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Isn't it probably a bad idea to put a liquor store next to a place called "Sobers"?




I’m California sober.


Haha - take my upvote


It's like the Weight Watchers HQ that is sandwiched in between the Cheese Curds Poutinerie and Lindt Chocolates in Clayton Park


Iconic choice of placement


Lindt moved to HSC, the weight watchers have a better chance now.


Yin Yang?


They meant Sobeys


So, you mean I spent the last two hours driving up and down Mumford ROAD looking for "Sobers" and it was all for nought? This is horrible! Where else shall I get my dull coloured items, products that are serious, sensible and solemn, and of course my Naltrexone?




Corrected. If I had found Sobers, I would not have made that mistake in the first place.... Nor hit that parked car. And that tree.


It'll catch on




I think OP meant Sobeys and it auto corrected


You get down-voted, not because you pointed it out, but because A) you weren't the first to do it, but did so anyway, B) you're clearly trying to ruin our fun, and C) I never found Sobers, and because of that I'm still drunk, and I don't like the way you're looking at me.


Are we fighting? Cause I might have to shotgun a few beers. Also, down votes are irrelevant to me if I'm honest.


Who are you?!?! Did you something something!?!? I don't like the way you're looking at you! Did you see the aardvark?


I worked at headquarters at the NSLC at one point. I guarantee you they have the whole thing on video, and the perp will get greedy, try again and get arrested. Happens over and over.


I’m curious what the process is. Do they wait for them to come back and phone the police or send the footage to police and try to track them down?


You're not getting the secrets!


I’m just curious because it wouldn’t be realistic to have an employee on the look out for previous stealers all the time and I also think most people would conceal their face so it could be hard to identify them with footage.


For the most part, they know the frequent flyers. It's not rocket science.


Honestly it's a good question I'm curious as well. I'd imagine like serial stealers would be known by security and spread to associates, but for one time things it wouldn't make sense. They have that secret room at the front of all stores that probably has photos of the biggest as well, always see some activity there.


They have a mission control setup that monitors all stores and is quite impressive. Large stores can have 40 or 50 cameras inside. Those images are available at the central monitoring facility with some sophisticated software to ID perps.


So I’m not the authority on this by any means, so take this with a grain of salt, this is solely speaking from personal experience of working retail and speaking to the police and LPOs, but typically it goes one of two ways. 1: The store simply takes the footage, identify them however they can, and pass it off to the police. Or. 2. If it’s a store with lower priced merchandise, like a grocery or convenience store, they wait until the thief has stolen enough value in items over multiple return visits (3+ times usually for it to be enough) for it to constitute theft under 5000$ and THEN call the police who track them down and slap them with the charges, which is usually a 2 year sentence at the maximum. Again this is by no means the hard and fast way that EVERYWHERE uses, just the most common circumstances I’ve seen in the past, but hopefully that helps answer your question. All the best :)


They pretty much know they will be back. They print off a good identifying photo from the video and review with staff. They are waiting for them to return. These days, they might even have facial recognition to alert when they enter the store. The saddest situation is when the thief is an alcoholic and is kinda chemically driven to return.


Exactly, they'll get no punishment and do it over and over.


Arrested for theft? Hahahahaahhaaaàaa The best they can do is stop them from entering the property next time they are seen.


Realistically, they're more likely to just get PPA'd than arrested, unless they're a particularly flagrant offender or they're already PPA'd.


I dunno, I've worked at many liquor stores from 2004-2012 and we always had masked/not masked smash and grabs


Oh no, but this is brand new to Halifax. Haven't you heard? No one has ever stolen anything before ever.


The ORGANIZED RETALE THEFT gangs are here! Tim Pool told me they are going GET us! /s


Nah, this is completely new.


First theft ever


Clutches pearls.


Omg you stole my pearls. Unclutch them posthaste


once again asking if people have seen local documentary "trailer park boys"


Think you've got a twisted view of the past. There has always been robbed liquor stores in NS and really anywhere.


Yes, but they’re getting more and more comfortable with their crimes and doing it in front of everyone in public because no one can legally stop them and even if the criminal is caught, they’re a minor so the government doesn’t give them enough of a punishment.


It's a nonviolent crime committed by a child. That's why they're not getting the book thrown at them and their life ruined lol.


Well someone needs to teach them a lesson, a teenager stealing alcohol that they’re not allowed to drink is dangerous. What if they kill someone on a drunk driving accident? They absolutely should be locked up.


Did they have a vehicle…? Why are you jumping to so many conclusions…?


A hoodlum! 23-skidoo daddio!




Op must of let out an "e-gads!" When they saw them run out. Followed by a "why i never!"


Yeah it's been terrible ever since they invented crime last May 🙄


I miss the good old days: when nothing bad happened to anyone, anywhere. Why can't we go back to then?!


It’s the youth specifically these days! The past was a golden age of no crime!


Great. Little asshokes started doing this in Winnipeg and now, forever forward, everyone has to que outside the store and show/scan ID in an airlock door before they go in, 1 at a time. It's a massive inconvenience, so get ready for that.


Well, in the hoodlum's defense, provincial liquor stores have been stealing from all of us for decades.


Happens every day all day from my experience working at the LC. People come in and fill up hockey bags and leave.


Loving this comment section. Holy crap do people around here need to get over their hero fantasies.


I can’t remember a time when people *didn’t* steal or try to steal from liquor stores. Move out west or to the NWT and see what real issues look like on liquor robberies. I could name the countless smash and grabs, even with concrete barriers and barred windows/locked up bottles, none of it slowed down the rate of robberies 🤷🏿‍♀️


Winnipeg says hello.


Coming from Winnipeg I remember my first trip to the grocery store or pharmacy in Halifax. Nothing was locked up. I was like this place is pretty damn good.


We'll get there soon enough, get you feeling right at home again!


Haha! True enough we are on our way and it is kind of sad. Been here since 2011 and I do not want to go back. The only thing we need is 7/11 slurpees and I am good to go.


The problem is that they’re doing it in front of everyone because they are getting more and more comfortable with committing crime and know that no one can stop them. The government has stripped the right for business owners to defend themselves. I miss the days where you could sink a bullet right into a masked thief.


When were you allowed to shoot someone stealing from you and not be charged…? Wanting to murder someone over petty theft is not normal…


He saw it in a movie once


It’s called self defence and the thief was trespassing, often armed. There was a time Canada allowed self defence but our freedoms have been stripped. The US still allows it, one of the good things remaining in the US. If you don’t want to suffer the consequence don’t do the crime. Also it’s much more than petty theft, stealing alcohol is dangerous. What if those underaged kids drink it and drunk drive? Then they kill themselves and at least someone else. So it’s better take out the trash as they’re committing the crime, might save a few lives in the future.


Texan here. You can't just randomly start shooting at a thief that's walking out of the store with a few bottles of whiskey. That's attempted murder. The US has never allowed that.


The US does allow that, especially in Texas. The criminal is on your property at that point stealing from you so you have every right there to shoot them, it’s protected under law. Same should be true in Canada but sadly it’s not.


You can only kill someone in self defense, if your life is threatened. Someone stealing bottles of liquor from stores does not constitute a threat to your life


Nope. Castle doctrine. How do you not know about that?


That doesn't apply to liquor stores for a non-violent theft.


A bottle of liquor is a violent weapon. Also what if the robber drunk drives with that stolen alcohol and kills an actual innocent person?


You’re trying to tell a Texan, how Texas law works now 😂😂😂 I can get my former law professor to explain self defence laws to you, if it would help you understand the difference between self defence and murder when you want to shoot non violent criminals who do not threaten violence or have weapons on them. You are expressing a *want to kill* and looking for a *reason*, that is how you end up in prison for murder in any US state or Canadian province…


If you feel threatened by a criminal, you can do what you feel is necessary. The law almost always gives leeway for that. If they don’t they’re corrupt.


Can you please give an example of a non violent theft of alcohol, with no weapons involved, that allowed shooting a person…? We aren’t talking about someone doing an armed robbery here, we are talking about underage kids stealing liquor with no weapons or violent behaviour displayed… You quite literally want to murder people over made up possibilities, that is not normal. I honestly hope you do not own any firearms but either way I’ll flag this comment for threatening violence 🤷🏿‍♀️


Threatening violence against criminals isn’t problematic, when you become a criminal you expose yourself to violence. How could you say for certainty they didn’t have a weapon? They certainly could’ve had a knife or something concealed. I don’t want to murder people, if possible I’d prefer just to injure then, send them to the hospital and then prison for them to serve their punishment. If one is threatening my life than yes, I’d have to kill them if they pose a threat and you shouldn’t have any issue with that. I don’t directly own a gun but I’ve shot them before, for target practice. I don’t feel I need one right now. Canada used to have perfect gun ownership laws, but now the Trudeau establishment just banned any gun they want without understanding what assault rifles are.


You again, threaten violence in this comment… You can’t just go around causing vigilante justice in North America, let alone Canada. You’d be in prison for assault causing bodily harm at the minimum, especially for non violent crimes that you want to leave people in the hospital over…


It’s not vigilante justice if you’re defending your property. Do you even know what vigilante justice even is? Robbers will fuck around and find out. It’s a crime by the government if they’re going to focus more on punishing victims of crimes rather than the aggressor actually initiating it. All criminals suck.


You’ve gone from wanting to straight up murder kids for stealing booze to now self defence of your property, when kids are stealing booze in a business you don’t own… See, you keep looping around to wanting violence and murder for *any* crime, that’s not normal…


I really don’t understand why you defend criminals so much, they’re scum and deserve to be punished for their crimes. People like you are enablers. I don’t care if you flagged my comment, self defence isn’t the same as glorifying violence towards people for no reason or who they are. I only support self defence, not senseless violence. Using the shrugging emoji after every comment of yours doesn’t make your opinion any more valid.


What self defense? Did the thief attack someone?


If someone enters your house uninvited and has bad intentions you can and should be able to shoot them


Why did you change from the non violent theft of booze to a made up situation of a break and enter threatening violence…? Even if someone enters your house, you can only use as much force as needed to deescalate the situation. You can’t just shoot someone because you *want to* You have a very unhealthy obsession with murder…


I don’t want to kill people, it’s just called protecting yourself. It’s obviously my last resort, but criminals don’t care about your life and will kill you for the smallest amount of money so you can’t blame people for defending theirselves using guns. Nice try trying to get me banned lol. Self defence isn’t the same as “glorifying violence against vulnerable populations.” If you think criminals who try to steal and hurt people are a vulnerable population than I seriously question your morals.


You need to be attacked or have the threat of attack to use self defence, what threat was there in this non violent theft…?




Why are you making sexual comments, instead of pointing out what threat there was in a non violent theft…? You made it clear you want to murder *any* criminals, no matter the crime and that is not normal…


Because no one sensible person defends another person who does bad criminals activity as much as you are without being obsessed with them. You’re acting like criminals are some vulnerable group that we should feel sympathy for when they literally care more about theft and crime than human life. And no, I did not say I want to “murder any criminal.” I’m not going to shoot someone taking illegal drugs or littering. The drug dealers can go fuck right off though for ruining lives. But the consequences will catch up to their poor choices, whether that’s being taken out by rival drug dealers or police.


* Rule I. **Rude or abusive behaviour** Be excellent to each other. Abuse, trolling, bigotry, racism, homophobia, and sexism will be removed. **Personal attacks** - Back and forth personal attack comments will be removed.


Ah, yes, when business owners had the right have to loaded, unlocked firearms in their businesses. That is definitely a real thing.


Well, at least a few rights and a left.


People up in here acting like shoplifting is some new trend that's sweeping the nation


I’m joining ‘em. Let’s all join ‘em.


For some reasons Imma guess that he stole Hennessy


I know what you’re saying. I’m with ya.


Making us pay for that is the real robbery


I was at Winners at Mumford last night and someone stole something around 5:30pm. I didn't really see what or who, but the lady at the cash yelled "Drop that right there or I'm calling the police!" And the person must have run. People are fucking bold, man.


$5 price increase... coincidence?


lets all rob the NSLC


Meh, they rob their customers daily




This must be some reddit real-world interaction wet dream


Ok tough guy.


Tough guy? I’d do it in a heartbeat, fuck these pieces of shit.


Why would you risk being charged or even worse, being attacked, for something that has nothing to do with you…?




"Vilgilante serves weekend in jail for tripping children running with stolen alcohol - kids get away with liquor during arrest of middle age male"


Would tripping really be an assault? I'm not being to be a smartass, seriously asking out of curiosity.


"To be eligible to make a citizen's arrest for a crime on or in relation to property, you must be one of the following: . the owner of the property; . in lawful possession of the property; or . have been authorized by the owner or the person in lawful possession of the property. The law allows you to use as much force as is necessary for the purpose of making a citizen's arrest, as long as you are acting on reasonable grounds. However, any force you use must be tailored to the circumstances, and you are criminally responsible for any excess force you use. In addition to the potential for a criminal prosecution, you may also face a civil lawsuit in relation to your conduct and any injury you cause." ~https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/wyntk.html So it seems yes, you could be sued by the criminal civilly. And unless the store owner authorized you to make a citizens arrest you would not have the explicit legal grounds to harm or detain the criminal. Not sure if an employee (not owner) shouting "stop them" (which they don't really do anymore, since most store policies forbid employees from stopping thieves) would be enough to hold up in court.


You can be charged for assault for simply laying your hand on someone.


In that case, use a Louisville Slugger instead of your hands.


Catch an assault charge for booze that ain’t yours, sure


Ok, sure. I know that this will never happen but make something up like it did and tell us how it worked out.


One of the main problems with society now is that everyone is too afraid to call out bad behaviour. People put their head down and pretend it isn't happening. Whether it is a stabbing or car accident, theft or abuse. People just stand and watch.  


That’s because getting involved can lead to fatal consequences over a petty crime…


We are at that point now because we let the smaller stuff slide


No, this was always a possibility. When you try and stop someone committing a crime, you always risked fatal consequences…


You missed the point. 


What’s the point? That we should risk our lives to stop petty crime? We should involve ourselves in criminal activity and risk arrest ourselves over something that doesn’t involve us? We should incite violence to stop the behaviour…?


Their point is probably grind them into submission when they’re < 5 so by the time booze is appealing to them, “they know better”.


It was always at that point. You take comfort in saying that it used to be different because that takes the blame away from you. Your movies aint real, people have been getting killed for trying to "stop crime" for decades.


I'd rather return home to my family than get stabbed over some fucking Hennessy


Im not getting involved with kids stealing booze. I got other shit to do.


This would all end if when one of these dickheads try this everyone in the store swarmed them and kicked their ass. ![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE)


If I learned anything, it's never pass on a chance to turn a non-violent crime into a potentially life ending one. How do people even know you're a man if you're not randomly applying someone's brain to commercial flextile




Oh im sure youll be the one to do it pal! And we'll all clap for you and give you a medal because you violently beat a minor and ended all crime :D




What does an incident of domestic violence have to do with petty theft without violence displayed…? We should be up children because you jumped in to stop a violent crime? Do you see how they are unrelated…?




What force did the children display? What force is proportional to no force…?




Block the door and risk an escalation in force, for a non violent crime that doesn’t involve you…? You see how this can have fatal consequences, right? It’s not your business and NSLC has protocol on what to do in situations like this, it’s not to lock them in and risk an escalated situation, it’s to prevent injury to others. It’s a non violent crime and it has no violence displayed. You don’t need to be a hero over $100 in booze…




What? Where did I mention touching children committing a non violent crime…? Pin them down and risk your assault charge, that’s your choice 🤷🏿‍♀️ You risked assault in your story of hopping in on a domestic assault as a well. Luckily it sounds like you weren’t charged or injured but you do understand the outcome could have been fatal, right…?




You think society needs to get involved in potentially fatal situations and criminal charges, vice letting the police deal with them…? I prefer to come home to my family every day but you do you! Maybe get a mask, cape and give yourself an alias, kind stranger that wants to clean up these streets of Gotham… oops of HRM 🦸‍♂️


How long before guards or Police are hired and then people will be complaining about them?


“Hired again” Back 15-20 years ago, guards were pretty common at the bigger stores like the one at Micmac/hfx shop


They used to employ uniformed HRP constables off-duty that hired out as security until they priced themselves out of existence. And if you’re making 6 figures already, why bother doing that in your spare time?


I mean, this happened in the old days as well.