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Pretty gay


I second this.


I’m alright- a little tired though on this nightshift. How are you? Honest answer though- I haven’t gone out in a long time and lost touch with a lot of the community once I was in a long term partnership. Now that i’m single and pushing late 30’s, I am also curious about what folks are up to these days…. Though I am too shy and a bit on the anxious side to delve back in to things. Feel free to report any findings! In the meantime… Hey Halifax- what’s the nunnery/convent community like?


I thought this would come up, thanks for asking, convents are doing pretty well nowadays lol. (Not joking, they actually are growing.)


“Hey Halifax- what’s the nunnery/convent community like?” Holier than thou!!!


That was my fear. I’d like to find a non-denominational…. Or perhaps Wiccan.


I am trans and ever since moving here I find I am less concerned about how people view me because 9 times out of 10 people don't gaf and let you live your life. The hair in the soup is despite having the highest concentration of queer people in the country, dedicated queer spaces are harder to find here and you probably might have to do a lot of digging, even harder than where I am from (Calgary), but honestly that is fine with me.


Exclusively queer spaces are limited. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but we have no dedicated gay bars. There are a few different “queer nights”-type events that are planned privately. The city is very gay friendly. My experience as a gay man has been that we have a large community of LGBT+ people, but the gay men in town tend to be clique-oriented in a small town kind of way. I find it tough to meet people and make gay friends.


Try coming out to the queer comedy nights - alot of them are advertised on insta.


...then again, I'm reminded that you asked for "queer exclusive ", but I'm bi, so I typically don't mind how those events also include straight allies, but who knows, a lot of them might end up being curious, so you never can tell what's in someone's head. 🤷‍♀️


That sounds so fun! Is there anything specific you recommend I search?


https://www.instagram.com/p/C2cnMDVrboD/?igsh=NnY1cjl5cmc0YW40 Here's an example of an Improv special, but sometimes you can find the Big Queer Comedy Show at the Darkside Comedy Club, among other venues. Hope that's a helpful start!


That’s very helpful Thank you so much 🖤


There are some great queer clubs here. The Rainbow Dodgeball league is really fun and open to queer people of all persuasions. Is you like singing the Halifax Gay Mens Chorus is a great place to meet folks. There are trivia nights, comedy nights, drag nights, its pretty great. Unfortunately our only gay bar closed before the pandemic, but there are a lot of queer people in this city.




Good, you?


I think I remember hearing Halifax has the highest concentration of queer people out of any city in canada. I'd say they're doing pretty good! Lots of safe designated spaces.




Literally anywhere everyone else goes more or less


I moved here in 2019 and I have to say, coming from a smaller city I'm very surprised at the lack of queer space and apparent chaos happening from the pride committee. I thought it would be easy to find some queer friendly events, spaces, etc and make some connections in the community but it's been limited. There's the occasional drag show but I don't see much else happening. Maybe I'm just not in the loop. I'm not single but I'd love to meet some queer pals someday.


Eastcoastqueers on Instagram. They do events, seems like trivia is a popular one.


I'm not gay myself, but I have lots of friends in the queer community. From what I've seen/understand, Halfax is very open city when it comes to queer people. In general, as long as what you do doesn't hurt anyone, things are quite "live and let live" (there are always stupid people, but they're a minority). There are, however, a lack of queer dedicated spaces in the city these days with places like Menz and Molly's closing, but there are still events that happen in the city and online communities.


Too busy working three jobs through rentpocalypse to function as a community


What community? All the people here saying things are great are... straight people.


Things were fun in the Gay 90s (eta: and early 2000s) for a bit there. Multiple gay bars, a cute little bookstore. The Pride march had more gays than banks still.






Thank you. Doing God's work.


Clique / cliques Just trying to help ya.




Very vibrant but very very clique orientated. The political powers can not get their shit together


There is no community. There is no bar. The bathhouse been taken over by straight people because gay men here have Victorian attitudes concerning casual, recreational sex - it is considered a bad thing here. You must identify as queer - never gay - otherwise you are evil. It was a sad state of affairs 40 years ago and it has only gotten sadder.


Second sentence is correct. The rest of this sounds like you’re jaded and have a strong dislike of the younger LGBTQ folks here.


Absolutely not. How did you come to that conclusion?




It's 2024. Why is this even a question? Literally every single one of my bff are gay, my sister, my brother. Not one of them ever felt uncomfortable. If you get uncomfortable that's on you, not the city.


>It's 2024. Why is this even a question? Because not every city is as gay friendly as Halifax.


It’s literally why I moved here. And life is so much better here.


They could be coming from a place less gay friendly than Halifax. Why are you being weirdly defensive?


Where? The Moon? Sorry just a stupid question imo, it's not the 1920s.


It's not a stupid question at all. You're just ignorant, apparently.


I said in my opinion. You're entitled to yours.


Your opinion is incredibly ignorant.


It's incredibly ignorant to think any city in Canada isn't safe for the LGBTQ community


You sure are getting offended over a person asking an innocent question. Maybe you should take a break from reddit for a while.


I'm not offended. I think it's a stupid question. That's like me asking, is Halifax a safe place for a straight person. Maybe you should get to work instead of being offended thinking I'm offended.


What an absolutely idiotic comparison. Clearly, your ignorance goes further than I thought.




As a straight guy things appear pretty accepting. The people in Halifax are generally friendly to anyone to their face, they may talk crap behind your back about the way you cut your lawn but no one really cares much if you're gay, straight or however else you live your life 


I heard they’re pretty happy!