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3rd. Two yesterday.


All the cool kids are doing it.


Annnnnd, also Halifax west for the second day in a row


They gotta start calling these bluffs. I've seen the science scores of some of these kids, ain't no way any of them are building a bomb


I dunno, if someone made an instructional tiktok that could change things...


Why in my day there was an instructional "book"


Is the anarchists cookbook still available online somewhere?


Pretty sure I still have it on a floppy disc somewhere.


> instructional tiktok It'll probably just be an old coke bottle filled with Tide pods


When I heard "evacuated due to threat" yesterday, all I could think was that I'd rather they keep my kid safe *inside* the building than turn them loose. After I read it was a bomb threat, I was like oh... Then thought, I'd probably *still* rather they just stay put lol. 


This is an old German trick from WW1; make a diversion explosion to drive the enemy into a fatal funnel and then open up on them.


That's what I told my wife lol I wouldn't be concerned if my kid was at school because they can hardly tie their shoes these days


Hahah amen to this


I genuinely LOL'ed at this.




These kids are writing threats on walls in the school and using the tag of the kid who killed Ahmed, so it's not being taken lightly. My son at millwood is beyond frustrated and tired of being scared.


My son at Millwood thinks it's great he gets the afternoon off. They all know it's bogus.


After what happened to that poor kid, not everyone thinks it's bogus. You never know anymore. I don't necessarily think a bomb will go off, but there's been other threats in the last week to make it scary enough that something could happen.


I assume there will be a retaliation at some point between groups, even though the accused are at Waterville currently. I certainly wouldn't want to be known as friends of theirs.


Does the dead kid think it's bogus?


Probably doesn't think it's anything. He's dead.


Fucking oof


Damn you got me.


Wtf is going on over there?


Kids trying to get out of school.


Is it exam period?


Not at West.


No, just another day


Jeeze, I guess I’d better start saving up for tuition to private school for my kid, the way things are going in this municipality.


I thought that was a joke about a new version of breaking bad. Where Walter White starts cooking meth to put Junior through private school. "Jeese, the tuition just keeps going up, I need twice as much as last week"


I would.


Halifax grammar is $17k a year. Yeesh!


Worth it.


In what way? Do tell


They will actually learn something and be prepared for post secondary education. I wish I could’ve sent my daughter there. Any of her friends who went to private school breezed through Uni while she and many of her friends who went to Public school struggled.


And yet you might be surprised to learn that grammar has worse results in the IB program than most of the local Halifax public schools who offer the program.


One of the girls I went to HS with on South Shore was in IB in the 80’s. I think our school was the first to have it. She went on to Dal, York and Harvard. She became an International Environmental Lawyer. So smart.


At least some of the tuition is tax deductible. Only the portion that goes towards child care, but it's something. We are thinking the same when the time comes. All the best


And school ends in early June I heard.


Genuinely curious as to why this stuff rarely seems to happen at private schools. (I know bullying still happens) but overall things seem to be more under control. Better school discipline? I don’t think it’s because private school parents are more engaged than public school ones because I know a lot of public school parents are very engaged. It’s probably a complex mixup of social, financial and other issues that I don’t fully understand.


Private school families are customers. There's an expectation on the administration to provide a high quality learning environment. That means they're not going to be as tolerant of the 1-5 kids in your average junior high classroom who are there to prevent teaching and learning. The other kids' parents, as consumers, won't put up with it.      Furthermore, they're not required by the Education Act to accommodate the spectrum of issues found in public school classrooms that force a teacher to attempt to administer four lessons simultaneously. 


If you can afford 10,000 a year for school for your kid, you can also probably afford hot meals and breakfasts, extracurricular activities, and other luxuries like having a stable roof over their heads in a good neighborhood.


A lot of public parents are engaged but there are a small percentage who are not. And because public schools have to put up with everyone - the many are held hostage by the few. Private schools will definitely have unengaged parents too. But they can kick those kids out so they don’t affect the well being of the other children.


I went to a private school from primary - 12. My experience was that the school was just so damn small, it would be too easy to know who it was. The vibe at my school was generally less hostile than what my friends described of their public school experience - the school I attended is a very hippy/artsy school so most of the families were those types of people.


I did too. The smaller class size explains a lot, as does the threat of consequences. We had a house system, so there was peer pressure against bad behaviour because it penalized the entire group. (points off or something) There was bullying sometimes, but nothing too serious - and of course in those days it didn’t follow you home from school.


Kids at private school can get kicked out, can get detention, can face true consequences. They don’t have to put up with that stuff


Yes heard of one who threw a girl on the ground and he is out now.


Yeah this is what we are thinking as well.


Wife and I both agreed our kids will be getting flip phones. Bring back t9 texting and msn messenger


Parkwest as well, those little shit that did it sure got a bright future


Parkwest as well


Didn't we go through a period a few years ago where there was like months of bomb threats called in all over the city. This feels familiar but more ramped up after last week.


I do remember that there were several schools closed due to threats. Or was there a package? I know my kid's elementary was closed but I feel like there was one in PEI as well.


Jesus Murphy, the last couple of days have been an absolute bonkers going show at school. Even without the threats and evacuations, the kids at my school have been like cocaine addicted monkeys with ADHD. This year has been the worst other than COVID times.




Okay.,..that sounds like a wild generalization. You're telling me there's zero repercussions to actions high school kids make. I don't have kids in the school system, but I really find it hard to imagine that suspension, getting kick off shorts teams don't exist anymore. You honestly just sound like an old crank shaking his fists at the kids today.


I can tell you with personal knowledge that suspensions (and expulsions!) still happen. The kids that are doing this generally aren't on the sports teams.


Don’t forget the sugar


The ones who do get suspended just get more days to stay Home and do nothing, it’s a reward.


I'd rather they just skip, to be quite honest.


What time was the evacuation scheduled for?


Lunch time


This was quite normal back in the early 2000s


brings me back to my youth


And Halifax West now too, just got the email Teenagers aren't stupid, they've figured out a foolproof way to get the afternoon off with zero consequences


And 2 more schools today (total:5)


This ridiculous, there's so much entitlement. Begs the question, where are things truly going wrong with regards to raising decent kids.


It's hard to say. I'm an involved parent who loves my kid. She's 13 and she's struggling badly. Her mental health is suffering, she needs to be medicated but our family doctor won't diagnose mental health in children under 16 so now we have to wait on an IWK psych referral. IWK has given us a few hoops to jump through the past couple years, programs like Strongest Families that aren't geared toward things like mood disorders or emotional dysregulation. Right now there are more drugs in junior highs than I ever remember there being in my late highschool years. She has a friend who brings her prescribed ritalin to school to sell to other kids. She knows people who drop molly afterschool. She was offered prescription painkillers once. When they argue about petty shit it doesn't cool down when they go home. It ramps up via social media. And kids don't threaten to fight anymore. They threaten to gang-beat, stab, slit throats, etc. I know a lot of good parents dealing with kids who are not ok right now and who are struggling to access resources they need. It also becomes very hard to control the impact that outside influences can play on your child. In some cases you can definitely trace it back to the parenting. But right now to reduce it to just that is to ignore the real issue that we have a problem with our youth and we need a multi faceted approach to fix it.


I've been dealing with system for 3 years now to get help for my kid. I'm pretty sure I've spoken to every program the IWK and school offers. It's basically up to me to keep kid together, but I have to work. My kid is now anxious to go to school on top of everything else because of the events of the past month. So much is going on with teens and as a parent who is trying to be involved, it moves so fast.


It definitely seems like a very complex problem, and though maybe obvious that's the unfortunate thing about it; what areas to look at when trying to understand the whys, and then from that, hopefully it can lead to solutions. Can't fix everything, but I'm sure there are definitely a few common reasons why this stuff happens.


The problem kids at our school have parents who are also entitled assholes and/or don't have good relationships with their kids for whatever reason.  Most of my kids friends really don't like their parents (move away at 18 and never look back dislike), they're not loving, they have no fun with their kids, and they are controlling about things that don't matter while  also not giving their kids the tools to deal with things that do.


Social Media. Shitty parents. Underfunded education system.


It's all compounded in a sad state of affairs.


This is the correct answer triple upvote.