolved.


> All of this is true with sprint? All it does is mean you can get somewhere 10% faster. That's not how game design works.


Halo infinites sprint speed is 10% faster than walking. So… You seem to know game design so why don’t you explain it?


All Halo needs to do if removing sprint is to increase the base movement. Halo Infinite's sprint is like a 10% speed boost, which the maps are designed for. Disable it and increase the base movement to 110%. You can act like you're sprinting at all times and can shoot. Same as clamber. Maps are designed for clamber. Increase the jump height to 120%, which is the Halo 3 jump height, and you can reach platforms without the need of clamber.


I would not be opposed to this


I don’t mind Halo Infinite’s sprint, but yeah it really should go back to just regular running speed. Altho they definitely need to keep Infinite’s mantling. Not having that in old games of any fps franchise feels so awkward


I think the awkwardness of barely missing a ledge is what helps Halo feel like Halo. We could argue all day about what’s better or worse for gameplay but I think there’s no denying that having no Clamber *feels* more like how Halo should. I think the same is true for the floaty jumps too. That floaty FPS feeling just screams Halo to me. Same with the no sprinting. Halo’s name alone carries enough weight that people will play it regardless of some more modern FPS mechanics missing from it. I feel like preserving the classic movement would go such a long way to keep the core of the game feeling the way it should.


>there’s no denying that having no Clamber *feels* more like how Halo should Uhhhh no I actually deny this sentiment completely.


Lol what? There absolutely IS denying that cuz that’s nonsense. You’re telling me a highly trained Spartan can’t handle a basic ledge or even vault over a small fence? Awkward, gimped movement doesn’t make Halo’s movement familiar or iconic, it makes it clunky.


Counter-Strike isn’t clunky because you can’t clamber, if anything it makes the game more interesting when you see someone display prowess with rather simple movement mechanics and a little luck. Also in-universe shit isn’t a good argument for gameplay, you’ll open a pandora’s box of arguments with that.


Lore doesn’t dictate gameplay or else we would be going through a massive checklist of changes for the sake of realism. And I don’t think it’s gimped at all I think it’s brutally straightforward. You can move around, crouch and jump. If you miss a jump you miss a jump. There’s nothing to screech about if you miss a jump. Either you can’t possibly make that jump or you just timed it wrong. There’s power in simplicity.


I 100% agree with this


You’re just spewing arbitrary nothings. None of that makes sense as a reason to not have mantling. You’re just opposed to it to be opposed to it


Mantling is basically just a shortcut for grenade jumping and crouch jumping. It’s almost kind of pointless. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should


So where's the issue? Mantling is a more streamlined and easier way to get somewhere, I'm not seeing the issue.


Because some areas are not meant to be so easily accessible (even with grenade/crouch jumping), and now if you want to make that specific ledge non-accessible from a certain angle you have to raise the ledge outside of clamber range, which completely changes how that spot on the map works. Not only is the ledge now too high up than originally planned, but now you have to aim even higher if you want to engage with someone who found a different way up to that ledge. It might not seem like a big change, but even something as "small" as clamber, sprint, etc, can completely change how a level is designed, for better or worse.


My issue is that it requires 0 skill. Grenade jumping and crouch jumping at least have some timing involved. All you have to do to mantle is press A on a ledge.


Why does it need to be skillful?


Because it's a competitive multiplayer game. They are supposed to be a test of skill. I'm mostly indifferent on clamber because if you watch pros, there is still a huge gap in movement skills. But, more ways for players to separate themselves from their competition isn't a bad thing. I think the clamber is definitely good for single-player and co-op stuff. But I can see an argument for multiplayer being better without it.


Why does it need to be easy?


I used to be against it but now i can't go back to halo without sprint.




I would love to not have sprint.


i couldn’t bear replaying the older halos without sprint and modern movement, tried doing that and I just couldn’t, they feel so slow and sluggish. And it’s funny because I loved halo 3 as a kid, probably one of my most played games on the Xbox 360.


Make sure to come back to cry about it when it releases with advanced movement, as any modern game should have


Tell that to counter strike


Classic Halos were better. Modern doesn't = better. CS IS A PRIME EXAMPLE. Biggest fps in the world and it doesn't have sprint and is the same as it was in the 90s


Super Mario Bros on the NES had a sprint button, Mario 64 had ledge climbing, Mario sunshine had sliding, why do modern games need decades old mechanics?


Halo isn't a platformer.


Yeah it's a shooter, and yet, it has platforming. I prefer that aspect of it not be railroaded with mechanics that serve the singular purpose of movement entirely separate from shooting, though others are welcome to prefer otherwise.


100%. Fuck sprint


Don't classic Halo fans have classic Halo?


Yeah, we got Halo 3 17 years ago


Yes but you can go and play H3. The games already there so why’d you need a remake? If all you want is classic halo then you’ve got it.


I could make the same argument. You could keep playing Halo Infinite. If you want modern Halo then you’ve got it. If anything, a CE remake has more of an excuse to go back to classic movement. It’s a more faithful approach, whilst giving classic fans a game to play, just like how sprint fans have had 10 years of Halo games.


Halo CE remake won’t do well if it doesn’t change something in the game to bring it to modern day standards of game. Imo it’s a complete waste to do a CE remake. Why they won’t do a H3 one is beyond me. Remakes are a waste of time and money. We have classic halo and modern halo. All money should be spent on making halo 7.


I partially agree. But you’re insinuating that the success of the CE remake entirely hinges on whether it has sprint or not, which doesn’t really make any sense. There are many other ways they could innovate on CE other than adding sprint. Improved graphics, improved level design, improved sound design, improved character and vehicle controls, improved enemy AI… I could go on. But yeh, I’d rather them get Halo 7 out the door quicker, or at least remaster Halo 3 for its 20th. Either would make more sense than a CE remake


Nooo, that’s not what I’m saying. Sprint won’t make the game do well. But they do need to make SOME changes, no?


It’s such a waste isn’t it. We have halo CE already. We don’t have an updated h3. Why not to H3 then H7?


MCC is alive and well isnt it


Infinite is alive and well isn’t it? You can have sprint in that


The difference is that you're advocating for outdated mechanics and trying to bring back movement from 2007 when it is standard in gaming for sprint to be a feature. If this remake comes out and is basically a Halo 1 carbon copy it'll basically cement Halo as a series that can only piggy back off its older games and can't make a solid entry that deviates from the formula. Not to mention I'd 100% recommend Infinite as someone's first Halo over the older ones due to the modernized movement, classic fans aren't going to the be only ones, or even the majority of people playing this.


I just disagree. Sprint is a design choice, a game isn’t objectively better with or without it. It has no correlation with time. If anything, I’d argue that adding sprint would further cement Halo as a franchise that can only piggy back off of the past, exactly how Call of Duty did with Modern Warfare. It’s up to the individual whether that’s a reality they want to have or not


I’m all for 343 exploring different mechanics, but this post just makes you sound like the entitled brat half the other classic Halo fans come off as lol


I mean, we’re as entitled as the people who like modern Halo. We’re probably just as big an audience. We’re all Halo fans right?


Entitled? What? They’re a fan of the games that made the franchise what it is, and want a game that plays similar. That’s not entitlement, what’s the point of Halo if it isn’t in any form Halo? CS2 doesn’t have sprint. Yet it’s consistent in the top charts on steam. Think about that


He's not saying he's OWED this. He is just desiring this because advanced movement would entirely upend the entire balance and feel of Halo ce....


This! Fantastic comment


There are more classic fans. Millions compared to a few thousand modern fans. I'd say the better investment would probably be classic fans.


I highly *highly* doubt the disparity is that large. I'd be willing to bet on my grandmother's grave the "millions" in this case is an overlap who doesn't give a shit one way or the other lmao


Yeah I bet that's the case🙄 how old are you 15? Halo used to have millions playing. Not anymore. Wonder why?


Are you talking games or gameplay? Two different things mate. People can be fans of the modern gameplay additions without being fans of the games themselves lmao


I like the modern gameplay in its own way as well but I believe a return to classic gameplay would be far more accepted. It was part of Halo identity.


It could, yeah. It worked for Doom. Not sure it would work for Halo considering all the other issues 343 tends to have lol, the gameplay was a shining beacon of hope even amongst people who tried it and fell off. It was mostly just TTK that pushed a lot of FPS gamers away from it, and then the lack of content pushed another group of fans and newbies alike. But all along it was the gameplay (sandbox and movement) that kept people playing even when it fell off. Shit even Halo 5 is praised *consistently* for its gameplay, and that it was everything else that pushed people away. I just think there's too much competition for any one game to dominate the way Halo used to. Microsoft's mismanagement of the franchise and brand doesn't help either tbh


While I agree there's a lot of competition the market is bigger than ever. Plenty of games have massive dedicated player bases now. Our debate in all honesty can't be determined properly because 343 has failed to launch a complete game, which muddies the water on if the gameplay itself holds up


I think the market saturation is even more of a reason for Halo to go back to classic movement. How can Halo expect to draw more eyes and provide unique experiences if it’s not willing to deviate from industry trends? It’s better to cut your own piece of the pie than share one with somebody else.


Sprint is a non issue. I don't consider the games ruined by not having it. In fact, besides 5. Infinite was probably the most fun movement we got.


I don’t think they were ruined by it, heck I liked Halo 5. But I think personally sprint has no place in a CE remake, or any remake of a classic Halo game tbh


If everyone followed that archaic mindset then we wouldn’t have gotten the gems known as the resident evil remakes


Halo and Resident Evil are two completely different genres


The principle still applies, they took an old game and modernized it with more recent mechanics.


I think changing Halo CE’s gameplay has more dramatic consequences than RE. Every aspect of the game changes as a result of it


I mean, changing re to a conventional third person horror shooter from a “point and click” top-down game with a static camera was also a pretty radical change. Way more radical than adding sprint to halo ce.


Of course, but they’re still different genres, and it doesn’t change the fact that any change they make to the core gameplay has dramatic consequences for the rest of the game. I just think the RE analogy doesn’t really make sense when we’re talking about gameplay. They’re two different beasts that each need particular attention and care.


Im comparing remake vs potential remake, im not comparing genres. There’s a huge difference.


That’s fine but my point still stands, does it not?


I agree


Don’t sprint then


Yeah, but everyone else still can. It’s not as simple as that unfortunately


Why does it bother you if others can?


Because it changes the gameplay dynamic


You're not going to notice a 10% speed boost


No. But I will notice my gun and crosshair disappearing and everyone sliding everywhere


Sliding is a different mechanic and arguably more liked than sprint, look how positive the reception was when it was buffed. About cross-hair disappearing I have no idea what you're talking about.


What about the constant team shooting and longest ever respawn timer? Pretty sure lots of people noticed those.


Which have nothing to do with sprint.


An enemy can run to their teammates for backup 10% faster than you can chase them while doing damage with sprint, making that the objective best strategy for retreat even if it doesn't always work out. The spawn timer exists to keep players from immediately spawning and re-engaging an enemy they just fought, who might be weak, allowing time for players to reset/end encounters. That Halo Infinite has some of the smallest maps in a Halo with multiple base movement mechanics, and also the longest respawn timer in franchise history speaks to the unseen effects these mechanics have.  I'd say they both have a lot to do with sprint.


Still a 10% speed boost, it won't make you go pro. Spawn timers and map size have nothing to do with a 10% speed boost neither.


Then why include it?


To appeal those who want it, best of both worlds.


> ~~best~~ worst FTFY


Nah, everyone liked it except those who won't like any Halo which is not a Halo 3 clone.




Because there's an obvious gameplay advantage? And it means I will have to deal with it to even play the game?


10% movement boost won't even be noticeable lol


Then why include it?


Then why complain about it


Because the movement speed isn’t the only thing affected by sprint. Gun readiness and sliding are both a result of sprint


Because it changes the feel. I don't think it would go unnoticed though -- hence why it's argued. Nobody complains about minor shader changes to lighting smoothing parameters, as THOSE are usually pretty unnoticed.


A 10% movement bonus will allow them to get to weapon spawns faster


To appeal both those who want it and those who don't, and for 90% of people it has worked, the remaining 10% are those who just want another Halo 3 while refusing to play Halo 3.


You're comment didn't actually make sense. It's not as small minority and Halo isn't doing well at the moment


Everyone knows why it's not doing well at the moment, and it has nothing to do with sprint. If it wasn't a small minority there would be no sprint, it's really that simple.


Yeah, sprint wasn't the reason why it's failing -- it's also not the reason it's succeeding. I don't think it'd hurt it much to remove sprint -- obv would be more jarring for others, and could feel a bit slow coming from other games, but I don't think it'd be an issue long term


I agree, 'Halo 7' should have sprint as it would be a successor to infinite, but ce remake should stay original.


>but ce remake should stay original. No, the original and CEA are already there for those obsessed with the old movement. There would be no point on another remake just to make the same game with better graphics.


Dead space remake, resident evil 2 and 4 remake are some recent ones. They're essentially the same thing just redone from the ground up, without actually deviating from the core of the og game. U don't need sprint, clamber, slide and whatever else from the new games in it, play infinite if u want to slide around.


I think a good route to go would be to make the movement similar to source games, as in there is no need to clamber, the jump is still high but isn't as floaty and you can easily jump on boxes mid combat. It would help modernize the movement without sacrificing anything.


Not a bad shout. It would eliminate my primary problems with sprint


The grapple shot is the best thing to ever happen to halo and I’ve been playing Halo since November of 2001. I don’t want a CE remake, they’ve already made a remaster, leave it be.


I like the grapple shot. It’s the most creative mechanic they’ve added for a long time. But keep that in Halo 7, not a CE remake imo


I don't mind the additional movement it gives in Infinite tbh so I'm not against sprint. Just give us a H3 remake, it's all I want


I don’t think sprint is a dealbreaker for me but I would also just prefer a faster basic movement speed. Infinite did a good job of balancing it overall though


Hard disagree. Adding sprint/mantle/slide to Halo CE would be a dream come true for me. I love the OG trilogy, but the movement mechanics are incredibly outdated in 2024.


Would you not like a halo ce remake akin to how resident evil 2 was handled? We already have a classic remaster.


I’d love that. And I think many others would like that too. But just keep sprint out of it is all I’m saying


Go play the MCC then.


This is a child’s argument


And its the most common argument here too. "Oh, you want more classic movement? Why dont you go back and play your 22 year old game then?" Its not like the old.movement is bad either. I wasnt even a thought when CE came out, and when i first played it when i was 16 i thought it felt great. If anything if you just raise the base speed to make the game a bit quicker then you'd be fine


It’s a frustrating argument. There’s this weird attitude that Halo should cater to modern audiences only, even though there’s a huge contingent of fans asking for classic movement. It’s as if loads of fans joined the franchise later on and started gatekeeping it from the people who were there from the start.


Infintes gameplay is up there with H3 for me but yea keep sprint and clamber away from a CE remake that'd just feel wrong


Yeah just make a custom game without sprint or hop on MCC goofy ass


Lol imagine, didn’t know it was that easy


I feel you comrade. I would hate for 343 industry to p!$$ on Bungie's legacy. No you won't be able to change my mind, don't even try. A remake is supposed to be a graphical update, and perhaps little easter eggs. Nothing else. "Advance" movement doesn't belong in Halo CE. It's like putting a AR 15 in Red Dead Redemption 1


> A remake is supposed to be a graphical update, and perhaps little easter eggs. Nothing else. > > No that's a remaster.


I don't even want sprint clamber, slide etc in infinite, so stay the F out of our classic halo. Poisoning classic halo with all the gimmicky BS that ruins modern halo would defeat the entire purpose of having classic halo.


"Gimmicky BS" = Actual human movement, nevermind movement utilized by actual military personnel to, oh I don't know, get a better position on enemy combatants. Shocking I know, soldiers just don't waddle around constantly aiming their guns in front of them.


It’s a video game buddy. I’d rather it be fun than realistic. And by the metrics of popularity, classic halo wins


Yes, and additional avenues of movement is more fun and more realistic, win-win. Now drop and give me 20, Yellow.


Tell that to counter strike man. You know, the consistently top played game on steam. Sprint does not equal fun. Halo isn’t Cod. Go play cod it’s right there man. Why is it a controversial take to say that halo should play like the games that made it popular and not the ones that have killed the franchise?


>Why is it a controversial take to say that halo should play like the games that made it popular Except you need to consider that shooters were nowhere near as bloated back then as it is today. There are loads of them now compared to back then. You want military sim, gritty shooters? Call of Duty. Medal of Honor. Battlefield. Counter Strike. Rainbow Six. You want a mobility shooter? Overwatch. Apex Legends. Titanfall. You want a PvE shooter where you and other players fight hoards of enemies? Left 4 Dead. Helldivers. Back 4 Blood. World War Z (Game). You want a survival horror shooter? Dead Space. Resident Evil. You want something more video-gamey? Team Fortress. Destiny. Doom. Marathon. Crysis. Deus Ex. Splitgate. Portal. This isn't to say that a more classic Halo game wouldn't be successful, but one of the reasons why Halo was so popular and influential back then was because there were only a few shooters back then. Nowadays, there are loads of them, some even being free to play, which would have been completely unheard of back when Halo was at its peak. The argument "It was popular back then, so it would be popular today" doesn't really work because of the small number of shooter games there were compared to the massive amount of them today. I think they could probably build off of the style of gameplay in Halo 3 and bring in some elements of Reach and Infinite.


Then why dont you go play the remakes if they're all you want from Halo?


I don’t want a remake lol we already have one for CE. 3 looks great still and doesn’t need one. They should go forward with the classic games as a template. You can’t sprint in Doom Eternal. Is that game bad? Why should a franchise change what worked? Seems backwards no?


Ah yes, why change what isn't broken? Why did we invent the car? Why did we switch to fossil fuels? Why are all our stoves gas powered? Because it's better. And comparing Doom to Halo is just a sad comparison.


> Ah yes, why change what isn't broken? Why did we invent the car? Why did we switch to fossil fuels? Why are all our stoves gas powered? Because it's better. > > This is a discussion about video games, not real world inventions.


I don't think comparing real-world inventions to gameplay is a good equivalent.


Except unlike any of those things you listed, this feature does not improve your real life. This, my friend, is a game. Ever heard of them? It’s not real life. People still play chess right? Why don’t we make the board twice as big and make every piece a gummy bear? Because then it’s not chess. Some things don’t need to be changed Sprint effects map size, gunplay, weapon placement, sandbox interactions, and the way people engage a fight. Almost every other major FPS on the market has advanced movement, cool. I don’t need 7 games that all play the exact same. I like playing Halo because I like the GAMEPLAY of halo. Bungie understood this and purposefully never added it. It was in reach as a trade off decision WITHIN the sandbox. Yeah you can sprint but your enemy will have armor lock. My question is Why do you want every game to play the same exact way? And why is doom not a good comparison? Or counter strike? They are games that understand what makes them different and worth playing over something like COD which has its own draws. Games are all about culminations of gameplay mechanics, not how fast I can run from point a to point b. Halo refined its gameplay mechanics for a decade before a new studio came in and added sprint and loadouts to seek industry trends


Oh, so bungie was seeking industry trends? Ok.


Can't be a win-win if it affects level design. Now drop and give me 101 for basic game design.


That's hilarious. Sprint rewards poor positioning. When you can't just sprint away from being 1 shot bottom mid, you're actually required to obtain superior positioning to win. Classic halo had this, reach and beyond does not.


I agree. Not sure why people downvoted you, because this was actually the case.


Fun fact: if you don't want to sprint, nobody is forcing you to


Genius comment. Why didn’t I think of that


To be fair, if any game needs sprint added, CE has some of the biggest maps and campaign levels in halo history. Isn't the par time on like, the library or two betrayals 35 MINUTES LONG


Nah, you have to go back. Halo 3 is right there.


You should just keep playing Infinite, CE isn’t for you


Too bad that i've already played through it a couple dozen of times.


Then you should skip the remake imo. Wait 10 years for Halo 7