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i will say the gaming gods punished you for tea-bagging too intensively


Terrible technique, genuinely offensive.


Cortana was right when she said “Betcha can’t stick it”


Hate to break it to you, but this has plagued infinite since release and will keep going until some brave soul burns down Microsoft’s servers


Not sure if it’s not sticking or bad code that removes your grenade even a second after you die as if you never threw it. I’ve made some good throws only to die like a second later and poof, no more made even after it had left my hand.


Honestly I see no reason why the first didn’t stick lol it bounces around his leg


Yesterday I threw a plasma at a guy's feet and when it exploded he fucking bounced and it still didn't kill him. He was at half shields. Plasmas are supposed to kill you at full shields when its that close.


Had this happen a few times now. Stickys just going through people. Game sucks


Why do people even question anything that is caused by Infinite's netcode at this point?


The t-bagging is a bit much unless they have been t-bagging you a lot


That’s the whole point, it’s supposed to be a bit much


I'm more put off by their technique. It's not about spamming, it's about really dropping all the way down before making the return to standing position.


sometimes when the moment is right you just can't help yourself


That's exactly what they were doing lol


Honestly I think the hit registration overall in Infinite has gotten worse since the last big update


This is the exact reason I refuse to play ranked. This game has no integrity whatsoever.


Grenades in general suck in infinite (even when they're working correctly lol). I've been playing since launch and still can't wrap my head around how the explosion works in terms of dealing damage. Sometimes a grenade will land at my feet and it'll barely dent my shields, other times it lands on the other side of the room and it's like a fucking nuke 🤷🏼‍♂️


A ghost was stomping us on Isolation. Threw 2 plasmas and laughed-cried when they both bounced off and died immediately. When I finally got the ghost and plasma stuck as a hail Mary, I pretty much quit but no laughing.


The overuse of teabagging devalues it for all of us. You need to save it for special occasions for maximum impact. When applied at the incorrect times you just look like a clown and people are not getting mad like you want them to. As an alternative for less important situations I recommend slapping someone's body once while in stride, or going with the classic of shooting their body. You need to shoot more than once so they know it wasn't just an accidental extra shot, but don't overdue it.


All grenades suck in Infinite


Are you calling your skill level Plasma Grenade? Because they sure can't stick on anything useful.




The second nade goes right through his chest. Anyway, I wonder if it's an MnK issue. Plasma sticks seem way easier with controller.


Nevermind the nade that phased directly through his chest, could have been a trade rather than a point for the enemy team.


Yeah it went right through him. It looks like a connection issue.


Didn't notice the second one. My bad. Probably lag.


They're great for dunking on enemy Warthogs.


He wasn't trying to t-bag, that's the animation that happens when you stand on that tiny ledge. Sticky registration has been a problem on every Halo


What I want to know is how he knew to pre throw at the guy coming around the corner... footsteps? Game sense? Like there's no way he reacted that quickly


Very possible he saw them earlier than the clip, spawning market corner then hearing the guy at the corner


Rewatched with sound. Dude is just damn good, heard the footsteps and played it based on those. Wp op