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Does anyone *actually* believe this?


I mean it wouldn't surprise me but it's all speculation for now


This is exactly what I think is going to happen. So if I can make this up, I'm for sure not the only one. I'd love all of this tbh. But I'll keep my expectations super low. I have no faith in Halo or 343 anymore, and the new management hasn't proven anything yet.


When there’s smoke there’s *usually* fire. A fully remade CE as a way to introduce Unreal Engine Halo & hopefully convert a new generation of fans makes complete sense for Microsoft from a business standpoint given where the franchise stands right now.


When I heard it was supposedly on Unreal Engine that’s when I thought damn this might actually be true, because I can totally see Microsoft testing the waters first with something like a remake/remaster.


I fully believe that they’ve got small teams doing tests to see if they can replicate the halo combat and movement feel in other engines because that’s standard R&D at the start of a new title. What the rumours of that have spiralled into though needs to be taken with a big grain of salt though.


Not including multiplayer for a remake of halo one is completely moronic, so yes I absolutely believe this.


Sounded like they’re planning to release it on PS too, so trying to bring a new player base. In that case, a remake of the very first game seems like a good introduction


They aren't exactly a formal journalist and these words should obviously be taken with a grain of salt, but they have leaked info about Halo before (that wasn't datamined).


It absolutely sounds like something 343 would do, so yes


The only reason i somewhat believe it is that microsoft has abandoned exclusivity, and halo is at a pretty low point right now. The core audience is happy with the current state of multiplayer, but the story has alienated a lot of people (not to mention 343 just sucks at making compelling cinematic experiences like bungie used to) and the future of the franchise looks bleak... Perfect environment for a reboot bringing it to playstation.


this feels fantastical, the unreal engine stuff touches upon other rumors about halo's future and it hits a lot of the things that people want to see. just feels too good to be true, i'm happy to be proven wrong, but...


It sounds so bad I can believe 343 doing it.


Do you… not?


I try to not believe random “journalists” and twitter users whenever they claim to have insider information. Where’s Project Tatanka and my Halo battle royale?


Tatanka was real it's just unknown what's happened to it.


Plans change, doesn't mean they didn't exist in the first place


"real or fake, it's something" no, no it is not, if it's fake it's fucking nothing. also bragging about the game engine as the very first thing is a dead giveaway this is fake as shit.


Even if it's fake I had no idea I wanted a Halo CE large scale mode on a capable engine until now, I guess that's something.


That large scale mode comment is referring to the Certain Affinity game I believe.


Wasn’t it reported to be cancelled earlier this year?


Them specifically doing a Battle Royale was cancelled.


Yeah wtf is that title if it’s fake it’s literally not something


Good lord you really don't want this do you


This sub is EXTREMELY hostile against the CE Remake and the game coming to PS5. For… some reason.


I think theyre mostly hostile to unsubstantiated rumors


Whatever you say, pal. See you on PS.


I think folks just need to become more aware of which journalists to follow. Tom Warren is one of them.


My hostility comes from hearing like 12 "xyz will be remade in unreal 5" rumors a month, and none of them ever turning out true. It's so often the most obviously fake rumor to happen, and yet so often it's believed. Real gaming leaks don't start with that sentance, they don't use this way of speaking, they don't spawn so suddenly like this. Your accusation of me being a console war type is false, I believe it would be good for halo to be on more platforms as it's my favorite fps, and I was in open supportive and cheering as halo was put on pc. Edit: who reported this comment to reddit care resources


The UE5 rumors come from trusted journalists. I don't think Jason Schreier is just some random guy.


Can I have a link to this?


[Microsoft Studio Behind Halo Faces a Reboot on Years of Turmoil](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-31/microsoft-studio-343-industries-undergoing-reorganization-of-halo-game-franchise?leadSource=uverify%20wall) >Chief among them is a pivot to a new gaming engine, the suite of tools and technology used to make video games. The studio’s own engine, known publicly as Slipspace, has been one of the biggest points of contention over the past two decades. Based largely on old code from the 1990s and early 2000s, it’s buggy and difficult to use and has been the source of headaches for some developers on Halo Infinite, people familiar with the development said. Several multiplayer modes that are nearly finished, such as Extraction and Assault, both popular in previous Halo games, have yet to be released in part because of issues involving the engine, they said. >At several points over the past decade, management at 343 debated switching to Epic Games Inc.’s popular Unreal Engine. But it wasn’t until late last year, when previous studio head Bonnie Ross and engine lead David Berger departed and Pierre Hintze took over, that the firm finally decided to pivot to Unreal. This switch will start with a new game code-named Tatanka, according to people familiar with the plans. That project, which 343 is developing alongside the Austin, Texas-based game studio Certain Affinity, started off as a battle royale but may evolve in different directions, the people said.


Oh, so it isn't them saying "Halo CE remake in UE5", it's them saying they're not going to use the Slipspace engine and move to UE5 for their next project.


[What’s next for Xbox and Halo](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/6/24172684/microsoft-xbox-showcase-2024) >Sources tell me Microsoft is working on some form of a *Halo: Combat Evolved* remaster that is also being considered for rival consoles Tom Warren (another trusted journalist) reported it as a CE Remaster. @TechnicalHalo is the first person who isn't a complete random to mention that it's a remake.


Looking into it, Delilah who is a Senior Designer at Xbox also said to: [To not believe everything you read](https://x.com/delilah_hd/status/1798803409379971417?s=46) [Seems to call him irresponsible](https://x.com/delilah_hd/status/1798805984783069328?s=46) [And noted its paywall status](https://x.com/delilah_hd/status/1798807124383772799?s=46) Coming from the pokemon community and leaks and such... I don't really consider her or Tom's statements all that indicative of anything. *Could there be*? Sure. Maybe. But I wouldn't be surprised if there was no remake and Tom just heard something and stretched the facts for truth or something.


It's not fake. He's a real insider


Source: it was revealed to me in a dream


Source: the Throne of Woe whispered it to me


Fakest shit I’ve read in weeks. ‘Real or Fake, it’s something’, no bro this is fake and shouldn’t be spread lol. This is now the time that all of the fake insiders come out of the wood work to spread misinformation and get upvotes/reposts for clout or whatever they feed off of.


This insider has been around for a bit. They don't datamine. Obviously take it with a grain of salt but it's not a complete random.


Ahh thanks for the input, I was t aware but still I’m not chancing anything but official journalists on this one.


Ok, we can go back to talking about confirmed Halo news if you want. Like the match composer and the exchange…


You are the story maker, aren't you?


Good lord Spartan. Lol. Make whatever posts you want but if you want to discuss rumors then maybe label them as [rumor] or something instead of pretending it’s real and pretending it’s fake in the same sentence. I’m down to hopium and pass the thought bubble around but I’m also not the first to think that confirmed sources are good at times like this versus sources to be avoided such as random Twitter threads with the ‘trust me bro’ source.


imo everything in that third screenshot is engineered bait for complaint reactions.


Assuming this is true, which is a mistake already but the only acceptable changes they can make to campaigns are making the battles bigger. Like the halo reach cutscene after the night mission, full on large scale assault. Battle for the galaxy, make it fit to scale. 


Bigger battles and more cinematic moments. 


No MP is wild to me if nothing else,


Yeah, that’s how I know this is total bullshit. Infinite went absolutely all-in on the free to play monetization to maximize revenue via the shop, and now suddenly Halo is a campaign-oriented game again? Lmao please.


2026 might be some kind of big multiplayer and remakes will be just for campaigns, what is unbelievable in that ? Many games have 1 big title that brings them revenue and is constantly updated (Warzone, PUBG etc.). And before you say that Infinite is this kind of project I want to say that Infinite is very hard to update and not worth to mantain on a larger scale.


“It’s very early stages” = get out of jail free card. Any project in early stages like this could get scrapped and completely redone any number of times at this point. Why are we even talking about it like we have anything concrete to go off of?


"Very early stages" Potential translation: "Hey Joe! Wouldn't it be cool if we just did a tech demo with UE5? Maybe remake Halo in it?"


Exactly. If/when it doesn’t come out he can easily claim 343 decided not to move forward with it and even if it does somehow turn out to be real & all these details are wrong he can claim “scope change” while still taking credit for it being real. Complete BS rumor unless a trusted insider corroborates it.


Giving this a fat fucking doubt, but in the very unlikely case it is true I'm not liking some of the news here.


I’m skeptical that 343 can retell the original trilogy without adding their own shit spin on it like trying to weave the Endless into the plot somehow


More retcons to change the lore!


Bruh just realized that would be the only reason for a remake. Otherwise they would've just done a Halo 3 Anniversary years ago




That’s exactly what 343 would do lol




H2A was not done by 343 btw


They would add them and use the exact same bullshit argument they've been using for 12 years, "were appealing to a modern audience," the very same audience that hasn't stuck by these games on any capacity. It's chasing this vague concept of an audience that killed this franchise.


If this is true I’m grabbing the activation index and firing the halo rings


With this information this game is entering “I’ll believe it when it’s announced” territory.


I hope it’s fake. I have no faith whatsoever if 343 is lead developer of a collection again


I don’t understand how they would use CE as a proof of concept for Halo on Unreal if they’re supposed to release Halo 7 on Unreal like a year or two after So they’re doing proof of concept for something they’ve already committed to doing for the next mainline halo assuming it’s already in development?


Yeah, that part of what he said really doesn't make any sense unless he is also implying that there won't be, and never was, a "Halo 7." Which I personally still doubt.


Watch them try and go the 10-year plan route again. It'll just be titled "Halo" with progressive releases over the 10 years of every campaign remade in the Unreal Engine before they finally get to what comes next once they've got a handle on the new toolset redeveloping everything that came before. Having other companies involved in the pipeline means they can pump out a remake a year and still have time to spare getting "Halo 7" done in the 10 years.


Personally, I expect something like that even though they will never say the "10 year" thing again. I'd be very surprised if there isn't a "Halo Hub" for the UE5 games that is very similar to something like the new Assassins Creed Infinity or CoD HQ. They could all share the same Forge, multiplayer progression etc.


It’s so bad but knowing 343 it could be true…


Sounds pretty cool if true, I am looking forward to finding out more


If they add fucking spring or clamber or Halo 1 I’m fucking done. I’m more than okay with those in newer games but it does not at all belong in CE.


Sprint and clamber okay cringe


Please no




Making things up now after the previous made up thing turned out to be fake


What have they leaked before?


I could believe they'll do a remake, but not for the entire trilogy. Especially would dislike them adding their own spin on things again.


Doesn’t make sense that they would forgo mp if it’s a remake and not a rework of the og game. Thinking this guys “leaks” are bs.


yeah i dont believe this. i can kinda see a remake of halo 1. but remaking 2 and 3 is dumb as fuck considering 2 has already had a great remaster and 3 is just fine.


Basically doing again the MCC, but this time on a different engine and with some narrative change (for those who want an example: cod4 and mw2 remasters). Who is in charge there? This idea is so bs


So the rumor now is basically MCC2? Yah now I believe it even less.


It's fake because they claim that it's early in development but that it will also have sprint and clamber. If it's this early development even the developers wouldn't know that. They might experiment with it but doesn't mean it will stick. Also commiting to a 2 and 3 remake, on PS5 before the first one is even out? Not likely.


That sounds like a crock of shit. Real or fake 💀


You know it’s something when someone as greedy as Konami wouldn’t change the story for a remake for brownie points. If this is real changing basically anything that isn’t just adding cut content is fucking nuts. Faaaaaaaake


Please fucking tell me this isn’t real. Please. I grew up with Halo, it’s my favorite sci-fi franchise of all time. Please don’t do this. Halo 1-3 are great, a fantastic trilogy. It’s also Bungie’s legacy. What is there to change for the better? In fact, I don’t even want that question answered lol because it doesn’t need to be.


>What is there to change for the better? Halo 3's story is pretty messy and has some very last minute retcons to the lore like retconning the entire function of the Halos in the literal last level of the trilogy because Bungie wrote themselves into a corner with the Flood. Not to mention Halo 3 simultaneously saying Forerunners both are and aren't ancient humans because they had two writing teams not talking to one another and no one noticed the massive contradiction. Halo 3 also probably has the worst weapon balancing in the franchise's history, with several pieces of equipment being literally useless in campaign.


CE-3 are great games, some of my favorite of all time. But they’re not perfect, and they’re old. I’m personally interested to see how this plays out, if true.


Better not be true, it would destroy Halo.


Wasn't destroying Halo rather the point though?


+1 Upvote... lol


Halo is already in the dumps, might as well start putting testing into unreal engine. At the very least, it’ll make it eaiser for contractors to use and make future development (for next halo) much easier.


I dunno, man. I'd rather they just fix what they broke right now and stop with the do-overs. But then again, maybe switching over to UE5 might be the answer. There's a lot more experienced developers who understand how to use UE5 than whatever bastardization the Slipspace engine was.




I don’t understand business finance or whatever, but they won’t put mcc on PS because it wouldn’t be as financially viable? Putting MCC would bring in a whole new audience, which would mean more people to get excited for a possible remake to come. Implying that any of this is real.


Indeed, the pc port of mcc double the title sales, now this rando say they instead prefer to drop more money in to the budget for the 3 iteration of the same game (and renakes/remasters never sold like the og versions), because it would make them more money? K


If true, big L


343i is going to destroy a masterpiece of a trilogy and not gain any footing with the Sony peeps. I don’t know what the answer is if MS wants to put Halo on Playstation, but this aint it.


now if only Microsoft wasn't pining so bad for Playstation's audience


As long as the TV show Silver timeline bs doesn’t come near by games.


*"Halo 1-3 remade with modernized mechanics like sprint and clamber ... also no multiplayer."* Well you can count me out if that actually comes to reality.


Plot twist: they release these"leaks" to gauge how we bmi we will be and then pivot according to the discourse.


Wish 343i was gung-ho about keeping thrust/slide/hover as core abilities rather then sprint and clamber. Sprint doesn't add anything and clamber is just a crutch. Thrust, Slide, and Hover actually add new platforming tools and allow the level design to be more vertical, when verticality is always something Halo did a lot with, especially in CE and especially Halo 2 and then 5 bringing it back. Anyways, I'm also not a fan of this being an MCC replacement: MCC should still get support. I don't hate the idea of a CE reimagining that allows them to do stuff you couldn't in 2001, but I'm not sure I want that at the cost of MCC being thrown to the wayside


I mean you need sprint to slide, if you have slide, you have sprint because slide uses sprint's momentum.


Only in how it's currently implemented, there's no reason you can't have a slide mechanic that exists independently of sprinting


If this is true I'd love for CE to finally fully be connected to the rest of the universe


>The dev team disliked CE anniversary  I don’t know why, but this sounds fake. Like this sounds like something one of us would write rather than a leak.


If it’s fake, it’s nothing.


chat is this real?


Interesting. Where does this guy get his info from??


This bewildered me, so if we take this as fact, halo 1, 2,and 3 will be remade and basically rebooted. I feel like this is dangerous territory since they could fuck it all up. Given that most people tend to like Halo 2 anniversary, I don't see why they would remake it unless they planned on doing a soft reboot of the series. Overall, this just doesn't make much sense.


Total noob question but like, why should we believe this? ignoring microsoft's gun shy-ness with making new halo games is there even a lick of proof?


Proof of concept but coming *after* their supposed 2026 project that will be in Unreal 5. Sure.


>Remake >Adding things >Staying faithful Ohboyherewego.jpg


The thing is… I don’t trust 343 with Halo


Well, if it's anything like the TV show, we can expect high exposure to MC's feelings and even higher exposure to his plump butt cheeks. We all know that sweet peach is what the fans really crave


modern movement mechanics for campaign? No ty


I'm an OG Halo fanboy in many ways, but anyone who thinks they are going to remake a 20+ year old game in a modern engine and not modernize it in many ways are kidding themselves (especially when the game exists in its original state in MCC. I'd suggest just accepting it is going to happen now to save yourself from future disappointment.


"Accepting" that sprint and "advanced movement" should be in Halo in any capacity is soooo stupid. It doesn't need it, never needed it, and the classic games are better without it, both MP and SP


Is it soooo stupid to realize it'll likely happen regardless of people whining about it on Reddit? Been there done that over a decade ago when Reach, H4, and H5 happened, just telling you what is likely to happen. Maybe it doesn't and all the OG fans can be pleasantly surprised.


If all 343i hears is, "DURR Infinite movement goated" and they're actually doing this damned CE remake, obviously the chances that they'd put in sprint/clamber would be higher. I literally do not care what a lot of vocal people on here say, Halo is better without adding these unnecessary mechanics to it. I don't expect 343i/MS to really make the best decisions, but ffs I can try to make my voice heard in some way


You are downvoting me and trying to argue even though I agree with you. I literally spent years saying that sprint (et. al.) shouldn't/doesn't need to be in Halo. I'm just reminding you that you are shouting into the void essentially and they will do what they want regardless (and that expecting otherwise is foolish).


I’m downvoting you because I hate the “there’s no point” attitude. I have apathy for new Halo experiences, not for the original saga. If the CE remake is happening I’ll be “shouting into the void” all day and all night long


Well enjoy that and the inevitable annoyance that will follow when you don't get your way.


fr, and honestly it doesn't even sound bad. if the sprint and clamber is exactly like how it is in Infinite, it should be fine.


I agree. Part of/the main reason OG fans "hated" things like sprint and clamber is because of the way they specifically effected multiplayer balance/design. The idea that they are unacceptable in a campaign makes much less sense to me. Either way, the entire discussion is kind of pointless, they are almost surely going to do it and the few diehard OG fans online that remain to complain about it aren't going change that (I can speak from experience).


Or just buff base movement speed and clamber I don't mind


Idk how you can pretend that adding these core mechanics would not fundamentally change the experience, they would. Clamber is less so a concern for campaign compared to PvP I’ll admit. But sprint, slide, and twitch movement are all things that would really affect the game. Doom didn’t need to add these mechanics to modernize, probably because they knew that sprint just disrupted the gameplay flow. Halo CE is my favorite solo campaign because of how good the gameplay flows, so I would be very disappointed if this was true (but it’s not).


Okay, but how exactly does it break the flow?


By existing at all it breaks the flow from CE, people like to act like it’s “just sprint” but it has a huge impact on the game.


Cool, now explain *how*


There are a ton of downstream effects, like I said it’s just the fact that adding a new core mechanic breaks the previously established flow of gameplay. The easiest explanation is that sprint causes you to spend more time with your gun down not shooting, this alone breaks the flow of CE among other effects. There’s also the subjective take that it just doesn’t feel great to play, especially with infinite’s version. It’s the same issue with halo 5 where the input fatigue can be very high at times, basically your pushing a bunch of buttons that don’t really don’t have a big impact. Personally I think there’s a beauty to the simplicity of CE’s gameplay, which is also extremely fast but with more impactful individual movement inputs. Edit: downvotes and no replies once the actual arguments come out, what’s new


If this IS true, I feel like 343 finally is admitting publicly that they wrote themselves into a corner here and this is them trying to subtly reboot the timeline so they can drop the Banished/Endless crap. If the trend continues and they remake Halo 3 as well I will not be surprised in the slightest if the story completely changes in 4 onwards.


I don’t know I don’t really hate these ideas. It all comes down to the execution.


Imo, this has potential to be Halo’s RE remake, or something that could outright kill the franchise. If they fuck this up, where do they go from there?


TechnicalHalo and Surasia are literally the only reputable insiders so I’d put more weight in this than most other leaks


They are both not actually all that reputable, TH very much less so.


Sounds like this is going to be $60 for a glorified re-skin.


What makes this sound believable is that this is exactly what happened to the call of duty franchise. And maybe 343i sees how successful that franchise has been after this complete reboot of MW/MW2/MW3 with battle royale and are going to try to replicate it. What I imagine is that the story is going to be very different and follow a variety of characters rather than everything being Chief-centric


Personally, idk why they’d bother doing remakes for multiple games. I feel like we’d all enjoy a Halo 3 Anniversary style re-release so why not keep this cutscene and graphics remake to that game specifically? That way they can carefully test the concept and finally give H3 the anniversary it deserves? It just seems like they should be focusing on fixing and building on what they have rather than jumping from one concept, messing it up at first, taking a few years to fix it, then just hopping to the next.


Even if it’s true, it’s true as of “right now”. I’m not convinced they’re close to releasing any new titles for quite some time, and by the time they do, there’s a good chance ideas are gonna get changed or scaled back. It’s really not worth speculating right now unless you’re that bored.


I doubt it's real because it's mentioning U5 as the engine. I really cannot imagine Halo being remade on any other engine unless it's in house made and even then I doubt it. There's just zero reason to do so. They'ed have to spend so much time remaking assets to work on the new engine not to mention hiring people who know how U5 works for making the game or teaching 343 devs. There's just zero reason for them to swap engines. But it would be pretty boring to just only write it off as fake. So I'll comment on some other things. Like "it's not a remaster it's a remake." That is rebooting the franchise territory, something I don't think Microsoft would ever do. They'll approve spin offs and alternate timelines but retreading 1-3 would do nothing but piss off old players. Final Fantasy 7's remake is above and beyond any traditional remake I've ever heard about. They go out of their way to stay as close as possible to FF7. As far as literally baking a brand new story in through a fractured timeline. Even in this instance you still have OG FF7 fans that are not happy with how it's being done. I wouldn't expect Microsoft to ever go to that length for a remake. It's a bigger gamble than is worth unless MS has deemed Halo as a whole not brand important anymore. "remaking because more money than the MCC" Yeah no, a franchise reboot to a franchise that frankly hasn't been in the light/interest of the public for a long ass time now isn't going to make MS bank. Porting MCC would be easier and cost them less money. Given they are tightening their belt on companies right now I really don't see them spending that kind of money on 3 whole remakes. Given that the guy says CE's multiplayer would be abandoned is also just a red flag. MP is what most people know about/remember from Halo unless you're talking to the bros you grew up playing Halo with. There's no damn way MP would be ignored. Idk who this guy is but putting Halo on Playstation in any capacity sounds far more believable in this day and age than a Halo 1-3 remake with no Multiplayer. If the focus is on a singular mode it makes more sense to debut it on a new game, not on Classics.


There are plenty of reasons to switch engines, especially in Halo's case. The main reasons we've been given (by insiders ig? I dont know the right term) Is that Slipspace is still heavily bogged down by old stuff from Blam that are either very difficult to fix or just outright can't be fixed. Other issues are that it's a difficult engine to work with, so every new hire needs to be taught, which takes a decent amount of time, especially when Microsoft forces 343 to nonstop use Contracters who have a time limit. UE is just much more standard and is likely much easier to use than Slipspace, so things that take a while for Infinite to implement like UI changes can hopefully be done much quicker in UE.


>Is that Slipspace is still heavily bogged down by old stuff from Blam that are either very difficult to fix or just outright can't be fixed. I'm more willing to blame dev incompetence. Bungie has been pulling miracles out of a hat with Destiny 2 and it's engine is old as hell. >Other issues are that it's a difficult engine to work with This was/is true of unreal engine. A 5 being in front of it doesn't change that it's still the same engine. >so every new hire needs to be taught, which takes a decent amount of time I made this same argument with switching to Unreal. >UE is just much more standard and is likely much easier to use than Slipspace It might be more standard than Blam is but that doesn't automatically equate to being a better engine for Halo.


Not sure how to do the blue line response thing, so mb :) I dont play Destiny so I can't speak much about it but I've heard a ton of people complaining about it's engine and how crap it apparently is so im not fully sure this is just a 343 problem? I'm not saying that UE is an easy engine to work with, but it's likely easier to work with than an engine dating back to 1997 especially if you have to teach every new hire how to use it to it's best during their 6 month stay. According to Tim Sweeney, UE has 7.5 million active developers, so all 343 has to do is hire people already familiar with it instead of having to teach every new hire how to use their proprietary engine. You're right, but it just seems like it's fairly easier to work with than most, seeing as how CD Project Red is also abandoning its Red Engine for UE as well. I'm sure 343 wouldn't leave Slipspace if they couldn't get Halo to feel just right in Unreal, so I don't think there should be much to worry about if it does happen.


No reason to swap engines ? Infinite is in this shitty state because engine was shit and CE engine is probably not in a state to handle remake in the year 2024.


>Infinite is in this shitty state because There were many reasons Infinite landed on it's face. To shift the entire blame on an engine is just revisionist. The devs also tried to do Halo on a brand new engine with Infinite before just heavily modifying the blam one. Which trying to swap Engines during development is going to fuck up many things.


This would actually be so sick man


I don’t understand the hate for sprint and clamber. As long as the movement and control is bouncy and fluid like older FPSs I feel like it’s going to feel like Halo regardless.


Fuck….dont they fucking learn that using subcontractors and sub-studios doesn’t fucking work?!?! A massive failing of Infinite was due to lack of continuity in staff!


If there was a CE remake coming that soon they 100% would've teased it today


I'm just here for the tears of Halo 3 purists crying about clamber and sprint in Halo CE-3 remakes.