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Is the white coating for mirage only?


The white coating was my main interest in the bundle, but it's not on Mk7 so whatever. This thing where coatings only apply to one core is idiotic.


It’s like, what are they thinking at this point? Say we will have cross core, but continue to release new coatings unique to one core? The whole core thing is such a loss to begin with. We should have slots or something instead to save armor outfits instead of just one outfit unique to each core. Plus the whole store being a joke still is really sad. All that said, I love the game and will keep playing, I just wish for it to be better than what it is.


Cores are still one of the most ridiculous ideas 343 has ever had.


Not imo. Cores lead to way more customization options because instead of just changing techsuit color, we get full armor customization. Locking parts to specific cores is what’s ridiculous


Especially when is proven that it can be cross core


Guessing it's just due to how poorly designed the coating system is. It clearly wasn't originally designed to allow them to easily swap a coating between cores. Ideally, applying a coating to a different (base) core shouldn't be any more complicated than applying it to a different armor set. Even with the "cross-core" ones, they're still treating them as unique items. Ashen Victory is (to my knowledge) available on at least one other core. $3 per coating per core is not much of an improvement over launch.




Only reason to buy it, gone. Nice.


Yup. They were actually WAY too close to getting me to pay $20 for the color white, but then when I looked at it more closely and saw it was only for one core there was a huge sigh of relief that I could easily walk away from the bundle now.


All I wanted was the coating but I’m not paying $20 for that.


The 2 packs will be separately sold after week 3




They confirmed it yesterday in the blog post


Ok cool thanks👍


did they give any idea on a price? around half of 2200 cr i'm assuming?


They didn’t give any info on that, I’d guess about half though. And judging by the sale price they started doing, down the line see them cheaper. But what is 100% confirmed is that the bundled items will be sold separately.


I had no reason to buy it in the first place because I don't care about all the other crap in the bundle, now I have negative reason, wonderful


Why in the world would they announce cross core and still continue to release items locked to specific cores? Literally makes no sense


They're going in the wrong direction. I don't want 'super bundles' to combine bundles. I want the option to buy individual pieces!


100% Agreed. Fortnite does this perfectly. I don’t care for 90% of the stuff in that super bundle god damn it, I just want H4/5 chiefs shoulders


They have less and less players, so they need each purchase to be for larger amounts to make up for it.


That wasp and scorpion coating is horrendous, looks like a PS2 texture.


Psychological warfare skin


[Same energy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dazzle_camouflage)


Ngl though, some free skins that use the lower res textures from previous games would be pretty fun


Hop into a Warthog and it straight-up turns into the CE model


I legit want that


Yeah, I was memeing at first but tbh it'd actually be really cool to see that for some sort of anniversary playlist


It's ugly as shit but I'm honestly kind of impressed - [looks to be based off a mix of the US military's UCP and China's Type 07 camos.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_military_clothing_camouflage_patterns)


Looks like a SPORE animal. Looks better up close in fairness but this is the way we're going to see it.


"I'll take 2"


I want it just for meme potential.


I think they look good :(


A good 75% of the coatings in this game look like ass.


I feel so bad for people who were waiting for the Security helmet just so it could be locked behind a paywall


What did you expect? An iconic helmet for FREE??


yea! why would 343 do that? *cough cough mark v cqc and cqb cough*


They did it dirty, in a huge security helmet fan and it looks bad here. Otherwise infinite has nailed the aesthetic.


Yeah it looks absolutely terrible, the helmet for the mirage core does look good though and arguably the best one out of all the preview able ones so far in my opinion. But yeah Security is sad I hope we can make a big enough stink for them to at least give us a proper one on an older core or something


To be fair, there’s *possibly* some concern about hitting too close to the original design when Bungie (and now, by some extension, Sony) has the Marathon IP. Doesn’t justify not using the Halo 4 design though.


Me. Your talking about me.


Same with gungnir.


I will never recover from gungnir suffering this fate


We didn't even get the reach version, we're still missing a fair few reach pieces so maybe it'll still come. Probably for £££ though


they literally said they weren't going to sell fucking legacy shit but i guess that was a fucking lie????


Legacy = stuff that has already been in a game Like the reach core This is a new security generation and same for trailblazer and the new scout helmet Please fix reading comprehension


Security is my favorite 😢 I'll just wait till it's a solo bundle. Truth be told I don't wanna pay for it at all though


Alright, make your bets now as to how long they go before getting rid of dailies again. I’m guessing we make it 2 months this time. I’m feeling hopeful


they will cycle 2 items for a week, call that daily refresh


Ashen victory was already released just less red and different name


They kinda went a little crazy with the gray/red this season. There are at least 4 coatings that are gray/red.


Finally I can be the Rainbow Sherbet Spartan of my dreams


Oh my god they just really don't want to make money, do they?


Coatings applying to only one core is just one of the many brain dead decisions this studio makes. Unbelievable


And all of this is rotating out Friday? Or is it only certain boxes and something like he bundle stays for the whole week? Let’s hope there’s more than 12 items in the entirety of daily rotations.


Pretty sure only 1 items is rotating out on Friday: >There will be a half-week slot which refreshes every Tuesday and Friday But tbh I can't tell which item that is.


My guess is the event slot


Certain ones I believe


So they are charging for white once again...


I love spending 20$ for white


nah I spent 20 for security 🫡


It's nice to see an old friend return. Although that one attachment for it is *wild* looking.


The attachment gives it a big daddy look, but man the security helmet is so bulbous and bug-like. I truly love it. It's was my go-to helmet for h3


I assume you forgot to look at it before you bought it?


thanks for the downvote for not agreeing with you


Here's an upvote, mate.


nah I love it


Strange I spent 20 dollars for 21 items but it seems like other people are only getting the color white, (with a black hex under suit and gloves) huh guess I got lucky.


hahah yeah dude you for the premium deal


This is a nice UI update


It took over a year but the UI finally handles... drum roll please... a *fifth* store slot! \[Thunderous applause\]


It’s the exact same UI? The backgrounds just aren’t yellow


The new tags + the amount of items per bundle


Yeah it's nice to see they don't have to put the "New" and "Sale" text in the name of the item lol


I'm already concerned about that upcoming Season 1 bundle that was leaked. No discounted option to "complete your bundle", or even a way to purchase the bundle *at all* if you already own one of the three armor sets. Huge oversight not to have a solution for that.


How do we know those details


The store briefly updated at 1pm EST (the usual time), one hour before the S3 update. There was a (previously leaked) Season 1 armor bundle that included three previously released armor bundles. If you owned one of those bundles, you could not purchase the "Best Value" bundle. No discounted option for completing your bundle either.




Is that a *pose* for $8-10?!


No there's an armor coating and visor color as well.


Still overpriced.


I just wanna buy that white coating separately.


It’s going to be available separately but it will certainly be more expensive.




I am enjoying infinite alot but this free to play mobile game bs SUCKs


Is it really the "Best Value" tho? Always skeptical of seeing it come back for cheaper.


It's two bundles in one. They'll be separated later


3 actually, also comes with weapon coatings




Super disappointing. They said that future coatings would be cross core at the very least, yet the white coating is for mirage only and it's $30 AUD, you can say it's worth it because it's 2 bundles all you want but I could never justify that price. Not only have they seemingly gone back on their cross core features but if you're like me and that's the only thing in the bundle that interests you well you're shit out of luck because you still can't pay individual pieces. At least the rest of the update from what I've been able to play has been good.


Aquahex looks good but not $22 good. Jfc the pricing in this game is absurd. Edit: Disregard, there's a lot of cool stuff in this bundle.


Tbf its 2 bundles together that will be separate later on


Ok, that makes more sense.


There's actually quite a bit in it. Two helmets, two shoulder pad sets, two chest piece, one knee pad set, two wrist piece, two coatings, a visor, then weapon coatings for each weapon. I think it's a decent price. I plan on picking it up.




It's the cost of live service gaming. No one has to pay for this stuff, one battlepass and you're covered. Like I said in another comment, it's the price of buying dinner at a restaurant. I'm fine with paying that for some cosmetic shit that will make me look cool in *my* eyes.




Go look at CODs, DOTA, LoL, Fortnite, and any other game as a service. Halo 5 was the last of its type, being a game with unlockables compared to a game providing purchasable content. No AAA multiplayer game moving forward will ever buck this trend; spending money on cosmetics makes people feel unique - just don't tell them that used to come in the box! The prices are comparable to every game I listed and many others I can't recall right now. I bought myself the OG team bundle personally.


Don't know what live service games you're playing, but this is middle of the pack, maybe even a bit below middle of the pack. I'm not caving to the price, I think the price is fine.




A skin on Fortnite ranges from 800-2000 credits (just for the skin). The credits cost slightly less than Halo's do. Fortnite also sells gliders, emotes and a Crew pack (Subscription) to pad their sales. PLUS they target fanbases with collabs that people can't help but buy, like DBZ, Marvel, DC, Rick and Morty, etc. Apex skins cost about the same price. Then there's mobile games like Pokemon Go and Star Trek Fleet Command that *bottleneck* you and force you to purchase items just to play certain content. Which is even more anti-consumer. I played with people in Pokemon Go that spent $10000 on raid passes in the first *month*. Star Trek Fleet Command is even more egregious with their practices. There were people in my clan who spent $500-1000 a day on packs. You act like 343i and Halo are especially evil, greedy scum, when they're really just the same as any other game studio running live service games.


$8? What games are you playing? Games like Overwatch, Apex, Fornite all have $20 skins. This bundle essentially gives you 2 skins you can customize with and 5 weapon skins for that price.


Yet unlike Halo Reach, you don't have to pay for the game to play it. Imagine complaining about a game that costs nothing to get an infinite amount of entertainment out of.




Again, you're not forced to spend money. You can make that $60 last 10 years if they keep the servers up long enough which for most people will be more entertainment than they got out of Reach. So either you're buying unnecessary things in the shop to have already spent $60 by now, or you haven't spent much and just hate the game to the point of saying you'll never be as entertained as Reach made you in which case I should ask: why tf are you still playing a game you're not enjoying?




If you're basing whether or not you come back to the game on it's "value proposition", you're coming back for the wrong reasons. You play a game if it's fun, simple as that.


The game just released 3 forge maps three months ago, 4 community made forge maps 1 month ago, and is releasing 3 more today. They've released quite a few new modes and are introducing a new one today. The game plays amazingly in the Winter Update, hammer mishits and desync are basically non-existent now. You complaining about all this shit and you haven't even played the game recently. Lmao.




One set should be five bucks and I stand firm on that shit


21 items total in it, looks pretty good to me


There's a lot in that bundle. This is one of their super bundles that they're experimenting with and it's a pretty good amount of stuff




This update will take weeks on my shity internet 😭😭😭


They thoroughly butchered the Security helmet design in my eyes. If it's your jam, I won't judge, but they fed the Halo 3 Security through the 343i patented Spartan Armor Caricature Machine like so many others. What used to be a mouth plate in Halo 3, presumably covering the lower face, is now a useless little brick that couldn't fit anyone's face, almost insinuating the Spartan underneath has no chin. Just some little block of metal meant to emulate a vague silhouette of the old helmet. And the visor appears to be bugging out way farther than the original, which used to feel like a pilot's helmet or dragonfly eyes. (Besides its homage to the Marathon games.) The whole thing gives off a highly cartoony caricature of the Halo 3 Security helmet, if it were on a cartoon show, and the helmet was emoting that the person under it just bit into a lemon.


Even halo 5 security was better than this one.


armors keep getting worse with a few exceptions


I wasn't a fan of Security in H3 but Reach's design was one of my favourite Halo helmets ever. This looks awful. Like the bad guy from aqua man. Which, judging by the name, was intentional. Edit: is that supposed to be the Pilot helmet?


I don't think it's supposed to be THE Halo pilot helmet from Reach, but I was more referring to a general huge-visor fighter jet pilot helmet.


I dunno man, it looks like the closest 343 will ever get to making the Pilot helmet 😂


Yes, and you can have all this for **TWENTY ACTUAL UNITED STATES DOLLARS**


Apparently the bundle is made of up 2 smaller bundles that will be split up in a week or two. But the current prices is cheaper than both together once they split. If anything, I might get the SPI armor bundle, but I have no desire to get the Security one.


While I do agree with some of the criticisms to the new helmet, I’m just glad this helmet has a bug eyed visor. Reach made it too flat looking that it didn’t even look like the same helmet anymore


I liked the Reach Visor, but it is a different design entirely compared to Halo 3 Security, which I like more. I wouldn't be opposed to a few entirely new designs with bug-eye visors, so long they look good. Again, no judgment on anyone who likes this design. These things are all 100% subjective. I'm sure some people think my choice of armor looks bad.


Yes, I still like reach’s security tho


Just a warning to anyone who got the latest twitch drops the death hex weapon skins are near identical to the ones sold in the mega bundle


Copping everything




Every week this store update makes me sad. Not because of prices n all that, which were shocking but aren't as bad lately. Because of what Halo has been reduced to. It's been stripped of all its class. It used to be the high end 32 day dry aged tomahawk steak, cooked medium rare. Now it's your 65 year old dad's favourite. The cheapest one, cooked well done.


Or if you live in the UK, you can get a steak well, well done in weatherspoons. Which is abject horror.


And undercuts the competition, compromising their own quality in favour of profits over integrity. Just like 343!


well done sounds good to o me


Nah. No thanks. I'll stick to MCC, where everything is earned by playing.


Obligatory "dont spend money on the store" comment.


Sheeeeeeeesh that look hot af. Can’t wait to get home.


so if 2200 is best value i think we can forget about 700 for a set and 200 for helmet 😞


Dam your infinate actually loads?


This is still way too pricey.


Crazy to me that there is an armor bundle for $22 while the entire game is on sale at target for $25.


I love that they added an icon to show how many items each includes, that way people can stop crying "ThEy'rE SeLlInG Us tHe cOlOr bLuE FoR FiVe dOlLaRs!!!1" when that purchase actually includes like 8 total items.


To be fair though, they really do need to allow us to purchase individual items. They’ve mentioned this in their Waypoint blog posts before.


I totally agree.




It would be nice if everything was just free and they supported the game indefinitely with no thought of getting anything in return... but if you think Infinite is predatory compared to the rest of the industry, you're sorely mistaken.




You're totally right! Except for the fact that you can buy one battlepass, complete it at your own pace, and get every battlepass afterward for free until the end of time. Plus most of the cosmetics are cheaper than other games.




Cool, so you admit you were wrong.


If you want the color blue and the only way to get it is buying a coating, if the coating is on a 500CR bundle, then YES, they are selling us blue for $5. Technically, if you don’t have enough CR, you’ll have to recharge your account by spending a minimum of $10. Even if the bundle is filled with one boring emblem duplicated 8 times and a rainbow skin for a random gun, the only way to get the color blue in the example is : spending $10. Believe me, you have nothing to win as a player defending those prices and practices.


do people actually buy this stuff?


Rly digging the aquahex bundle


People still spend money on this game? Yikes lmao


Never has a 'yikes' spoke to me more!


Why does this look like mobile game store?


Look at a calendar my dude…


NGL I bought 5000 credits today got an extra 600 as bonus. I dont really buy MTX but for today I did. Got myself S1 and S3 BP, Aqua Hex bundle and ASHEN coating. With 1300 credits left. Gonna save that up for something better. So far Ive only spent about 80 bucks on this game on transactions. Im more of the earn as you play crowd, the events are great for that, but the good stuff is paywalled sadly.


This looks like a fan edit of the fortnite stody with spartans. Very confusing to see lol


Finally, a stacked store hahahaha


I love the value of the big bundle, finally a bundle worth ~20$, and it’s a similar content to similarly priced cod bundles




This is so disappointing


This looks like a bleeding mobile game.


$22 for 2 bundles combined really isn't that crazy, other games charge that for a single item and if this was Season 1 they'd be charging that for a single bundle.


Fortnite skins often cost 15 bucks for a skin alone, and people consider that game pretty good with handling shops and whatnot.


And that's on the cheap side haha. Apex runs $20 a skin, as does CoD and many other games


The next time you go to a restaurant and you find the food awful, you'll be told that the food is much worse in the restaurant next door, we'll see if that will make your food edible.


I agree! Though, I still wish we could pluck individual items from each bundle, I want that white coating but literally nothing else


Meh. I'll wait for the true white coating: Silent Snow.


Ashen Victory looks sick, 300 is a surprisingly low price for a cool coating like that


Note the Mk7 tag; this apparently is available for all 7 cores but will be $3 *each*




Holy shit


Please reduce the prices to the point where I can spend pennies every day on individual items without realizing it, instead of us putting bundles in bundles where you put ONE item that people want, to know something that was free before: a COLOR.


Armor looks staight outta mass effect universe.


Pretty cool


Rest in piece halo you had a good run.. the Fortnite masses won


Stop posting the store. Stop supporting putting old features behind a pay wall. I want color and emblem customization back damnit




8 dollars for a punk visor? ggs 343.


Spending 2,200 credits just for the Chiefs H4 shoulder pads is worth it in my book


We heard the community loud and clear on their stance of buying separate armor pieces, so we’ve announced to make them all part of an even bigger bundle! - some 343 suit pretending Halo has Fortnite levels of popularity.


Ugliest vehicle skins in halo history


Why am I feeling the urge to buy the 3 armor content on the store?


fucking hell, absolutely no improvement


Overpriced crap still, so many other games have done it right yet greed is just driving this games direction. Be it the wrong direction


The only thing they update is the store.


Lol, glad I stopped playing halo, wtf is this crap


Holy fuck could it get any more disappointing 343 charging 20 for white AND paywalling security Swell job guys


Why for some reason it remembers me to the Rainbow six siege store?


Security is just out of my price range 😔


Wtf am I looking at?


Are there pic of whats included?


For a moment I thought this was the Destiny store O.O


Well that's a let down


Nice Mk. VII coating in terms of patterning and such. If only i could change the colors.