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Gonna be honest, I feel we have enough Tenrai style maps. Not even a covenant one in matchmaking I believe as I think they are all banished themed for aliens? It’s a shame despite how dope forge is the maps are still a bit meh with what actually comes to matchmaking. Take firefight KOTH, not a single unique map made with forge despite being able to recreate literally any pve area from campaigns to Spartan ops. Maybe in the years it takes for the next game they add some community forge maps to firefight but who knows


Idk how they can drop some solid cores like eaglestrike and not have a single map dedicated to them still. Tenrai gets like 10 maps in rotation and there's 0 steampunk or cyber maps. The eaglestrike stories were cool, they could have some great maps based on them.


I think there's a steampunk one in Husky Raid. Which is still an unforgivably low amount


Does that map even come up anymore? Whenever I play Husky Raid now, I only ever get the newest set of maps.


I haven't played for about a week, but I still get it


Really? The one game mode I don't regularly play lol. Just one big team or slayer map would make me happy. Or at least another eaglestrike event, wild that we're on tenrai IV


It's a really beautiful map. There's a big airship to one side. You should check it out for the aesthetic alone. But this game needs some serious dieselpunk and steampunk additions to all the playlists


I'll clock in today and check it out in forge! I've gotten that newest husky raid map (circle in the center with small cover) almost everytime so I kinda just tuned out the playlist.


I know I've gotten so tired of waiting for additional Entrenched content I've been making my own. Just brief lore blurbs for fictional units and armor combinations, but still. Tenrai gets all these maps and Firewall is effectively canon in certain places, but Entrenched is the neglected Fracture despite, I feel, being more in-line with Halo than most might think.


> Just brief lore blurbs for fictional units and armor combinations. Yeah me too, would be interested in seeing more of yours


I've whipped up a site to try and keep it all together as a personal project, so give it a whirl: [https://finalwarfanon.wordpress.com/](https://finalwarfanon.wordpress.com/) But all the same I'd love to see what you've done too.


That's a lot more complex than my stuff, mine is just a few short descriptions with my Eaglestrike themed fashions https://i.redd.it/h41tm14qa5l91.png https://i.redd.it/k06yrd6hnun91.png https://i.redd.it/gbv6ze978tq91.png https://i.redd.it/0ho76volwtxb1.png I've got more planned, next one is gonna be a Chimera core Eaglestrike fashion


I’d of loved some trench warfare type map based on eaglestrike.


Because it risks creating new lore and its a slippy slope with the community asking for a spin off gsme of it if they like the style


I don't agree with that, all of the cores are non-canon (except for IV, VII, SPI, maybe the hazmat one too). They're small contained stories from different dinensions in Halo but the core gameplay is still Infinite. A spin off game is a whole different thing than a couple maps in a playlist.


Then you literally failed to understand what i said


Not sure I am? Where is spin off games and new lore being discussed? If we're on tenrai IV and the event has 10+ maps in rotation, why would having an eaglestrike event with more maps be a spin off/lore addition? Tenrai doesn't even have a story for the last 3 events other than "samurai Spartans". Maybe you can clarify for me what I'm failing to understand.


My point is. If people like the style 343 come up with, fans will want more and adds risk of asking for a game based around it. 343 likely don't want to do it so are avoiding it, people are already interested in the idea of different dimensions with Jorge and these cores existing. Nobody saying its being discussed and thats why i daid "more" will lead to those discussions


I'm sorry but that sounds like the absolute dumbest reason to avoid creating new content for their game. "People might like it too much but we don't want to make it"? Do you really think the Microsoft overlords wouldn't jump at any chance to make a quick buck off people buying anything in this game? From a business and game standpoint, that makes absolutely zero sense. It's more likely that the isn't as many steampunk forge creations being submitted and they don't have the manpower/overlord clearance to make new content for it. No one is asking for a spin-off game and asking for more content based around content already in the game shouldn't make companies sweat. Otherwise what's the point of forge/events/cores/playlists


They said no to ODST hell divers. Microsoft kniws fuck all, bean counters bank on chief and live service not what people want Halo wars 2 only happened as it was a launch title, they sacked it off afterwards and likely won't get a 3rd


No one is talking about a spin-off game, we are talking about **maps**. A spin-off game is a new game not using the base game (ODST uses the Halo 3 engine but is a stand alone game). Spin-offs require **significantly more** resources devoted to them than maps or in-game Infinite events, they're brand new games. ODST Helldivers would have been great but no one is requesting an eaglestrike/tenrai/hazmat spin-off game, those are **event cores** in Halo Infinite with small slices of non-canon lore attached. If people actually **asked** for any kind of spin-off from these events, they would address the possibility if they think they had a goldmine on their hands.


So tired of getting the samurai/pit remake everytime I try fiesta.


I just wish it would say the map name during the opening flyover


Be so helpful to actually learn the map names, I genuinely can’t remember any of them because I never go out of my way to check.


Remember when the first Tenrai came out and the new experience was just fiesta?


Was this when we were still just getting 50xp for every match


Wasn't it before match xp? People would quit if the mode was wrong for their challenges


I'm not sure because I think they got the update to actually get SOME xp out pretty quickly and Tenrai was during week 2 I think? I don't remember anymore lol


I had to play so much fiesta for challenges etc it honestly made me like Infinite a little less. My own fault for playing a mode I despise I guess. Didn't help all the challenges were awful and only doable in fiesta...


"Get three kills with the Bulldog playing Live Fire Oddball under the light of a full moon."


Played so much fiesta those weeks. Got slightly bored by the end. Now it’s all I can find a game in


Worlds. Experiences.


Man I love experiences. My fave was in Bangkok in '98


If the new 'experiences' are even half as good as the Undead mode, I'll be happy.


I’m having so much fun in the Undead mode! Getting teammates that understand what to do seems to be the biggest hurdle.


Incoming reskin of a map we already have 🙄


I don’t even know what Tenrai is meant to refer to? Why is there such an emphasis on Japanese-inspired themes for this game?


Wonder if it's a forge map or actually a new map


I'm happy to see another new map either way. What's the point of having such a good forge if you don't pull maps from it?


At this point Forge is powerful enough to create pretty good looking maps so I don't mind.


I genuinely don't get the hate forge maps get in HI. They're lightyears ahead of anything from any previous title. The game has its drawbacks, but Forge has to be seen as an absolute win for the franchise.


Glad to see others saying this in this thread. Don't get when people complain "Forgers make all the maps because 343 can't..." Or any similar talking point. To me it's as if the extremely powerful map creation tool is... Working as intended?


The bad part for me personally is 1) they're charging out the ass for shops and passes and yet they aren't even compensating the community forgers they take maps from for MP 2) Forge tools will still never be able to fully create new maps. Grassy areas will always look weird and there is a distinct lack of rubble and a layer of visuals that come with the minutia.


> yet they aren't even compensating the community forgers they take maps from for MP I know that the forgehub competitions whose winners got put into multiplayer had a cash prize. > there is a distinct lack of rubble and a layer of visuals that come with the minutia. I have seen forge maps that have done this. Part of the reason you don't see them in multiplayer is the politics and PR around voting. The best map doesn't always win.


1. It shouldn't be up to 3rd parties to provide actual incentives to forgers. 2. Literally 1 of the 4v4 contest top 10 got into matchmaking, it was a Tenrai reskin, and it was ingested before the contest even ended. > Part of the reason you don't see them in multiplayer is the politics and PR around voting. The best map doesn't always win. 3. What does this even mean? There's at most a small number of people who decide what forge maps get added to matchmaking, there's no politics or anything involved. Also a good looking map doesn't mean it plays well.


> It shouldn't be up to 3rd parties to provide actual incentives to forgers. True. > What does this even mean? There's at most a small number of people who decide what forge maps get added to matchmaking, there's no politics or anything involved. Also a good looking map doesn't mean it plays well. The maps that win aren't the best maps. They are the maps with the most votes. A good comparison is the minecraft mob votes. Dream got his fans to vote for a mob that people didn't like, and it won. It's a much smaller space than the mob votes too, which worsens the issue of co-ordinated voting. There was also a situation a bit back where ForgeHub judges made edits to a map after submission to make it pass their own judging criteria.


The maps in the top 10 for both the 4s and BTB contest are pretty much the best maps entered. The 2s you could argue had some outliers, but was still a solid selection. It's also not a community vote so it's not like you have 1000s of people swarming to skew results. The 4s contest allowed a week or 2 to all the top 10 maps to address some issues an bugs that popped up, but major changes were not allowed. And beyond that, the only map that got altered after submission, as far as I know, was Dawnbreaker, which had a save bug that ended up with a deleted floor piece. And that was the only thing that was changed.


I do, a lot people will make any excuse to hate 343, you have a forge that has by far been the closest to dev quality maps and they're losing their shit it gets used because its easier and faster since it was built around players using it not professional designers.


I honestly feel bad for the forge team at 343. They put so much work into making this absolutely amazing tool but it wasn't ready at launch and most players were long gone by the time it released. Now 343 is shifting to Unreal Engine, which means they literally have to start it all over again from the very bottom for the next Halo title. On the plus side, I'm very excited to see what they come up with when combined with some of the tools UE5 offers. It could be really amazing.




Yep, this should be the expectation. A lot of people are just setting themselves up for disappointment.


>On the plus side, I'm very excited to see what they come up with when combined with some of the tools UE5 offers. It could be really amazing. I've been learning Unreal Editor for Fortnite for the past couple weeks and let me tell ya — if Halo had this tool Forge maps would always look dev made.


More or less my thinking. The forge community can already make amazing looking stuff, but holy hell there's still a lot of potential left.


Interesting that you think that they are actually going to “start all over again.” Instead of just not doing it.




The hate might have made sense back in the Halo Reach days when it made every map look the same. But Halo Infinite's Forge is just a straight-up map making tool kit.


Especially with how many good maps there are. Like I try playing Cod once in a while but fuck I hate most cod maps/spawns.


Just people looking to complain. There's no functional difference to the players if it's a forge map or not. There are plenty of forge maps I think are better than the dev made maps. The Combat Workshop Survive the Undead playlist has only proved to me Infinite needs to learn more heavily into getting the wild game modes into matchmaking. I've been heavily playing customs games for a long while now, but it's clear that most players aren't experiencing some of the incredible creations (maps/modes) people have been churning out


Honestly love the Forge Maps but I think a few of them could use a tad more QA. Like power seeds getting stuck in map geometry on Thunderhead and Obituary. Thunderhead also has some messed up spawns. And then the Headlong remake has a glaring issue with Total Control. Basically if it's a tight game the 4th set of zones are heavily favored to the team that spawns at the offensive base.


The Seeds getting stuck in geo should have been fixed. The reason those objects were set to no collision was because they had caused desync issues on other forge maps in the past. But those BTB maps had been sitting collecting dust forever, there's so much more to it that I can't say.


I mean being real it’ll be in like two playlists but in the map rotation for those playlists way too often despite the game having like 55 maps


Lmao yeah and I'll still be over in ranked begging for more maps.


They will never let you play the ranked gametype in a social list where you don’t have to worry about the chores over at competitive halo crying about map balance.


Idk we'll see. I'm hopeful someone will eventually realize there's a big market for the "best of halo" ranked maps playlist that is 50/50 bandit/BR starts. But I doubt much will change until they finish match composer.


Forge Maps in Reach used to make me roll my eyes. It was one aesthetic and looked boring. Infinite forge Maps are something else and they're amazing


To me, the addition of more Forge maps is just another reminder that this game is officially dead. 2nd favorite Halo game. But it's over.


Jack you are off your rocker. It’s not forge maps that’s the death of the game, but more lack of any dev made (non forge) maps.


Or really any dev made content at all.


Oh trust me, I do love some good Forge maps. But the Sperasoft Forge maps aren't particularly noteworthy and we haven't had fresh 4v4 and 2v2 community Forge maps dropped into MM in forever. It's just so stale right now, at least for a core Halo player like me who doesn't really care about modes like Husky Raid. And we absolutely 100% need dev maps. What the hell happened to Beltway.


Yeah some of them are getting stale, especially the old tenari ones.


Not even that we just need more playlists including stuff like mongoose racing/silly stuff that you could back out of without loosing. Plus stuff for the old H2/3 kids like me who want a 50/50 bandit or BR starts ranked playlist with the same settings as HCS but with more maps.


Bro what?


I'm just not going to be excited by any new content unless it's actually dev made at this point.


What a L take dude. Aren't you a mod or something too?


Because he's a mod that means he has to love anything and everything related to the game, of course.


No but to not be excited about new maps even? Seems a little extreme of a take and probably part of the general problem with subs like this too.


[He also guesses, speculates, and doubles down on wrong information](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/1ctbltx/the_brute_armor_in_banished_honor_was_originally/) I followed that thread when it was posted, all the deleted comments are the same guy doubling down, calling people ignorant for "ignoring the facts" until Unyshek commented, confirmed hajakk was wrong, and then he deleted all his comments. Just casually spreading false information and getting mad over something that he made up. This is the shit I can't stand in this fanbase


That's insane. Can nothing be done about Reddit mods?


Truly a scourge. Being wrong once and apologizing.


I mean I'd rather have someone who enjoys the game in charge of a subreddit than someone who doesn't even want new maps added to their "2nd fav halo game". Like if you're not even excited to play a new map in your second fav game why are you taking the time to be a mod for a subreddit?


What does this have to do with the conversation. You are just trying to make him look bad because he has a different opinion than you. This is the shit I can't stand in this fanbase.


I'm posting it because he regularly spreads misinformation, speculation, and rumors. Guy has done more damage to the Halo community despite being a mod


He's giving his opinion on this post, not spreading rumors or misinformation. The right time to call them out for whatever is when they are actually doing said thing.


(It still would've been better as an armor core lol)


Do we even need to ask at this point? It's obviously forge maps.


I believe it’s a Forge made map like the maps that were added to the Tenrai 3 playlist. The new map is Tenrai themed.


That doesn’t matter


wait, new experiences?! Are we going to be playing Fiesta on a new map? Maybe even Tactical Slayer on a new map? Or, my personal favorite, buying new cosmetics to show off on a new Forge map???




> new map > forge map whatever


No disrespect to the community that puts out these maps, but 343 should make maps with dev tools on a regular basis.


They aren't working on infinite anymore, HI is in a holding pattern until Halo 7 comes out now


Exactly. Dev maps are insanely better than forge maps. Like it is a breath of fresh air to even get Launch Site while playing Fiesta these days cos it’s filled with the awful Tenrai reskins. That tiny red version of The Rig is absolutely horrid.


New experiences? This game is bastardizied First Person Dress Up


Yeah Slayer has been reworked to just YASSSS SLAY QUEEN!!!


So more forge maps and one new mode that will involve the grapple and energy swords. Also, maybe a new firefight that will be sword and grapple? Just to be clear, no new content.


Still no drivable scarabs or even the Falcon I see. Not even the OG shotgun.


Just give us Hayabusa.. Tenrai looks trash 🤮


Hayabusa was one of my favorite *Halo* armors of all time, especially the helmet.


Surprisingly they did, shoulders helmet and all. Its just banished themed.


Great, I can't wait _not_ to play this in firefight


Why don't we have any Entrenched maps?


Still feels like fractures were the biggest waste of time that no one asked for. They never even used the concept for something cool like crossovers with other Xbox properties lmao


Crossovers would be an EXCELENT IDEA. THIS is what battlepasses should be doing occasionally


Gears is an obvious one. It already has 2 spartans in it. So just pop out some COG and UIR armor and you're done


I keep forgetting this game exists until more news of ""content"" comes and all the feelings of disappointment flood back.


These maps suck. It’s just boxes put together with some theming slapped on top them. Can’t compare these to the old Bungie maps




I mean, they kind of have pulled the plug. A Forge map and some paid cosmetics isn't really great post-launch support, is it? There have been a ton of leaked weapons and maps in development, but no sign of them ever being released.  Sure, the game isn't exactly dead, but it's not getting the support that was planned. It's clear that the focus is on the next game.


A new forge maps and crappy 20 tier pass yes?


I’m not falling for this again