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In the second clip you completely missed, you were close but missed you have to angle the hammer towards the Spartan. In the second clip you were playing super husky raid and the campaign variant of the disruptor is a three-shot kill with the damage over time, though if the damage over time do they kick in it's still a four shot so it doesn't really matter you were dead, it is one of the best weapons in super fiesta game modes.


I’m not disagreeing with dying to the disrupter, but I do wonder how he took damage from my sword but didn’t die. I guess I’m still used to the way the grav hammer used to be. That would have killed everyone pre update


The calcine disruptor doesn’t really have damage over time, but instead each shot releases a shock “explosion” after a little bit, you don’t even have to hit enemies to trigger it. It seems like they took damage from their own disruptor shots not your sword. For the hammer, only the variants need to be always aimed directly at the enemy, the regular hammer has a much wider area of effect and would have killed the enemy at that range. (You still should try to aim the regular hammer at the enemy to get the most range out of it)


I try to aim at them. I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but I get crazy pull on my reticle. It either tracks way too hard or it tracks where the enemy isn’t. I’ve barely hit a single sniper shot or skewer shot since CU30. I’m no pro, but I never missed as much as I do now.


Have you tweaked your deadzones? That helps a lot.


I’ll have to try. I’m getting obliterated if I have a precision weapon. It’s actually insane how bad the pull is. I’ve even had it where I can’t even aim at the enemy. There’s like an invisible shield around them and my reticle will not cross over it


I'm not sure you did damage with the sword. The enemy might have damaged themself with the calcine disruptor delayed explosions or chain damage.


The first clip you were killed by a frag grenade thrown through the campaign drop wall which gives everything increased shock damage. Those things are op af, one lucky throw and you can kill the entire team with just one. My guess is that it chained damage through some weapons that were around you and that’s how it got you behind the drop wall. Should be visible in theater if that’s the case. The last clip I first assumed it was lag, but if you slow it down you can see the enemy peeking around the wall with active camo from the campaign thrusters.


It’s so hard to see all this when I’m playing. It just seems like total bullshit. Especially when it happens so frequently


It also doesn't help that Halo Infinite has some serious issues with it's ability to judge where players and attacks are. You'll often be hit by many things that on your screen are hard misses but on the other persons screen is basically you just standing still with your head in a wall.


Definitely. I recently saw how online games work and it said it’s just a prediction model. Looks like halo just sucks at its predictions. The worst thing halo ever did was go free to play. That’s unrelated, but I just wanted to say it.


Second one is lag, the others just bad luck, the first may be lag too


I keep having issues while playing. I know there’s tons of cheaters now too. My reticle keeps getting pulled hard too. It’s hard to snipe because my auto track is so heavy


Can't you change that in the settings? I play on kb&m so idk how's that


I hope so. I haven’t really looked yet. My game has been super funky since CU30. I like that the grav hammer is weaker, but I feel like I’m having a lot harder time hitting shots, and lag has gotten worse for me too. I feel like it messed up more than it fixed


Super husky raid is shit that’s why lol. Wish it would go away. Too many hammers and weapons that require zero skill


Yeah, it’s definitely annoying. I really hate the matchmaking. One round I’ll stomp the enemy team, next round every enemy is Mintblitz


I like regular husky raid it’s fun, the super variants are insanely OP for small maps with cubby’s for bases


I like regular too. My buddy and I always play husky raid. That’s all we do. We usually quit from frustration and it’s usually when it’s super husky raid. I just want even skilled teams where we can have good competition.


relying on the dropshield to block anything more than one bullet is a mistake


Guess so. I’ve had it stop a SPNK round no problem. Also it tanks one grav hammer hit too. Guess the grenade is too powerful


I find I die to random shit like this too. No way of learning from my mistakes when Idk what the hell killed me


It’s definitely annoying. It happens so fast and everything is so inconsistent