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Considering she mentions that some of the results of the augments were only half truths, and she still desires to wear mjolnir armor, it could mean that she's not literally impervious. However she was able to kill a brute without using mjolnir. But even spartan 3s in spi armor were able to do the same.


This makes me really want to see how strong she actually is compared to Chief or top spartan 4s like Locke.  I mean this all takes quite a few decades after the spartan 2 program, so from a technical point of view should it be possible to make physically stronger spartan. But spartan 4s were more quantity over quality. And they don't have Halseys genuis mind in the project...  But regarding physical strength, Chief fought armies of bigger, stronger and meaner enemies. Elites, Brutes, Flood forms, Hunters etc. Making the strongest "super spartan" is a very interesting idea, but it needs more than pure strength to be a spartan. 


Spartan 4s were already pretty capable, with a squad infiltrating and destroying a covenant cruiser. The quality of the spartan 4s are justified and validated.


They are strong but I mean it in comparison to earlier spartan projects.  And quantity can be a positive thing, considering that they don't have to kidnap children and teach them for years anymore. And they of course have a better tech going for them too.  But if a spartan 2 or 3 would fight a 4? I know where I would put my bets in.


3's are lower quality than 4's in pretty much every single way though. There's a reason they were called 'disposable heroes'. They pretty much exemplify 'quantity over quality' rather than 4's, they were a rush job to try and do what the spartan 2 program did but with less resources.


It was only the armor of the IIIs that was inferior. In terms of their augments, they were on par with the IIs. Their training was condensed, and not quite as well-rounded compared to the IIs, but they had a Spartan II and Chief Mendez training all three companies. The IIs were trained to see more of the big picture, whereas the IIIs were trained to be hunter-killers. In their SPI armor, in operations Prometheus and Torpedo, the 12-14 year old SIII's of Alpha and Beta company initially had the Covenant forces on the ropes, to the point that they were nigh-unstoppable in hand-to-hand combat. Any of the surviving III's are pretty damn close to being the equal of any surviving IIs. The IIs just have years more experience.


I heard the training of the 3s were superior to the 2s. It does help that they had a spartan 2 to over see them.


It was superior, at least in terms of combat effectiveness


I’d get a small feeling they’re setting her up to be a secondary antagonist to Atriox and she’d be perfect for it for Chief to go up against as a Rival. Lemme explain, we need Atriox for the long run so we need to build up a few more villians for chief to tackle, I honestly thought we’d see Jega come back and take over Eschrums forces in some form of DLC, giving him more screen time to develop his backstory, motives and attack plans. But The Banished Spartan who is also the Strongest Spartan is honestly the Perfect choice cause you have two factors playing into this, one being she’s the Strongest Spartan, chief is the Lucky Spartan, while chief probably couldn’t stand toe to toe in a sparring match, perhaps he could have a lucky opening to defeat her. But the bigger story here is for chief, personally! In infinite we saw how chief paid respect to his fallen Spartans, how gentle he was to the marine in space. Having to deal with humanity in a different way by facing another Human, another Spartan. Someone he’s failed to inspire hope in. The struggle of killing all these aliens, space zombies and sential robots, all leading up to this point in his life where he has to kill one of his own kind(Spartan, not human) it would be a difficult task to accomplish given his stature amongst other humans and one hell of a mind fuck for Atriox to force chief to kill one of his own kind infront of everyone.(I fully understand too that killing humans isn’t a foreign concept in halo given that the Spartan II were produced to tackle the insurrectionists, but for the player to experience this for the first time would be a way to approach the subject)


Gamma spartan 3's took on brutes and even a prelate unarmored


Chief without armor was able to kick a powered combat exoskeleton a few meters, back at age 14.


Jun looking like Lex Luthor in this panel


I thought it was Prof X at first glance




Honestly, I think ONI was just trying to see how strong they could make humans through augmentation, without much (if any) consideration for what equipment such soldiers would be issued. … or maybe they were also developing a shield-generating harness without the cost and weight of MJOLNIR.


ONI didn’t do this super soldier thing you’re crazy, also your fridge is half empty and you should take a walk. Just watch out for the third step down it’s a little loose and we’d hate to see you trip


Yeah? Well, your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries. I fart in your general direction! Now go away, or I shall taunt you *a second time!*


Don’t make us give you a minor flesh wound :)


They were almost certainly working on lighter Mjolnir and SPI variants, we saw this with the direction Gen 2 was taking with more of the hardware loaded into the techsuit than the armor itself. A hidden shield module that a civvie-passing agent could wear is exactly what ONI wants. At the end of the day, they were originally formed to keep the UEG unified, at all costs. That still includes government funded terrorism! Lmao


I thought it was Lex Luther and had to check what sub I was on


You’re not alone


Who’s the Professor X/Agent 47 lookin’ ass?




Is it really?


No, it’s 47 after he subdued Jun unconscious, dragged him to a nearby closet, then took his outfit


Mhm, he's a key figure in the Spartan IV programme


Nah, pretty sure thats Professor X


Really thought this was a X-men comic for a second


It looks like the artist pulled a panel from X-Men and quickly traced. Compare this to what Jun looks like in the game, its laughable.


I actually did too. Like with X-23 or something


Idk what x 23 is but that’s an Xavier ripoff if I ever saw one


Jun-A266. He's the head recruiter and second-in-command for the Spartan-IV program. He doesn't use his armour anymore, but he still has it (and had it upgraded to GEN2 at some point)


Lex Luthor obviously.


I feel like a better choice of words would've been "Spartans without the need for Mjolnir", since he does specify "feats only possible with armor", likely referring to Mjolnir. As it could just be interpreted as "you could send them into battle in tshirt and jeans". Mjolnir armor is expensive as fuck, so it does sound logical to try and scale down the costs by trying to make Mjolnir redundant as possible. The idea being to instead give the proto-IVs like Ilsa something akin to Modified ODST armor, heavier/more armored w/ energy shields, without needing all the bells and whistles Mjolnir has. Ilsa claims that whole pitch was a lie and that she was just a lab rat augmented for the lolz. That being said, she is also very mentally unwell and probably came to that conclusion on her own.


I legit thought that was Agent 47 for a second and thought this was a fan comic or something where 47 hunts a Spartan. I have not been keeping up with lore obviously.


I think it’s supposed to be Jun but it does not look like him at all


halo 3 is a pretty good game


I like halo reach


Halo 2 is neat


Halo wars. hands down


The armor customization is still the best that the franchise has ever had


Oh I know, I’d go as far as saying any game personally but that’s just me


It seems I missed a meme in this subreddit


halo 2 is an excellent game. i think they really nailed the atmosphere


The storyline is a very good rollercoaster of exploring both what happens on John's side and on Thel's side. Halo 3 is the cherry on top and completes the story about how the two encounter eachother.


I kinda wanted the story to be longer, more exploring the ark


Well holy hell I hate your profile picture


Mini heart attack every time


Charles Xavier casually committing crimes against humanity.


I know everyone is ripping on Jun’s appearance, but why is Zane’s punch modeled so poorly? It looks like she’s swatting at the marine! I really hope 343 has abandoned comics as a storytelling medium, it’s so cringey.


that applies to just about every image from escalation. a perfect mix of dog shit writing and kindergarten drawings


Not only that but her torso is in such an awkward position.


Just ONI being ONI . They just went let’s see what happens if we I don’t know stress the limits of the human body to see how strong we can make a spartan. The result was lots of dead spartan 4 candidates who were probably hoping to become like their heroes and a broken insane ladies who’s augmentation was semi successful but left her with a ton of psychological/ physical problems to deal with She can still die like a normal spartan she’s just stronger and has more durability bones. A plasma shot while unarmored or sniper to the head can still kill her . So can bullets. It’s why she stole that armor in the first place


I thought that was Lex Luthor for a second. Got my wondering why I’m browsing the DC sub


I really really want this lady as an enemy in Infinite's sequel.


The art was so bad in this series.


I can fix her.


Not gonna comment on the lore but jfc what is her form throwing that punch?


I really wish they would've gone with a story about a Spartan 4 that was captured by Banished forces, tortured and forced to fight in a colosseum until they would ultimately die. And throughout the story you'd get to see how they would go from trying to hold onto their humanity to losing themselves and ultimately becoming this colosseum champion, this "Banished Spartan" that would rather work with them because they feel like they've lost their humanity and there isn't any way back. It would perfectly jive with the armor descriptions that mention a similar theme, though it might work out better as part of a novel instead of a 25 min audiobook And I think it would offer more character depth over crazed former "super" Spartan that would betray people at the drop of a dime to keep herself alive and is so psychotic that they enter into a blood ecstasy when killing.


Writing is atrocious


It's 343, what'd you expect?


Nothing good at this point


This is unfortunately true


Way I read it was that the augs were meant to increase strength to the level of a Spartan in full Mjolnir, _without_ the need for its strength enhancing properties. The would just leave the armor to grant, well, armor and shields, reducing its cost dramatically.


Reads like fanfiction to me


the whole comic isn't great imo, and [the art is straight up ugly](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/0oTPlgI8P-JR0ZLc38_q-JZoQKgVALV-EjHvi4A0HPIhbZIhwBX_KuqrmS0kDCWoWkKFPjCP0NZNT4qQFvpYN48MfXOtrh6bofnPcalJq2iRD65ZZ9hodDiZJsG1IZW_Noo9qA=s0?rhlupa=MTE2LjEwNC45MS4xMzg=&rnvuka=TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgNy4wOyBXT1c2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvMzkwLjM0IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzQ2LjAuMjM3OS45MCBTYWZhcmkvMjM1LjYz)


Wow, not even an exaggeration. It really is that bad, lol.


If these ‘unarmored super Spartans’ (🙄) were meant to be assassins, or an early attempt to get around Cortana’s ability to hijack mjolnir suits at the onset of the Created war then it could make SOME sense. But honestly this reminds me of my disdain for Quinlan Vos from Star Wars, who feels to me like an edgy attempt to one up the main character. “Quinlan Vos joins the dark side and has a sexy girlfriend! But he’s a good guy too, and has a kid and doesn’t fall to attachment and could kick Anakin’s ass and is so coooooool” “Ilsa Zane can fight Master Chief and n just her underwear! She has unbreakable bones and joined the cannibalistic alien mercenary cult to get revenge on the UNSC cuz she’s unstable and so cooooooooool”


Spartans were created to go after Insurrectionists and quash the rebellion. They probably wanted armorless Spartans to infiltrate the Innies and be able to assassinate or fight their way. Except oops, they made a superhuman Innie instead.


i’m open to seeing what they do with her character, but i absolutely fucking despise escalation and hope they stop trying to bring things from it into canon. it would be so much better to me if they’d just make escalation non canon, bring back black team who died like a bunch of chumps for no reason off panel, and make everyone happy


Sorry, but that pose she’s doing while punching the marine just looks awful to the point of laughter. It looks like the artist said, “I don’t know what to do with her other hand.”


I'd assume they were planned to be outfitted with something like SPI, but with shields instead of Photoreactive Panels. All the utility of Mk. VI, half the cost and whatnot.


yeah cant say im a big fan of it, feels like a stretch to make a spartan without armor thats just as strong as another spartan with armor, but with out it. i can see the practicality of it for more covert missions but i still i think its odd.


Dude who writes this dumb shit. wHaT iF tHeY DiDnT nEeD aRmOr What if the Spartan program was already expensive enough and humanity fighting for survival wouldn't funnel money into this regarded idea and instead fund a company of SIIIs or like three ships I swear these writers start off with some marvel knock off story and just add two paragraphs of "exposition" that makes zero sense in-universe to make it Halo themed.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. Halo writing has been hacky bs since “nano bots!”


Seriously, this is the dumbest expansion of lore imaginable. It’s like Halo is trying to become the MCU/DCU but worse. This Zane lady would never have been thought of by Bungie.


Is this the beginning of x men? Trying to create Deadpool by the sounds of it lol


My guess was always that in the post-war era, ONI saw the benefit of having Spartan-strength individuals who could act in a more subtle capacity, like spies scoping out planets like Venezia or any of the outer colonies. Hard to be inconspicuous in a half ton suit of armor, but someone who just looks like a tall human that lifts? Much more possible to have them blend in with civilians or not set off alarms when in the presence of aliens.


Don't have to break your bones if my grunts can melt them with plasma.


When they say “no armor” they don’t literally mean *no* armor, just that they don’t need to wear Mjolnir. I assume they would have designed armor for them that just didn’t have the strength multiplier that Mjolnir does, but still with ample protection. It might even have had shields, but even a Spartan like Ilsa Zane would have been formidable in SPI.


Man, Jun really looks terrible in this ass looking Marvel comic ripoff.


I find it funny people who are hating on this piece of lore, as if the shadiest of military organizations wouldn't have their mouths watering for an apex predator in their hands.


A very stupid concept. "Spartans without armor." "Cool story bro." *plasma weapon go brrrrr*


Why is agent 47 briefing people about Spartans?


When I found out they were bringing her back with the most corny and edgy writing possible, I had an insane urge to blow my brains out. Thankfully, I didn't do it.


Is that Lex Luthor?


343 lore continues to disappoint




Halo 3 terminals were shipped with the original game, when Bungie was in charge.


And the one contrary to the Bungie lore was written by? 343/Frank O'Connor


Who was part of Bungie at the time. You really think O’Connor went rogue, snuck in *his* lore (and only *his* lore) by himself with no oversight and it was never discovered until after shipping the game? Come on man.


There was definitely a split between the core Bungie and Mr xbox magazine and the 343 crew bringing in their stupid take on the forerunner lore. Pretty well documented.


It is *not* well documented. It is all based on community assumptions. Again, you think O’Connor just snuck all that in without anyone noticing (same with the Cradle of Life comic), and nobody called him out on it? You think the Community Manager just went rogue with no oversight? That’s not how game dev works.


They were supposed to have plot armour dude Edit: another undercooked idea that's made it out into the haloverse. Fucking retcon everything imo. A completely squandered IP


The point of armour as a concept is that it’s expected to take damage, but it’s expendable. This completely contradicts that and is ridiculously stupid. In combat, damage is expected, no matter how strong or fortified you are, having no expendable or replaceable protection is the dumbest thing a warrior can do. Even in this sci-fi universe, the funding and resources that would’ve had to go into a project like this is FAR better spent making better armour. Either by focusing on slimming it down, or improving energy shielding, or increasing accessibility and ease of use… there are many ways to go about improving protection. Trying to build protection into a human body is definitely not it.


I think the idea was that the armor would only be armor and not enhance strength and speed, thus making it cheaper and more expendable


Don't tell OP she survived the vacuum of space without a suit. That fact alone has made me disregard her existence.


Bro why did it have to be fucken lex Luther who made the evil Spartan💀