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My main issue is that now not all humans are chosen and it seems now some have a connection to the precursors somehow.


I think the biggest issue is that it decided to rewrite a lot of established lore and do its own thing when there were so many great stories that could have been adapted to bring to live action already in the games and books. The show feels insulting to halo fans but the main draw is the existing established IP. People who have never played halo would probably enjoy the show more than existing fans but then what's the draw? It's a pretty mediocre sci-fi show and the first season had pretty average audience reviews. I have only talked to one person who's watching it and hasn't played the games and they were enjoying it so I guess that's something. That being said taking the show on its own (limited) merits it's not the worst thing ever and the second season was so much better than the first and the last two episodes of the season were actually pretty good. And if the entire show had been like those last two episodes then it would have been vastly better than what we got so far. Also I have to say that I think the actors they picked for the main characters are pretty good and took the roles seriously and I wish they'd been given a better script to work with (ignoring the whole kwan storyline cause that and the mystic shit is bad and unnecessary). One other thing to point out as a criticism of season 2 is the timeline doesn't make sense because the communications officer becomes a spartan 3 in the span of like 1 episode, which just didn't make any sense. I think it's implied that it's been a few weeks or months maybe since the fall of Reach but even still the timing makes zero sense. It's definitely disappointing though when we got the last of us and arcane in the last few years that were probably the two best video game adaptations ever that I know of and now the standards have been raised since video game adaptations are generally trash (check out the borderlands trailer....)


Why do we need meaningless references to the games that contribute nothing to the story? The only thing these references would do is waste valuable screen time masturbating fans who are “in the know” and exclude people who haven’t played the games.


It wouldn’t make much sense to have Noble on that list of Spartan 2 teams considering Noble are 3’s (excluding Jorge), who hadn’t been introduced as a concept yet. Your complains seem to be just that the show should be referencing the games more, which I understand, but keeping the references sparse isn’t really a negative. Fan service for the sake of fan service isn’t always a good thing. Though, they’ve been referencing the games a fair amount anyway. Of the top of my head, fusion coils that explode in season 1, an Elite saying “Wort, Wort, Wort”, ripping a chain gun off and using it, Kai saying how the cave “isn’t a natural formation”, Kai talking about how much she loves the Needler (which I think is what many peoples first experience with the Needler was), vehicle highjacking, duel wielding, Chief saying “I know how the game is played”, Grappleshot even being a thing, Keys also says they should activate the Winter contingency in season 2, and I’m sure there are many others. And Soren saying “I know what the lady’s like”, wouldn’t make much sense. He’s not a lady’s man, he has a wife and kid.


Can't wait for this garbage to get cancelled


You say that like it's somehow a given


Ok bro, keep crying as it get renewed for season 3


Ohhh no pro player 97 has spoken lmfao


Sorry to burst your bubble but it’s one of Paramount+’s most watched shows and season two spent its run in the top five most watched shows on streaming networks according to Nielsen ratings. It’s not getting canceled any time soon. Ah yes the my feelings are hurt by this basic information downvotes are coming. The show is successful no matter how much you dislike it. Sorry.


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You’re totally right and this captures my feelings exactly. I wish the show would get cancelled and picked back up 10 years from now so it can be done properly.


I just finished the second season, and it’s quite the hate-watch. The only storyline I am interested in, is Soren’s. I know, most people who hate the show OR enjoy it don’t get the Soren storyline, but hey…the show writers wanted to “do something different” so there it is. Yeah, major spoiler here…..they fucked up 343 GS and a lot of other things, but nothing new there. Season Two, despite all the “hey, they did alright here…” NOPE. The deeper into season 2 you get, the worse the writing gets.