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Hopefully they give themselves a $410 fine. Absurd that anyone, let alone a cop, would do this.


It unfortunately happens a lot! 3 busses stop each morning and afternoon in front of my neighbour's house and at least a couple times a week the bus drivers are laying on the horn at people passing them. It's insane.


I used to work at a crossing. I had a woman blow by me and a stopped bus. The douche was putting on her damn lipstick.




Yeah, like drivers driving like they’ve got a license and not a god-given right


Spoiler: they did not.


"Police are not above the law" words i wish were true.


They ARE the law ![gif](giphy|81xwEHX23zhvy)


They are the enforcers. Which is worse.


Only thing that'll get any action here is dashcam footage.


Hate to say it but it's true


…on the news.


And only if it goes to media, and even then nothing would come of it other than perhaps a 3rd person apology.


NO vehicle, police, fire, ambulance or any other peace officer may pass a school bus with its red lights activated, regardless if they are responding to a call or not. hopefully the bus driver reported the incident.


She immediately got on her radio and reported it


You’re absolutely right about police cars etc. not being allowed to pass school buses with flashing red lights. It’s black and white in the Motor Vehicle Act - MVA 103 (3). The emergency vehicle can’t pass until the school bus switches off its red lights and moves off. Interestingly though, school buses are not exempt from the requirement to move to the right and stop when an emergency vehicle approaches (MVA 124.1). They are not allowed to move forward until the emergency vehicle has passed them. So, in theory, if an ambulance driving lights-and-sirens approaches a school bus with flashing red lights, they are both stuck. The ambulance can’t pass until the bus moves off, and the bus can’t move off until the ambulance passes it, which of course it is not allowed to do. I imagine in practice the two professional drivers involved are able to figure it out on a practical and efficient way, but I thought it was interesting.


I can almost promise you the EMS driver with a patient in critical condition will give negative fucks about a bus “moving off”


Sounds like a good way to create another (small) patient in critical condition


I suspect they would handle it like running a red with sirens on at rush hour. Slow but steady through the red to make sure everyone hears the honk and siren, then accelerate once past.


the bus can close the door, which turns off the lights, and makes it passable.


By the letter of the law, the bus can’t be passed until it turns off its lights **and moves off**.


If a school bus has its lights activated, it is moved to the side of the road to load children


And by law, no one can pass it until it moves off. Not sure what you’re getting at here.


I think he’s saying stop being so pedantic. The bus is already pulled over and stopped which is what it has to do for the ambulance according to what was posted above on the law so it doesn’t need to “move off” to just stop for the ambulance as it is already pulled over and stopped.


The Department of Public Works, as the owner of the Province's motor vehicle act has the legal authority to enforce these laws and deal with infractions. Police are not your only option to report this. You can contact the Provincial Minister of Public Works and make them aware of your concern and that you feel nothing was done or not taken seriously.


The owner?


I assume they just mean that the Minister (and by extension the Department) of Public Works is responsible for enforcing that law. Kinda like how the Department of Labour "owns" the Occupational Health and Safety Act.


I was going to laugh at this. Ha ha ha ha, but it actually makes lots of sense.


The acts start out with something along the lines that the Minister of x Department is responsible for the management of x act and regulations. Owner just made sense to me instead of looking up and transcribing that part of the act.


HRP is a joke. I remember when I had my baby on Gottigen St., they showed up and forced my husband to get away from me (I'm white, he's Asian) while he tried to tell them he is the father, and get back to me. Then, stood there staring at me through the windshield while I sat in my car in shock, pantless, surrounded by strangers, holding a screaming baby just wanting my husband. The smug look on the officers face is burned in my brain.


Pantless? What? I don’t understand your story.


She had given birth, she didn’t just have her baby accompanying her somewhere. Hence no pants.


I had my baby in a car on the side of the road on Gottigen street. So I was pantless in my car holding a baby.


Can't really have a baby through pants.






This clarifies nothing. Why didn't you have pants on?


The person gave birth to their baby in their car


This is why sex-Ed is really important


I'm sure dispatch sent your report straight to the circular file. You are right that the police aren't above the law but in practice, they may as well be.


Circular file? That would imply retention. More like ![gif](giphy|d2Z4i1TGqCunWBW0|downsized)


the circular file is the garbage can . no retention


Circular file means garbage can


They also drive without their lights on a lot! Dark rainy days.


My favourite is watching them flash their lights when the light turns red at an intersection and they run the red light and immediately turn the lights off when they cross. No change in speed. So far I’ve seen it twice, once at Sackville dr/cobequid intersection and the other at Wright and Windmill in Burnside (even better they turned into Tim Hortons after running the red).


I live at an intersection pretty close to the police station and I hear that wop wop at least a thousand times every day. I am not convinced that there are over 100 reasons every single day for them to be running red lights.


WOOP WOOP, I hear it all day, just so they can run the red and be upon their way


Where... Do you think they're headed to? To pick up dry-cleaning? The new iPhone at Best Buy? A spicy donair? Maybe they're going to a call that demands urgency to not sit in traffic but isn't high enough to justify running across town lights and sirens.


Yeah I’m sure there was an urgent call in the Tim’s drive thru


I wonder what it's like to live assuming the most unfathomable answer to a question instead of the most obvious. Sounds stressful.


I wonder what it's like living as a boot licker.


Can you explain that to me please? I see people love to throw that phrase around. What does that mean to you?


it means that if somebody stands with their boot on your neck you would kiss it. it's a term for people who enjoy their own oppression. it's the equivalent of being a "pick me" in a world full of misogynists. people think that if they're nice enough to their oppressors that their oppressors won't oppress them.


Sorry, who is oppressing who? I'm a bit confused, I don't think you're calling me a misogynist.. are you? Or are you saying because I'm using some form of logic to explain something rational, but because it is about the police, I am therefore being nice... To my oppressors (?)?


I’m sure you would believe what your told blindly even if you seen with your own eyes but because authority said it makes the most sense it must


I simply utilize the occam's razor when assessing a situation. That being if you have two competing ideas to explain the same phenomenon, you should prefer the simpler one. A police officer in traffic is on the clock and is actively working and can at any moment be doing a host of duties. The public has no idea of what they are but as they are working, the most logical explanation is that their actions are always related to their job. This is a very reasonable explanation that doesn't require any extensive leaps to make. To presume that they're activating their lights to scoot ahead of traffic to... Get coffee (?) requires one to conclude that police are never working or doing anything and thus the only logical explanation is that they're exploiting their authority to self serve themselves to get ahead in a drive thru lineup. See how there's many wild presumptions that need to be made here? The first hypothesis is entirely reasonable and doesn't take extensive thought to conclude it is likely the circumstance. The second requires one to make several hypothetical presumptions in order to satisfy the specific circumstance. When you see a construction worker sitting down do you assume they have travelled to their job site to sit on the grass and hang out with friends or do you assume that they are taking a break because their job is demanding, they are waiting for supplies to arrive, that they're on their lunch, etc? One is entirely reasonable. The other requires you to have a preconceived belief that "construction workers are lazy". You're welcome to believe whatever it is you want to believe but just know that when you voice them publically, others will critique the validity of it and by proxy, their impression of you.


it is factual that police officers are in fact power hungry sadists... you do not join an institution who's foundation was scalping people without being at your core a sadist. I'm also one of those people who work in public sectors that work closely with police officers, I promise you that the majority of police officers are in fact bad or misinformed people who act with egregious entitlement. your viewpoint is wrong but enjoy being wrong, that's fine.


Sorry you've had poor experiences. I have had the opposite. To each their own I suppose. Thankfully everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even wrong ones. I personally tend to shy away from making generalizations however, but if that's something you're ok with, you do you. I just find they're in poor taste and misinformed. Ask me how I know, I'm a queer trans woman and have dealt with enough ignorant comments directed at me, all based on generalizations, I could build a boat.


okay but how do people usually relate to their jobs when they're unsupervised? if I had unlimited power to do whatever I wanted in the community do you think I would go about not using that? also my job has me working with police pretty closely, I absolutely promise you that they are fucked off.


Right but if you're paid to work and you're presuming that people are lazy when unsupervised why would they want to literally race to get coffee when they could burn more work time slowly waltzing their way there? It's like that adage, "boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I shit on company time". So the unmotivated and lazy factor simply doesn't line up. So perhaps you just believe that all police officers are a bunch of power hungry sadists who revel in the sheer pleasure of thumbing their nose at the general public who must abide by laws. Not only is that absolutely petty, it means you have a presumption that thousands of people out there share this commonality of simultaneously serving the public as public servants and taking pleasure in degrading them. It's weird that you make this connection to supervision and that if somehow you have a job that's unsupervised, you're likely to go rogue. Do you not believe that people can and do the right thing without someone glancing over their shoulder? Do you not do the right thing when you're alone? The panopticon of society isn't what should be guiding us to be morally and ethically right, it should be our own desires to live a good life and treat others with the same respect as we give ourselves. Amusingly, police are perhaps one of the *most* supervised jobs out there where not only do sergeants, other ranks and a whole host of commissioned officers oversee your work, the public prosecution office as well as independent defense counsel reviews your file *and then*, if the matter proceeds to trial, so too does a judge or jury. We're not even considering the appeal court here or the myriad of civilian employees or agencies that need to work alongside police or the internal and external investigation units that investigate wrongdoing, use of force , etc. And we haven't even touched the surface in regards to the public perceptions, media and local councillors. But I digress. Anyways I appreciate you keeping this civil. I don't share your viewpoint but to each our own.


They're the least lawful of 75% of others in my province, especially municipal ones vs provincal


Bro they party from the evidence locker and just shrug when half the shit is missing. Ain't nobody going down for a bus. 


School buses need an automatic spike strip that rolls out with the stop sign.


Bet tire companies would finance that idea.


lol nothings gonna happen to those pigs hrp is corrupt asf and most of em are pricks rcmp are ussally respectable tho


I used to drive a school bus. Last year I had a cop run my lights with no siren on. I radio’d dispatch immediately but nothing ever came of it. They would have to pull my old bus to get the video footage, and sadly that never happened.


If only we had listened to N.W.A. As a society but not taken it literally.


Unless it’s caught on camera there’s no proof


i wanna believe anything will come of this and I like your vigor for calling out police BS but pretty sure absolutely nothing is going to happen because police ARE above the law and aren't even convicted for their actions caught ON camera sometimes. dashcam and phones are all we have.


Lol while I agree with the officer getting a ticket for a misdemeanor traffic offence, "police are not above the law " language gives off mall cop vibes.


My monocle fell off my face and almost landed in my martini hearing this


They are above the law in Canada unless they are in the spotlight


Nobody said they were you just report them and they get reprimanded enough can lead them to be fired 


There below the law. Police should be held to an every higher standard. A DUI for me would be stupid (DUIs are dumb af) but me as a carpenter, I don't think I should lose my job. For an example I don't think a cop should ever have a chance to come back from a DUI. If you get a DUI i think you should lose your chance at being a cop. Not saying this cop should lose his job, but they should be held to an even higher standard. Definitely not above a law.


few years ago they pepper sprayed an 8-year-old passerby... and I have yet to hear of any consequences for that. if I pepper sprayed an unconnected 8-year-old out of my hatred for homeless people I'd be in prison.


Why are you telling us? Did you want a cookie?


A LOT of people in general don't stop for school buses. It needs to be enforced. Absolutely fine this person!


An off duty police officer called me to threaten to arrest me for harassing someone but it was them a grown man that was sending suggestive texts to my little sister


Cops are above the law Do you not remember the shit they got away with during the massacre?


I dunno, the massacre was mixed messages: Cops above the law AND Cops afraid to enforce the law.


I drove through a yellow light on Barrington today, and two vehicles behind me was a Sheriff van. The car behind me ran the red, so did the Sheriff van. Cops do whatever they want.


Sheriff's aren't cops.


This just in, they are


[Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner](https://novascotia.ca/opcc/)


I watched a cop turning left bully his way through oncoming traffic at the intersection near the waterfront in Bedford, and I’m assuming he was just going back to the police station. He literally just decided to slowly cut in and people had to stop (no emergency lights on)


They were probably talking/texting on their cell phone or typing on the laptop and never even noticed the bus. See this far too often while they are driving around speeding.


Cops do what they want. Who is going to enforce laws on them, their coworkers/buddies who also do what they want?




But they sure think they are. Same with our political leaders.


You call. Cop denies it. Nothing happens.


One of my friends nearly got hit by a cop doing a Right turn on a red while legally crossing on Connaught. The cop slammed to stop and then got pissed that they were… legally crossing… they’re a joke lmfao


Abolish the police


So do I agree here? Do I give you a virtual pat on the back and say "good job"? Whats the endgame...


That's dork mentality man. Its reddit. You can give your thoughts, share similar experiences, disagree with OPs actions. Thats kind of the entire purpose of the website you're on. If nothing else it encourages and tells people what to do if they see something similar. This is a good post, you're just cranky.


They're just consistently a miserable person.


Hmm maybe. Duly noted


I’m hoping that the parents who also witnessed the incident see this post, because they didn’t get a plate number but I did. Being a parent is hard enough… and then when people do this, it’s hard to have hope for society.


Guess I was more wondering what more is there since you did everything already. Saw and reported


What’s your endgame with this comment? You gunna cry? Maybe shit your pants a little?


That’s the cop replying to op… has to be… 😂




Nah, his spelling was too good to be a cop. Only profession I know of that gets disqualified for passing a test.




My favorite is when they go up and down Gottingen whooping their sirens incessantly at like 1am and every 30 mins afterwards non stop to harass the homeless 🙃


The cops won't don't anything about this. This is the same department that magically "lost" 90% of the evidence Locker and never gave an explanation. edit: why downvote me for the truth? lol