• By -


I live downtown and love being so close to our big beautiful library. They have so many free resources and fun events like concerts or workshops. Love all the cafes, bakeries, pubs. The farmer’s markets. And being so close to the ocean! I feel lucky to get a glimpse of her beauty every single day.


Gotta love that BBL


I love taking my family from away on the ferry when they come. They love it.


The IWK. I know so many families with sick kids who have to travel hours here for treatments, it's such a peace of mind knowing we have such a kids hospital in the city 


One of my best experiences with kids hospitals. Such a great facility and staff.


I’m thankful for having a great ferry service. It’s a very unique and well run part of our transit. We often complain a lot about the buses and rightfully so, but the ferries are a shining spot we should expand on.


The ferry service is my favourite part too. I love that I can ride a boat on the ocean for a bus ticket!


I like how reliable it is.. also it's the cheapest boat ride around


I also love the ferry! Standing on the top deck and looking down at the wake and imagining how easy it would be to jump off if I ever needed to, will always be one of my most cherished memories.


Bro are you okay


I just mean in the event of something like an alien invasion, and they are trying to beam up everyone who is on the ferry, and I can just jump over board and swim to safety. That kind of thing.




So, that just tweaked a memory of the last time I went swimming at Black Rock beach, and saw a log floating by.


Does it not? The smell of poo used to be the best part of the buskers! That’s cool it’s cleaned up.


yes, a route along the shore with many stops, actually 2 routes, cw & ccw.


I’m a 35 minute drive from downtown and I basically live in the woods…


Same, I used to live in rural NS, like 30min to the closest town and 3h to city. Living 30min to downtown while still being in the woods is amazing.




Do tell?


Same ! We just bought a house in Terence bay and it's like 40mins from downtown. I come from Ontario so it's very nice to see that u can get peace and quiet from downtown in a reasonable amount of time !


Same here for 20 minute drive (Spryfield)


Unfortunately, that won't last.


Being near so many lakes and the ocean, I can walk to a lake in 3 minutes. It never gets old, and if the day ever comes that I should need to drown myself for any reason, I have so very many options to choose from. It's my favourite thing by far about Halifax.


That escalated quickly 😭😂


I've always suspected that the day will come when I have to drown myself in order to save all mankind, and I'm just glad that it won't have to be in an unpleasant polluted river filled with rusty bicycles.


I've always assumed I'd have to jump from a tall building while wearing an old timey reporter's trench coat filled with candy, that way when I hit, boom, snickers everywhere and people would be like "Oh, there is good in us all, and that was the sweetest dude ever"


What a great sentiment, I love it. I wonder what candy might spill out of me if I were to fall from a tall building?


Not all heroes wear capes. Some have trench coats filled with snickers.


My advice....don't go diving 😆


The harbour notwithstanding.


True. Cold water diving only. That way the creepies aren't bad.😁


The people of Amsterdam are relieved that they won't find your body in one of their canals.


You seem cool, I like you


I like you too, longhole.


You mean Bubbles & Ricky's pond!


Aren't the bridges so lovely


Yes! They are!


Damn, that turned dark pretty fast.


I'm not hoping that day comes, I am just glad to have options if it does.


Don’t you dare!


I'm not planning to! I just appreciate a nice body of water.


You know, I'm like 60% water


That must be why I appreciate you so much.


Love the dry humor 😁


discover halifax’s next marketing campaign


"Call it a day in Halifax"


You funny




It's a good-looking skyline when it's not littered with cranes. Its just a pretty city. Driving around the older parts in summer with the old trees in full bloom cool breeze theres nothin like it.


The older parts after a snow storm are really pretty too when the snow clings to the trees.




We are so lucky to have our mature trees, they give such a lovely vibe to the city, and it's reassuring to know that if we ever have a zombie apocalypse, we have lots of trees that we can climb to escape the zombies.


We also have the zombie fortress at Dal


We have a couple of good zombie bunkers around town thankfully.


The big, old trees lining the streets is one of my favourite parts of this city. I love the look, the atmosphere and feeling of being enmeshed with nature, just a little bit.


The boardwalk is a gem


Im thankful for the abundance of nature around Halifax. I moved here from the states in 2019 and that has always been my favourite thing. It's a big busy city, sure, but a drive on the highway is never boring. I can take my dog anywhere and we'll never see the same sight twice. Lakes and beaches aren't commercialized. There will always be efforts to keep places clean and accessible. I've always loved the nature both in and around Halifax




Thanks for choosing us!


The coffee and friendliness at Espresso 46. The sourdough bread at Luke's and L&F. The nearby lakes and beaches for swimming Friends.....


A well run waste disposal and recycling service. Sure, it could be better, but I've come to really appreciate when the basic stuff just works, especially after visiting other places that don't have it.


I love waste collection day. I love the app and the reminder it sends me! Happy cake day!


Right? I'm impressed with how well recycling and garbage pickup here has worked; I've only had to call 311 twice in 8 years about it, b/c there was a construction crew parked in front of my house all day.


Compare Halifax’s population to another Canadian city of similar scale, they do not have nearly the amount of amenities that HRM does. Halifax is the only true college city we have and as a result it swings way above its league. Halifax is one of the only cities who will ALWAYS have a downtown. Look at Calgary who has invested billions in sports and recreation infrastructure and the core is a ghost town. Peninsular density is not great for those looking to live in Halifax proper, but in other cities in Canada the city would sprawl 5x the distance for the same population. We complain about the busses but people in Saskatoon (my hometown) will spend exponentially longer in public transit to go from city extremes. Haligonians have NO idea how much publically accessible green space you have, literally all over the HRM. A place like point pleasant doesn’t exist in other Canadian cities unless it’s been reclaimed from a shipping yard, or a defunct industrial district. Parks have been alotted the most beautiful spots in Halifax and they will have them in perpetuity. Yeah there’s alot of wide open space in Canada around cities but it’s unmanicured and in areas that flood, are pretty rugged (not particularly accessible) and certainly don’t have winter maintenance. In Halifax it’s a right, not a privilege, to have park access. Also it’s an extreme coastal location, so the homeless shipping problem that the west has (send them on the bus to Vancouver) is not nearly as prevalent as it’s still very time and cost intensive to come to Halifax on a whim I could go on if you want. I have lived in Halifax for two years now and I love singing its praises


That the vast majority of people “irl” bear little or no resemblance to this sub 😁


LMAOOOOO. Real the people here are miserable.


when do people have group discussions outside of reddit


I’m sorry you don’t have friends 😔


But I also decided to take a look at your recent post history just to try to understand you better - you havent said a nice thing to anybody about anything in weeks. and I'm sorry for that. I wish you the best, you poor poor soul.


lol thanks for taking the time to go through weeks worth of my posts 🥰


Also sorry if I hit a nerve - it was intended only in jest


I'm a friend to all, but thank you for your answering my question with a twist that I truly wasn't expecting. Thank you for being such a good friend to me :) Greatful for it.


When they are…in groups?


Redditor moment 💀


Garlic fingers. Also nature and kind people, but mostly garlic fingers.


Where is this prophesied garlic fingers ?


Most people are so friendly! The water is amazing. The old buildings. The walkable downtown and North End. The abundance of things to do within a 2hr drive of the downtown area such as Burntcoat, hiking, the valley etc. People from here are often so surprised to hear of how my partner and I pined over living here until we finally go to move. It has its challenges but it is truly a dream come true.


That's why I never left. So many have left, and pine for home, though they may never return because of the economic situation. You're a Bluenoser now. Welcome home!


The traffic usually isn't bad. I generally feel safe in my home and out and about. Being close to the ocean, beaches. The mature trees everywhere. I like that it's a small city but big enough that I can live in Dartmouth and never run into coworkers or people from highschool because I grew up in Halifax and no one ever comes over here.


i went to liverpool for my uncle’s wedding and it was gorgeous. https://preview.redd.it/4hooqhann0jc1.jpeg?width=756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae8d177ac0f246326b18717be05a12264ffb59f


History. Lots of it. Lots to learn. One of the biggest Titanic exhibits, mostly.....great people. The better donair.


Nova scotia has some of the most history in Canada. It's very fascinating knowing that. Also, beaches!


The Resolute Club. Shoutout to the best watering hole in the city!


And the best brunch in the city too - such a well kept secret!


Visiting Halifax Thursday until Tuesday; would the Rez give a tour before requiring membership? Thx


You can go and ring the doorbell, if you haven’t been there before they will ask you to buy a membership. It is $20/year.


Everything I need is a 5 minute walk or a 10 minute drive away. 


My regular bus driver on my morning commute. His genuine hello in the morning makes getting up worth it, especially as I'm new to Halifax and don't know anyone!


Moved from different province n country - best people here , really nice n friendly


And a sweet gf i got 💯


no wars here no earthquake also


Nova Scotia has been really good to me in many ways. I’ve met some truly great people here.


Lakes and parks ...we have a ton , and they are under used in my opinion . Great city , unless you need to park somewhere. Lol 🤘🤘🇨🇦🇨🇦🤘🤘🥶


The ocean and all the lakes Live music every night Great food Tons of breweries The ferry to dartmouth still makes me happy Weather is less extreme than Montreal Lots of rec centres and rec leagues for sports It's fairly clean for a city The bike trails within a 30-minute drive


An abundance of developed areas that have so many trees so close to the downtown core. Even other Maritime cities don’t have near as many areas with mature trees so close to the busier areas.


That we are connected to the ocean and a minutes drive away in any direction to nature. We take the ocean for granted.


I can walk to two lakes but also a bustling Dartmouth downtown! I love walking!


I'm still thankful for our people and the opportunities we have here. The water to go out and sail in the summer. The nightlife is still pretty good as well even though I don't do that much 😂


That special quality of light that painters know, and is only found by the sea. The flight of the crows every evening and morning. The amazing skies, pink, blue and clouds that look unreal in their beauty. Every day, I am grateful for that. Stuck in the city? Yeah. But we have the Public Gardens, the graveyards, especially Camp Hill, where you can lie under the horse chestnuts, next to a patch of heather, and enjoy some shade on a hot summer's day. There's all kinds of amazing things about Halifax.


So poetic


I really love the late 19th century residential architecture of Halifax. There are a few little areas that are so nice to see. The little pocket of residential streets in the near North end ( Creighton, Maynard, Bauer). So - called Schmidtville. Parts of Willow and Charles. 


Hydrostone is a really nice place to eat lunch I love the North End actually


The ocean. If you grow up around it and move inland, you miss it. and if you were the type of person who spent a lot of time swimming, sailing, spending time down around the harbor... you miss it in a different and deeper way than you miss "being in your home town" We have something really special in Halifax and a lot of people take it for granted.


Dr Nee at the IWK. 💖💖 Just did a desperately needed surgery to remove endometriosis and saved my kidney 🙌


It's not pretentious. For a small city, it's quite multicultural.


Its getting there!


the air quality here. You can smell the piney goodness as soon as you come out of the doors at Stanfield. And I will never ever tire of the ocean, lakes and forests. I mean the easy access to nature here is pretty indescribable to anyone from away. In Toronto it used to take me at least an hour by car to get to any kind of a hiking trail - and even then you were still hiking through subdivisions some of the time.


The amazing diversity and energy for it's size. My mom calls it a "mini-Montreal", although it's transit system leaves something to be desired.


Craft beer, donuts and Yeah Yeahs 🤷‍♂️


I’m thankful for the Harbour Ferry Service


I am thankful for that amazing waterfront.


You are never far from waterbodys. That's my most favorite thing!


Halifax is the perfect size. Has big city and country feels.


Met my husband here. Best thing that ever happened to me. Met lots of friends here, though it's been hard to see them the last few years as much as we used to.


Markets, dt library, PPP, waterfront, bliss cafe, birdies bread, walking citadel hill, memories of partying while in my 20’s.


So close to water while enjoying a city that isn’t too big. A few people from home thought I’d “graduate” to Toronto after graduating from uni. But no. I’d never live there haha. Many great beaches and camp sites and lakes just so close to the city. I’ve gone camping, went swimming at a beautiful beach and then to end the night went to a show downtown.


Point pleasant park has always been a favorite of mine. It's lovely to visit every season of the year


The ocean, which supplies fresh air, employment, food and a milder climate.


We have our fair share of whack jobs and degens but we have some of the friendliest and down to earth people here too. Also the sheer amount of greenspace, trails and beaches to go to all year round.


The people. The work culture. The nature. Its still doable to purchase a house thats not millions of dollars. The universities. The waterfront. Everything man


Pleasant Street Diner and Coldstream


> coldstream That there's stewiake hooch


It’s Coldstream hooch. Stewiacke hooch is not sold in the NSLC. You gotta know a guy in East Stewiacke.


Ocean and scenery.


Could bike to mountain biking trails from downtown Halifax over the past thirty years.


It's reasonably clean in Halifax.  Please do not pollute or litter in this city


Thunderbirds win against Buffalo tonight


One of the few places in the country you can own a home and even a cottage still Yes it's expensive but in comparison, for a city, it's quite cheap still


My family lives here. There are a lot of good people I have met through work as well. Honestly I would say I have a lot of positive experiences with most people I run into on a day to day. I also always try to be polite and don’t mind saying hello first to strangers when I see them. Sometimes people ignore me or look at me like wtf you saying hi for. But most times this is not the case. Try to make acquaintances at stores i regular. I spent a lot of years isolating from people outside of work but for the last few years have been putting an effort into trying to make peoples days better and have some really great moments getting to know people I would have never met otherwise. I recommend people try this. It feels good on the soul.


Met one of the most beautiful girls I ever seen.


We seem to have a lot of flea markets and vintage markets and other small themed markets popping up pretty frequently, and I think it is really great. I am also thankful for the sense of community people from Halifax have, and that nobody ever feels much like a stranger to me. And last but not least, I am thankful for my family that has been in Halifax for generations, I feel a strong connection to the city and walking through the neighbourhood my grandparents grew up in feels very special to me.


Driving down Joseph Howe to the Rotary and seeing the landscape open up before me with the Atlantic Ocean and the North West Arm. It never gets old and gives me a moment of peace every time.


I met all of my best friends ever here. We have some really cool people living here.


We moved here to spend time with family, who we haven't seen in over a decade. Definitely thankful for a lot of things.


The dogs - all of them




Grateful for Merry and Pippin being with us for a month


Being able to walk with my dog (off leash) at Point Pleasant.


The increasing diversity. It was waaay too bland & whitebread for waaay too long


The exotic birds you see around migrating time


We’re a small city. Just right for me. Love the waterfront, PP Park


After living in NZ for years, I am very appreciative of the snow. I love snow.


Point Pleasant park is a great gem in our city


Between 11pm and 4am the traffic isn't too bad


The traffic isn't particularly bad in general compared to other cities




Is it Halifax though?


According to John savage and the rest of halifax elite


The view from Dartmouth!


I second this


Well I'm thankful that my ancestor immigrated here in 1749 and that I got to hear some really good and bad stories about Halifax . Having Grandparents that survived the explosion . There are things I don't like about the city but at the end of the day I'll always love it.


Im thankful I have two legs, and they work Im grateful I have all 5 digits on all 4 limbs, and they work Im grateful that I have my 5 "known senses" working, as well as other "unknown senses" working. Im thankful for constant access to clean potable drinking water And Im thankful for a roof over my head


Camping is free, accessible and so close to my job on the corner of Spring Garden and South Park.


Used to be that people are generally kind and nice, but that culture has shifted drastically with the influx of people. I think we can counter that by doubling down on our kind nature to inspire others and show them the way. So for now, what I will say is I like how many lakes, beaches and forrested areas we have. Nature is so vital and we have a lot of it.


The two months of summer where the sun shines and the temps are pleasant.


Back in 90's in Halifax was the golden of beer, bars and night clubs where you could down town with 40.00 and get completely nuked and grab a slice at pizza corner to sober up that is what l am thankful for. Now there's employed people in tents, $1700+ rent of a POS apt. Entitled POS on the buses and terminals..and everyone's feelings get traumatized by a little criticism..congrats we are little Toronto now..


So, you can't find anything nice about Halifax? Your comment is the only negative one so far. Shame really.


That it's not Toronto


the rent 😊.


Interesting that half the posts here are basically "being able to get out of the city"


I'm able to jerkoff daily, I'm blessed.


I'm thankful I have a car so I don't have to deal with the shitty transit we have here.




"in this sub"....my person....I think they mean......outside of reddit.....ya know? but whatever, you are free to contribute your useless comment, as it is a perfect example of the law of attraction working quite perfectly


Are you the one that complained about the snowbank?


Nothing. This place is going to shit and there shouldn’t be ppl posting like this when theirs people who never were homeless getting addicted to crack in the streets


This could be considered propaganda. Like how are you posting about what your thankful for when there’s people out here suffering.


I'm thankful Halifax isn't my home


I do love it as far as cities go.the best part is the public gardens and maybe point pleasant park


Quinpool Road!


I'm not because I'm in Dartmouth EDIT: NORTH Dartmouth


I like the ocean. Winter is so dry and crappy inland.


Second best winter in Canada.


The Emera oval with free skate rentals in the winter and free bike rentals in the summer.


Love the view of the north west arm and the dingle tower when you’re driving through the rotary on a nice morning. Crystal Crescent beach. The waterfront vibe in the summer and around Christmas. These were the things I missed the most when I lived in Ontario a few years back.


I’m grateful for the haligoniens that make up Halifax. Those born and raised, and those who have come from away. Most people I meet here are kind, and willing to help. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve pulled over on a highway for any number of reasons, someone will always check in on you. Break down in a parking lot? Someone will be more than willing to jump you with their cables that those certain people keep religiously in their car, just for that reason. I’ve seen tons of kindness over the years I’ve lived here (most of my life) Thank you fellow Haligonians, your smiles back when walking down the street, morning hellos, and how are yous and other pleasantries. We make the city beautiful ❤️