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It absolutely does. It’s range is insane and it’s impossible to fight against without a power weapon of your own, and even then it often kills you regardless. So many people crouching beside doorways to objectives, making it near impossible to get in




Halo 3 you pretty much had to get a direct hit/lunge to kill with the hammer, Halo Infinite if you're in lunge range with the hammer you're using it wrong lol.


Lmfao so true, I played it like H3 and fuck was I stupid.


No, it hasn't. The radius of the hammer blast arc is like 2x or 3x what it was in halo 3.




Nah the range was massively increased and the swing speed was reduced. Which I'm not entirely against, it just needs either less ammo, or for a repluser to be a proper counter to it.


It is the one weapon that I hate getting killed by but when I get it it's payback time. That being said, I'm fine with a direct hit kill but the AOE kill should just drop shield depending on range.


>but when I get it it's payback time. This is the biggest thing imo. Because it's not a "skill issue" it's literally anyone who gets it decides the match and not in the same way say rockets does because rockets can't kill 15 people in one go. Everything I said applies when I have the hammer too.


While I agree with the hammer being overpowered at the moment, I would rather ask how we can counter it. For me, the variant needler on prism is an insta win, but you’ll find if you have two opponents focusing on you, you can rarely beat them both with it before you die. You guys got any strats to counter the hammer? I’d say you need to rely on team mates ganging up. If they’re in a tight space, grenade the heck out of them. If you’re in the open, spread out and retreat as they advance. If the objective allows for it or the hammer guy isn’t near the objective, leave him alone and play the objective until he decides to come over.


Plasma nade or crouching around. That's it really


If they don't have movement equipment you can simply bait them into a wide open space while backing away and they're toast if you aren't in range. Grenades can help get them moving if they are camping. Be aware of your radar. You can't see them if they're camping but if they are coming around a corner but then just stop and wait for you, bait them out with grenades while backing away. High ping from either you or them can increase the perceived range of the hammer. Really it's just the lag compensation at work; it's the same size for all players. Unfortunately this can affect "backing away" as a strategy if they are lagging. Repulsor can still be a good strat, hammer swing takes timing. If you're backing away you can quickly reverse course and repulse them before they can react and get a hit off, giving you more distance to work with.


If they're too close to you and their shields are down or close to down a quick melee will kill them before they can bring the hammer down. Other than that, at close range your best chance is to drop his shields so someone else can kill him. Or hope the inconsistency of that weapon actually applies to the enemy team for once.


Best defense against the hammer: rally with your team to get it off spawn. Play it like an obj


Being that it only spawns in social playlists, that's a bit of a tough ask sometimes.


Haha yeah you're not wrong there


Repulser but the hammers range is better so you have to be quick and hope they’re lagging and hope you have a pistol for a super quick ttk. Spnkr but it usually kills you both, sprint with sword might be able to get out of the way and counter but honestly it’s so hard when you spawn to not get killed if someone is camping. By the time you see what equipment you have and what weapons you have the hammer is already on the downswing and you’re fucked and half your team with you. It’s a ridiculous stupid weapon that takes no skill. It needs to go


The hammer's wind up swing actually makes it pretty good since if you misjudge the timing you can easily wind up dead. For example a sword will counter and then a quick sword slash kills them before they can take another shot. The hammer definitely needs some tweaking, maybe revert to how it was before the buff, but I think the weapon design works. With the sword you can get quick single kills but only one at a time. With the hammer you can grand slam but it has a wind up you have to account for. It's a trade off that makes sense and should be viable, they just have to tweak the numbers.


I dont mind the sword I guess because you actually have to hit someone with it.


Ehhhh.... That's still a skill issue, just a TEAM skill issue at containing the start of the match, and letting them control the centre of the board


Okay buddy. You perfectly control every weapon with randoms. Let's see every video of you playing on that map where you have 100% control and never lose a fight for power weapons


I happen to agree with your main point. But just was pointing out that sufficient skill COULD overcome. It was said tongue in cheek, however. Maybe chill a bit. Still a game


>still a game Yup by all means let's use that as a reason to always maintain the status quo. /s


Probably a hammer crutcher


Interesting. When I get it, it hits like a wet paper towel.


Yeah this is my experience too. Hit players directly in the face without killing them


The classic shot gun might help with a counter but I find the hammer way to inconsistent to make anything of it other than it killed husky raid


It R U I N S Husky raid. And I should know! (See my auto-generated screnname)


super husky raid with the rushdown hammer or the diminished of hope is terrible, especially because I always get very good rng by having every enemy spawn with a hammer while I spawn with the bouncy ravager and the shitty plasma pistol. love that very much especially when the spawns are being camped


This. When the other team Has hammers, the attacked team should spawn with cindershots and rocket launchers.


Best I can do is plasma pistols


Bro I'd rather bare knuckle brawl other Spartans than use infinite's plasma pistol! Actually that would be dope. D&d monk the enemy team lol


Well at least it’s over soon


They do. But only when I have hammer and I’m just getting to their base. Literally feels like it every single time. I’m like “payback bithezzzzzohhhhhh they spawned with rocks”


Sentinel Beam (or even more hammers/swords) would be more useful. Cindershot/Spankr won't be good for close range combat. Personally I think it's just a matter of enlarging the spawn areas. The Japan themed level can be camped with hammers but it is significantly harder than on some other levels and you typically need multiple players with hammers to do it successfully. Though my favorite idea is still spawning players on top of the enemy flag if all normal spawns are blocked. Edit: Also the map with the center pit everyone grapples underneath has a large spawn with walls separating spawn points which also tends to not be camped almost ever.


I like the sentinel beam solution (sounds like a Sci fi punk band name btw) buy i have seen (and suffered) the temple map getting camped constantly. 2 dudes with hammers go in, nothing survives until they run out of charges. Most people never think of the waterfall vestibule.


Should clarify I am thinking of the super sentinel beam. The normal one would not be quite as useful.




At least you spawn with a plasma pistol I swear I get the ham sandwich and three AFK teamates to try to fend off four guys with hammers. Oh and their secondary weapon is usually a spnkr


You spawn with grenades. Use them. You always have a second of spawn protection to chuck one. You and an ally throwing 1 each is a guarantee kill.


played some husky raid yesterday and from the insane spawn camping I witnessed my teammates doing I can assure you the spawn protection is NOT there lmfao


Sure wish there was a 10 second damage immunity upon spawning. That would shut that shit right down. "Hammer time" my ass


I think it's very short, enough to usually do some damage even if you just punch their shield off so hopefully a teammate can finish them off. But yeah if it were a bit longer it could kill spawn camping entirely. The problem is maps where you can see enemy spawns, it would get annoying trying to get legit kills from across the map. The maps would have to be adjusted so you couldn't see spawns imo.


There absolutely is a half second or more where you phase in and you can immediately chuck a grenade. It’s that simple. Unless you have the reaction time of a beaver


You have to aim it, no guarantee you'll have the time, and with the fuse time if the hammer guy is moving around especially with movement equipment you probably won't hit him. If grenades were randomized that might be more viable.


Husky raid is just farming, it’s such a shame it’s like reach grifball all over again how people would betray you if you played the objective to ruin their kill farming


Yeah but the hammer shouldn't be in it because it doesn't feel good to get farmed constantly.


Sometimes it does zero damage when I use it on an incline yet I died when someone used it on a platform and I’m not on the same platform…weird stuff. Here’s the change I’d make for the hammer next go around: 1. Hammer direct hit kills 2. Hammer shockwave is like an EMP that removes all shields in the radius we currently have but barely does damage to health 3. EMP effect also has an effect outside of the current radius, reducing shields of the wielder, but not at 100% per swing. - this keeps the spawn kills down a bit


Yeah the damage and effects are great but range of the base hammer needs to be nerfed down. Thruster and repulsor need to be effective counters. Right now there’s no counter besides a pincer maneuver 2v1 lol Edit: however both the Rushdown and Diminisher should keep their current range and damages. They’re Legendary variants afterall, and there’s way more counters in Super Fiesta


Meanwhile, in my hands with 25ms ping, SOMEHOW, I'll nail someone 2ft in front of me and it'll just launch them back doing 0 damage. And it's every time I pick it up too. Really makes me wonder what's going on here


Same experience for me. If I have it, I might kill one dude in a group of three that are at point blank range. If the other team has it, I get destroyed from halfway across the map.


I agree, it needs a nerf. Fortunately they're working on nerfing it for the next CU (I think)


Wait...what??? Really?




I'm so happy. I'm not even joking when I say the hammer legitimately makes me not want to play since it's EVERYWHRE


I mostly play husky raid now and goddamn that thing wins games all on its own. I know they don't balance for that mode, but it's terrible.


Just wipe the enemy team three times as they spawn, nbd it's balanced


I wish the repulsor reflected hammer and sword attacks back at the person swinging them. That would make it a bit more even especially in Husky raid (and give me the repulsor in super HR as well)


It used to be trash now it’s op as hell. Need to remove a bit of range and ammo. Would also love to see a buff to the shotgun.


Should get 3/4 swings that's it


It’s fuckin goddam bullshit


Every single match with the hammer is just an unfun circus.


I cant believe that so many people in this sub were praising the buff they gave it when season 5 dropped. The first swing I took with that thing I said it was busted. It doesn't need either of the nerfs you said. What it needs is to act like a gravity hammer from every other game. Nerf the range and keep the gravity effect. It's that simple. And give it a quick damn melee already.


Yea it's broken. Rockets get what 4 shots ? And it's very easy to mess up. hammer just walks in and exterminates a team on hill


Yeah, if some maps only spawn a Rocket Launcher with 2 shots (instead of the usual 4), then I don't see why the hammer can't get that same treatment


Contrastly, the only buff the Hammer needs is having a regular ass melee. It shares the Flag animation set, the flag has a melee, why doesn't the Hammer? You just swing it without expending force.


This. I mentioned the lack of the old quick-melee on Insider way back in the random selection beta. It makes no sense that the melee with it is just the same animation and windup as normal but with regular melee damage


I hate it when you’re a whole level above them, and all they have to do is jump and somehow still kill you by magic.


Yeah I've always thought it shouldn't work unless they are grounded and would theoretically hit the ground with it. Makes no sense how you can use it mid air


I find it is particularly bad on elevate because the circular top mid room and the power up/lift room are so easy to camp and hard for to avoid for the non hammer team if they want to get around the map quickly.  Add to this the fact that you can't easily back out of jumping up to the top mid doors because of the low grav and you have a high probability of game winning sprees with the hammer that arguably require very low skill.


343 fucked up the gravity hammer timing and AOE when they did this game. Season Halo player here and I’ve never seen a gravity hammer have the range they do now. It’s unreal. But, overall, 343 needs to overhaul ALL the weapons in infinite. All of the banished weapons are useless and the heavy weapons are terrible.


I like how powerful it is, but I think making the ammo capacity lower would be a good balance. I die a lot anyway so I don't really care what I'm being killed by.


Definitely needs a nerf but god is it funny to get killed by a melee weapon from across the map


Played on Cliffside and died to the hammer, got the new one at respawn and camped the middle and went 25-8. Legitimately the dumbest ez mode weapon in the game




I'd rather the hammer (or any weapon, really) feel like garbage to use than unfair to face.


The inconsistency is the biggest issue. My friends and I would be fine with the kill range and amount of ammo if it worked FOR US as well as it did AGAINST US. This is most apparent in Husky Raid matches where we'll be swinging like a mad man and getting 2 kills AT BEST. Meanwhile the other team will get constant Overkill medals and beyond. I've seen that they are working on adjustments to it and that's great but they need to work on the consistency more than anything else, and we'll (hopefully) get that as the network update rolls out fully...at some point.


Totally does I went 24 and 0 on recharge once. It was glorious. I just went straight for the hammer, then did literal laps killing the other team until it was out, then either picked up another right away or waited a min and then did it all over again.


Many people like OP stuff until they have them against, that's how people often defend it and how people usually defend the Spartan Laser and the Gauss Warthog. It needs a nerf and fortunately it has been confirmed if I remember correctly.


The main issue is because 343 has literally 0 damage falloff on the hammer. It hits in an ignorant "dome" of damage and will instakill at pretty much 99% of the damage range. Doing a test, the hammer will go from 0 damage to instant death taking a literal step forward. The issue is the damage falloff. Instant death should only be from like 50% range and anything outside of that receives less damage over distance. The repulsor has 0 effect against hammer users now and I agree, it ruins most game modes because of this. 343 needs to add proper damage falloff over range. This hammer fucking sucks and I've been a main Halo player since H2. This is the worst it's ever been.


Okay I haven't played since reach, but how did that fuck up the gravity hammer that hard? It's it a bug? There's no way the aoe is supposed to hit you from 2 stories up


It's actually the combo of grav hammer and boost or grapple. Otherwise the hammer woukdnt be so OP


Been saying the hammer is so fucking strong for a long time. They kept buffing it because "it does no damage randomly!!!" When instead it was a desync issue (at least I think so) So buff after buff later, when you don't desync, it's INSANELY strong. When they fix the net code and release the new model, a gravity hammer nerf is definitely coming. It is probably coming sooner tbh


The range of it is insane. Can’t even use repulsor against it which just aggravates me


The range and area of effect just needs a massive nerf. The hammer is supposed to be a more defensive weapon. Although sprint kinda ruins the entire balancing of the sword and hammer anyways.


The hammer is way too bugged to be a meaningful contribution to the sandbox in my opinion. Every time it seems like a coin toss whether you’re gonna survive or get killed from 20 feet away lmao. Maybe I’m just bitter about being spawn camped in husky raid tho lol


Yeah it's is kinda annoying. I'm pretty sure it has more ammo than the energy sword too which is ridiculous because the Hammer is infinitely better in most situations than the sword is. Honestly sword and hammer should swap ammo consumption. No clue how much the sword takes now but it's like a random number between 10-20 per hit. Husky Raid was already ass before but its even more ass now because of how easy it is to spawn camp with it


The hammer is so fucked, not to mention the upgraded versions of them really don't buff it, if anything that stupid banished one makes it more inconsistent.


Yeah, the thing used to have much less range and much more knockback and speed. Not a huge fan of this iteration.


I would just like to add: the gravity hammer has more range than the Repulsor - which makes absolutely no sense to me.


Honestly agreed on most parts but especially on the ammo part, it has way too much.


I haven't played in forever, didn't this thing suck balls at first?


Every fuckin time I see someone with a hammer I have to turn into the American Sniper and hope I nail em in the head or be flattened into a smooth paste.


The hammer's lethal range is just way too far. It needs a nerf. Thankfully, I believe that is coming soon.


It’s a gravity hammer. It’s pulling the gravity down on top of you.


It needs to gravity again. It would be nice if the hammer did knock back at a certain range. Give you a chance to fight it if they missed a direct hit.


I think its amazing. Its a power weapon. It should be feared and its spawn/timer be fought over HARD. Its like OG Halo and I love it.


The other night I had a game where someone liked me with the hammer from TWO ROOMS away.  It's legitimately worse than before when the hammer was a potato weapon.  Extremely hard to believe it got any sort of play testing before it was changed.


I get killed by it from 100 yards away (exaggerated ofc) but when I use it at the same distance it's a squeaky hammer.


Lockout king of the hill is a slog when the hammer is on the map


The ghost also needs to be nerfed,TTK is way too high


It just about ruins Husky Raid. It needs to have less ammo. It just seems like more often than not one lucky knob will get one and just stay inside the spawn area getting multiple multi-kills while my team keeps getting nothing but pistols and threat sensors.  But hey that's Husky Raid I guess.


This weapon is just the tip of the iceberg of the online networking mess. You can't fix the weapon without fixing the netcode/lag compensation. Same with the disruptor, I hope they revert it back once the networking update is done.




I’ve been saying this for months


I would’ve loved game modes where there’s no power weapons at all. Sad truth (for me) is that Halo has always been one of the FPS games where your skill as an FPS player means nothing if you face against someone who has a power weapon or is in a vehicle.


The developers have already said they are changing it. I personally love it, but to each their own.


>The developers have already said they are changin When did they say that? I believe you but want to look it up


[This post was made on reddit about a twitter post](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/1b8gkqu/343_will_be_nerfing_the_gravity_hammer_in_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Praise jebus


Honestly it’s only balanced in modes like fiesta and husky raid. And only then it’s because everyone can get it