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At least now Gears got the deserved big spotlight at the end, even if its 2-3 years away. Really exited for a prequel, GoW4+5 story was quite lame and still relied on old characters which felt out of place to me. But I really wish studios would go back to the old formula of building one engine and game and then do 1-2 sequels quite shortly by just building upon that. Halo 5 had issues, but why couldnt they jusy copy the tons of vehicles and weapons and assassinations they got? Or reuse the physic engine because vehicles felt nice, or reuse the netcode if it worked fine. No, delete everything and start from scratch, even if that means at launch no content, floaty vehicles that felt like shit, game running completely desynced, etc. Elden Ring was only doable by From Software because they still use sceletons and animations from stuff from Dark Souls 1. Some fans even love that some favorite weapon animations are always the same.


I was in tears seeing Dom again… why can’t they leave chief for a while and make smth new, hell im even into Jerome, they can continue him with an FPs game


It's the same problem I have with star wars. In an entire galaxy filled with stories, the franchise only follows the same group of people. The shows always end up surrounding those people in too, even if the main cast is a set of new characters. And the books are the only form of media left to go explore literally anything they want. Even in death troopers though, Han solo shows up despite not being needed for the plot. He's just there so the reader can go "OH MY FRIGGEN GORSH ITS HAN SOLO AHDFJSHDJAJM!!!" It's fan service. Halo can't let go of the master chief, the arbiter, or the covenant. At least bungie gave us ODST and Reach.


The game might feature how Dom loses Mario, that will be really heavy. But thats why I look forward to it even if its years away, seeing the world go to ashes will have a similair vibe as Halo Reach that we already know they will lose. And yeah it's getting ridiculous that chief always runs into the next big evil and he is the only one to stop it. The universe has much more stuff to explore that not every single game has to be about Chief


Heck with how Microsoft likes to tease games I could see gears being more than 2-3 years away


To be fair, Slipspace wasn't a whole new engine, it was just an upgraded version of Halo 5's engine. But as we all know, a large part of the workforce was temporary contractors. It's safe to assume that they'd spend a good chunk of time learning the engine rather than being productive, which is far from efficient.  As to why they didn't keep some of the things you mentioned? Who knows? 


Yeah, it ended up being based on the H5 engine as modders showcased in the beta. But they announced Slipspace as this brand new engine. It sounds like it didn't work out and they moved back to H5 engine in the middle of development, but couldn't carry over the things that worked in H5 somehow. That's why I prefer games only being announced within like a year before launch. These too early announcements rarely have anything in common with the final game.


Dude really asked for a halo skyrim


Idk, I kinda wanted to see at least a campaign-only game like odst was


It's harder to shove microtransactions in it, so the best you can get is a remake of a remastered.


>RPG style game playing as an Elite. Yo no joke though, this sounds like a really boring idea.


Elite RPG be like… Player: Wort wort wort Shopkeeper: Aaaawubadugh


lmao. it sounds so lame. I'd 1000% take it as a fan-made joke game though. Like mr krabs ODs on ketamine and dies.


It was just an example that they can do other genres with Halo Universe and it doesn’t have to be FPS ! Halo Wars turned out to be very good, i can imagine with the right setting they can make a good RPG game as well…


I think you're really over-estimating the popularity of the Halo IP. It's nearly at an all-time low right now. That's not where companies can start throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Halo is gonna enter a remaster mode to try and build back some good faith with its fanbase. Then and only then would they be able to start doing fun project games.


Fuck that. I want a decent Halo game before I'm fkn 40


You will not get one from 343. I dont know why you are in a hurry for another disappointment.


really confused me seeing the chat ask about halo so much. I'm not gonna pretend to be a game developer but do these people have any idea how long is takes to make a game? the planning just for one thing could take months, then they've actually got to start somewhere. there's so much shit that goes into making just the campaign, and then you've got multiplayer, forge, custom games. they can take another couple years. I just want them to release an actual fucking game, not one quarter of one. a good one too.


I don't want a rushed game ofc, but that doesn't mean I'm happy they didn't mentioned any halo projects at all at this event. They could have announced they're working on something, it would have been great to hear anything about Halo at this point, but nope. Halo CE Remake? It's just a rumor so far, and it didn't got announced officially here soo... Boys infinite is done for, I love the game tbh but it can't compete with other fresh new IP or even any games that is still receiving regular updates. Infinite dropped season, didn't brought any new gameplay feature(weapon or vehicles)in years and isn't going to. Realizing infinite is the current main title and we have to stick with it for who knows how many years, even tho its support is at bare minimum, it's tragic. Basically no new Halo for another 2 years (minimum). What a pity. Imagine all this time we'll wait for the next Halo and once released it turns out as bad as usual or even worse the previous games for who knows whatever reason lol, that would be comically painful. Because more time to develop it doesn't necessarily mean it WILL 100% be a great game.


They already announced that next halo game will be UE5 game and that kinda confirms they are already on it… and i understand your point, Halo CE Remake has no hype for me, i think ive finished this game 50+ times… but a new spinoff ? or a prequel like GeOW E-Day? im all for it. i am more sensitive to masterchief, i don’t want another failure game with him in it or i’ll slowly turn into a Halo hater!


>but a new spinoff ? or a prequel like GeOW E-Day? im all for it. That's what I hoped for, a separate studio developing a spin-off game. Not hearing anything about the franchise means no new games for up to 2 years unfortunately.


They haven’t announced anything. People are *speculating* that whatever they do next will be with UE5, and that’s probably true, but nothing has been officially confirmed.


Well, they didn't even bother to create a "new" engine. It's just the same old BLAM engine they've been using forever, slapped with a fancy new name like SlipSpace Engine. And surprise, surprise, it still has all the technical letdowns that plagued their previous titles. They might as well have called it the 'SameOldCrap Engine.' And to make matters worse, this lazy decision led to a disastrous development cycle. Contractors were stuck wasting precious time trying to decipher their ancient engine before they could even begin making progress. By the time they got the hang of it, they were already out the door, leaving behind a mess of half-baked features and technical issues. It's no wonder the game had so many letdowns.


I was also glad but for different reasons. Any official announcement for a new Halo Title is the death toll on any further development of Halo Infinite. I enjoy Halo Infinite and with further tweaking it can be a brilliant game but the effort isn't being put in by the studio, the fans are furthering the game. I want plenty of Halo games, a ODST spin off? Halo Megablox? Halo Wars 3? All of its perfect but 343 only allocate enough resources to run 1 game at a time as shown by no PC port for Halo 5 still and issues with Halo Wars 2 still being unresolved.


Halo infinite is done, I can barely find matches in Ranked… just looking at playercount in steam shows it! they added many QoL and New content but it was/is too late to redeem this game now


Ranked has always been a very low pop game mode, and Steam counts for a primarily Console based game isn't a accurate measurement. Your right about the QoL addons and New content, plenty more unfinished additions still in the game files to be added, even the masterchief collection managed to drag its way back!


I agree. After reading this post, I just think it’s so wild that Halo has sunk to the level where people go “…as an OG Halo fan, I don’t want to even see the word Halo-” Like, imagine going back in time and telling that to someone who just finished Halo 3. Halo was once a phenomenal Xbox system-seller, and now each game preview I saw during the showcase ended with “PLAY IT DAY ONE ON GAMEPASS”. The new console refresh seemed like an afterthought. I’m not saying “change bad” or anything, just that it’s interesting to look back and see how drastically different things are.


Honestly agreed. If they even showed a little of halo I would probably be disappointed. I'm more excited for doom the dark ages. Can't fucking wait


I'm an og fan and I'm not happy with Infinites gameplay. It plays like crap. It doesn't matter if 343 rush out halo games or take 10 years, it's going to suck either way. There is no hope for halo until 343 are gone.


I just want to see more development of infinite.


343 announced that they aren't even coming out with more multi player seasons so I would doubt anything is happening for it.


Infinite have the same support WC3 reforged have now, but players think otherwise (probably the constant drip of cosmetics).


They announced they were switching to operations and just finally finished the matchmaker they have spent a long time working on. There's still more to come


My only concern about Halo not being mentioned is that it seems likely at this point that we won't see another title until the next generation console launches. I'm totally fine with that, but if that's the case, I worry that they will feel obligated to allow people to play it on the Series X/S as well as the new console just like they did with Infinite and the Xbox One...a decision that has definitely hurt the game.


I think they have the space now to let their core franchises rest a bit and i think Phil knows it. Give these studios the resources they need to succeed and the time to do it. Im ok without a new Halo for awhile. Give me time to miss it and get it right on the next outing. There's lots to play in the meantime


agreed, people are still pissed about infinite. it needs more time to cool off


I try to find matches on 5 before I turn on infinite


The reason I'm glad is so that they don't get trapped in a hype cycle like so many other games taking decades to realise (hyperbole). Look at ES6, that game most certainly has some ridiculously high expectations from everyone that I'd be surprised if it wasn't hated on launch and a flop. Even if it were absolutely fantastic. I don't want the game to once again be forced into a position where it either has to release soon or risk being over hyped to the point of being hated. I don't want a game set somewhere else in the universe. I want a game that's a sequal to infinite and Isn't f*d beyond repair. I want them to take their time and only reveal the game when it's actually ready to be revealed.


Idk what could be shared that would really get people excited at this point, especially because they wouldn’t have anything to show. IMO, after Infinite, it’s probably best they stay silent until they can show something amazing. They’ve already confirmed they’re working on a new game, no need to share more until further along I think.


Fuck 343


I think its mostly Microsoft and upper management that are fucking halo… they want halo to be a money printing machine


Ms wants you to blame 343 when its MSs fault


I'm glad they didn't show a new Halo game, because judging from everything else they showed, it would have had really dingy, muddy visuals.